GGT 293 doesn't care about interactive stories unless it has scene girls, Godzilla, or Leda in it

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Just had a buddy over, we did some local Spelunky which was amazing. Then some of both Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 and Dynasty Warriors 8, kinda funny that they only let you pick from like 3-4 characters in story, but in multi they have a clone of who player 2 chooses running around :p

Your movie doesn't have moe and it isn't kawaii, either. 

Whatever. I'll watch the MotY while you watch a Razzie contender. 

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How come when I say trim and then they show me the exact length I want cut off, they still end up cutting off half of it?

I'm not letting people touch my head anymore.

I actually went to a religious barber once without knowing it and he cut my long hair. Wasn't till years later when I went back I noticed the sign of and I paraphrase ''it sin for men to have long hair and woman to cut it'' which is why woman were banned from there. Despite the whole cutting my hair off great place.

bread's done