GameRush Halo 2 Midnight Madness


170 (100%)
I just came back from my local GR in Garden Grove, CA and an employee told me that they're planning a big event for Nov 9th between Midnight and 2am. He told me that if you purchase Halo 2 between those times all games in the GR section will be 25-50% OFF. I asked if all GR's are having this "EVENT" he said yes.

Update: I saw a marketing sign of the Limited Edition Green Xbox Halo Bundle, I asked if they were getting some, the guy said that he thinks BB bought some back when they came out and held out for the 11/9 release.

What sucks is that I'm going to chicago on sunday the 5th, I missed out on the green bunlde back in april and Im going to miss out again. He said that there was no preorders for the system.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to be at GameRush at 12, but are you able to just pick up a preorder and still get the 25- 50% off? That's a really good deal if it's true.
Here are some other deals going on during the "Midnight Event! These are all taken from an in store flyer I got a couple of days ago!

Buy H2 and get an exclusive GR coupon book worth over $200 in savings
30% (previously mentioned in another topic)

30% off H2 guide w/purchase of H2

$5 off Game Pass w/purchase of $9.99 Hip Controller & HIP Xbox Live headset

Xbox memory card $9.99(deffinate buy for me)

All Platinum Hits $16.99

Nyko Speakercom and online Starter Pack for $12.99

Free rental with every H2 purchase

As OP said, it's from midnight to 2 am with the lineup begining at 9pm on Mon. night!!
Hmmm I hope this works for preorders as well.

I would guess so because when you pick up the game you are "buying" it at that time and getting a reciept for your purchase. Who knows though...
It has to be for Pre-orders also!!
They would be stupid to alienate the customer who actually put the money up in advance for the game!! Nobody would reserve another game again!
seroiusly though.. how many people really gonna go to this party? I can't believe how can you go there at midnight to party the release of H2.. maybe i'm too old...
I might go pick it up it since the GR isn't too far from me, but I won't play it that night!!!I need my sleep and I 'll just play after work!
im scheduling that tuesday off. When you see a Master Chief named SpottedNigel faceing a wall and shooting it repeatedly, try and wake me up.
[quote name='Wshakspear']im scheduling that tuesday off. When you see a Master Chief named SpottedNigel faceing a wall and shooting it repeatedly, try and wake me up.[/quote]

Damn, I needed that laugh!!!
I was reading your post and then looked at the pic of the cat and I
couldn't stop laughing!!!! Well if your gonna be on I might try it but dam we both might be shooting up in the air!!!
:joystick: #-o
"damn disk...doesnt fit...where's the scissors"
"Honey, stop playing gamecube and come to bed."
"oh shit..."

To be honest, i think im gonna play the single player first, just to see the pretty graphics and get used to the control. Havent played Halo in a while.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']if you purchase Halo 2 between those times all games in the GR section will be 25-50% OFF. I asked if all GR's are having this "EVENT" he said yes.[/quote]

holy shit. this could turn out to be sale of the year. too bad the ds games wont be out yet. i wonder if this 25 to fifty percent off would apply to ds' games preorders???
So what's supposed to be in the coupon book (it's a 35 min drive to the nearest gr, and i'm trying to decided if it's worth it or not)
The flier my local store gave out say's the line will start at 9:00 PM. Screw that !. Speakercom for $12.99 is awsome though. Payed $25 for mine and it's worth every penny.
Minnesota realllllly needs a Gamerush.

[quote name='iheartmetal']gamestop and eb are doing this too[/quote]

and if their doing it.. that means 25-50% off used games at midnight till 2?

Midnight-2 isn't that bad.. still early in a way and hopefully not too many people shows up and take all the good games or something.
I specifically asked the Gamerush clerk yesterday if pre-orderers get to participate and he said yes. He wa kinda upset about having to work until 2 a.m., though.
[quote name='bmulligan']I specifically asked the Gamerush clerk yesterday if pre-orderers get to participate and he said yes. He wa kinda upset about having to work until 2 a.m., though.[/quote]

Can't blame him, it is probably going to be crazy in these stores.
I was afraid to pre-order halo 2 at gamerush since they really don't hold anything for you when you pre-order it, they just pull it out of the drawer with the regular retail ones. To quote sienfeld; "You see, you know how to *take* the reservation, you just don't know how to *hold* the reservation. And that's really the most important part of the reservation: the holding. Anybody can just take them."
[quote name='racthamp']seroiusly though.. how many people really gonna go to this party? I can't believe how can you go there at midnight to party the release of H2.. maybe i'm too old...[/quote]

actually, i'll probably go just b/c i don't trust that they'll hold onto my halo 2 CE for me (preordered) :lol:
sorry to "jack" this thread but does anyone have any info about the Halo 2 Midnight Madness at EB Games or Gamestop?
I'm definitely picking it up due to 2 reasons:

1) Local GR is less than 5min away.

2) Not too many pre orders for Halo2 there probably because most people pre ordered somewhere else so not much waiting involved if any.
no doubt we do. My local blockbuster here in mankato isn't a corporate store so we didn't get the Street Fighter controllers even. Ohh well there a pretty cool place and I like small businesses.
S%@!# it happens on a Tuesday! I'd go but theres no way my dads going to drive me to Gamerush at 12:00AM when he's got work the next day. And my Gamerush isn't within walking or bike riding distance :(
Yeah, I think I'm too old to go to this also. I have to work the next morning, and I don't feel like getting about 3-4 hours of sleep. Who knows, maybe they'll give me a couopn book anyways, since I will pick it up that Tuesday after work. My GR never seems that busy anyways.
[quote name='dracula'][quote name='LinkinPrime']if you purchase Halo 2 between those times all games in the GR section will be 25-50% OFF. I asked if all GR's are having this "EVENT" he said yes.[/quote]

holy shit. this could turn out to be sale of the year. too bad the ds games wont be out yet. i wonder if this 25 to fifty percent off would apply to ds' games preorders???[/quote]

Something tells me that only certain games will be on special. Not all the games. Maybe all the used games?
[quote name='cyberlian']OP, What would the price be on these new halo xboxs you speak of?[/quote]

they are 179 new, but i somehow doubt they will have any of these

if they do, i will use my blockbuster dollars to pick one up.
Ok, so if I have already preordered halo, (as well as a bunch of other stuff) for $50 down, does this mean that if i am at gamerush at midnight that they will give me back credit on all of my other preorders?
I severely doubt that the 25-50% off is for new items. I would highly speculate that the discount would be for used items. IMO I would buy up all the newer used games for up to 50% off. But with the crazy way that this portion of BB is run and how cool the employees (not managers) are, you might be able to talk them into the deal. But again, this is highly suspect. Are they still allowing the preorders for 29.99? I havent asked my local GR employees yet.
mine said something about drawings or giveaways. I wonder if the green Box will be up for a drawing?
Why would the GREEN XBOX suddenly start showing up? They have been out of stock for months....I got one though ;)

Now, do I really want to stay up till after midnight on a Monday night....I guess if a GOOD Monday Night Football game was on. EDIT: Just checked....Minnesota at Indy, could be a High Scoring game there :)
[quote name='JasonTerminator']shaq-fu

I hate living in Florida.[/quote]
Yeah the Hurricanes suck, but dude Florida is so much cheaper than California, so you better be happy.
[quote name='zewone']I'm hoping they have the Halo Xbox for no matter what the price .[/quote]

Did you really post in a CAG forum "no matter what the price"? I think you could be banned for that comment alone :D
[quote name='sniper308'][quote name='zewone']I'm hoping they have the Halo Xbox for no matter what the price .[/quote]

Did you really post in a CAG forum "no matter what the price"? I think you could be banned for that comment alone :D[/quote]

Exactly, I'll sell you mine for $500 ;) hahaha :lol:
anyone else heard any reliable info on the special xboxs at this event, one gr employee I talked to said that it is possible, but he didn't know for sure...
bread's done