Free Xbox 360 Games (from Trainn...who is updating slowly)

Finally used some credits to get Guitar Hero World Tour (game only) because I've already reached the 3 bundle limit...Ordered Sunday and come home from work today to find a full GHWT guitar bundle waiting for me! I love this site :)
[quote name='armageddon']way to copy eachother. im so ungrateful because they cheated me out of 10 dollars. I dont want a game when I can have money, in fact i dont have an xbox 360 and barely play ps3. and each value is listed at 59.99 so thats what i expect.[/quote]

If you have nothing to contribute to thie thread, please don't reply in here anymore.

As the others mentioned, Trainn didn't cheat you out of anything. They sent you the game you ordered. Calling a company assholes for the reason you did is just childish.


Getting a little annoyed with Home Money Experts. I still haven't seen this refund they supposedly issued. I'll give them until Monday, and then I'm calling them back.
WOWZA! I just finished signing up for the Forex Global Trading offer and went back to my email to see if my username and password were sent. Instead, I found an email from Trainn stating I had completed the offer. Less than 30 seconds literally. I realize this is done automatically but still, hands down the fastest offer completion I've experienced from these guys. I expect this stuff from GamingLagoon but not from Trainn. Thanks again Trainn.

Now to decide what I'm getting. Wondering if I should wait until the GHWT RedOctane Drum Kit is added...if they add it. MSRP on it is $99...think it'll be added as an available game?

Anyway, thanks again to the OP for the helpful thread. I'll post pics as usual once my prize is received, whatever that may be.

By the way...this is number 5 from Trainn for me.
god..nothing is crediting for me anymore..emusic hasnt yet (4 days) and my referrals have said their gamefly hasnt (8days), amazing webstores hasnt (1 day), ezgrantsource (7 days)....this is pissing me off
Yah I've been waiting over a month for Ivory White to credit. Submitted the MCR a month ago. Gonna order Halo Wars or Star Ocean so I guess I'm not in a hurry.
Yeah, I hit a month on an MCR for the second time now (The first was for Disney book thing) with the eSuccess2U. Sent a support ticket and will see what happens over the next week.
[quote name='Lzzrdboy']Now to decide what I'm getting. Wondering if I should wait until the GHWT RedOctane Drum Kit is added...if they add it. MSRP on it is $99...think it'll be added as an available game.[/QUOTE]

Hopefully this isn't a counter productive request but I would love to see them add it as well. They have the RB stuff so I don't see why they wouldn't add it. I sent them a support ticket asking them about it, maybe if they get enough of them they will add it in the near future because a real e-Kit plus GHWT drums plus a MIDI cable = cheap way to get an e-Kit working in RB (2) and GHWT. :)
Getting really with Transcendent's service. Been waiting for a response on a ticket since Jan 13 now. Got a guitar that was defective, sent them the serial number and all. They said they should have a response from Red Octane within 2-3 days. Wtf. I've tried responding multiple times to get their attention but no luck.
i didnt get conf for forex, ineresting. another user had it instant credit. i hope the conf magically appears soon and i get credit
[quote name='armageddon']i didnt get conf for forex, ineresting. another user had it instant credit. i hope the conf magically appears soon and i get credit[/QUOTE]

[quote name='PopSmith']Hopefully this isn't a counter productive request but I would love to see them add it as well. They have the RB stuff so I don't see why they wouldn't add it. I sent them a support ticket asking them about it, maybe if they get enough of them they will add it in the near future because a real e-Kit plus GHWT drums plus a MIDI cable = cheap way to get an e-Kit working in RB (2) and GHWT. :)[/QUOTE] only makes sense. The RB drum kit I ordered from them over the holidays was only $30 or $40 I think. And, the GHWT Guitar Bundle they gave me was $99 so I see no reason why they couldn't add the GHWT drum kit (also $99). Guess we'll have to wait and see. I also sent in a request to have it added.

[quote name='armageddon']i didnt get conf for forex, ineresting. another user had it instant credit. i hope the conf magically appears soon and i get credit[/QUOTE]
In all honesty, this was the first time this happened to me. Generally I wait at least 24 hours for completion credit. This was obviously automated some how I'm sure of it. Good luck...hope you get your credit soon.

hey my friend recently signed up and completed 2 offers, ordered, and then where it says "processing," it changed to ATTN REQUIRED-Please Contact....any idea y? this was his first game too, so its not like he needs to submit tax info

EDIT: nevermind, he said he contacted them and they said they believe he provided wrong information...
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Woot I exchanged my ipod touch trainn sent me for a $250 apple store gc. Store took it no problem since it was bought from I already had an Itouch so it wasnt of much use. When the next gen rolls out im going to use it then,
[quote name='miktau']Woot I exchanged my ipod touch trainn sent me for a $250 apple store gc. Store took it no problem since it was bought from I already had an Itouch so it wasnt of much use. When the next gen rolls out im going to use it then,[/QUOTE]

Rig has asked people not to discuss that kind of stuff.
My bad, I havent really posted much in this thread since I maxed ot last year and didnt notice. I guess trainn is really cracking down on the whole return thing huh. If it helps I returned it to apple so its not like there amazon acct is getting flagged.

[quote name='miktau']My bad, I havent really posted much in this thread since I maxed ot last year and didnt notice. I guess trainn is really cracking down on the whole return thing huh. If it helps I returned it to apple so its not like there amazon acct is getting flagged.


Its cool just letting you know.Some guy got his trianns account banned for returning things to amazon.
I have about 20 referals to use on this site from last year (I had some good domain names that redirected to my link). The problem is finding offers, ive already done like 15+ of em.
[quote name='jfuze']Just curious, when do they usually update the site with new games each month?[/quote]

Usually about the 2nd week of the month.

Reality...whenever they get around to it. Some months don't have updates at all.
I sent a support ticket the other day asking about the update, and I got the response "it will be occuring this week" SF4 time soon, hopefully! Hope I get it quick. :)
Anyone ever have to ship thier package from Rapid Reading back before? I already cancelled and have been given a code to write on the box, but im not sure if its already pre-paid for fed ex. Do I just drop it off in a fed ex location and thats it?
Got my GHWT bundle today ... wow that was fast ... 6 days from request to receipt. Nice!

Now if I could just get credit for my two MCRs I'd be in hog heaven.
[quote name='ZerotypeX']Just did the eSuccess2U offer and it credited instantly. Fastest credit in a long time (or at all for that matter). Just gotta wait for SFIV now[/quote]

I completed the offer on Saturday and it still hasn't credited for me. Dang.
Hmmm...I have finally had an MCR denied because it was a PWW, and I have done PWW (haven't we all?) in the past. (This was my esuccess2u MCR...)

From the ticket: "Due to their trial offer, credit is only provided for new users to their companies offers. For your reference, their offers include eAuction Tutor, Quickbooks Quick Start, Increase My Margin, Google SEO Supervisor, Auction Starter Kit, UMAC Core, eSuccess2u, Ultimate Search Guide, and Yahoo Success Center."

According to my account, the last time I did one of those was Yahoo in Dec 2007. (I thought there was a 3 month period between when you could sign up for PWW again anyway...?) I haven't checked the PS34free side, but since I finished that up in July 2008, I figured those would have fallen off.

Has this always been the case? If so, I'm kinda ticked, since they have so many PWW offers on their site...
Seems to be hit-or-miss. I remember getting denied an MCR that way once, but then completed other PWW offers later.
Thanks, Rig - I was kinda curious about your thoughts on this.

I considered pressed the issue and emailing again, but I think I'll let this go...
[quote name='thrillednchilled']I completed the offer on Saturday and it still hasn't credited for me. Dang.[/quote]

I signed up for eSucces2U on Sat and have yet to receive credit also.
[quote name='zepheron']eSuccess2u tried to pull a fast one on me.

I signed up on the 31st, waited a few days. I called to cancel, which was very easy and painless, on the 3rd. Got a confirmation number and everything, made sure to write it down. Then, yesterday, I checked my credit card online statement and they had charged me the initial 2.95 AND 59.90, BOTH on the 2nd. I called them back immediately, had to give them my confirmation number (which ensures importance of it) and the guy on the line said.. "Yeah, that should not have happened, I'll send out the paperwork right now. You can use the same confirmation number for this and I'll go ahead and send the papers to your bank to refund you."

So, hopefully, it will all end well.[/quote]

Called again today, apparently the refunding takes 7-10 business days.. interesting. Just a warning to all if you don't want to get accidentally charged, which I assume I'm a one in a million case from this company (always me in these situations), and not have the funds!

EDIT: refund went in today, 2/10, hoorah!
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my friend got a charge from something like that for $39.99....any1 know who this is? My guess is its At Home Money Experts because they kept reassuring him that his account was closed, but they said he closed it in Dec....?
[quote name='FluxDF']I signed up for eSucces2U on Sat and have yet to receive credit also.[/quote]

esuccess was instant for me
Just got credit for forex and I've literally done every other PWW offer except for esuccess (which Ive stayed away from as Ive heard people have been havibng trouble with it). Already have my two refs so I just need to get my acocunt reviewed again.
Has anyone here done my wife is interested in getting an iPod and I was wondering about this site and if there's a conflict since we're both in the same household. Any advice is appreciated.
[quote name='kattman']Has anyone here done my wife is interested in getting an iPod and I was wondering about this site and if there's a conflict since we're both in the same household. Any advice is appreciated.[/quote]

You can't sign up for the same site twice within one household. However, you're free to sign up on every separate TRAINN site once. So, if you have a YourFree360Games account and your wife wants a YouriPodNano4Free account, that's no problem.
[quote name='Kauza']You can't sign up for the same site twice within one household. However, you're free to sign up on every separate TRAINN site once. So, if you have a YourFree360Games account and your wife wants a YouriPodNano4Free account, that's no problem.[/quote]

Sweet, thanks!
I got a charge today for the full membership from Soyithin. I canceled through email. I've contacted customer support, as luckily I still have copies of all of the emails sent from them. Hopefully it will be painless to get my money back.

Just as a warning, though, it may be better to call them rather than email, since even if they say they'll cancel your account though email, it appears that they might not actually do that.
bread's done