GGT 294 Is A Miserable Little Pile of Secrets

I bought Sonic Kart for $1 on the Kindle since it comes pre-loaded with $5 credit and it was on sale, it's a little different to control but definitely worth the price, has a lot of the tracks and characters of the first game. 

do you really need to play a video game with every little thing you own? READ A fuckING BOOK ON THE KINDLE
Yes, yes I do. It's a Fire, not a normal one, I didn't get it for books! I do have some comics on it though, so I can read those!

Nooks are better.

Stacks fact.

Yo, snow sucks. I've got to buy a flamethrower or some shit.
I disagree, definitely prefer Kindles myself. Helps that I'm a Prime member with a bunch of Amazon credit though. You really can't go wrong with either though as long as you know what you want to use it for.

I also enjoy snow haha, so no flamethrowers!

Nooks are better.

Stacks fact.

Yo, snow sucks. I've got to buy a flamethrower or some shit.
venom getting his own movie and so is sinister six

damn so many fucking marvel movies I love it. All we need is a jean grey solo movie and I'll be a happy boy

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I disagree, definitely prefer Kindles myself. Helps that I'm a Prime member with a bunch of Amazon credit though. You really can't go wrong with either though as long as you know what you want to use it for.

I also enjoy snow haha, so no flamethrowers!
You are a terrible person. Good thing I like you, MoCi. <3

venom getting his own movie and so is sinister six

damn so many fucking marvel movies I love it. All we need is a jean grey solo movie and I'll be a happy boy
I knew about Sinister Six, but I'll believe Venom when I see it. I got my hopes super high up after they announced one after Spider-Man 3 and it hurt pretty hard to be let down by both that never coming out and by the terribleness that was Venom in Spider-Man 3. I just hope that they have some sort of tease for the Venom movie at the end of TASM 2. I still want a Scarlet Spider movie the most, though.

What's everyone doing for Christmas? I was hoping for a slightly relaxing time, but it looks like it's going to be pretty busy pretty much like my entire last two months has been. Blech.

You are a terrible person. Good thing I like you, MoCi. <3

I knew about Sinister Six, but I'll believe Venom when I see it. I got my hopes super high up after they announced one after Spider-Man 3 and it hurt pretty hard to be let down by both that never coming out and by the terribleness that was Venom in Spider-Man 3. I just hope that they have some sort of tease for the Venom movie at the end of TASM 2. I still want a Scarlet Spider movie the most, though.

What's everyone doing for Christmas? I was hoping for a slightly relaxing time, but it looks like it's going to be pretty busy pretty much like my entire last two months has been. Blech.
Haha, who isn't terrible :D <3!!

A Venom movie would be pretty sweet if done right, I would really like to see Carnage in the movie universe personally, but dunno if they would go with making a R rated movie and that could make it not as good just from that :/

I'm just having people over at my house, since my house is always the one where people gather every year so that means no having to go anywhere :D It's gonna be on Christmas eve this year though since it always alternates with both of my parents having something on the other day.

That actually sounds like a pretty good time! My Christmas was going to be just my family and I with my girlfriend coming to pick me up on the 26th and then us spending a couple of weeks at her place in Wichita. Buuuuut, her plans with her sister fell through, so she'll be heading this way tomorrow as long as the roads are decent and spending Christmas with us. Hopefully she won't mind my being buried in Pokemon X most of the day. The only bad part about her coming is that it means I'll have to spend all day today cleaning and getting things ready for her along with all of the cookie baking I have to do. Blech. I'm beginning to think I'll never get to get to all of the podcasts I've downloaded in the past month.

I would like to see Carnage in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but I don't think he could hold his own movie. It just seems like it'd be a little too difficult. I do hope Jim Carrey does a great job as him, though.

That actually sounds like a pretty good time! My Christmas was going to be just my family and I with my girlfriend coming to pick me up on the 26th and then us spending a couple of weeks at her place in Wichita. Buuuuut, her plans with her sister fell through, so she'll be heading this way tomorrow as long as the roads are decent and spending Christmas with us. Hopefully she won't mind my being buried in Pokemon X most of the day. The only bad part about her coming is that it means I'll have to spend all day today cleaning and getting things ready for her along with all of the cookie baking I have to do. Blech. I'm beginning to think I'll never get to get to all of the podcasts I've downloaded in the past month.

I would like to see Carnage in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but I don't think he could hold his own movie. It just seems like it'd be a little too difficult. I do hope Jim Carrey does a great job as him, though.
Hopefully you have a good time as well! Blech, cleaning, my bedroom is a total mess haha, there's basically a path on the floor for me to get to my bed and that's it dX. I am also starting to get a podcast backlog and I don't really listen to that many, just never get around to them :/

Yeah, while I would like to see a Carnage movie it would definitely be harder for them to pull of well. I am also interested in seeing how Carrey does as him, still seems a little weird but we will just have to wait to see!

Time for me to take a nap before some of my family gets here who wont be able to make it tomorrow! Enjoy your Christmas eve's eve everybody! :D

I would like to see Carnage in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but I don't think he could hold his own movie. It just seems like it'd be a little too difficult. I do hope Jim Carrey does a great job as him, though.
We all know jim carrey doesn't like violence in movies would be kinda hard for him to do a solo carnage movie

camille? yeah her accent goes in and out mostly out

I need to find that clip

I think her accent is more noticable here.

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Got Saints Row 4 and just spent 40 minutes watching it update.

Now I get to watch it install. If Laura Bailey wasn't in this game I totally would get rid of it by now.

Got Saints Row 4 and just spent 40 minutes watching it update.

Now I get to watch it install. If Laura Bailey wasn't in this game I totally would get rid of it by now.
the game is pretty bad made me want to play GTA V instead everything this game does GTA V does better

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This dude knows how to live

I think I put GTAV down after it started making me tow cars as a chore? Not that the race-to-checkpoint missions were all that interesting, anyway. Or the shoddy cover shooting, or the characters who were all pretty much juvnenile forms of social commentary.

You know what, I'll just stfu. I think GTA is the only game series that I clearly just don't understand. Maybe I'll get on that Saints Row.

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I think I put GTAV down after it started making me tow cars as a chore? Not that the race-to-checkpoint missions were all that interesting, anyway. Or the shoddy cover shooting, or the characters who were all pretty much juvnenile forms of social commentary.

You know what, I'll just stfu. I think GTA is the only game series that I clearly just don't understand. Maybe I'll get on that Saints Row.
Sounds like some of the reasons I didn't buy GTAV and continue to have no interest in it. Saints Row is good fun though, or at least 3 is. Haven't played 4 yet.

AVGN shit all over on sonic 06
But everyone else clearly loved it.

Well sweet, my parents are giving me the money to buy a PS4 for Christmas

Now I gotta decide if I actually want to buy one
I thought you were getting a PS3? That would be the better choice.

Yeah it's weird because when I talk to friends about it they say no one plays GTA for the story or missions. But I can't fuck around because cops will just end shit immediately. So I need to play the campaign to get more powerful so I can enjoy things...

Unless...cheat codes?

Yeah it's weird because when I talk to friends about it they say no one plays GTA for the story or missions. But I can't fuck around because cops will just end shit immediately. So I need to play the campaign to get more powerful so I can enjoy things...

Unless...cheat codes?
gta v online was the big draw for me, when i made the purchase. i did not really care all that much for the single player. Sadly, the online multiplayer is plague with hackers, who exploit every glitch ,and bug to get infinite money to screw up rockstars cash card plan. so now every game you join, you have people roaming in tanks blowing things up, and setting $billions of dollars in bounty of random players. LOL.

the last time i played online, i was fucking camped outside my own god damn apartment. by tanks, and attack helicopters.

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oh didn't know about that promo I just wanted to see how much I could get for it.

the manager had to override using the 25% added to a TIV value cause he said they aren't supposed to stack

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oh didn't know about that promo I just wanted to see how much I could get for it.

the manager had to override using the 25% added to a TIV value cause he said they aren't supposed to stack
you should always use that promo on low tiv games that is also on the list of qualifying games for the trade 2 promo,

I wish I had two games off that list.

I only have one.

fire emblem? I tried trading in fire emblem too only gonna give me $16 wish I knew about that promo but there is no game I want for $10 I'm a retired pro gamer I'm gonna practice speed runs on castlevania HD there's where the money is

bread's done