GOG Deals Thread

Jack's back!!

Now everyone can catch a quick nap, even The End.

Also, it's a wonderful game for fans of the Sierra city-builders (made by the some of the same developers, if memory serves correctly).
Memory fail. This is from Tilted Mill, the folks who brought you Hinterland.

Zeus/Poseidon and Pharaoh/Cleopatra are from Impressions.

EDIT: What the hell happened? In the time it took me to write this, it switched over to Theme Park. May Fool's joke, GOG?

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18.000 bloody copies in less than a minute???!!


Memory fail. This is from Tilted Mill, the folks who brought you Hinterland.

Zeus/Poseidon and Pharaoh/Cleopatra are from Impressions.
What I meant is that some of the Impressions folks left to go to Tilted Mill, once Sierra became defunct.

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Some one else has to take over for me now. I have to move away from the computer.
What is the back story on Jack Keane? Why is it a funny move?
You've been Jack'd!

You must not have been here for the fall sale. GOG did what you saw here a minute ago--put up several thousand copies of a very-overpriced bundle-fodder adventure game (sequel)--that shut down the sale effectively for hours on end as we waited for suckers to buy JK for $13 a pop.

It later turned up in a Humble weekly.

What I meant is that some of the Impressions folks left to go to Tilted Mill, once Sierra became defunct.
My mistake, then. You certainly could be right on that point.

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It seems like Entomorph price is wrong...how can 75% off of $6 retail be $3.74...Must be GOG math....
Keane screwed everything up. Each Insomnia game now has the next game's discount. Explains the Love Trousers Luftrausers discrepency too.

EDIT: Looks like it's fixed now.

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So now I gotta hang around for the rest of the day just to see if any of the games that I passed on before get some crazy price glitch with the repeat appearance?

Does anyone remember if they have offered the Quest games (King's, Space, Police, For Glory) in any bigger bundles or better prices?  I was thinking some of them were 80% off before?

Also since we have a break what are the must-haves from this sale since most of my wishlist isn't on there?

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Does anyone remember if they have offered the Quest games (King's, Space, Police, For Glory) in any bigger bundles or better prices? I was thinking some of them were 80% off before?
The best that I can ever remember seeing them is at 66% off. That's why I grabbed them all today at 75% off.

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My eyes keep glazing over looking at the reddit list, but I think the only thing I would have snapped at is Cannon Fodder ($1.50) (that was a fun game back then)... there's a few other maybes that I don't own in the list.

I'd recommend keeping your eyes out for Race the Sun... it hasn't been that price ($2.50) since Xmas.  Great game and gets you a steam key (steam version is better... friend leaderboards and social stuff).

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Does anyone remember if they have offered the Quest games (King's, Space, Police, For Glory) in any bigger bundles or better prices? I was thinking some of them were 80% off before?

Also since we have a break what are the must-haves from this sale since most of my wishlist isn't on there?
Not much, really. Evil Genius and VTM are good if you don't already have them. I'm eyeballing Heretic Kingdoms and Interstate 76 personally, but most everything else has been in a bundle or will be in a bundle or likely hasn't aged very well (things like Entomorph and Wasteland 1 [sorry, guys, I played it on the C64 when it was new, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't do it again]).

Entomorph with a terrible bugged price...we'll be here a while haha.....
Argh! Begone with your terrible insect puns!

bread's done