GGT 294 Is A Miserable Little Pile of Secrets

I hope you aren't saying Sarah Silverman is hot.

That's almost worse than saying Leda is hot.

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Movie version Rogue is like one of the worse characters ever.

Plus, Anna Paquin and that gap in her teeth ewwwww
I know she wasn't exactly the best Rogue, but still just not seeing one of my favorite X-Men not in the movie at all still kinda sucks.

I don't like mo's new trolling thing hes doing right now.

Hope is a better rogue then rogue

shots fired

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Or is it you who is not a fan!

OG or bust

You're too old to see the difference
Wow, stop trying to get all the attention.

There are more important things going on right now


Not like his is going anywhere either. At least she was hot.
atleast he has his own late night show, along with a fat contract as long as ABC renews his contract. The sad fact is he is not even that funny. I wish someone would pay me millions of dollars to tell jokes with a stone cold face expression.

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Do you mean the American Broadcasting Company? He giggles like a schoolgirl at everything and anything that is said on that show from the various youtube videos I'm seen of it that is. Are you trying to do sarcasm or what? Whoknows have you seen Escape from Tomorrow, a fantasy-psychological horror film?

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damn, i thought i could just breeze through the campaign  for dishonored easily. it is not easy, i died a few times already. if you go all rambo trying to kill enemy/hostile. i wish i go all rambo like it was in dmc: devil may cry.

Going Rambo in Dishonored gets easier when you get access to certain weapons. Coordinating your upgrades accordingly helps a lot too. Buncha different ways to play that game.

I just started FFVII for the first time ever. I'll probably quit playing after a few hours when I forget that they game even exists.

Also, had a pretty rad birthday today.

It was your birthday? Was that today or yesterday? You see, I live in the future so I can't tell what you mean by "today."

you can literally stop time and just waltz through a level. the amount of ways you can play that game depends on how much you want to handicap yourself.

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ghost is all old shit hes probably like 25 ugh just die already old man
I'm 26 now :(

And yeah, I'm pretty bummed to see Rogue cut as well. I'm guessing her part was very small if it was cut. I'm not too worried, though. We'll get to see it on the Blu-Ray.

Air Man... pushes others away. :cry:

Metal Man... so funkay! :D/

Wood Man... will bring Megaman to his knees. Gross. :shock:

Bubble Man... hates himself. :cry:

Heat Man... so hot! :hot:

Flash Man... is lonely and wants to be with Mega Man forever. :whistle2:|

Quick Man... wasn't quick enough. :cry:

Crash Man... wanted to aid Mega Man, but his programming wouldn't allow it... without a fight. :bow:

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Air Man... pushes others away. :cry:

Metal Man... so funkay! :D/

Wood Man... will bring Megaman to his knees. Gross. :shock:

Bubble Man... hates himself. :cry:

Heat Man... so hot! :hot:

Flash Man... is lonely and wants to be with Mega Man forever.
that's their MM 2 soundtrack their newest cd is half MM 3 other half comes out this year

bread's done