Game Rush - Trade 2 games and get $20 off any pre-order game (UPDATED)


8 (100%)
The deal should have officialy started for all Gamerushes by now.

Get $20 off any pre-order game when you trade 2 games.

Trade offer good on PS2, XBOX, GC and GBA. $20 savings in addition to your trade-in value

So you are getting your normal trade-in value and an extra $20 off if it's on a preorder and you're trading in two games. I think you can only use those above mentioned platforms.
Went to game rush, they had know Idea about this deal, but Pikmin 2 is out and I had a coupon that said trade in 1 game get $20 off a new game (not preorder and he said I had to have a coupon to do it (it's an Oklahoma exclusive thing).
I hope that this deal starts happening without coupon here so I can preorder MP2 and Paper Mario 2.
It's been several days, and the deal I mentioned at my local Game Rush is still going strong. Trade in any PS1, PS2, GC, GBA, or Xbox game, and $20 gets knocked off any game (new, used, or preorder) that's at least $39.99... without a coupon.

Since nobody else seems to have seen this, I'm guessing it's just an Indiana thing. Game Rushes finally moved into this state's Blockbusters only about a month ago now, so this might be the attempt to get themselves on the map here.

[quote name='polobearjp'][quote name='snowmizer']I just traded in a game at one of my local GameRushes.

They had just received a new promotion... trade in 1 game, and get $20 off ANY game (preorder, pre-owned, or new). I had to ask him again to make sure I heard him right. (There were no promotional material on the desk for me to read it myself.)

Sure enough, I traded in one and finally placed a preorder for Halo 2, whereupon he opened a drawer and scanned whatever material was hiding inside, taking the $20 off.

Thus, it appears that magazine coupon is unnecessary. This deal is supposedly in effect until September 30.[/quote]
Whoa, thats a really good deal! Where was this at??[/quote]
[quote name='snowmizer']It's been several days, and the deal I mentioned at my local Game Rush is still going strong. Trade in any PS1, PS2, GC, GBA, or Xbox game, and $20 gets knocked off any game (new, used, or preorder) that's at least $39.99... without a coupon.

Since nobody else seems to have seen this, I'm guessing it's just an Indiana thing. Game Rushes finally moved into this state's Blockbusters only about a month ago now, so this might be the attempt to get themselves on the map here.[/quote]

That sounds about right. That is was what the deal was everywhere back in May so it makes sense they would use that again in new areas. Its a very good deal, enjoy it while it lasts!
[quote name='snowmizer']It's been several days, and the deal I mentioned at my local Game Rush is still going strong. Trade in any PS1, PS2, GC, GBA, or Xbox game, and $20 gets knocked off any game (new, used, or preorder) that's at least $39.99... without a coupon.

Since nobody else seems to have seen this, I'm guessing it's just an Indiana thing. Game Rushes finally moved into this state's Blockbusters only about a month ago now, so this might be the attempt to get themselves on the map here.

[quote name='polobearjp'][quote name='snowmizer']I just traded in a game at one of my local GameRushes.

They had just received a new promotion... trade in 1 game, and get $20 off ANY game (preorder, pre-owned, or new). I had to ask him again to make sure I heard him right. (There were no promotional material on the desk for me to read it myself.)

Sure enough, I traded in one and finally placed a preorder for Halo 2, whereupon he opened a drawer and scanned whatever material was hiding inside, taking the $20 off.

Thus, it appears that magazine coupon is unnecessary. This deal is supposedly in effect until September 30.[/quote]
Whoa, thats a really good deal! Where was this at??[/quote][/quote]

Wow where in Indiana was this?
Here is my deal I got:

Traded in: (Xbox)
Indiana jones
metal gear 2
rally (car racing game)
They gave me the used game price PLUS $5 each. Total:$52

Then I PRE-Ordered Halo 2 Collectors edition and BARDS tale. MInus the $40 ($20 each)and $52, I paid $17.50 total!!!!

Luckily, I got a Rep that did not know you cant combine the 2 offers.

Yesterday, I traded in a baseball game and another game (forgot which one) and got FABLE for 19.78!!!

I LOVE these deals!
Wow glad you guys are doin well on trades but i think i got screwed at my GR went in with 10 games to trade and the putz at the comp didnt know what he was doing had to get others to help him, ended up with 65$ credit for my 10 games.

qball 8$ (normaly 3$ he added 5$)
007 AUF 7$ (got no extra thats normal price)
Eternal Ring 5$ (normally 2$ he added 3$)
Extreme G3 5$ (got no extra thats normal price)
Hitman 2 8$ (got no extra thats normal price)
Madden NFL 2003 5$ (normally 2$ he added 3$)
Timeslpitters 2 7$ (got no extra thats normal price)
Minority Report 5$ (normally 2$ he added 3$)
Shinobi 7$ (got no extra thats normal price)
Twisted Metal Black 8$ (normaly 3$ he added 5$)

So as I see it I was jipped bonus 25$ and for those he only added 3$ I am missing 6$, total jipped 31$, ya better believe me I am going back and getting my money!

Those guys gave me some story about how the system wouldnt let them pay more for the games then what the selling price was, which I can accept but then I called some different stores to see what prices they buy back those same titles and seems like on some of my games 5$ was added into the price some werent, i'm prolly gonna go back and complain some see if i can get some more credit, but after like 30mins of 4 guys huddling trying to figure it out I said fug it left today. Just wondering anyone else do the 5$ per game trade deal and get some good prices?

*edited to add prices and what the guy did, seems like he manually manipulated some of the prices or sumtin.

I went into today with my 6 remaining games. It was a different employee this time, but he said that he had to ring them up two at a time, AND I had to pick from a selected rack of games. The rack had Halo 2 (he told me I couldn't get the CE), GTA: SA, MGS, Def Jam NY, Star Wars Battlefront, Doom 3, and a few more. I decided to hang onto 2 of my games and traded the other 4 for MGS: Snake eater and Star Wars Battlefront.

Also since I could only trade 2 in at a time the $5 extra doesn't kick in. :(
Hopefully the other GRs don't do this cause I don't want any of those other titles, and I was hoping to get DMC 3. Oh well, it's still a great deal.
I know people have said that this coupon can be found in EGM's.....but can they be gotten anywhere else, like in the store?
I went down to the Game Rush in Wilsonville, OR and the guys there today said they the only promotions they had going were "Buy 1 Used, Get A 2nd 50% Off" and "Trade in a game, get any New Game for $39.99". No Pre-Order deal. Lame.
[quote name='ksuwild25']I went into today with my 6 remaining games. It was a different employee this time, but he said that he had to ring them up two at a time, AND I had to pick from a selected rack of games. The rack had Halo 2 (he told me I couldn't get the CE), GTA: SA, MGS, Def Jam NY, Star Wars Battlefront, Doom 3, and a few more. I decided to hang onto 2 of my games and traded the other 4 for MGS: Snake eater and Star Wars Battlefront.

Also since I could only trade 2 in at a time the $5 extra doesn't kick in. :(
Hopefully the other GRs don't do this cause I don't want any of those other titles, and I was hoping to get DMC 3. Oh well, it's still a great deal.[/quote]

Hmmm... mine let me pick from any preorder game in a catalog (big list of games) and if it wasn't in there they looked it up. Seemed like you could choose pretty much anything.
Yeah mine use to let me a preorder any game in a catalog notebook too, but if it wasn't in the computer I couldn't preorder. The only 3 I've run into that weren't in their computer is MechAssault 2, Conker, and Star Wars Republic Commando.

When I went in there today (I think it was the GR manager), I walked up there and said I want to put these 6 games into 3 preorders. He asked what I wanted to preorder and I opened that catalog thing, and he told me that I had to preorder from this game rack he was pointing at. Now that I'm thinking about it, I remember seeing Mortal Kombat and some Vietcong game as well as the ones I listed in a previous post.

I don't mind at all though, since I have 18 preorders now... actually 17 after I picked up Silent Hill 4 today. I'll try my 2nd closest GR sometime this weekend since they let me pick from that catalog and because they are the least strict out of the GRs I go to.
I'm running low on games to trade in and I want to get Pikmin, could someone please recap what deals GR has going on now? I don't want to spend more than $5 cash for the game.

I'm looking to trade in Mobile Light Force 2, and maybe one or more of the following:

Sphinx - xbox
Castlevania LoE - PS2
Suikoden 3 - ps2
Midway arcade treasures - ps2
Mega Man x 5 - ps1
Saga frontier 2 - ps1

Thanks! I've been out of town for a couple days and I'm trying to figure out what they have going on these days. I have Halo 2 LE and MGS3 pre-ordered with the trade 2=$20 coupon deal, too.
i traded in five games today

deus ex invisible war -15
voodoo vince -12.00
driv3r (which i had just bought from a different gamerush for -10.00 since they paid me money to take it for trading in 3 crappy ps1 games with a coupon i had for trade 3 get 1 for 4.99) -30.00
dead to rights - 6.50
tenchu- 13.00

the total was like 81 dollars thanks to the trade 3 games get 5 bonus dollars. i used 30 of it to pay off gta san andreas and i saved the other 50 in case i want something before the big 3 come out in november.
So far I've preordered these titles with the promotion:

Pikmin 2 (picked it up a day after it came out for 5 dollars out of pocket)
Tony Hawks Underground 2 (already paid for in credit)
Metroid Prime 2 (already paid for)
Paper Mario 2 (already paid for in credit)
Mario Tennis (already paid for in credit)

Game Rush is incredible, I seriously got those for less than 100 dollars... more like, maybe a total of 45-50 dollars spent...
:shock: :D

I think I might preorder Metal Gear Solid 3 like, next month maybe... not sure yet, I think I might as well... but, I'll wait for a while.
I just got Fable with the deal, and going to go pre-order Paper Maio 2 tommorow with this deal. You got to love GameRush for these great deals.

Also has anyone asked any of the GameRush employees if there is going to be a Nintendo DS trade in deal at all? I was talking with the employee there and he said they were getting Nintendo DS, but was not sure of any deal yet. I hope they got at least a deal on the games if not the system when this deal ends on 10/11/04.
I didn't need a coupon when I went to the gamerush where I live. I preordered both Halo 2 and Metroid Prime 2 and didn't have a coupon. It's a great deal!
bread's done