GameStop Trade & Promos XXVII: Values available on the website and on Android/iOS app.

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181 (100%)

The new thread format will be a work in progress but this first post will be the promos that are active and useful information, but also wikified. The second post will currently be frequently asked questions but may move it into the first post. Post three will be historical trade-in values from before the list.

Trade-in Values Available at:

Also on GameStop app on iOS and Android

Upcoming Promotions/Information:

From GameStop employees on CAG: Information (will post it when they update it)

Guaranteed $30/$40 on select games (Varying End Dates) said:
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Did some of you try stacking 10% off any preowned ebc code and the $5 off any pre owned coupon cause i went and it didn't let me get the the 10% off would've been $25 for ultra street fighter but nooooo..
The new amazon thing starting june 7th specifically mentions using trade credit and there was never anything from corporate saying you can't use trade credit to buy amazon cards.

Any store that blocks you is because the DM or even the RM doesn't allow it.
I asked if I could use trade credit today store manager said no. Didn't need the credit right now so I'll wait till the 7th and try again then. He was cool about it.
So is battlefront part of the 4 for $20? Cant find the list. If true then theyd make great credit movers to best buy even though itll just be $20.
Explain? Is it a $20 for BF1 towards BF2 promotion?

Right now the TIV at BBy is just $4.40 GCU
†$15 credit: Offer valid 6/19/17 - 6/30/17. Offer valid for PowerUp Rewards Pro members only. Not valid toward cash trades. Trades must be in full working condition to receive full value. Defective items may be eligible for trade at a lesser value. Trades subject to manager approval. Cannot be combined with any other offer. See store associate for details. No dealers. Offer valid in the United States and Guam only. Void where prohibited. GameStop, Inc. reserves the right to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the offer for any reason without notice.
Was hoping for $25 since I want to upgrade to an Xbox one S. Oh well, I guess $15 is better then nothing. Hopefully the One S will drop to $200 at E3.
Went to bed, woke up everything, thanks for sharing this. Missed the Reddit post too
This is what he threw up on reddit today.


I saw the bike video wow dude sounds and feels like a person with nothing else to do in life and just gave up lol, now spends times being some halfassed troll, what a genuinely sad person this dude is. Dude needs a partner or friends honestly

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IATCG is a sad loser and all, but I'm sure he loves all the attention he gets here anytime he posts.
Its hilarious how this guy starts an argument then proceeds to go full martyr mode by talking about himself, talk about self-pity. On another note, why would gamestop give a f@$k on how another retail store treats some 'random' dude lol.

This guy needs to kill himself, seriously...

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Its hilarious how this guy starts an argument then proceeds to go full martyr mode by talking about himself, talk about self-pity. On another note, why would gamestop give a f@$k on how another retail store treats some 'random' dude lol.

This guy needs to kill himself, seriously...
I think that's a little far. He does need some help though. This is not normal behavior.
Haha anyone catch the penny guide comment at the end? He wants to help gamestop then shits on them over penny guides. What a fucking mentally Ill individual. I say that honestly and sincerely. He needs help.
We need to get a kickstarter going to hire a hooker to get this guy laid. We can even fund it using our ill gotten gamestop flipping gains.

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Flippin for hookers?

(aka sign me up lol)

I don't think any hooker would be willing to go that low and besides, IATCG would still probably find something else to bitch about lol

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I only appreciate those types of tinfoil hat, "whack pack", militant libertarian aspergers autistic Flip Camcorder footage videos when it's TWO of them, that are neighbors, at war with each other over the most minute shit like the fence between yards being one inch towards the wrong side, and both believe they're legally the shortchanged inch One. Just like when Beetlejuice would be mad at Bigfoot or something, mixed with Americas Funniest Home Videos.
Made the mistake of suggesting there's a rumor that Amazon might buy GameStop and got an earful about how they could never afford GameStop.

It was about the last thing I expected the dude to say in response. I'm sure Amazon is loaded and GameStop would be more than happy to be part of Amazon instead of floundering on their own.
So I just saw the twitter post about the amazon cash thing. Where is the source/proof of this? I'd like to have ammo in case an employee is power tripping
I wonder how upset my local Gamestop will be when I go in and cancel my Destiny 2 Pre-Order on the 7th and convert my trade in credit to Amazon Cash just to Pre-Order it on Amazon for less money. Definitely a lot of questions to be asked in regards to this.

EDIT: I mean technically I could already do this and just buy a $50 Amazon Gift Card but I would rather test it out with the new method.

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Yeah, $25 increments. Been that way for I dunno 3 weeks now? It's been discussed quite often. Some stores were denying to use them on Amazon credit but POS would allow it to go through no problem.
huh. Thanks, I missed that.

I found the "Amazon $25 Gift Card" page on Gamestop's website, but the "Check Availability" link doesn't work. Is this at every store? I recall that we could buy those Amazon Kindle cards in the past, but the local store had to physically have them, of course.

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Interesting partnership.  Is there more?

Kind of seems like Amazon ceding some used games business to GS.  GS hopes that will be enough to offset the exchange for Amazon credit.  Amazon gets to sell Fire products in GS stores.   GS gets some of that business too.  What's next?  Packages being delivered to GS?  GS getting turned into Amazon hubs in 8 years?  

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This is a great idea. Instead of Gamestop ignoring Amazon customers, they realize that they can never win them back but they still have stuff to trade. Gamestop gets product to sell to other customers and people who sell get Amazon money. 

This is a great idea. Instead of Gamestop ignoring Amazon customers, they realize that they can never win them back but they still have stuff to trade. Gamestop gets product to sell to other customers and people who sell get Amazon money.
100% agree. Really good idea from game stops point of view.

I also think that CEs disappearing from the amazon prime discount has to do with this too.
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