Fye Trade 4 Get One Is Back!!!


CAG Veteran
Went in to fye today and they said that the dealk is back on through the 30th of october .Good olso for ps2 gameqube 360,psp.and dvds.let me know if you were able to get them to do it becouse some stores are saying yes and some stores are saying no.But I did see the flyers.the employees are really ill informed about everything,so if they sayno call coorperate and ask.could be ymmv,Good luck!
[quote name='VGI-Shinobi']They said "Original UPC. No photocopy allowed" or something like that on the rebate form. I would cut UPC for DVD but not for games. Anyway, my FYE got jack shit so I'm happy with my Scarface and Dead Rising.[/quote]

As reported above, you can use the sticker/price tag that is on the outside of the package. I have done this 3 times with no problems.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']So if you end up buying some bargain used games from eb and they don't work for the trade-in at FYE, can you still return them back to ebgames?[/QUOTE]
They let me do it with madden '04, which got pennied

I had already taken off all of the price stickers too
[quote name='ofacto']Any confirmation on this deal for Wherehouse stores?[/quote]

I called up my local Wherehouse last night (HB, CA) and they said they are running the promotion on the movies, since they don't sell games, they can't honor it but they do buy used games as well.

[quote name='SoccerEBA3']They let me do it with madden '04, which got pennied

I had already taken off all of the price stickers too[/quote]

I guess its worth a shot. So FYE has no restrictions on this trade in special then right?
Just an hour ago, I tried to trade an a few more backlog PS2 games and my local FYE said yesterday they made a mistake. The free game in the trade 4 get 1 free for PS2 was supposed to be for any game $26.99 and under. And they couldn't allow me to pay the difference for the game I wanted to buy.
[quote name='VGI-Shinobi']Just an hour ago, I tried to trade an a few more backlog PS2 games and my local FYE said yesterday they made a mistake. The free game in the trade 4 get 1 free for PS2 was supposed to be for any game $26.99 and under. And they couldn't allow me to pay the difference for the game I wanted to buy.[/QUOTE]

thats a lie, of course they set the rules but i saw the actual flyer at my FYE. The women did everything by the rules, (plus i read the thing at the same time)

39.99 and under/pay the difference if what the flyer officially said
[quote name='VGI-Shinobi']Just an hour ago, I tried to trade an a few more backlog PS2 games and my local FYE said yesterday they made a mistake. The free game in the trade 4 get 1 free for PS2 was supposed to be for any game $26.99 and under. And they couldn't allow me to pay the difference for the game I wanted to buy.[/QUOTE]

Huh. When they did it before, the $26.99 and under was for the 4-for-1 DVD trade-in deal. For games it was $39.99.

I called FYE HQ(Transworld, from the BBB link someone posted for me earlier) and spoke to a guy whose name I believe was Nick Puccini(the last name I'm unclear on. He said it when he introduced himself, then when I asked for his name at the end, he just said "Nick"). Nick said he was the Director of Store Sales, and that there were no exclusions on this sale, regardless of the value of the games you trade in.

For those of you who have FYE's that deny this sale exists, tell them they need to look at their planner. That's what Nick said, anyway. :)

Take this all with a grain of salt, because the guy obviously was not a gamer, and said I could trade in "4 PSP2 games and get 1 PSP2 game free", so he may not be up to the finest terms of the sale. Regardless, armed with this knowledge, I headed to my local FYE to do the deal.

First the manager denied me because he said the games had to be worth $5 or more. I politely mentioned that the flyer did not say that, according to their planner. He said his manager told him to follow the $5 rule, so I was forced to namedrop this Nick Puccini fellow from Transworld HQ, and suddenly the cashier was taking my trade-ins. :)

Brought 11 crap games, they accepted 8 of them. Picked up Kingdom Hearts II and Valkyrie Profile II.

According to Nick, the deal ends 11/1, although I'd jump on this now before they start dumping exclusions on us.

My humble way of giving back to the community that has helped me so often.
[quote name='suko_32']So you're saying even penny games works? That would be awsome. Did he say what value the free game had to be under?[/QUOTE]

I played it kind of coy when talking to the director and said that, "I heard that the games have to be of a certain value, is that true?" He took like ten minutes to read the fine print, then came back on the phone and said there were no exclusions regarding value for these games. I left my question open-ended so that if there WAS an issue(either with a minimum value for trade-ins, or a maximum value for purchases), he could bring it up, be he did not. He had the flyer, I didn't, so I side with him.

I haven't seen the store flyer myself, so I can't comment on what it truly says. All I know is what the director told me. When I brought up the phonecall to the FYE cashier, he got an "uh oh" look on his face and rung me up without question.

If someone else wants to give the office a call for further clarification, go ahead. Personally, I'm happy with the information I was given. It allowed me to tell the cashier what I was told by the director. In other words, I personally think there are PROBABLY exclusions on what you can trade in, but the director said there were no exclusions, so I'm just parroting what I was told from the higher-up. You see how that works? :)

BTW, when you call into TransWorld, press 0 for the receptionist. Then ask for the video game department. Pressing 2 for customer care will just get you a voicemail box.

Edit: Yes, penny games should work if what he says is true. I traded in several '03 sports titles.
[quote name='billg']I played it kind of coy when talking to the director and said that, "I heard that the games have to be of a certain value, is that true?" He took like ten minutes to read the fine print, then came back on the phone and said there were no exclusions regarding value for these games. I left my question open-ended so that if there WAS an issue(either with a minimum value for trade-ins, or a maximum value for purchases), he could bring it up, be he did not. He had the flyer, I didn't, so I side with him.

I haven't seen the store flyer myself, so I can't comment on what it truly says. All I know is what the director told me. When I brought up the phonecall to the FYE cashier, he got an "uh oh" look on his face and rung me up without question.

If someone else wants to give the office a call for further clarification, go ahead. Personally, I'm happy with the information I was given. It allowed me to tell the cashier what I was told by the director. In other words, I personally think there are PROBABLY exclusions on what you can trade in, but the director said there were no exclusions, so I'm just parroting what I was told from the higher-up. You see how that works? :)

BTW, when you call into TransWorld, press 0 for the receptionist. Then ask for the video game department. Pressing 2 for customer care will just get you a voicemail box.

Edit: Yes, penny games should work if what he says is true. I traded in several '03 sports titles.[/QUOTE]

I see. Thanks for the interesting info.
[quote name='VGI-Shinobi']They said "Original UPC. No photocopy allowed" or something like that on the rebate form. I would cut UPC for DVD but not for games. Anyway, my FYE got jack shit so I'm happy with my Scarface and Dead Rising.[/QUOTE]

ive had over 100 dollars in mir past year i always use price tag and never got a rejected request
[quote name='billg']STOP THE PRESSES!

I called FYE HQ(Transworld, from the BBB link someone posted for me earlier) and spoke to a guy whose name I believe was Nick Puccini(the last name I'm unclear on. He said it when he introduced himself, then when I asked for his name at the end, he just said "Nick"). Nick said he was the Director of Store Sales, and that there were no exclusions on this sale, regardless of the value of the games you trade in.

For those of you who have FYE's that deny this sale exists, tell them they need to look at their planner. That's what Nick said, anyway. :)

Take this all with a grain of salt, because the guy obviously was not a gamer, and said I could trade in "4 PSP2 games and get 1 PSP2 game free", so he may not be up to the finest terms of the sale. Regardless, armed with this knowledge, I headed to my local FYE to do the deal.

First the manager denied me because he said the games had to be worth $5 or more. I politely mentioned that the flyer did not say that, according to their planner. He said his manager told him to follow the $5 rule, so I was forced to namedrop this Nick Puccini fellow from Transworld HQ, and suddenly the cashier was taking my trade-ins. :)

Brought 11 crap games, they accepted 8 of them. Picked up Kingdom Hearts II and Valkyrie Profile II.

According to Nick, the deal ends 11/1, although I'd jump on this now before they start dumping exclusions on us.

My humble way of giving back to the community that has helped me so often.[/quote]
Cool. I guess I will come back to the store tomorrow and tell them about this Nick fellow from Transword HQ. Thanks.

I didn't want to argue with the employees because I know they just made stuffs up and I can't win a battle against ignorant people.
Eight crap old PS2 games most of which I paid $2 each for today at Kmart for the following:


I'm a very happy gamer!!!

Then NHL 2006 and NBA 2006 ten dollars each for Saints Row. Love that manager
she was smiling and remebered me from the last time no problem no rejects.
nub question. I have never seen a FYE store so i dont know if its in my area. Also i cant find the store locator on their site, anyone bother helping me? my zip is 92604.
[quote name='anch']nub question. I have never seen a FYE store so i dont know if its in my area. Also i cant find the store locator on their site, anyone bother helping me? my zip is 92604.[/quote]

Dude! You're in Irvine, just check the Irvine Spectrum. I haven't been there in about a year and I stopped by recently, I was shocked to find that they have an FYE. I called them BTW and they are running the sale.
I can't confirm this yet but I called my local FYE. The employees there said that they will take any game regardless of value. I asked if I could trade in Perfect Dark Zero and Kameo for a new 360 game and he said despite the fact they aren't worth much that the store is accepting them. I know where to get them cheap so I figure this is a good way to get Marvel: Ultimate Alliance and FEAR when they come out for below MSRP.
Has anyone spotted Splinter Cell: Double Agent at FYE? I wanted to do the 2-for-1 360 deal (my store finally started doing it), but my store is saying they're not getting it in until 10/28.

FYE is new in our area, but are they generally this bad at getting games in (since EB, Circuit City, etc. are getting SCDA in today)?
Can someone post a flyer or a receipt that contains the fye promotion? I ask, because the local fye store is not sure that their store is having that promotion.

No problems at the FYE at Lakeforest Mall in Gaithersburg, MD. Traded PGR3 and FarCry Instincts Predator for Tiger Woods 07 and MLB Slugfest 2003, NCAA 2004, NFL 2K3 and Tiger Woods 2004 (GameCube) and got Lego Star Wars II. I can't believe I was able to get rid of those ancient sports games. It's too bad their GC section was so spare.
I just got back...

Outlaw Golf (GCN)
Outlaw Golf (GCN)
Defender (GCN)
Dead to Rights (GCN)



I tried to get Okami too but they were out.

I caught a glimpse of the flyer today while doing this deal at another store. They didn't even know they were doing the deal, and tried to tell me it had expired months ago. So I said, "Have you checked your planner lately?" The cashier looked in the planner(their store folder for promos), and oh hey wow, we are doing the deal after all!

They tried their hardest to deny the trade, but couldn't find any outs on their flyer. I read it upside-down while the cashier was in the back trying to weasel his way out of this. The flyer lists NO minimum value for the trade-ins and NO maximum value for the game you can purchase. Couldn't get a copy of the sheet because it's store property and has propietary information on there.

I caught a glimpse of the flyer today while doing this deal at another store. They didn't even know they were doing the deal, and tried to tell me it had expired months ago. So I said, "Have you checked your planner lately?" The cashier looked in the planner(their store folder for promos), and oh hey wow, we are doing the deal after all!

They tried their hardest to deny the trade, but couldn't find any outs on their flyer. I read it upside-down while the cashier was in the back trying to weasel his way out of this. The flyer lists NO minimum value for the trade-ins and NO maximum value for the game you can purchase. Couldn't get a copy of the sheet because it's store property and has propietary information on there.[/quote]

I guess I was lied to then. I was told any games that rang up a penny as trade-in value would not be accepted.
i tried to go to the fye in austin, tx and they would not let me do the deal. He said it "expired months ago". Then I said that I called corporate and they told me the deal runs until November 1st. Then he goes "oh, you called corporate, well yeah we are running the deal. but it's up to each store discretion, we don't have to give it to you. Basically we will allow the deal only if you have some new games that we want". Of course they said that I didn't have anything they wanted. He goes "some of these games are worth a dollar, we can't take that bro". I said that I don't think there are any exclusions on the deal, can you look at your planner? He said "we lost the flyer with the deal info, so sorry". I just said forget it and left.

i know the guy was just pulling bs on the spot. does anyone know the email of fye corporate HQ, so I can get proof in writing that this deal exists and there are no restrictions? It's so frustrating to deal with their employees.
did anyone trade in DVDs? if so, what is the price limit? i want to know if i can trade in 4 regular dvds and get a boxset of smallville.
[quote name='javeryh']I just got back...

Outlaw Golf (GCN)
Outlaw Golf (GCN)
Defender (GCN)
Dead to Rights (GCN)



I tried to get Okami too but they were out.[/QUOTE]

Javeryh, what location did you go to ??? I was told no trade ins in NYC !
[quote name='BABETOOTH']Javeryh, what location did you go to ??? I was told no trade ins in NYC ![/quote]

Short Hills, NJ
Traded in $2 games for Just Cause and Rocket slime lastnight.

The 4 for 1 DVDs also work well. Picked up some garbage $1 DVDs at the
local Pawn Shop and traded for The Tick "Spoon!" animated series and
Jackass Volume 1. What can I say I only like the classics.
Traded in NBA Live 06 & FIFA 06 for Splinter Cell Double Agent.

Traded in Ridge Racer & Tiger Woods 06 for Tiger Woods 07.

Traded in Rogue Ops, Alpha Romero Racing, Getting Up, & Torino for Bully.

Nice haul for games I would never play.
The YMMV factor is high. Some FYEs aren't having the deal, some let you trade in 2 360 games for $59.99 total toward a game, some only $44.99 toward a game, some $69.99 toward a game, some make you pay tax, some are ok with used stuff some aren't.

I traded 4 $14.99 360 games from the Outpost sale last week + $16.50 for Double Agent LCE and Tiger Woods 07, 12 shit DVDs + $11 for X3 CE, F for Fake used, Broken Saints used.
Just did it in Auburn Maine - they took Mad Maestro, Kinetica, Max Payne, and PowerDrome - I got Lego Star Wars II (wanted Okami, but they didn't have it). As a side note - they wouldn't allow me to do a DS game for the PS2 tradeins.
just got back from doing the deal 2 times...my store wouldn't take xbox games, and you had to trade 4 from the same system and get 1 from that same system. however, the manager specifically stated that there are no exclusions...i'm very tempted to head to kmart sometime soon to see if i can find 4 more $2 games for ps2. i wanted okami, but they didn't have it so i got bully for my brother and clubhouse games for me.
Are the flyers given out to people walkling in, or for store display? The pic posted above looks like it's for customers, but someone also said they couldn't get a copy because it's in the planner.
So it sounds like people have been finding Splinter Cell:DA and Tiger Woods 07 in FYE stores? My local store (Greenville, SC) has neither and doesn't know when they will come in.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']So whats cheapest selling price for used games and movies I can get at EB/GS to use for this deal?[/QUOTE]

Well, if you're doing the 360 deal and your store isn't enforcing any restrictions, the best option is to get Madden 06 for $14.99 and Ridge Racer 6 for $17.99 (less of course, if you have an Edge card).
[quote name='LinkinPrime']So whats cheapest selling price for used games and movies I can get at EB/GS to use for this deal?[/quote]

I'd buy Ridge Racer and Kameo for $30 at BB with GGC and trade for a 360 game if you are looking to flip. Also the Ford Racing Pack is only $10 and there are 3 games in there - if your FYE will allow it just pick up some 2004 EA games for $2 and use those. YMMV on everything though. My FYE wouldn't take the old sports titles but then again they took Outlaw Golf and Defender but I was denied from using Mark of Kri and Maximo. It makes no sense but the manager did tell me they would only take games "not in stock" whatever that means... I just wish they had a better selection of new stuff. I got the last copy of Bully and there were no 360 games I'd get other than SW but I already have it.
bread's done