(GFC) - Friendly Package Forwarding Service for Canada & The World


599 (100%)

GFC is Back in Business! Worldwide Package Forwarding & Item Ordering Services ^_^.

1) Direct Request (DR) Services - The service that started it all, our Direct Request (DR) Service allows you to buy just about anything you want from the USA and have us order it and ship it directly to you. This is perfect for those of you who are unable to buy from USA merchants that will not ship to Canada directly or who do not accept Canadian/International credit cards. We charge $2.00 per item ordered plus shipping. Additional fees apply for items weighing more than 5 pounds shipped or more than $150 USD in value. Our online form will calculate everything for you automatically and there's no obligation to buy anything until you check out with Paypal. Feel free to ask any questions you may have about our services.

2) Package Forwarding (PF) Services, Address & Rates - [PREMIUM SERVICE] If you want to order the items yourself, you can! You can order from any website that ships to the USA. Ship the items to our secure UPS mail box and we will repackage them and ship them to you in Canada (or any other country for that matter). Typical fees apply for this service as usual and you pay only $1.00 per package received at our mail location. Quick, easy and GREAT for limited-time sales when the Direct Request option may not be quick enough. Please note we cannot ship: meat, cigarettes or other nicotine items (including electronic cigarettes and their accessories), alcohol, weapons or gun accessories (including paintball/airsoft), pornographic materials, toxic chemicals (including several cleaning liquids), fertilizer or any items that are illegal to ship internationally. Also, any items containing NI-CD or LI-Ion Batteries can no longer be shipped via USPS (Laptops, cell phones, handheld game systems, etc.) and must be shipped via UPS instead. If you have questions about a particular item, please contact us first before ordering.  You will receive an Email invoice with PDF attachment explaining line-by-line details of all charges and full payment options. GFC PF Service Requires Premium Membership which costs $10.00 a month or $100.00 a year (discount of two free months) and is available in our GFC Store. Full details on website.

3) GYROS Updates - After you have ordered your items, filled out the forms and notified us of your order we will add your items to our GYROS page (generally within a week or less). Once your items have been received, we will invoice you for the shipping costs + our service charge. After receiving your payment, your items will be shipped out to you in a timely manner and you will receive an Email with all relevant shipping information ^_^. If you have any questions feel free to Email us at [email protected] .

Service Charges (Free Members):

GFC Charges $2.00 per item forwarded for standard or "Free" Members. Please note that an item in this case refers to each item within the packages you ship to us. So if you were to order say 2 DVD Movies, an Umbrella and a Towel, this would count as 4 items total. Items that are sold in "Lots" such as multiple baseball cards will be counted as one item, subject to our discretion. Also, UPS Charges me to pick up the packages, so there will be an additional charge of $1.00 per package received. I will add into the invoice for you when I get your iitems in.

For larger orders, an extra $5.00 USD surcharge is added for each 5 pounds your package weighs OR per $150 in value of their total contents (example: a 5 pound package would cost an additional $5.00 USD, a 10 pound package would cost an additional $10.00 USD OR a $150 item (or group of items totaling $150 or more) would have an additional $5.00 USD charged, a $300 group of items would have an additional $10.00 USD charged). Please note that this will be either a weight or cost surcharge and not both, but the greater of the two will be what is charged. An item weighing 14 pounds will still only be $10 added as it didn't yet reach the 15 pound mark. This will be shown on your invoice and will be clearly explained. In the near future, this service charge will be automatically calculated for package forwarding items the way it is currently automatically calculated on our Direct Request 2.0 system.

So Again the things to remember:

1) Ship to the address above
2) Ship all packages in my name (James Parks) and if you want to include your information as a “Gift Message” on the order, you certainly can do that. This is required though to be in my name as the UPS store will only sign for packages in my name and will refuse all others.
3) You MUST fill out the Direct Request (DR) form on the link above to let me know what’s coming
4) Once I receive your DR submission and all your items, I will invoice you for the shipping cost plus service fees.

Service Charges (GFC Premium):

GFC Charges $1.00 per item forwarded. Please note that an item in this case refers to each item within the packages you ship to us. So if you were to order say 2 DVD Movies, an Umbrella and a Towel, this would count as 4 items total. Items that are sold in "Lots" such as multiple baseball cards will be counted as one item, subject to our discretion. Also, UPS Charges me to pick up the packages, so there will be an additional charge of $1.00 per package received. I will add into the invoice for you when I get your iitems in.

For larger orders, an extra $5.00 USD surcharge is added for each 5 pounds your package weighs OR per $150 in value of their total contents (example: a 5 pound package would cost an additional $5.00 USD, a 10 pound package would cost an additional $10.00 USD OR a $150 item (or group of items totaling $150 or more) would have an additional $5.00 USD charged, a $300 group of items would have an additional $10.00 USD charged). Please note that this will be either a weight or cost surcharge and not both, but the greater of the two will be what is charged. An item weighing 14 pounds will still only be $10 added as it didn't yet reach the 15 pound mark. This will be shown on your invoice and will be clearly explained. In the near future, this service charge will be automatically calculated for package forwarding items the way it is currently automatically calculated on our Direct Request system.

So Again the things to remember:

1) Ship to the address above
2) Ship all packages in my name (James Parks) and if you want to include your information as a “Gift Message” on the order, you certainly can do that. This is required though to be in my name as the UPS store will only sign for packages in my name and will refuse all others.
3) You MUST fill out the Direct Request (DR) form on the link above to let me know what’s coming
4) Once I receive your DR submission and all your items, I will invoice you for the shipping cost plus service fees.

Estimated Shipping Costs:

The following are shipping estimates for standards weights. This will give you a pretty good idea of how much it will cost to ship your item to Canada. If you live in another country, feel free to inquire by contacting us directly.

For all items from 0 - 4 pounds we typically use USPS First Class Mail:

$00.00 = 0 Pounds / Digital Items
$09.00 = 6 ounces
$09.00 = 7 ounces
$09.50 = 12 ounces
$11.00 = 1 Pound
$16.50 = 2 Pounds
$22.00 = 3 Pounds
$27.50 = 4 Pounds

For all items from 5 pounds and up we typically use USPS Priority Mail:

$38.00 = 5 Pounds
$40.00 = 6 Pounds
$42.50 = 7 Pounds
$45.00 = 8 Pounds
$47.50 = 9 Pounds
$49.50 = 10 Pounds
$52.00 = 11 Pounds
$54.50 = 12 Pounds
$57.50 = 13 Pounds
$55.00 = 14 Pounds
$62.50 = 15 Pounds
$60.00 = 16 Pounds
$63.00 = 17 Pounds
$70.00 = 18 Pounds
$72.50 = 19 Pounds
$75.00 = 20 Pounds
$77.50 = 21 Pounds
$80.00 = 22 Pounds
$83.00 = 23 Pounds
$85.50 = 24 Pounds
$88.00 = 25 Pounds

For any items over 25 pounds, we'll have to manually invoice you.

On Hold & Unclaimed Merchandise:

GFC allows you to send items to our secure UPS Package Forwarding address (listed above). After you order your items it is your responsibility to properly fill out our Package Forwarding (PF) Form on our website located here: . Once you do this, we will be notified of the items you have ordered and you will pre-pay the shipping/service charges up front for us to process and re-ship them to you.

The first 30 days are free to hold all Package Forwarding items.This is plenty of time for you to successfully order from the various stores that you want and submit our PF form to notify us. This also allows for adequate time for you to request us to combine items into a single package.

After 30 days, there will be a $5.00 USD charge per ITEM per week (flat rate fee) until the payment has been paid in full. Since you are pre-paying for the item costs, you will be responsible for both shipping to your country, our GFC Service Charges and any processing fees associated with the transaction.

After 90 days, GFC will not be responsible for unclaimed or missing merchandise sent to us at our Package Forwarding address. We suggest that you fully insure all orders sent to our address in case of loss or damage as we will not be responsible for missing or damaged goods.

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Yeah Wireless B sucks, for sure, but then again my current PSP has Wireless B and I would be downloading the games more than likely through my PS3 anyhow. I just tested it out by the way and downloaded my first ever full PSP game on my current PSP (which for the record was dead since I haven't charged it in nearly a year or more) and got: Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero (which again, I already own but am considering to sell considering it's only $9.99 as a download title). Good test run.

Sure, Sony is ripping people off. It should have 32GB probably, Wireless-N and even maybe a second analog nub. It should work with existing non-proprietary USB charge cables and have a replaceable battery, but you know they're just hoping to reel people in with the snazzy-must-own-the-best-electronics-the-day-they-come-out crowd and will lower the price to $199.99 if sales suck (which I expect they will for a while). This is obviously a pull by Sony to get people to stop pirating PSP games (which I'm proud to say I never did) and to simultaneously battle used-game sales (which for PSP don't seem like much of a factor anyhow). As many have said, it's probably to test a lot of features for a rumored PSP2 that will no doubt come out some day.

RoganSarine, in closing yeah you can give me Amazon codes/gift cards as long as they work on my account without jumping through hoops. No problem there :) I'm really flat broke this month as I just made some big payments to credit cards and things. Thanks!
You know what makes sense? This whole proprietary download thing and the lack of calling it the PSP2. Why not just deem it the PSP2 anyway?

If a system can no longer play the "current generation" games, why not just beef up the processor, RAM, etc. ab bit in the thing, put in the second nub, and everything (including wireles N) else to make it the hardcore handheld? Personally, I wish they'd also put in a better battery than the go... my PSp extended battery last quite awhile.

The DS definitely isn't the hardcore handheld, and with the second nub, they would be able to make more hardcore games that control better and can try to grasp that market.

This way people would stop complaining it can't play their old UMD games to the same degree, the price would be justifiable (I swear if the 2nd nub was on it people should shut up about the price a lot more readily), and they could STILL offer the PSP games on the PSN network for the initial launch and for future launches but just give developers more to play with.

Even if they didn't beef the system specs, but added that 2nd nub and the wireless G (atleast)...

Heck, they're even marketing it like the PSP2 with the whole "lets make people believe they NEED the go because it can download things the PSP can't".

By the way, I just got my ECA membership... Can I generate codes for you to use (I havn't looked into how this works), or do I have to order them myself (somehow...? can I use a canadian credit card on and ship it to your UPS account?
You know what Rogan, you're right though. They should have just made the PSP2 and nobody'd complain (though I'm not sure I agree about the DS not being a system for the hardcore...there are a LOT of incredible games on the DS/DS Lite/DSi platform, though I know where you're coming from).

As for ECA, I believe it's best for you to order the items yourself with your ECA account as they limit the codes to one per customer per 24 hour period (use them wisely) and as I understand it, you can buy a few games at once and get the 10% for all of them if they are ordered together. That being said they definitely frown upon giving other people the codes, so I think you'd have to order for yourself and have it shipped to my UPS account. I'm pretty sure Canadian credit cards will work but not 100%. If not, then let me know and we can work out something. I have to go to work but I'll talk to you soon!
[quote name='jeffx']Hey Goombarooni, didja get my book yet? You can ship everything once you have that. I'm not getting any other auctions delivered to your house right now.

One more: do ya think it's too late to preorder the Demon's Souls Deluxe edition on (currently 67$)[/QUOTE]

Honestly, after you take into account the cost of the item, shipping, GFC service charge, shipping insurance and currency conversion, isn't the price almost the same as what EB would charge?
[quote name='game_fanatic']Honestly, after you take into account the cost of the item, shipping, GFC service charge, shipping insurance and currency conversion, isn't the price almost the same as what EB would charge?[/QUOTE]

I stopped shopping at EB a long time ago. fuck those nerds.

I figure it'll cost me about 75$ canadian total through Goomba. We're talking about the deluxe edition here. How much are EB asking for anyway? I heard gamestops in the US ran out of preorders.
JeffX, got your book. Yes. I am going to do more YROS (Green orders will receive Emails for today and tomorrow) ... the thing is, a lot of orders people paid for the items but not for shipping so I'm working hard to update their invoices and Email them :)

If you want the Demon Souls then you can submit a Direct Request (DR). No problem ^_^ and yes, it'd be around $75 CAD so yeah.
[quote name='RoganSarine']Is demon souls $60 or 70 in canada? I can't find any sites that list the game yet... I checked like a couple days back.[/QUOTE]

Regular edition is 69.99, Deluxe edition is 79.99. I pre-ordered at EBgames. Would be cool that it actually drops like Uncharted 2, I could get $10-store credit back! Highly doubt it though, since it's so close to release.
[quote name='matsam']Regular edition is 69.99, Deluxe edition is 79.99. I pre-ordered at EBgames. Would be cool that it actually drops like Uncharted 2, I could get $10-store credit back! Highly doubt it though, since it's so close to release.[/QUOTE]

Well there you go. 80$ CDN + tax... I'll save 10-15$ through the Goominator and won't have to deal with a know-it-all high-school-dropout pizzaface.
Yeah... It basically seems like you save the tax whenever you order from Goomba anything atleast until they drop the price to 60.

I'll actually keep that in mind
If i didnt get my preorder through trade-in fodder, this would be considered a fairly good deal. saving a few dollars while waiting a few days for your item is totally worth it.
[quote name='jeffx']Well there you go. 80$ CDN + tax... I'll save 10-15$ through the Goominator and won't have to deal with a know-it-all high-school-dropout pizzaface.[/QUOTE]

Yeah my bad, I thought the Deluxe Edition was $69.99, similar to the Blaz Blue LE. Shipping might be a bit more expensive than you're hoping, given pre-orders come with an art book + soundtrack, on top of the game itself, and the 150-page strategy guide. Here's hoping you don't spend too much extra! Can't wait to pick this game up on Friday:D
Hey goomba, I've submitted the DR for the "Demon's Souls Deluxe Edition", I hope you will be able to pre-order it since there is not much time left ^___^
I still hoping Demon Souls is going to be a game that drops in price moderately fast... I know I won't have time to get $60 worth out of it since I am trying to blow through my backlog now.

By the way, the 10% ECA only works on things bought directly from amazon right? Not the marketplace?
I will be doing an quick update tonight. Just got back home and have 2 hours to pack/invoice. I will be packing first and invoicing for DR's tomorrow. Thanks!
Just an up-to-date update before the actual updates....

I am still processing orders in the order that they came in. A lot of orders lately have been multiple items orders which make it a bit more work to put together properly so just hang in there :) catching up! This week my casino is requiring me to come in 3 hours early for on-the-job "training" (aka boring meetings that have nothing to do with dealing) as well as license renewal and such. But I am doing good catching up so just hang on ^_^ almost there!
hey goomba, how long does it usually take for pre-orders from amazon to arrive? The game i pre-ordered from you comes out tomorrow but I just wanted an estimate on when I should expect it.

martin, games take exactly 2 days to reach me (weekends are not included). So if it comes out tomorrow I should have it Thursday :) to which I will mail out Friday in most cases. Give or take a week to Canada and it's yours ^_^
*GYROS [PARTIAL] UPDATE 10/05/2009 *
[Only Newer Items are listed on here. If you do not see your item, please let me know and I will update it. I want to keep this up to date :)]


Imphobia - Your Suikoden III (PS2) has shipped ^_^ - SHIPPED [Remove after 10/12/2009]

Game_fanatic - Your When We Left the Earth Blu-Ray and your Valkyrie Profile & Lost Colony (PSX) have all shipped. Please note I shipped this before receiving your $9.00 for shipping, so please pay ASAP. Thanks! - SHIPPED!
[Remove after 10/12/2009]

constellation - Your Japanese lunch boxes have shipped and I made sure to ship them to your college address. ^_^ Doumo Arigato Gozaimasu!
[Remove after 10/12/2009]

Neil - I got in your Dell Wasabi Printer & papers, Energizer Woot item and your shower heads came in today as well. I also ordered your newer items (HDTV antenna and moving straps along). I just need to box them appropriately and send you an invoice for shipping. Should be sent on Tuesday 10/06/2009. [Remove after 10/12/2009]

Patrick - I got your Guitar Hero 5 game in and will be sending the code to get your Van Halen game. I'm just waiting for your Van Halen game and will ship them out together when it comes! [Remove after 10/05/2009]

Nadezhda - I received the last of your items (Gymboree Clothing items) and will be sending you an updated invoice tomorrow for the shipping to Russia. I will do my best to fit all your clothes and books into a single package to save you on shipping, and then we can just ship them via Priority Mail. Thanks! You're going to love all your items :)[Remove after 010/12/2009]

ichit4k4_set0 - I know it has taken forever, but the Toys 'R Us Metal Sonic Figure has been shipped to me by TRU and should be here any day now. Thanks for your patience! [Remove after 10/05/2009]

Matthew - Your The Last Remnant & Fallout 3 Collector's Edition for the PC are in. Should be shipping out 10/06/2009. I'm still waiting for your third item ordered and will ship that out to you separately more than likely [Remove after 10/12/2009]

kgroat - Your Brutal Legend has been pre-ordered. Once it comes out (still have a few weeks) I'll mail it out right away. Thanks!
[Remove after 10/12/2009]

Setite - Your books are in, your Persona is in and your Demon's Souls has been ordered as well. I assume once the game comes in you will want me to mail them all out together? Let me know my friend! [Remove after 10/12/2009]

Shijui - I got your payment in full for Magnacarta 2. I will send that to you as soon as it comes in as well! Thanks ^_^
[Remove after 09/29/2009]

Vhalyar - I ordered your 32GB Zune :) I will get that shipped out to you as soon as it comes in. Sounds like an awesome little device! [Remove after 10/12/2009]

Effektz - I ordered your Modern Warfare 2: Hardened Edition and will mail it out once it comes out :) Thanks! [Remove after 10/15/2009]

jeffx -
Your Persona (PSP) has arrived and will ship out Tuesday 10/06/2009. Thanks! [Remove after 10/12/2009]

Jeve - I put in the order for your Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Collector's Edition. I'll Email you when that comes in and ships out to you. Thanks!
[Remove after 10/15/2009]

telepathy - A bunch of your items has shipped out. You will be receiving Emails as more go out. The last of them should be shipped Wednesday morning 10/07/2009. Thanks again! Can't wait to see what you think of all your awesome items ^_^ [Remove after 10/12/2009].

** That should do it for now. I haven't included everyone I'm waiting payments from for new orders, but the Green/Yellow should be mostly complete. If you have an order you put that doesn't show up on here (and is not related to the ULTIMATE DV8mad Lowball sale) please let me know in the forum and I'll update you. Thanks! Time to make some more greens ;)
In case you guys are wondering why I did this as a partial GYROS update, the answer is simple: It takes a LOT of time to do these updates so it's easier for me to spend more time on actually shipping items which I've been doing. Since my jobs have oddly required me to work extra hours (when I expected to have my hours cut) this week in particular was nutty, but my wife is working late shift for the next two weeks which means I'll have the entire home to myself and should catch up on all shipping of orders and she'll be home in the daytime to accept packages as well.

If you want specific updates on your order feel free to ask. I will be soon moving the GYROS update as a permanent section on the actual GFC website but have not done so yet because I want to make it member-only (meaning you'll have to log in to see it, so that it's not viewable by complete strangers). In the future I can restrict it to give you the option to hide your updates to others if you want but that won't be available till early 2010 probably. Lots of GFC updates will come, but first of course I have to catch up on orders and solidify my ideas for the site. Thanks again guys!
goomba...did you ship NASA and the two PSX games together? I remembered I paid shipping on the NASA BR, so the total cost to have those items shipped was $13.50 USD?
Hey Goomba, could I get a status update on my order (the Rockman Dash 2 mini cd/artbook, the one your contact in Japan was ordering for me) when you have time? Thanks!
Payment sent Goomba. I'll have to make sure my father doesn't open the package for me, the NASA set is a Christmas present! The price has also jumped up to $38.99 on Amazon! Thanks again!
thanks for the update goomba. i do enjoy the boxes for my dvd set collections (needed the fancy boxes to complete a number of series i have, especially the mahoromatic). i havent gotten a chance to play muramasa yet, but im very exicited to see the game & wall scroll. Also glad to hear the rest of it will be shipped out, at lastest, wednesday.
goomba, actually I'd like to get as many items in the current package as possible, if you don't mind. The clan novels will make shipping expensive, adding more goodies will make shipping expenses less noticeable. I will surely add one more thing - ps2 network adapter, I will submit a DR before this week ends. Do you know by chance where I can get a cheap network adapter?

[quote name='"goomba478"']Nadezhda[/quote]
Oh wow, you are getting more orders from Russia ^__^
Thanks Firestorm, I just filled out a DR with goomba. I'd suggest others do the same if they want to get in on the deal...posting in the forum stating "I'd like one of those" doesn't quite cut it!
The SFIV Fight Stick isn't particularly hot...NCIX has had them on sale for $144.9 with free shipping, making it a hair over $150..shipping alone for this item would be at least $30, plus the GFC fee, plus insurance, you're not saving a whole heap. Tis a shame the XBL deal is down, and I sent a DR almost immediately!
Sorry guys, I just got home from work so it looks like the Dell deal on the XBL cards is a bust. Remember, you can order them and ship them to me directly when it's a limited time offer. If you need my UPS address just Email me or PM me. I don't want to post it publicly in the forum :) Thanks. Again very sorry!

game_fanatic, yes and yes. I shipped them together and that was including the money you paid before. Thanks again. Glad you jumped on the sale before it ended ^_^

Bragarb, I will try to answer all emails tonight. Busy busy as always :)

Sejad, looks like the DVD+R's came in today. I will go through my new packages tonight and will re-label them and ship them out tomorrow morning. Thanks! Keep an eye on your Email inbox ^_^

Setite, sounds good. I'll continue to hold onto your items until you're ready to ship out. Another Mega Box in the making! Oh and yes, you have done great things for my Russian business :) I have like 4 or 5 regular customers now! All friends of yours too I believe lol.
TronB, I sent the money over to Japan and the item has been ordered. I'm not sure how long it will take, but I assume it should be in within a week or so and then it'll be mailed from Japan to Canada :) Hope it gets to you quickly! Thanks again.
bread's done