Free Xbox 360 Games (from Trainn...who is updating slowly)

Actually all the PWW offers Ive done (5 or 6) have been the easiest to cancel. I did them back when they accepted paypal vcc. Made getting a ton of games (cough 6 GH bundless) easy peasy.

Speaking of trainn I need to find a new site to do, already have over 3 under my belt not including yf360g's.
[quote name='The0ne']Hmmm. It's just that I tried to do Media Mogul like a week ago and nothing happens once I get to the confirmation screen. I was never charged (tried cc and gift card) nor did I receive any email. I thought the offer was dead because people here have done it recently and it went through for them. Dunno though.[/quote]

Yeah I did home money experts like two days ago and I wasn't charged and I didnt recieve a welcome email either. I guess I'm not signed up? Anyone have any further explanation about this? It said I was signed up and everything so Idk whats going on....
There maybe a thread for this already, but does anyone want to do the iphone TRAINN site? I'll post this somewhere else if it's inappropriate.
[quote name='munch']There maybe a thread for this already, but does anyone want to do the iphone TRAINN site? I'll post this somewhere else if it's inappropriate.[/quote]

I'd like a free iPhone.
[quote name='munch']has anyone done eyemycredit recently? Are they taking you to the page? This is really confusing.[/quote]

Please clear our your pm box.
[quote name='munch']has anyone done eyemycredit recently? Are they taking you to the page? This is really confusing.[/QUOTE]

Ya it's the same company but eyemycredit credits way faster
[quote name='adonis 27']Ya it's the same company but eyemycredit credits way faster[/QUOTE]

I couldn't cancel in the number in the OP. Something was weird with it.
esuccess was the cancellation of the year. after a few being placed on holds (with no hold music wtf?) some guy asks for the phone number associated with the account and then gives me a cancellation number and hangs up
[quote name='nyj1218']esuccess was the cancellation of the year. after a few being placed on holds (with no hold music wtf?) some guy asks for the phone number associated with the account and then gives me a cancellation number and hangs up[/QUOTE]

You were probably on Mute, customer service reps do those kinda things. Especially if they are laughing, chatting, eating, sleeping, etc.
cancelled ez grant source. their end sounded so distorted, like they were talking to me from a warehouse or something haha. and google money tree finally credited yay! all set for sf4 for the next update.
[quote name='nightowl2006']Those are the 2 companies that get the most fraud reports on another sure you're a CAG?[/QUOTE]

Can you elaborate? I don't know what that means.

Canceled eSuccess4u and it went quick and easy. Just asked for my phone number and it was canceled.
Also canceled FreeGrantNetwork, and that one I had to listen to their spiel about that site and the other THREE that I was signed up for (Google Money Tree, Network Agenda, and something else I can't remember, it involved monthly coupons).
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hey, has anyone ever had to wait a little while for amazingwebstores to credit. I have a referral that signed up about 3 hours ago and hasn't recieved credit yet. I only ask because most replies I've read, AWS has credited instantly.
so. how long is it taking for everyone's home money experts to credit? its been 5 days and still nothing. blah...i really hope its not an mcr.
Does anyone know if the 50 dollar hold gets placed on your account for Home Money Experts? Cause Media Mogul Me does that and apparently its the same company.
[quote name='FlamingMoogles']Does anyone know if the 50 dollar hold gets placed on your account for Home Money Experts? Cause Media Mogul Me does that and apparently its the same company.[/QUOTE]

yeah it does. its removed after cancelling though.
[quote name='Dakkon']Is there an update on anyone else having problems/getting banned for returning things to amazon?[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure I had an account banned for doing that, though I didn't really follow up to ask why.
Just did yahoo success but didn't get instant credit. Anything I have to do? I got the charge on my account do I need to download anything or just print off the page and just wait?
[quote name='pbnate88']Just did yahoo success but didn't get instant credit. Anything I have to do? I got the charge on my account do I need to download anything or just print off the page and just wait?[/quote]

I would recommend taking a screen shot of the confirmation page and being patient. Sometimes it takes a bit more time to credit than the site leads on.
WTF is Trainn shipping stuff from China now. I was supposed to get my ipod touch the other day but I missed out on Fedex cause I wasnt home. I then checked the log and heres what was shown. Braco though for fedex getting the ipod halfway across the world in under 24 hours.

Jan 31, 2009 2:48 PM
At local FedEx facility​


Jan 30, 2009 5:55 PM
At local FedEx facility

Jan 30, 2009 4:45 PM
Delivery exception
Adult recipient unavailable (21+ years with photo identification)​

Jan 31, 2009 3:01 AM
Shipment information sent to FedEx​

Jan 30, 2009 9:25 AM
Departed FedEx location

Jan 30, 2009 8:01 AM
On FedEx vehicle for delivery

Jan 30, 2009 7:55 AM
At local FedEx facility

Jan 30, 2009 5:22 AM
Arrived at FedEx location

Jan 30, 2009 4:34 AM
Departed FedEx location

Jan 30, 2009 1:18 AM
Arrived at FedEx location

Jan 29, 2009 4:31 PM
Departed FedEx location

Jan 29, 2009 1:51 PM
Int'l shipment release

Jan 29, 2009 12:13 PM
Arrived at FedEx location

Jan 29, 2009 9:46 PM
In transit

Jan 29, 2009 12:17 PM
Left FedEx origin facility

Jan 29, 2009 9:31 AM
Picked up

I ordered the touch because I was planning on returning it for credit at amazon but either Amazon has started to dropship or they ordered from some sketchy chinese supplier. We'll have to wait and see.
[quote name='pbnate88']Anyone else try emusic? I signed up but didnt recieve an email confirmation[/QUOTE]

I signed up and never got a conformation email, i emailed emusic for that email and they did but i got credit so i didn't have to do a mcr.
[quote name='pbnate88']Sorry could you explain MCR? So you emailed emusic for a copy of your confirmation?[/QUOTE]

MCR is something you have to file with trainns if you don't get your credit.Yes i emailed emusic for a confirmation.
Quick question guys, I made and account and chose fallout 3 as the game I wanted, it said I only need to complete 1 offer or 2 referrals to get it. But the guide says I need to complete 2 offers.

I'm wondering if after I complete the first offer (Probably going to sign up for netflix), will I be asked to complete another one?
[quote name='magikmc']hey, has anyone ever had to wait a little while for amazingwebstores to credit. I have a referral that signed up about 3 hours ago and hasn't recieved credit yet. I only ask because most replies I've read, AWS has credited instantly.[/quote]

It took like 3 or 4 days for me to get credit for them. I was resigned to sending an MCR when it showed up one day.
[quote name='pbnate88']Anyone else try emusic? I signed up but didnt recieve an email confirmation[/quote]

I actually recieved my email confirmation today...3 days after signing up.

On another note, do MCRs really take the full 10 business days?
I seem to be the unluckiest person here. Signed up for 5 offers already all from a week to 3 days ago, and so far ive only gotten one credit. Had to MCR my first two, looks like im going to have to do the same for the other two. Insane...not to mention the $72 I got jacked out of.
[quote name='AnbuZabuza']Quick question guys, I made and account and chose fallout 3 as the game I wanted, it said I only need to complete 1 offer or 2 referrals to get it. But the guide says I need to complete 2 offers.

I'm wondering if after I complete the first offer (Probably going to sign up for netflix), will I be asked to complete another one?[/quote]

I remember reading something similar when I signed up last SHOULD and PROBABLY WILL ask you to complete the second offer. It's 2 offer completions per game.
[quote name='AnbuZabuza']Quick question guys, I made and account and chose fallout 3 as the game I wanted, it said I only need to complete 1 offer or 2 referrals to get it. But the guide says I need to complete 2 offers.

I'm wondering if after I complete the first offer (Probably going to sign up for netflix), will I be asked to complete another one?[/quote]

Depends on what kind of account you have set up. You can change them in your account settings. The referral account requires you to do 1 offer and 2 referrals. The offer account requires you to just do 2 offers. I'd reccomend just doing 2 offers when you first start out. After the referrals it takes about a week to verify while the offers don't.
:( Seems like my Skate 2 will take the full processing time (estimated ship date Feb 4). I was hoping to have it for next Sunday and it seems kinda unlikely.
I just got a call from my credit card company, because they saw some "questionable" activity on my card. (They left a voicemail.)

I logged in and see that I have been charged $49.90 from MAKEMONEYONLINE.

The only recent offers I have done are Google Money Tree and Home Money Experts, both of which were canceled during the trials.

They'll be getting a call from me when I get off work. :bomb:

EDIT: Google Money Tree says it isn't them... (They only showed the $3.88 trial charge.)

EDIT2: Home Money Experts says it wasn't them either.

EDIT3: Card company says it was placed on the 25th, and only now posts the $49.90. It has to be Home Money Experts. He also gave me thier listed number (1-800-435-1386), but it is of course not a working number. One more call to Home Money Experts, before calling my card company back.
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I did both Amazing Web Stores (instant credit) and Credit Check Total (credited in less than 24 hours) on Sunday. No problems so far.
[quote name='Rig']I just got a call from my credit card company, because they saw some "questionable" activity on my card. (They left a voicemail.)

I logged in and see that I have been charged $49.90 from MAKEMONEYONLINE.

The only recent offers I have done are Google Money Tree and Home Money Experts, both of which were canceled during the trials.

They'll be getting a call from me when I get off work. :bomb:

EDIT: Google Money Tree says it isn't them... (They only showed the $3.88 trial charge.)[/quote]

its home money experts..cause that is run my mediamogul me, which places a 49.90 hold on your account when you sign it should just be a hold, which goes a way a few days after cancelling

but i dno
[quote name='hotrocks']its home money experts..cause that is run my mediamogul me, which places a 49.90 hold on your account when you sign it should just be a hold, which goes a way a few days after cancelling

but i dno[/quote]

I don't remember getting a hold on my account when I did Media Mogul Me. Also, this showed up dated today (Feb 2), when the trial was started on the 25th (and I canceled on the 29th).

Either way, neither wants to own up to it, so I'm calling my card company back. I'll see what they have to say.
[quote name='Rig']I just got a call from my credit card company, because they saw some "questionable" activity on my card. (They left a voicemail.)

I logged in and see that I have been charged $49.90 from MAKEMONEYONLINE.

The only recent offers I have done are Google Money Tree and Home Money Experts, both of which were canceled during the trials.

They'll be getting a call from me when I get off work. :bomb:

EDIT: Google Money Tree says it isn't them... (They only showed the $3.88 trial charge.)

EDIT2: Home Money Experts says it wasn't them either.

EDIT3: Card company says it was placed on the 25th, and only now posts the $49.90. It has to be Home Money Experts. He also gave me thier listed number (1-800-435-1386), but it is of course not a working number. One more call to Home Money Experts, before calling my card company back.[/quote]

I feel your pain. I can tell you for sure that it isnt GMT. They charged me $72 not $50, so in a way I wish I were you. If you're trial isnt up and you have a confirmation email or something of the sort you should be fine. Then again you would know this better than anyone. I wish you all the good luck I didnt have.
Does trainn always add the latest games to their site when they're released? Just wondering because I'm going to want Guitar Hero Metallica which comes out at the end of March.
[quote name='n0t0ryus1']I feel your pain. I can tell you for sure that it isnt GMT. They charged me $72 not $50, so in a way I wish I were you. If you're trial isnt up and you have a confirmation email or something of the sort you should be fine. Then again you would know this better than anyone. I wish you all the good luck I didnt have.[/quote]

Thanks. I'm not actually worried about the money; I'm sure I'll end up getting it back. My card company is great, and I have a feeling my next call to MMM will get my money back where it belongs.

[quote name='kattman']Does trainn always add the latest games to their site when they're released? Just wondering because I'm going to want Guitar Hero Metallica which comes out at the end of March.[/quote]

They update once per month (usually). It would either be in the March update, or the April one, depending on when they decide to post their update. (They sometimes skip months if there isn't much coming out.)
I may have to try to get GH: metallica. My friend loves guitar hero, but I had always sent mine back to get games. Street Fighter 4 is probably gonna be my next target though.
[quote name='Rig']I just got a call from my credit card company, because they saw some "questionable" activity on my card. (They left a voicemail.)

I logged in and see that I have been charged $49.90 from MAKEMONEYONLINE.

The only recent offers I have done are Google Money Tree and Home Money Experts, both of which were canceled during the trials.

They'll be getting a call from me when I get off work. :bomb:

EDIT: Google Money Tree says it isn't them... (They only showed the $3.88 trial charge.)

EDIT2: Home Money Experts says it wasn't them either.

EDIT3: Card company says it was placed on the 25th, and only now posts the $49.90. It has to be Home Money Experts. He also gave me thier listed number (1-800-435-1386), but it is of course not a working number. One more call to Home Money Experts, before calling my card company back.[/QUOTE]

its home money experts man. i got the 49.90 hold from them. media mogul also gave me a hold and theyre the same company. both holds were removed from my statement after cancelling.
[quote name='homeland']Where's the Feb update! I needs to order my SFIV and Star Ocean!![/quote]

I know, I want to get SF4 and RE5, ahh.

Nice The State icon, btw. Hoping for the DVDs soon...the eps iTunes weren't enough!
Just received my 4000 point card from UPS. Was shipped from J& Has Trainn been using Amazon at all lately?

Yeah, I don't think we will either. Damn music licensing. :/
[quote name='hopeunknown']JHas Trainn been using Amazon at all lately?[/quote]

Yeah, FWIW my last game was shipped from Amazon two weeks ago.
bread's done