Giving away lots of things, PSX and PS2 games, next giveaway coming soon!

I'm replaying Dragon Age: Origins, I played it on 360, but I got it for PS3 through a friend in CAG, I'm slowly but surely making my 360 obsolete, after I beat Alan Wake I might end up selling it and getting a slim sometime in the future when something is out I really want to play.
Thats cool, PS3 may be the first major console since the Dreamcast that I will never own since FF13 came out for the 360 and Sony hasn't really been the dominant RPG system anymore.

I'm fairly positive on 5, kinda think i could be right on 2 and have no clue on 3, maybe I'll have a shot when I get home
Wow umm you got me on this one. I know like one. Im going to wait a bit. Im pretty sure I know the theme but I barely know any.
[quote name='dodgeme']Wow umm you got me on this one. I know like one. Im going to wait a bit. Im pretty sure I know the theme but I barely know any.[/QUOTE]

I know one of them for sure, and possibly another one... But this is damn tricky... Good job Beatofficer, you may have stumped all of us, we shall see.
1) Parasite Eve
2) Brave Fencer Musashi
3) Rad Racer
4) Front Mission 3
5) King's Knight
6) Einhander
7) Ehrgeiz
8) SaGa Frontier 1
9) Secret of Evermore
10) Vagrant Story
1) Parasite Eve
2) Brave Fencer Musashi
3) Rad Racer
4) Front Mission 3
5) King's Knight
6) Einhander
7) Ehrgeiz
8) SaGa Frontier 1
9) Secret of Evermore
10) Vagrant Story

That's what it is but I would feel like I stole most of the answers lol.
[quote name='Beatofficer']He edited his post, he originally put Parasite Eve 2... Even misspelled Parasite, which means awesome, I have to redo everything.[/QUOTE]
Didn't meant to spoil your contest. :whistle2:#
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1) Parasite Eve
2) Brave Fencer Musashi
3) Rad Racer
4) Front Mission 3
5) King's Knight
6) Einhander
7) Ehrgeiz
8) SaGa Frontier
9) Secret of Evermore
10) Vagrant Story

Yep, B:L got it.
Damn! I was confirming B:L's answers but figured he already had it. I would've been in a minute before dodgeme. :( I knew PE, SaGa Frontier, Front Mission 3, King's Knight, and Vagrant Story right off as I'm a SquareSoft nerd and own those games, but I admit to not knowing the others. Oh well, good win!
Wow, I figured beat would have given him parasite eve if he didn't edit his post, too bad,

I didn't know brave fencer musashi(although i'm sure I should have)
kings knight
and I thought ehrgeiz was fighting force

knew everything else, wouldn't have mattered if i was driving home or not though.
[quote name='tommyhaynes']Wow, I figured beat would have given him parasite eve if he didn't edit his post, too bad,

I didn't know brave fencer musashi(although i'm sure I should have)
kings knight
and I thought ehrgeiz was fighting force

knew everything else, wouldn't have mattered if i was driving home or not though.[/QUOTE]
Well at least now you have a chance with the reboot. :lol:
But I dont know if I want to win, if I do i'm gonna have to buy that PC I posted earlier lol.

Love your avatar by the way, that gives me another idea for a contest, Beat could find some fan art that is stylized and we could guess the character or game.
I will say this appears to be much more suited for people who actually want a new PC graphics card

And I agree this is loads of fun regardless of the prizes.
[quote name='Relysis']Dear gracious the new ones are tough too. Playing your contests are almost as fun as winning free stuff.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, these contests are great and some great prizes are being given away. I know only a couple of those, but jeez, don't make it impossible BeatOfficer :lol:
You got me man. I'll have to wait for hints. I only know 3 of them and 1 is a possible. Grr I know the figure from 2 but for the life of me cannot think of what its from atm.
[quote name='dodgeme']You got me man. I'll have to wait for hints. I only know 3 of them and 1 is a possible. Grr I know the figure from 2 but for the life of me cannot think of what its from atm.[/QUOTE]

You said it. Am only sure of 3 as well. Hints please!
1) Demon's Soul (World 4-2, btw)
2) Brave Fencer Musashi
3) Heavy Rain
4) MBL 2K10
5) King's Knight
6) Bayonetta
7) Ehrgeiz
8) World of WarCraft: Wrath of the Lich King
9) Red Dead Redemption
10) Hellgate: London
[quote name='tommyhaynes']Yeah, I still have no idea if Samurai is right or not on just about any of them haha.

I've only played 2 of the games he guessed.[/QUOTE]
I believe he submitted what he knew and filled in the blanks with my previous list. :lol:
1, 3, 6, 8, and 10 I'm sure of. I'm sure 4 is one of those MLB 2K games but I couldn't tell you which one as I don't play them.
My list:

1) Pokémon Stadium
2) Pokémon Stadium
3) Pokémon Stadium
4) Pokémon Stadium
5) Pokémon Stadium
6) Pokémon Stadium
7) Pokémon Stadium
8) Pokémon Stadium
9) Pokémon Stadium
10) Pokémon Stadium

Am I close?

Good luck to those that actually want to win.
The baseball ones is hard ><

Its win or lose....Ahhh, take this....*list games attack*

1) Demon's Soul
2) Folklore
3) Heavy Rain
4) MBL 2K10
5) Star Ocean 4
6) Bayonetta
7) Final Fantasy XIV
8) World of WarCraft: Wrath of the Lich King
9) Resonance of Fate
10) Hellgate: London
1) Demon's Souls
2) Folklore
3) Heavy Rain
4) MLB 07 THe Show
5) Star Ocean 4
6) Bayonetta
7) Final Fantasy XIV
8) World of WarCraft: Wrath of the Lich King
9) resonance of fate
10) Hellgate: London

There is my list. My best attempt.
1) Demon's Soul
2) Folklore
3) Heavy Rain
4) MBL 2K10
5) Star Ocean The Last Hope
6) Bayonetta
7) Aion
8) World of WarCraft: Wrath of the Lich King
9) Red Dead Redemption
10) Hellgate: London
[quote name='Beatofficer']People getting really close, like someone is two off.[/QUOTE]

Ive narrowed the two down, but I am having trouble thinking of their titles. Forego hints since we're close! :p
So want to know what ones I got wrong....but the wait is killing me lol

And good luck everyone. (well the ones who can still play lol >
[quote name='dyeknom']Ive narrowed the two down, but I am having trouble thinking of their titles. Forego hints since we're close! :p[/QUOTE]

I have an idea on the two but again who knows.
this sounds fun, lets try this list.

1) Demon's Souls
2) Folklore
3) Heavy Rain
4) MLB 09 THe Show
5) Star Ocean 4
6) Bayonetta
7) Final Fantasy XIV
8) World of WarCraft: Wrath of the Lich King
9) resonance of fate
10) Hellgate: London

of course... down the the 2 I am not sure of, but oh well I couldn't think of anything better.
That hint helped me narrow down a bit but 4 is still ugh, I know its along the same lines as what others have posted but I have no idea as those type of games all look the same for me.....and I just noticed my list is alot like dinobot...

1. Demon's Souls
2. Folklore
3. Heavy Rain
4. MLB 09 The Show
5. Star Ocean IV
6. Bayonetta
7. Aion
8. World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King
9. Resonance of Fate
10. Hellgate London
1. Demon's Souls
2. Folklore
3. Heavy Rain
4. MLB 08 The Show
5. Star Ocean IV
6. Bayonetta
7. Aion
8. World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King
9. Resonance of Fate
10. Hellgate London

I was gonna wait for another clue before I guessed, but the anticipation was killing me.
bread's done