General Gaming Thread ∞

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[quote name='dallow']No trading items either, you just drop it. That only works with friends.
The loading screen is laughable too. Such an annoying splash screen.

The most annoying thing are the glitches and bugs though as you mentioned.
I saw a boss get stuck once which made the battle anti-climatic.
My friends have gotten stuck in the dumbest places because of that super floaty jump. (then it's up to me to go to a new area, and then come back again, wasting time since they can't force a respawn)

And man do I hate the vehicle controls.

Budge says it's GOTY though. ;)[/QUOTE]

Nah, it can't be GOTY because MW2 comes out this year. ;)

It isn't a perfect game, but I have had more fun with it than any game in a long time.
I wasn't really "feeling" MW2, but those new pictures that they released made me rehooked. :drool:
bah cant apply the $10 promo to mw2 hardened edition and geting release day shipping on it
well i guess getting it for $56 and 2 day shipping isnt so bad

well now when i get the $20 promo from mw2 i'll have $30 in promo certs woo
I just ordered an XBL Live card from Amazon (on sale) along with a PSP Go cradle (due to coming back down in price). That's like my 4th or 5th Amazon order as of late, lol. I mostly got an XBL Gold card since I'll be playing Forza 3 and so on.
Because then Sony gets more money, silly.

Also - I think Uncharted 2 is a little bit overrated. A *little bit*.

Borderlands is just more fun, IMO. And I'm actually going to be playing it for more than a week.
[quote name='jer7583']Because then Sony gets more money, silly.

Also - I think Uncharted 2 is a little bit overrated. A *little bit*.

Borderlands is just more fun, IMO. And I'm actually going to be playing it for more than a week.[/QUOTE]
Eh, possibly. But - people keep nit picking at the game, when all it was doing was being better then the first one. And it is a ton better then the first. But, now it has reached that Triple A status - so it gets compared to every other game. And it is the first real cinematic experience done right. If there is something better then I'd love to play it!

[quote name='corrosivefrost']Did you not like CoD4? Cause the only reason I can see anyone being unphased by MW2 is lack of interest in the genre.

Hell, I'm not even an FPS guy, most of the time... but MW is the gold standard exception to the rule. :)[/QUOTE]

No, I loved COD4. Played the hell out of it. Just what I have been seeing of MW2 hasn't been all that appealing. Not sure why... Maybe it was due to the scene where you are shooting down a mountain on snow mobiles shooting your gun gangster style. Seems like the game is moving away from the COD feel and more to a Master Chief thing.
Yeah, cinematic is good, but I feel about it the way I felt with MGS4 - Give me some MORE of that sweet gameplay and quality design. Something Batman does really well with it's challenge rooms and stuff.

I think Zew has it right, that the game does drag at the end. And those mindless linear climbing sections need to go. It doesn't mean it isn't the best PS3 game EVAR or anything but I don't think it's even GOTY, personally. A great game, but I've had better times with games this year.
I'm thinking about getting Boy and his Blob and two PSP games in the B2G1 but not sure which - anyone care to chime in?

Choices would be Persona, Half Minute Hero, or GTA Chinatown Wars? I dunno. Nothing's really making me feel urgent to buy from that list.
[quote name='jer7583']Yeah, cinematic is good, but I feel about it the way I felt with MGS4 - Give me some MORE of that sweet gameplay and quality design. Something Batman does really well with it's challenge rooms and stuff.

I think Zew has it right, that the game does drag at the end. And those mindless linear climbing sections need to go. It doesn't mean it isn't the best PS3 game EVAR or anything but I don't think it's even GOTY, personally. A great game, but I've had better times with games this year.[/QUOTE]

It's not the best PS3 game ever. MGS4 is. It had a lot of cutscenes, but damn it blew me away. I wish I could experience that game for the first time again.
[quote name='jer7583']I'm thinking about getting Boy and his Blob and two PSP games in the B2G1 but not sure which - anyone care to chime in?

Choices would be Persona, Half Minute Hero, or GTA Chinatown Wars? I dunno. Nothing's really making me feel urgent to buy from that list.[/QUOTE]

Persona + Half-Minute Hero
[quote name='shrapnellistic']i have no idea on what i'll use the $20 amazon credit on without feeling buyer's remorse [from the cod:mw2 pre-order].[/quote]

dj hero!
Ah nevermind - Portable games don't work for the promo and there's nothing good for $40 worth spending extra on. I'll just wait on the whole mess.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']WTF do you need a cradle for ToastyMangNight?[/QUOTE]So I can charge the PSP Go and connect it to the TV at the same time. Plus, makes it easier in case I want to use my PS3 controller on it. I wanted it, but wanted to get the best deal possible.
[quote name='Shrapnellistic']I have no idea on what I'll use the $20 Amazon credit on without feeling buyer's remorse [from the CoD:MW2 pre-order].[/QUOTE]

God of War Collection mang
[quote name='Shrapnellistic']I have no idea on what I'll use the $20 Amazon credit on without feeling buyer's remorse [from the CoD:MW2 pre-order].[/QUOTE]

Mine will be going to the GoW collection.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']So I can charge the PSP Go and connect it to the TV at the same time. Plus, makes it easier in case I want to use my PS3 controller on it. I wanted it, but wanted to get the best deal possible.[/QUOTE]

So, you bought a more portable PSP to play in a way that makes it less portable.

[quote name='manthing']So, you bought a more portable PSP to play in a way that makes it less portable.

...[/QUOTE]No, that's just another way I use it.

Anyway, been playing Uncharted 2 last night and this morning. I'm now 59% complete
Just walked up stairs in the ice cavern
. I'm going to try to get around 70-80% complete by the end of the day (I was at 49% before I played this morning). I want to beat single player before Ratchet & Clank Future: ACiT comes out, because that game also gets priority. Once I'm done with both is when I start playing everything else I have more (like Demon's Soul, Way of the Samurai 3, etc.).

In case some want to know why I won't buy Borderlands, its because I do hate most all FPS and don't ever plan to buy one again. I rather have my weird Japanese/niche games over them.
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[quote name='The Mana Knight']

In case some want to know why I won't buy Borderlands, its because I do hate most all FPS and don't ever plan to buy one again. I rather have my weird Japanese/niche games over them.[/QUOTE]

You're not buying MW2?

Then who will run MW2 night for PS3? :(
[quote name='corrosivefrost']You're not buying MW2?

Then who will run MW2 night for PS3? :([/QUOTE]

Perhaps you'd be so kind as to volunteer. ;-)
[quote name='corrosivefrost']You're not buying MW2?

Then who will run MW2 night for PS3? :([/QUOTE]Someone else will run it. I don't even run Uncharted 2 night shockingly (I don't run new game nights anymore, just don't have the time).
[quote name='The Mana Knight']No, that's just another way I use it.

Why do insist on eating Sorny's shit and calling it a hot fudge sundae?
Just emailed amazon, trying to get them to insert MW2 into my existing order for Heavy Rain and The Last Guardian. Hopefully they'll do it, but if they don't the $20 credit makes up for it.




I think I finally got TF2 working on my wireless pretty good. I played some Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 this morning but I'm not in love with it. It's kinda so-so.
Thinking about it I think my favorite games this year are Batman, Infamous, Sigma 2, and Uncharted 2. In that order. I bet Ratchet gets on the list after I play it though.

Also anyone ever open a PSP before? I want to open mine to see why right on the dpad isn't working. It's not something particularly hard to do, right?
So what's the best way to clean the half-ass scratches on the glossy [regular] PS3 cases? Needs to look purtty for the photo on Craigslist.
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[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Oh hot dayum Arkmang Asylum is hot ![/QUOTE]I played the demo fully and definitely like it now. However, I pretty much made my mind up, that I'm going with NFS Shift (90% chance I'll go with it on PS3), Forza 3, and Brutal Legend (70% chance I'll go with it on PS3). Muramasa, Batman, and NBA Live 10 will wait.
Passing on one of this year's best games to buy TWO sim racers is probably the right choice.

Ditch Shift, get Batman. If you don't, you're The Mana Knight.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I played the demo fully and definitely like it now. However, I pretty much made my mind up, that I'm going with NFS Shift (90% chance I'll go with it on PS3), Forza 3, and Brutal Legend (70% chance I'll go with it on PS3). Muramasa, Batman, and NBA Live 10 will wait.[/QUOTE]

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Batman>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Brutal Legend>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>racing games
[quote name='manthing']Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Batman>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Brutal Legend>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>racing games[/QUOTE]Keep in mind, I just REALLY love racing games. There aren't many racers I don't like. However, I might not get Batman or Brutal Legend, instead I might go with Muramasa. Muramasa does suit my style better, but I kind of hate going with it since its $50.

As for me going with Need for Speed, while Pro Street wasn't the greatest (I still had fun with it in a way) and never played Undercover, I still really like pretty much all NFS games (I especially like Carbon, Most Wanted, and Underground. Love the night time driving). I just played the NFS Shift demo too much for me to not buy it. Forza 3 demo was great and I did play a lot of Forza 1 and 2.

I do think the Batman demo is great, but I just enjoyed the other demos more in the end. Main reason I'm holding on Batman is I definitely see myself getting it cheap in the near future (tons of copies everywhere). And part of me just has a little issue buying a licensed game unless its an anime licensed game (since I eat up anime stuff).
Seriously - You might as well be picking up NHL 10 and NHL 2k10 or something. Great idea.
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