GameCrazy deals - 50% more for your trades - NOW ACTIVE! May end on 07/13/07.


72 (100%)
Mods' note:
This may be extended until 07/13/07, according to this post from Scorch, which needs confirmation that he should get later today:
[quote name='Scorch']My manager said that since the flyer says 7/13, we'll honor that. If the coupon stops working, we'll do it manually. This is probably just for my store.[/quote]

These flyers arrived today at the store, I think they're meant to be put out Monday.


***B2G1F on all "e" (used) rated games.

***B2G1F on all (used) XBox titles.

(of course, usual "equal or less" rule applies here)

***50% more trade in credit~! This applies ONLY to 360, PS3, Wii, DS and PSP games. Basically, bring in two (and two only) of your games and receive an additional 50% in credit towards your purchase. This DOES NOT stack with MVP.

If I am reading this correctly, according to this flyer, here's some of the trade-in prices AFTER the 50%:

Guitar Hero 2 (360) - $66
Command and Conquer 3 (360) - $45

This is only if they don't lower the trade-in values in anticipation of this promotion, though. If they don't, the 50% more thing will be MASSIVE profit for the customers (especially those of you who bought Tony Hawk at Costco).

As a side note, the prices for Ant Bully (Wii), Blitz The League (X360), Happy Feet (Wii), and Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy (X360) all went back up. This could be temporary, but for now, Ant Bully is 29.99/24.99, Blitz is 19.99/14.99, and both Happy Feet and Grim Adventures are 29.99/24.99. The same thing happened with Far Cry. It went down to 19.99/14.99, then back up to 49.99/44.99, then back down again to 19.99/14.99. It may be temporary and the prices may drop back down, I'll post if they do.

//edit: Also, there's one misprint in the flyer. It says Resident Evil 4 Wii is 49.99. This is not the case. It is 29.99.


The coupon code for this deal is +CGCTC50INC
[quote name='vgossain']Scorch or others that have traded often with Game Crazy:
Does Game Crazy require games to be complete? I found a Nintendogs cart on the ground a while ago - the game works fine, although it looks pretty beat up. Of course I don't have a box or manual. Will GC take it in? Do they give less value for incomplete games?[/QUOTE]

only PS3 and Xbox 360 games have to be complete
[quote name='cdeener']Quick question: How much credit can you put on a GC at Game Crazy and can you add to the credit on an existing GC? I know the limit at Gamerush/Blockbuster is $500 .[/quote]
250 per card, yes.

Does MVP work with the B2G1 free?

If I trade a few to one store and a few to another store, will they give me credit on a gift card that I can use at any store?
if you ask for it to be put on a gc, yes

Also, can I return the game I bought at a different store? Thanks.
not to my knowledge

Not sure if this has been metioned, but is there anyway to maybe buy a new system with the trade 2 games in? Or does this only work with games.
Depends on who's running the register. I let a friend of mine trade a shit ton of games in and pick up a system. He did buy at least one new game for the system.. so there you go. He bought at least one new game.

I've got a question maybe one of you GC employees can answer for me. The Hollywood Video and Game Crazy in my area moved across town because of highway expansion. Well somewhere along the way they desided not to carry the Game Crazy with them, its no longer in buisness. What is going to happen to all the merchandise, will the hollywood video sale it in their store when it reopens or will it all go back to corporate???
In that instance, the GC was probably ordered to send all inventory back to HQ to be distributed out to other stores.

Will GC take it in? Do they give less value for incomplete games?
Yes, no

only PS3 and Xbox 360 games have to be complete
YMMV. At my store, the only time a game needs to be complete is if you're looking to get cash on it.

Sorry, I didn't get trade values. I was literally slammed the whole day. Anyone who's worked a weekend at GameCrazy can vouch for how busy it can get.
What about these deals, shouldn't these flip preatty well. I am trying to figure out why no one has mentioned the CC Wii deals. Anyone know the trade in values for those 4 games. They are probably preaty high. And also I mean relitively recent trade values. Thanks a bundle by the way for whoever knows the values. :D P.S. I love u GC. You just made my day.

Wii - $16.96

Happy Feet
Meet the Robinsons
Ice Age 2

BTW my master plan is to flip tons of things and things that I already have, buy a Wii, another wiimote, and A game or two. Sweet huh, and for not too much out of pocket. Also my GC is getting in some Wii's very soon.

I already posted this same post on another board but I wanted to get a quick reply. Sorry for the inconvinience.
Happy Feet is about ten.. no clue about the other three. Ice Age 2 is between 1 and 15, I believe. Avatar and Meet The Robinsons.. I think Avatar would be between 15 and 20, MTR would be around 25.
i know but I just wanted to see if anyone knew the numbers. Scorch, hats off bud. Job well done. BTW what do you think of my plan?
Went to the GC in Byram/Stanhope, NJ, the cashier had absolutely no idea of this promo, and had no code for it. I didnt bother to take the one from this thread with me. Anyone had any success in the Easton/Allentown PA area? Going to be heading out that way tomorrow, may try there. All stocked up on some trade fodder too, just need a decent place to unload it. :)
[quote name='Scorch']Happy Feet is about ten.. no clue about the other three. Ice Age 2 is between 1 and 15, I believe. Avatar and Meet The Robinsons.. I think Avatar would be between 15 and 20, MTR would be around 25.[/QUOTE]

I asked about Meet The Robinsons today and they said $18. I figured the others would be even less, so not worth it. It's better to take Avatar and MtR to EB/GS for their deal.

Scorch, I totally know how it is on a Sunday at GC. I went to yet another store and was disappointed to see a crowd in there, especially as I had planned to ask how they were running the deal before I hauled all my games in. Well, the guy said trade "2 or more" and get 50% and mentioned nothing about having to buy a new game! So I went out to get my games and the line got even bigger while I went out. People were trading systems, huge piles of games, etc... THIS guy whipped through the line like a pro, though. I was impressed - WAY different than my experience yesterday :lol:. Anyway, I didn't have much with me but was able to get about $75 from just 3 games, no strings attached.

I'm shocked about the $250 limit on gift cards! Luckily I had asked for a new one as my other one has $215 already (though I didn't know anything about the limit - that just seemed like enough on one card). What would happen if they tried to go over $250? Would it max it out and leave the rest on the account or just give an error?
If you try to put an amount over 250 on it, it rejects it. If it's a new card and you try to do 250, it just won't do it at all (if you hit 300 and hit enter, it resets the amount to 0), and if you try to add to a card and that winds up being over 250, it rejects it and makes you put it on another card.
[quote name='62t']Today I spent $114.82 at Circuit City and got $265 in credit[/QUOTE]

:lol: All I took in from CC was a Just Cause. DDR didn't seem worth it ($17 to get $30, I like doubles or better ;)). I found VT3 after I went to GC, and am probably keeping it for myself anyway. Was all of your's from VT3 and DOAX2? I just know if I even tried those they'd get rejected as sports titles.

Oh, and wiki has been updated through this post.
[quote name='refusedchaos']only PS3 and Xbox 360 games have to be complete[/QUOTE]

I traded in a disc-only F.E.A.R. for the 360, and it was cool.
Boy did I score big. I traded in Gears of War ($40 after 50%) and was able to trade in College Hoops 2k7 ($18 after 50%) which comes out to a total of $58.

Then I told him, before he finished the trade ins transaction, that I wanted to use this credit to preorder Halo 3. And for some reason he thought there was a promotion going on that if you trade in 2 games you can preorder any game for 50% off. So I still got my $58 in credit AND preordered Halo 3 (regular edition) and still have $23 in credit even though my tradeins were worth $58!!! :)

He might have been a new guy though, plus no one else was in store besides him. (could be manager was in the back or something)
Is this YMMV, because my GameCrazy doesn't know what the fuck I'm talking about.
For those of you striking out with trading in Virtua Tennis or DOAX2 for the 50% bump, there's still at 20% bump coupon floating around the forums a few pages back that expires on the 30th. It's not 50%, but it's better than nothing.
How does Game Crazy handle multiple copies? The Game Rush stores around me allow 2 copies of the same game. Does GC have any similar restrictions?
[quote name='grifta67']How does Game Crazy handle multiple copies? The Game Rush stores around me allow 2 copies of the same game. Does GC have any similar restrictions?[/quote]
Ditto. I believe it's two multiples per transaction. You can always come back later.
Thanks JJSP. More I think about it, this one seems to be too much hassle, with hoping your store will take VT and DOA, and then having to buy a new game (which then you have to return later if you didn't want one to begin with).

Wish I had some other trade fodder laying around!

[quote name='JJSP']Ditto. I believe it's two multiples per transaction. You can always come back later.[/quote]
damn I traded in 2 games yesterday and they told me I had to use the credit on a new game as well in order to get the 50% bump
[quote name='Brak']Is this YMMV, because my GameCrazy doesn't know what the fuck I'm talking about.[/QUOTE]
Should I just go in with the coupon code?
Does anyone have relatively recent trade-in-values for the following titles:

Sonic and the Secret Rings
Madden NFL 2007
Monster 4x4
GT Pro Series
Open Season

4 of the 5 have prices in the Wiki but they date back to Feb '07.
[quote name='daminion']Does anyone have relatively recent trade-in-values for the following titles:

Sonic and the Secret Rings
Madden NFL 2007
Monster 4x4
GT Pro Series
Open Season

4 of the 5 have prices in the Wiki but they date back to Feb '07.[/quote]
I think Sonic is around $26 without MVP.
[quote name='daminion']Does anyone have relatively recent trade-in-values for the following titles:

Sonic and the Secret Rings
Madden NFL 2007
Monster 4x4
GT Pro Series
Open Season

4 of the 5 have prices in the Wiki but they date back to Feb '07.[/quote]
I was quoted ~$11 for Madden 07 Wii (with MVP, I believe)...the 50% doesn't apply to Madden since it is a sports title.
[quote name='Brak']Should I just go in with the coupon code?[/QUOTE]

Every GC I've been in to has the flier with the promo in it on their counter. Also, at nearly every one they had never heard of it, but they were able to figure it out once I showed them the little blurb in the flier. They have a stack of papers behind the counter with the latest promo info in it (there's a bar code in there they need to scan) and at each store they checked that (though at one I had to suggest they do so ;)). This little stack was the same at each place, so if they know how their store operates they ought to be able to find it.

It seems the first thing many of these guys will do is flip through the little set of promo bar codes attached to the register and if they don't see it there they think the promo is not active. One guy complained that his manager must have forgot to put the code up there - but it had not been done at any of the 4 stores I went to.
I traded in some stuff to pre-order Metroid Prime 3 and Luminous Arc and the manager of the store gipped me out of about $7 in credit....a few weeks ago an employee didn't give me the MVP discount even though I mentioned it and he acknowledged it. Definitely going back soon with both receipts and hope they do something about it. The store has gipped me out of $10+ in two weeks now.

Today he dropped my credit on Ridge Racer 7 and Elebits down to $30 a piece...both should've been $33.75 I believe. This is the manager I'm talking about.
Picked up some games for the B2G1 on E rated games. Is it true that they won't let you use MVP 10% discount on this? Seemed like such crap

DDR Max - $7.99 (PS2)
Luigi's Mansion - $9.99 (GC)
Meteos - Free (DS)

The more expensive game (14.99) ended up being free which was nice. I was going to use the 20% coupon to make the deal sweeter but I was informed that I could not even use my mvp discount if I wanted B2G1.
Really Scorch? I might take in my receipt and tell them a new employee forgot to give me my MVP discount and try to get an adjustment or do a return+rebuy. Thanks Scorch.
[quote name='Gara']Picked up some games for the B2G1 on E rated games. Is it true that they won't let you use MVP 10% discount on this? Seemed like such crap

DDR Max - $7.99 (PS2)
Luigi's Mansion - $9.99 (GC)
Meteos - Free (DS)

The more expensive game (14.99) ended up being free which was nice. I was going to use the 20% coupon to make the deal sweeter but I was informed that I could not even use my mvp discount if I wanted B2G1.[/quote]

Max was $7.99? That game was $26.99 then jumped to $29.99 recently at EBStop. Of course I couldn't find one at GC when I searched.

Consider yourself lucky- that game has a great songlist.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Really Scorch? I might take in my receipt and tell them a new employee forgot to give me my MVP discount and try to get an adjustment or do a return+rebuy. Thanks Scorch.[/quote]
Hah looks like someone already asked the question I was asking about. I'm tempted to do this as well but I at least got the more expensive game in my lot free so I should probably not press it.

[quote name='primetime']Max was $7.99? That game was $26.99 then jumped to $29.99 recently at EBStop. Of course I couldn't find one at GC when I searched.

Consider yourself lucky- that game has a great songlist.[/quote]

I was a little surprised to see a complete copy on the shelf. Might be worth special ordering at your local gamecrazy at that price. It would have been 7.19 with mvp! Now if I could only find a copy of DDR Max 2.
Do the games you buy have to be full price games? Can I buy some $11.99 DS games instead of buying brand new releases? Also, can I buy GBA games? Thanks.
[quote name='Brak']Is this YMMV, because my GameCrazy doesn't know what the fuck I'm talking about.[/QUOTE]

did they convert to a Hollywood video store? the GC near me is now just a part of HV, and they didn't have the deal. this was very recent-- my store wasn't even set up to take pre-orders yet.
I traded in:

Wii Play : $10.00 / $15.00
SSX Blur (Wii): $25.40~ / $38.18
Elebits (Wii): $20.00 / $30.00
Sonic (Wii): $20.00 / $30.00
Super Paper Mario : $30.00 / $45.00
Wario (Wii): $22.74~ / $34.10

Not part of the deal, but trade in prices for gamecube games:

Mario Party 4: $17.00 :)
Dead to Rights: $2.25
Mega Man Battle Network: $1.00
Medal of Honor Frontlines: $2.25
Lord of the Rings 2: $2.75

Pretty good haul. Made most of my money back on a bunch of games I have already beat. Pre-ordered Metroid, Smash Brothers and Mario Galaxy. Tried to also Pre-order No More Heroes, but it wasn't in the system.

Edit: Forgot to say thanks to Scorch :)
with 50 %

Sims 2 pets DS 18
Nascar PSP 18

Sort of a big shock

PUZzle quest DS 15 (10 before)

Nascar gets more then puzzle quest LOL

(werid nascar would get 18 while football would only get 10)

Im done im up to around 303 bucks credit.

those in fort wayne

Just causes
V tennis 3

there was 2 DOAX 2 left after i grabbed 2 today
Another $250 in cred. Spent about a $100 on flip fodder.

After 50% bump

DOAX2 - $37.50
Trace memory - $6.75
Bust A Move DS - $10.50
Gunpey DS - $13.80
Gunpey PSP - $13.50
Bust Amove PSP - $21

Hopefully I can get in one more round of trades before values start to drop
[quote name='ddrisgood137']Do the games you buy have to be full price games? Can I buy some $11.99 DS games instead of buying brand new releases? Also, can I buy GBA games? Thanks.[/QUOTE]
You can buy $11.99 games, but they might not get back that much credit. No GBA
[quote name='Apossum']did they convert to a Hollywood video store? the GC near me is now just a part of HV, and they didn't have the deal. this was very recent-- my store wasn't even set up to take pre-orders yet.[/QUOTE]
Nah. It's still a GameCrazy.

I took the code in, and it worked out... although they were still confused, and the manager was acting like I was pulling a fast one.
I am going to be hitting up a GC with a good amount of games so expect some new trade in values shortly. Not saying I am trading all of them in...just curious on prices. We really need some wiki workers.
[quote name='kevzik']I am going to be hitting up a GC with a good amount of games so expect some new trade in values shortly. Not saying I am trading all of them in...just curious on prices. [highlight]We really need some wiki workers[/highlight].[/QUOTE]

Not sure what you mean there... I've been putting in all the prices. It isn't more wiki workers we need, but more trade-in value getters ;).
Do you have to be a MVP member in order to get the 50% more trade-in deal?

Downhill Jam Wii $25.45 -> ~$37 without MVP. Not too bad.
[quote name='Apossum']did they convert to a Hollywood video store? the GC near me is now just a part of HV, and they didn't have the deal. this was very recent-- my store wasn't even set up to take pre-orders yet.[/quote]

I thought GC was always a part of HV...atleast I have never seen a GameCrazy have its own store, they are always connected to an HV around here.

But either way. The GC's around me have no idea what this deal is.
[quote name='kevzik']I am going to be hitting up a GC with a good amount of games so expect some new trade in values shortly. Not saying I am trading all of them in...just curious on prices. We really need some wiki workers.[/QUOTE]

how do we add to the list cause

Before 50%

Sims 2 pets DS is 12
Nascar PSP is 12
Puzzle quest DS is 10 : ( shocked it got this little
[quote name='slidecage']how do we add to the list cause

Before 50%

Sims 2 pets DS is 12
Nascar PSP is 12
Puzzle quest DS is 10 : ( shocked it got this little[/QUOTE]

:wall: I added those a few hours ago, except for "Nascar PSP" because I thought there would be more to the name - now I see it is just "NASCAR". I'll add that now.

And yeah, your "report" that Puzzle Quest was $18 before bonus a few days ago led to me buying that as my forced game even though I already have it (thinking I could trade it back in for only a small loss). Now I have to try to return it (or at least see if they will let me exhange for something else).
Made my 2nd trip today (all prices as shown on the receipt, should be with 50% added):


DOAX2 - $37.50 (x2)
Eragon - $24.00
Bionicle Heroes - $18.00
Earth Defense Force - $22.50
Phantasy Star Universe - $15.00
Rumble Roses - $7.50
Xbox Live Arcade Vol 1 - $27.27
Ridge Racer 6 - $9.00
Gears of War - $40.91


Elebits - $30.00
Rayman R.R. - $38.18


Me and My Katamari - $10.13
Death JR - $9.00
Metal Gear Acid 2 - $4.50


Wario Ware Touched - $16.50
Dragon Quest Heroes Rocket Slime - $12.00
Tony Hawk American Wasteland - $6.75

Non 50% applied games:


Metroid Prime - $1.10
Super mario sunshine - $6.07
Animal Crossing - $7.70

Ended up with $381.11. Bought Resident Evil 4 for Wii and Every Extend Extra for PSP.

Thanks to everyone for the info on this deal! :applause:
After 50%

Gunpey 13.50
Pacman World Rally 15
Bust a Move 21
Death Jr II 7?
Valk Profile Lenneth 15?

Meet the Robinsons 27

360 (wouldn't take V tennis 3 or Raw vs Smack 07)
Dead or Alive X2 37.50
DDR U 30.00

May go back again with another DDR...
bread's done