GGT 294 Is A Miserable Little Pile of Secrets

Texas was Mexico but then some Americans stole it but than gave it back long enough to force Mexico to sell it at gunpoint.

Hella hipster.

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Yeah, most hipsters are in Austin. I rarely see them in DFW, because we hate them here. 

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who the mexicans?

Texas was Mexico but then some Americans stole it but than gave it back long enough to force Mexico to sell it at gunpoint.

Hella hipster.
white people coming into mexico taking our jobs.

checking twitter apparently emp remix died he was a funny dude

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I know, FGC is blowing up on twitter with condolences and such.

All in the middle of me trying to talk to Mikey about Brand New.
who is mikey and what is brand new?

I wonder what happened kdz said he was with him when it happened. I wonder if it a murder I tried google found nothing

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Miku + Dubstep

These lyrics wonder why Whoknows likes her so much.

Very not kawaii. Very NSFW if you read them aloud type shit.

He opens my ribs and drinks my soup
With a personal kiss from my stomach
I don't think I have any taste
But if it makes Papa happy...

Suck up my yellow fat with a straw
Stick it into my pee-pee and suck it up like that too
Fill it up with my poop and bake it
Even though my body is collapsing for Papa's sake

I'm sorry, after all, I don't have a good feeling
A big brother I don't know told me, ahh 
Even though my collapsed body is pitiful, he kindly reaches out a hand

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I must be a bad girl
So forgive me, forgive me, poor little me
I'm sorry, goodbye, I'm a bad girl for running away from Papa
I'm sorry, forgive me for falling in love with someone who's not Papa

Big Brother gulps down my amniotic fluid
He breaks open my hard stomach and touches the inside
Without eating me, he treats me gently
Even though my collapsed body is ugly

I'm sorry, that's not a good feeling I have
Big Brother must hate me, ahh
My collapsed body gives a bad feeling
It can be kept on file, and it's the end

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I must be a bad girl
So forgive me, forgive me, lonely little me
I'm sorry, goodbye, I'm a bad girl for returning to Papa
I'm sorry, forgive me for not being able to love my cruel Papa

When he came home, Papa was with a lot of people
They said they had believed I'd return
They want to eat my collapsed body until the end
That's what they said

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I must be a bad girl
So forgive me, forgive me, poor little me
I'm sorry, is it tasty? That's the taste of a warm heart
I'm sorry, even though it hurts, my heart is satisfied

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I must be a bad girl
So forgive me, forgive me, lonely little me
I'm sorry, even though it hurts, as long as you eat me and it tastes good,
I'm happy, goodbye, everybody eat up except for my heart

Are you guys going to buy Charlie Murder, from Ska Studios the Dishwasher and Dishwasher Vampire Smiles guys, on the Xbox 360, the Microsoft Console, for 3 dollars and 30 cents USD? do you mean usd the United States Dollars? Whoknows have you seen Sleepy Hollow, the American supernatural drama television that is a modern-day retelling of the The Legend of Sleepy Hollow?

First episode of Wolf Among Us for free and only $15 for dat season pass? Might have to think about it. Seems like a lot of good stuff is dropping today.

Lots of hate in this thread :p Some good stuff in that XBL sale, def gonna pick some of it up.

the game is pretty bad made me want to play GTA V instead everything this game does GTA V does better
My turn to hate! GTA V was just really bad to me, the shooting mechanics sucked, the cover sucked, the reticle sucked, I didn't care for any of the characters, the online community is douchier then your dudebro fps guys, I did like just free roaming with my friends in online though, it had a good world/vehicles. Me and my buddy both had a lot more fun in SR IV, it's just a lot more over the top fun/stupid, which is what I prefer in those kind of games. Kinda like back how GTA3/VC/SA were, and the full 2 player co-op makes it a lot more fun then the way GTA does it 2 me, the missions in multi are kinda boring :/

More than it's worth.

Nice people
Lol no

Oh, you're just asking for it.

You're like Johnny in Rocknrolla, one of the protagonist of the Guy Ritchie film, when it flashes back to when he was a kid when his step-dad comes in and tells him to keep the music down but then he goes and hella turns it up and then the step-dad comes back and with a belt and then it flashes to black but the audience is very much aware that he beats him.

What if he beats you with a stick?  Would you care more then?

As for the hate in this thread?


I like how I had to find out that the wolf among us is free in the xbl deal thread and not in here. thanks guys

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I like how I had to find out that the wolf among us is free in the xbl deal thread and not in here. thanks guys
And I bet that I didn't send you an invite yesterday either.

The way you try to blame me all the time for things that I do for you is pretty hurtful.

Was the new Midnight Club game any good?
I enjoyed it, easily worth the price it's at in the sale. Driving around online was kinda cool and it had good customization, not sure how active it is now but that price will probably boost the community some.

I enjoyed it, easily worth the price it's at in the sale. Driving around online was kinda cool and it had good customization, not sure how active it is now but that price will probably boost the community some.
If I bought it, would you still play with me in the morning, Mo?

Too bad Bruce Willis wasn't like some hot scene gurl cuz then Die Hard would be way more awesome.

Cuz of how often he's barefoot in that movie. guys don't understand.

bread's done