Giving away lots of things, PSX and PS2 games, next giveaway coming soon!

It works more ways than one, first off I love Mass Effect, so I named him after a character, second, his farts are as deadly as Saren gas!
[quote name='Beatofficer']It works more ways than one, first off I love Mass Effect, so I named him after a character, second, his farts are as deadly as Saren gas![/QUOTE]

Can his farts destroy an entire colony?
[quote name='Captain Urahara']Doesn't really explain why someone would choose an answer that the contest runner confirmed is wrong =/ It just blows my mind 0_o[/QUOTE]

Maybe because we have better things to do than go through an entire thread and check everyones answers. Why don't you be less of a dick and let people guess what they want to guess.
[quote name='Darknuke']Maybe because we have better things to do than go through an entire thread and check everyones answers. Why don't you be less of a dick and let people guess what they want to guess.[/QUOTE]
It's 1 page back. Calm down! If people are going through the entire thread, then they are going overboard.

I want people to pick answers that might be right, not pick answers that are confirmed wrong. That gives you a 0% chance of winning.
Sweet! you picked my suggestion, that means I win something right? =P

I'll have to check this out before I go to work in the morning, I can't be staying up all night again, Good luck everyone!
[quote name='Captain Urahara']It's 1 page back. Calm down! If people are going through the entire thread, then they are going overboard.

I want people to pick answers that might be right, not pick answers that are confirmed wrong. That gives you a 0% chance of winning.[/QUOTE]

lol you sure do have a funny way of showing it...
I already chose that, and it was wrong. Can people not check? Or do people just like taking my answers? This is the second time now . . .
If people don't want to go back and check the answers themselves that's their own prerogative. They know they can check or not. Oh and by the way, your answer was right and I knew that was the right answer so why would I say any differently (for the 3 dog question)? If someone else thinks your answer is right, why would they? I know it was already said, but still, their own fault for not checking. you don't have to rub it in their face and imply they are dumb for not doing so... You don't deserve the shit you win...

P.S. I'm not here to win anything. I'm here for fun. So if I guess someone else's answer, that's because I think they are right.
MAJOR EDIT: I've thought long and hard about this and decided that this just isn't worth the flak I'm getting. I PM'ed the OP to let him know to give both prize packs I won to someone who actually has shown some manners in this thread.

There is no point for me to play further, even for fun, as people seem to bitch about each and every little thing that happens, mostly with me. So why bother? Prizes given to someone who should actually receive them, I get nothing, and everyone else can play for prizes or fun, whichever they prefer.

Best of luck to everyone who deserves to have good luck!
And many thanks to the OP for the chance! :D
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Wow, come on everyone, I don't want fighting in my thread, I'm doing this for fun, lets just guess, try to answer questions, and have fun. If my giveaways just cause people fighting, I'll just donate everything to a foster home or a childrens hospital or something. Well, everything that's gaming, since I have a PS2 I'm going to donate with some games I didn't list(found out my fiance had one stashed away in the closet).

In the end, lets just have fun, no fighting, I know everyone wants something, but if someone wins more than once, blame me, not them. I'm the one who said people can win more than once.

I'm well aware some of the items on here are worth an ok amount of money, that doesn't bother me, I want other people to be happy they were able to win something of value that they enjoy while having fun earning it.
I am quite sad that some people took a contest that Beatofficer created to have fun and bring people joy and still twisted it and got all butt-hurt over trivial things.

I was having so much fun all yesterday just following this thread even though I didn't win anything, I wish that could continue but I'm not so sure now.

Beatofficer, awesome on you for the donations, I really commend you for that.
[quote name='Beatofficer']Wow, come on everyone, I don't want fighting in my thread, I'm doing this for fun, lets just guess, try to answer questions, and have fun. If my giveaways just cause people fighting, I'll just donate everything to a foster home or a childrens hospital or something. Well, everything that's gaming, since I have a PS2 I'm going to donate with some games I didn't list(found out my fiance had one stashed away in the closet).

In the end, lets just have fun, no fighting, I know everyone wants something, but if someone wins more than once, blame me, not them. I'm the one who said people can win more than once.

I'm well aware some of the items on here are worth an ok amount of money, that doesn't bother me, I want other people to be happy they were able to win something of value that they enjoy while having fun earning it.[/QUOTE]

It's a very noble thing of you to do, to be honest. Being Cheap Ass Gamers, I'm sure if we found some of this stuff laying around, we'd try to get even a little bit of cash for it, but you have no problem giving it away and making even one day of other's lives that much better. I hope that Captain comes back, because he HAS helped keep the thread going by participating, and this is a great contest. It's inventive, everybody has an equal chance, and you have the chance to win some great items.
[quote name='Beatofficer']It works more ways than one, first off I love Mass Effect, so I named him after a character, second, his farts are as deadly as Saren gas![/QUOTE]

At least you didn't say he was an evil minion, lol :)
I know them all but the last.

1. Record of Lodoss War
2. Typing of the dead
3. Seaman
4. Bangai-o
5. Shenmue
6. I'll guess Sports Jam

edit: Damn, beat to the punch on most and killed on the last. :)
[quote name='dodgeme']=P. I may not own many Dreamcast games but I know them for some reason lol.[/QUOTE]

I own a LOT of DC games and never had seen Cosmic Smash! :)
[quote name='OnyxPrimal']I own a LOT of DC games and never had seen Cosmic Smash! :)[/QUOTE]

I think it was a Japanese release and I for some reason had a burn of it and remember what it looked like.
Beatofficer, I was one of (edit: the first) people to see your new update, so I think I got an unfair advantage even though I didn't get it. If it isn't a guessing game and has specific answers like this, I think you should post saying "next question posted at 4:00pm" 30min ahead or something.

1. it would make things more fair for everyone
2. I could actually do some work at work instead of lurking your thread =P
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with 8 pages I didn't want to try and search through them all, but has he mentioned what the 3 sticks of ram stats are? like PC3200? I'd hate to try for it, maybe win and then find out I can't use it when someone else could of gotten it...
I'm really guessing dodgeme is right, but on the off chance he isn't I'm going to make a slight alteration to his list and submit my guesses (I haven't played either Shenmue in years, so I really can't remember which village that one appears in):

1) Record of Lodoss War
2) Typing of the Dead
3) Caution Seaman
4) Bangai-O
5) Shenmue II
6) Cosmic Smash
1. Record of Lodoss War
2. Typing of the dead
3. Caution Seaman
4. Bangai-o
5. None, It's On the disc for Shenmue 2, but never in the game. the devs left the loading screen for Miao village on the disc, that village in the picture was rumored to be Miao Village. That isn't fully confirmed, but it was a rumor.
6. Cosmic Smash
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Unless that was specifically intentional by Beat I would say Dodgeme still wins, or at least Lost level.

Of course, scoring is totally up to beat, so my input is pointless anyway =P
I doubt it was intentional, simply just one of the first pictures when searching shenmue 2.
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[quote name='tommyhaynes']I've been thinking about getting a PC to play some upcoming games I want, mainly FFXIV and Diablo 3, but video cards scare and confuse me.

Assuming your 9500gt works, could I plug it into something like this:

and get it to run current/upcoming games at a high rate?[/QUOTE]

Assuming it works, it would work in that motherboard. When picking a motherboard you basically need to ensure that it has a PCI Express X16 slot for any card from like the last 3-4 years. However some of the powerhouses like the GTX's require an extra power slot but with this card you wouldn't have to worry. You should be able to run the newer games but don't expect the graphics to be top notch as this card isn't meant to be a top notch card.
Thanks, I'm kinda resigning myself to the fact that I'll probably be drowning myself in another MMORPG after I swore off FFXI on my PS2 a while back, and I'm kinda dubious that my current laptop can run it due to the benchmark test giving me a pretty low score. I'm still kinda confused though because I can run Dragon Age pretty well I didn't think a new MMO would make itself that difficult to run.
FFXIV is a huge graphics hog, I've been playing the beta, though it's running a lot more smooth than it did in Alpha, graphics wise. I have the partial screenshots ready, I'm going to post some rules in the OP for this contest.
re: your rules,

1. I'm very excited, sounds like you put a lot of time and effort into this and it looks to be quite awesome

2. Crap, I get out of work at 6:30/3:30pst so if it's gonna be that hard I doubt I'll have a shot if I can't get it in the first 20min. since I won't be on a PC from 630-7 driving home.
I am ready for this one. Partial screenshots should be a challenge. Hopefully I will be able to pick up on the theme. Good luck to you all!
bread's done