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[quote name='JMEPO']I'm really tempted to pick up a PSP Go but when I see shit like this:
at Meijer I know it would just be a waste of money.[/QUOTE]

That sums up everything that's fuckin' beyond stupid about the PSP Go in a single, succinct photo, save for the added kick in the dick of "buy the one that plays the $40 version for $250 or buy the one that plays the $25 version for $170."
[quote name='pete5883']So the Borderlands thread makes the multiplayer setup seem pretty stupid... if you complete a quest in a game that someone else hosted, then it doesn't count in yours? And if your levels are different from the rest of your party then it's a waste of time?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='JMEPO']I'm really tempted to pick up a PSP Go but when I see shit like this:
at Meijer I know it would just be a waste of money.[/QUOTE]

But, but isn't it worth $15 to not swap UMDs?

[quote name='JMEPO']I'm really tempted to pick up a PSP Go but when I see shit like this:
at Meijer I know it would just be a waste of money.[/QUOTE]

Geez, $10 I paid for that on clearance at Target.

I'm tempted to get Brutal Legend, Borderlands and Fallout 3 GOTY from BBY in that B2G1F, but part of me thinks I'm buying them just for the sake of it.
I LOVE Ratchet. It's probably my favourite franchise. It contains the greatest weapons known to mankind. No doubt. I'm not playing for it, but instead trading in 2 games to cover it completely.

I think I'll finish Web Of Shadows, but I'm SO done with trying to do all the optional missions. I've been getting frustrated with the "Kill 50 enemies", "Kill 100 enemies", "Kill 500 enemies" bullshit. The story is insanely short anyway isn't it?

Also, I just don't enjoy games that are 100% in the fucking dark. I LIKE TO SEE WHO I'M SHOOTING. fuck you, Riddick. Actually, its not that its a bad game or anything, but I don't like games for in order for you to advance you need to die 100 times to figure out exactly what you are going to do.

I also really need to ditch COD4 because it still goes for $37 TIV at some stores...
In single player, you can shoot the turret while driving, although you can only shoot up to a 45 degree angle. It's kind of ...meh. But at least the thing makes it easy to kill enemies and it's basically the only way to travel once you unlock it.

I'm nearing the first real boss of the game (co-op, please?) and every time I put it down I want to keep playing, but I fear it's giving me motion sickness.
Machine guns and the rockets on it are super weak I meant.
I wish I could store stuff. Hate holding onto higher level guns until I can finally use it.
Yeah, I wish I could get more stuff too, or a house or something to store all of my crap in. I just got the first backpack upgrade, and I still feel like it's not enough. And I honestly feel like it will never be enough.
damn think im gonna need to add mw2 hardened edition to my eca stack order along with burning my $10 promo to get it for $45+$20 in promos
now this means i might as well burn my odst gc+remaining credit on borderlands at tru and i'll still trade in my other games for use on a future title wooo
Chapter 16 of Uncharted 2. Is this where it starts to go downhill?

I think it's about time to blow 60 bucks on Demon's Souls. I don't think it's gonna drop any time soon, so I might as well get it now.
If anyone is interested in PSP UMD games such as Crimson Gem Saga, Hammerin' Hero, Capcom Classics Collection: Remixed, and maybe Hot Shots Golf Open Tee 2, I may consider since I may switch them to DD.

I am VERY happy with the PS Store update for PSP games today, where I already bought Half-Minute Hero at $30. Would love to get Riviera and Yggdra Union. Also interested in switching more UMDs to download.

I also downloaded some demos from PSN. I should not have bothered with R&C since I'm buying it next week. Speaking of next week, I MIGHT be buying 5 new games, which all came out within the last month, such as NFS Shift, Forza 3, and something else at Best Buy (either Batman, NBA Live 10, or Muramasa), along with Tekken 6 from Amazon and R&C Future: ACiT from GameStop (with GS trade-in credit I have left). I haven't even opened Way of the Samurai 3 yet. :whistle2:(
Damn.... Riviera and Yggdra Union are up on PSN? I kind of want to get them again... but I know I'll only play both the halfway point. I managed to almost finish Rivera but I ran out of items so I just gave up.
Got a Hunter in Borderlands (I think Level 9) if anyone wants to co-op soon.

Sorry for ignoring you earlier Sean, I was just finishing up a quest and then heading off. I was gonna write back "not now chief I'm in the fucking zone" but I wasn't sure if you'd get the reference (because it isn't really all that funny) so I didn't.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']No. The final boss is the only disappointing part.[/QUOTE]
Don't get me wrong, the first 15 chapters of the game are great. Then I run into these ram/minotaur hybrid creatures that really in fact turn out to blue creatures from James Cameron's Avatar in masks and costumes who magically shoot three bows from their crossbow without reloading. It made no sense.

It's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen in a video game.
[quote name='DarthPuma']Chapter 16 of Uncharted 2. Is this where it starts to go downhill?
[quote name='distgfx']Naw.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Nelo Ice']so just had my 360 updated with facebook and all the extra stuff...anyone else in the 1st wave? :bouncy:[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']No. The final boss is the only disappointing part.[/QUOTE]
Yeah - Uncharted 2 does have a not quite as stellar last half. The crossbow dudes were simply not fun to fight, and too many linear climbing bits.

I'm actually enjoying Borderlands a LOT more. Surprise of the year, by far. My old TF2 group is mostly on board with it and it's going to give that game a lot of legs, I hope.
The more I think about uncharted 2 the more I wish it was a less linear game. It's borderline MGS stuff it's pulling at times with the way that game is designed and some areas more or less being interactive cutscenes, like running from the tank, or whatever. They're awesome, but they're going to be the same every time, and you know you survive by pushing forward.

Long term I see something like Borderlands or RE5 or SF4 being a better GOTY candidate for myself, and games I'm more likely to go back to.
[quote name='Bioshocked360']I would have enjoyed Batman more if it didn't delete my saved progress when I was at 60%[/QUOTE]

Happened to me too. But I liked the game enough that I immediately started another playthrough.

I think I probabyl played through about 2.4 times. And I want to get the game for PS3 and play again. :whistle2:X
Seriously though, my GOTY is Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, Demon's Soul, Street Fighter IV or Tekken 6. Maybe Uncharted 2 and Batman. So many good games... I can't decide guys! >_< Thank god bayonetta's not out yet or that'd just make it even harder!
[quote name='distgfx']Seriously though, my GOTY is Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, Demon's Soul, Street Fighter IV or Tekken 6. Maybe Uncharted 2 and Batman. So many good games... I can't decide guys! >_< Thank god bayonetta's not out yet or that'd just make it even harder![/QUOTE]

Sigma 2 is definitely up there for me as well. I've played that so much. Awesome game.
[quote name='distgfx']That game was so unexpectedly good.[/QUOTE]

Batman was so shockingly good i finished it in a single sitting. One of the best of this gen, hands down. And i plan on getting it for PS3 down the line and platinuming it.
Zewone doesn't like Uncharted 2? Shock of the year.

[quote name='whoknows']Sigma 2 is definitely up there for me as well. I've played that so much. Awesome game.[/QUOTE]

I want it for Ayane, but I can't get past the new blood thing. The demo just didn't feel right.
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