GOG Deals Thread

I've never heard of Betrayal at Krondor, but the GOG description sounds like it might be okay. Somebody sell me on it or convince me not to bother.
saw some other games on sale that looked interesting. Tell me I didn't buy anything crap.








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I've never heard of Betrayal at Krondor, but the GOG description sounds like it might be okay. Somebody sell me on it or convince me not to bother.
I never played it, but I had a friend that loved it back in the days. I think I picked up a boxed version at a garage sale awhile back.

The consensus is usually (even around here) that it's a very good game.

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From what I've read it is mostly text, you have to have your princess survive a few years (I think?) to make it to being Queen. You do it through training different skills via classes, and keeping your mood at a certain level(s). It sounded like a roguelike game (assuming I'm using the term correctly?)
It's actually most akin to a visual novel, with some RPG elements added in (which is where the skills/mood elements come in). I wouldn't consider it at all a roguelike, as it's very linear and essentially relies on trial and error for much of the game, whereas I feel most roguelikes are personified by randomization and the ability to have a drastically different each time you play (among other things).

I've never heard of Betrayal at Krondor, but the GOG description sounds like it might be okay. Somebody sell me on it or convince me not to bother.
I've played all three back then (own them on retail) and all of them are among the best RPGs of all time (IMHO). Betrayal > Antara > Return, but I love all of them equally. I don't know how old-school are you, but I think the graphics are ok, I can still play them (I loved the Alone in the Dark trilogy back then, but can't stand the graphics).

I'm playing Return to Krondor from time to time, and just bought the first pack, and will give it a try soon ;)

The games are a bit difficult, but not that much. You will do a lot of micromanagement (not as much as Realms of Arkania!), but that is part of the fun

It's actually most akin to a visual novel, with some RPG elements added in (which is where the skills/mood elements come in). I wouldn't consider it at all a roguelike, as it's very linear and essentially relies on trial and error for much of the game, whereas I feel most roguelikes are personified by randomization and the ability to have a drastically different each time you play (among other things).
Hmmm... I think I'll skip it for now. Thanks for the feedback though!

saw some other games on sale that looked interesting. Tell me I didn't buy anything crap.







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I personally grew up on Apogee shareware. I played Dangerous Dave a lot as well as Catacomb Abyss . Great games even if slightly archaic now. I personally in this sale am thinking of Downfall, Hocus Pocus, Ishar, Secret Agent, Feeble Files, Wax Works and Realms of Chaos. Even if there is some duds in there they aren't too expensive....

I've played all three back then (own them on retail) and all of them are among the best RPGs of all time (IMHO). Betrayal > Antara > Return, but I love all of them equally. I don't know how old-school are you, but I think the graphics are ok, I can still play them (I loved the Alone in the Dark trilogy back then, but can't stand the graphics).

I'm playing Return to Krondor from time to time, and just bought the first pack, and will give it a try soon ;)

The games are a bit difficult, but not that much. You will do a lot of micromanagement (not as much as Realms of Arkania!), but that is part of the fun

Did Jack Keane 2 ever show up again? I saw it the first time, but not for sets 2 or 3...
Considering the absurd amount of keys that were being offered for it at the end of the first round, my guess is that it was a "bonus promo" of sorts to kick off the sale (as opposed to being a repeated deal).

I actually would recommend waiting to buy it on Steam, as the cards sell for crazy high prices and would probably pay for the game if you bought it on sale.
Ehh about half probably depending on the price, looking at the prices (Well the ones listed on the search, so not the most accurate) it'd be between .60-1.20 depending on how many cards you get. Still quite good though, have to remember that if I get in the "flipping," (best word I can think of) mood again.

here u go guys, enjoy this awesome game- C2D5M-7JCC3-GYZ29
Thanks! One of my daughters thoroughly enjoyed Kingdom: Elemental several years back, and she probably has, oh, I don't know, around 400 hours clocked on that game.

So, ironically, without even knowing the game fhat which the key redeemed, I applied it to her Steam account (i.e. the account on the Windows gaming rig/server in our sitting room, which I am using right now).

Ehh about half probably depending on the price, looking at the prices (Well the ones listed on the search, so not the most accurate) it'd be between .60-1.20 depending on how many cards you get. Still quite good though, have to remember that if I get in the "flipping," (best word I can think of) mood again.
ah, well that's still not bad (especially if you buy it with money earned from selling other cards). They've definitely dipped a bit since when I picked it up, likely as more people have bought the game now and just want to unload their cards quick by undercutting everyone.

ah, well that's still not bad (especially if you buy it with money earned from selling other cards). They've definitely dipped a bit since when I picked it up, likely as more people have bought the game now and just want to unload their cards quick by undercutting everyone.
The problem with Long Live The Queen's cards is that the icons/backgrounds you try to earn don't have any waifu. Really if one of the icons was the queen smiling or something, or a background was her in her throne or something, the cards would be worth a heck of a lot. I think I unloaded mine for about 25 or 26 cents a pop but that was a while back. The rewards for crafting are lame, lame, lame.


I wonder if I can get GOG to pricematch my purchase of Pid from over a year ago. I haven't even downloaded it yet, and I paid $5.

...yeah, I was still figuring out just how deep the CAGgit hole went back then.
The rewards for crafting are lame, lame, lame.
Most of them are pretty lousy, I agree, though I do like this background:


Has anyone played Downfall? If so, what did you think? I really liked The Cat Lady and have considered picking it up from the weekend sale based on that.
I got Downfall (accidentally) for free this morning, due to a VERY brief glitch in GOG's system. Having played it on and off for a good 5-6 hours today, here's my opinion of it, from the moderate amount of time I've spent with it:

First off, remember that Downfall was the developer's first game. Bearing that in mind, my opinion of Downfall was that it was his "dry run" into the psychological-thriller/horror adventure genre, for which The Cat Lady made him famous. That being said, Downfall is NOT in any way a bad game.

In fact, it's far from it! It has a very similar "edge" to it as does The Cat Lady, in that they're both emotionally intense, disturbing, and graphically thematic. To say one is "more intense" than the other wouldn't be quite fair to either of them, as they each seem to strike much different nerves amongst the gamers that have played both of them... Google this topic if you're interest in the psychology of it, as some newspaper columnist (I believe it was one from SF Chronicle) wrote on his personal blog about how he conducted an "experiment" (for lack of a better word) where both games affected/traumatised his friends in strikingly different manners.

Anyway, I'm going off on a tangent now, but my main point here is that some people who have played The Cat Lady and then played Downfall are "unimpressed" with certain mechanics of the latter. The first thing that you'll notice (basically from the start if the game) is that unlike The Cat Lady, Downfall is NOT voice acted. This actually doesn't bother me at all, however it might irk other people (If you MUST have voice acting, then stop reading right now, as this isn't your game.).

The second thing you'll notice is that the puzzles are not necessarily lackluster, per se; just not of the same degree of ingenuity as those in The Cat Lady. The final point that stood out to me (but only a few times throughout my partial playthrough) is that there are a few VERY minor bugs—none of which impeded gameplay too much, and none of which I could even replicate after restarting the game. That being said, a restart is NOT required to remedy the bugs (the "bugs" are actually more along the lines of interface glitches than anything). The only reason I did so is just because my former game developer "instincts" habitually make me restart and regression test any game or software after encountering even the slightest of bugs or glitches.

So, generally, as I said, I think Downfall is an absolutely fantastic game WHEN STANDING ON IT'S OWN. However, if you've played The Cat Lady previous to playing Downfall, you most likely won't enjoy it as much as you did the former. Overall, while Downfall lacks just that final layer of polish that Michalski applied to his second (and far more well know game), the omissions are still not very noticeable, unless you pride yourself on being a critic.

My word of advice is if you haven't played Downfall OR The Cat Lady, then DEFINITELY play Downfall first, BEFORE you play The Cat Lady. Not only will you barely—if at all—notice the minor drawbacks of Michalski's first game, but when you do play The Cat Lady, you'll also appreciate everything The Cat Lady doesright much, MUCH more.

EDIT: Should I post this over on the GOG reviews, or is my writing quality not even worse being arsed about? :???:

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Luckily I haven't played The Cat Lady yet, so I may pick this up and enjoy it. It's always easier to start on early games from a creator/series and move up than it is the other way around. That's why I find it funny sometimes when people play sequels to games they never played the original of. It's fun to see the evolution of a game/game system/ideas/etc.... 

bread's done