GGT 294 Is A Miserable Little Pile of Secrets

I don't find the challenges all that appealing. I've gotten my achievements worth out of them so I probably won't touch them again.
I don't really know why I like them that much, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Some of the "Invaded" levels are rough. This game has a metric ton of content too.


R.I.P. Lux
how does the wii-to-wii-u transfer work? does it just copy the content, or can you no long access it on the wii after transferring?

edit: forgot google existed, nevermind

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We don't have cable or anything. Streaming is our prime source of entertainment and media, so the shit's pretty weak.

But yeah, plenty of that too.

Oh boy Eagles game that doesn't really matter much, still gonna watch it :D

Yeah, I had $10.05 in my account to get SCII and I had to put $5 in my account because of tax
Yeah, I'll be sad when the day hits that my credit runs out :(

i cant evn whip my hair anymore omigawd
I could do that for you, but I probably won't

The only Mega Man game that I ever really played (as in, put actual effort into) was that anniversary one on that PSX. I think it's like 7 or 8.
I had both of the collections on the Gamecube and played through all the games on there, along with various handheld ones and Legends/that one RPG like one.

Yay new Comcast usage caps. I've got like 16 gigs left til the end of December. Looks like my ass is going over.
Yay no cap :D

Why is Ryu talking that English?

Zangief is not a bad guy just because he's Russian.

This movie is xenophobic as fuck.

what a waste of download time
I know. 150 copies of the same pictures aren't going to do me much.

Probably should go hunting for more, thanks dawg.

Why is Ryu talking that English?

Zangief is not a bad guy just because he's Russian.

This movie is xenophobic as fuck.
Was a pretty cool movie, looking forward to the next one.

Yeah, great.

That Kano though.
I know! Nice to see you think so :D

That Kano indeed!

mo the only guy to like my mega man gif I'll play castlevania with him all night
It's a pretty sweet gif, eating eggs with chopsticks!

I ended up liking that movie way more than I expected to. Beginning arcade bit made me super fuckin' nostalgic.

Ripping the whole Link Between Worlds soundtrack from Youtube, that's how many shits I give about bandwidth.

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I had both of the collections on the Gamecube and played through all the games on there, along with various handheld ones and Legends/that one RPG like one.
RPG? command mission?

That MGS reference doe.

I ended up liking that movie way more than I expected to. Beginning arcade bit made me super fuckin' nostalgic.

Ripping the whole Link Between Worlds soundtrack from Youtube, that's how many shits I give about bandwidth.
If you bought it you would save bandwidth

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♫ I tell her I think that she's the one.

Her answer is her brother with a loaded gun. ♫

Thanks gunnm.
hell yeah the megas are great that's their 4th album they have a new one coming out this year. Also check out protomen one second I'll link you with a badass song

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this is a song between mega man and proto man its mega man trying to get proto man back onto his side you need to watch the video the lyrics go fast

Is it a spoiler if you don't know what's being talked about, but then figure it out?
nope I see that shit all the time OMG THAT PICTURE IS A SPOILER is it? I mean if I don't know what it was you just spoiled it for me by telling me its a spoiler.

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So I was going to buy Fast 6 today but they had the Best Buy exclusive steelbook and the normal steelbook.

I couldn't handle that kind of stress so I didn't buy it.

bread's done