GOG Deals Thread

I see Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3 been added they are on sale at 50% off. If anyone wants them I would wait for the Steam Summer Sale as Fallout 3/NV goes for cheaper than whats currently being offered ATM on GOG. 

Elder Scrolls: Redguard and Battlespire are both 75% off.  Appear to be all time lows.  Purchasing either one will add Arena and Daggerfall to your account as well.

I'll wait for the GOG Connect for those.



And I doubt they ever will. That's the joke.jpg


Elder Scrolls: Redguard and Battlespire are both 75% off. Appear to be all time lows. Purchasing either one will add Arena and Daggerfall to your account as well.
Odd, those aren't on Steam. I wonder why Redguard + Battlespire aren't on Steam yet.

I think Beth still has Arena + Daggerfall on their website free to download anyways + you'd need to get DosBox.

But, it kind of would be nice to have it all in one place on GOG.

Given how GOG operates, I do wonder if their versions of Arena + Daggerfall are already set-up w/ DosBox.

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I enjoyed the first Witcher. There were some really well written quests like the murder investigation where your ability to solve it was based on a lot of small things like whether or not you had read a certain book or researched some insect species, etc. Witcher 2 I stopped playing after the first boss which was a QTE derp fest. I also don't think the mass reagent/crafting style of loot fits that game well.
If the kayran is as far as you got in The Witcher 2, then you definitely missed a good game. The kayran is a pain in the ass, though. The archgriffin you start off TW3 with is much easier.

I think Witcher 1 was great b/c of its story, plot, characters, setting, and the way it did the choices+consequences thing.

Yeah, the W1 combat was different - but eh, it's nowhere even close to what W2+W3 are doing. The combat system in those are tons better.

I think what I liked about W1 was you often wouldn't see your decisions' results for numerous hours later - so you could get stuck having to either stick w/ your decision + result or take the hike to go way back on a save if you didn't like your results. Plus, it didn't really make your choices predictable for decision + results - i.e. doing good stuff results in good results or doing bad resulted in bad stuff happening, like in many other games (i.e. older BioWare games). There were often shades of gray here. Sometimes, getting the best type of result w/ the least casualties or problems was either by doing nothing or doing something evil.
Yeah, I'm going to continue to push my very unpopular opinion that the combat in the first game was the best. Sure there were more things to do in subsequent games, but once you got the hang of the combat in The Witcher, it was really good. The bombs and decoctions just seem like an excuse to throw a lot of enemies at you at once.

Geez; that's A LOT of game-time for $3.

Gothic series is truly underrated.

For me, Gothic 1 is the real gem of the series - as it felt fresh, new, different, and atmospheric as can be. Legendary game.

Sure, Gothic 2 is a bigger + badder G1 - but, a lot of the problems I felt were multiplied quite a bit there (combat system felt more clunky + over-dosage of re-used voice-actors). Still, easy enough to highly recommend...since it's still very good.

Gothic 3 was also good - but ran horribly when it came out. Questing didn't feel as intricate or as interesting as often G2+G3 b/c this felt more like the game was made to be huge in size + with less of the decision-making stuff; like say a Morrowind or Skyrim. Quests often felt like your typical MMO-fests (i.e. kill X guys, find X items, etc). While combat felt MUCH better control-wise, you could easily spam attacks + get an enemy stuck and easily kill them no matter their level. It's best to play Enhanced version to balance the combat.

Great series, easy to recommend. Easy to recommend for those who like difficult + challenging games.

Even more so at $3.


I dunno why someone wouldn't play both Gothic Universe + W3. They are both great, in different ways.

I've been playing W3 of late. Yeah, that game's great so far. Some 13 hours or so total invested into it.
13 hours? You've got a long road ahead of you.

This place needs custom ratings like 'decline' from RPG Codex.

Only place G1 and 2 don't age well is in the graphics department. And that can be overlooked given how well constructed the game world is in both settings.
Well, coming to the Gothic games years after they came out, they really don't age all that well. Graphics aside, the combat is clunky and ludicrously difficult, and, frankly, the games don't really go out of their way to draw you into their world.

Redguard in a nutshell:



Dragon's Dogma is now available on GOG.

Ordinarily I wouldn't bother to point out that a game got released on GOG. But this game is published by Capcom, so it's kinda unusual. While it's apparently not the only Capcom game available on GOG (Street Fighter Alpha 2), it's the first one released there in over 4 years.

Who knows? Might be a sign of future Capcom games to come on GOG.

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Dragon's Dogma is now available on GOG.

Ordinarily I wouldn't bother to point out that a game got released on GOG. But this game is published by Capcom, so it's kinda unusual. While it's apparently not the only Capcom game available on GOG (Street Fighter Alpha 2), it's the first one released there in over 4 years.

Who knows? Might be a sign of future Capcom games to come on GOG.
Already got that (Dragon's Dogma) on Steam.

Another game we need for GOG to put on GOG Connect.

Glad to see it hit GOG for the Non-Steam fans and/or DRM-FREE fans.


Wait, why isn't SFA2 on Steam?

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Funny enough, I downloaded that SFA2 port from GOG today and it runs pretty okay, but the controls are mapped weirdly and you don't have D-Pad support on a gamepad. The left stick is used instead. Which is horrible.

The graphics are kinda weird, sucky but that's because it runs at 640x480 fullscreen.

Eh, the controls are nothing that can't be fixed with a program like XPadder.

Also they're selling the old Windows port from back in the day. Capcom didn't use emulation in those days... and it's not like they would actually pay money for someone to do it now. And if they did, we'd end up with a DotEmu shitport.

Here's the full list:

  • AI War: Fleet Command
  • Amnesia: The Dark Descent
  • Ascendant
  • Brutal Legend
  • Cosmonautica
  • Darwinia
  • Deathtrap
  • Democracy 3
  • Deponia
  • Depths of Peril
  • Downwell
  • Dropsy
  • Earth 2140 Trilogy
  • Earth 2150 Trilogy
  • Earth 2160
  • Evoland
  • Frozen Cortex
  • Frozen Synapse
  • Gratuitous Space Battles 2
  • La-Mulana
  • Last Federation, The
  • Men of War™
  • Metrocide
  • Not a Hero
  • Puddle
  • Redshirt
  • Reigns
  • Renowned Explorers: International Society
  • Reus
  • Shadowgrounds
  • Shadowgrounds Survivor
  • Sir, You Are Being Hunted
  • Stacking
  • Tharsis
  • Time Gentlemen, Please! + Ben There, Dan That!
  • Unepic
  • Vertical Drop Heroes HD
  • The Walking Dead: Season 1
  • X2: The Threat
A lot of these have been bundled multiple times. I'm adding 18 games to my account...

Edit: Oh yeah they started their Summer Sale today. You get Rebel Galaxy free with any purchase (GOG Connect additions do not count.)

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Good list. Wish they did these massive additions more often, or at least recycled some of the earlier stuff.

Added 28 to my account, missing 6. Only 2 of those seem to have been bundled (Last Federation, X2) the rest have just been pretty cheap on Steam before.

Free game huh, I'm sure I can find something on sale to get that.

*checks wishlist* Looks like D is 80% off, for 1.19 I'll get that for sure.

Interesting @ free Rebel Galaxy w/ any purchase.
So, has anyone played this game?

It's Freelancer with capital ships. Heavy on broadside cannons (at least, at first). About as fun as Freelancer, til it gets repetitive at ~20 hours. But it's also only a ~30 hour game.
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It's Freelancer with capital ships. Heavy on broadside cannons (at least, at first). About as fun as Freespace, til it gets repetitive at ~20 hours. But it's also only a ~30 hour game.
That sounds really interesting + like it could be quite fun. Thanks for the information.

Interesting @ free Rebel Galaxy w/ any purchase.

So, has anyone played this game?

Looks like it's been bundled twice:

Really solid game. I hesitate at calling it great because I'm not a big fan of the 'broadside' combat (it's not very interactive and most of the time you're slowly turning on the horizontal axis while your guns auto-fire). However, for a budget title it has a lot of charm by way of the character models, music, and overall setting. A very fun 2D Privateer-lite. The good news is they are working on a spiritual successor that is fully 3D complete with fighters and cockpit view.

It is fairly shallow but that is easy enough to overlook since it's not a $60 AAA title. There are two major factions you can side with to make a playthrough feel a bit different although it doesn't change a whole lot.

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Been a while since I perused GOG.  Might have to grab some of this stuff -- crazy good prices on oldies I never bothered with... even abominations like Ultima 9!  If anyone here  hasn't played Ultima 6 or 7 $1.50 for those is crazy dealzorz.

Other stuff for people willing to overlook graphics and elevate their gaming sensibilities:

Starflight 1 + 2 for $1.50 (think of it as the 2D predecessor to stuff like Freelancer and Privateer but even more interesting since you had to learn about other races and figure out the best way to communicate)

All the Forgotten Realms 'Gold Box' games for $3ish

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Been a while since I perused GOG. Might have to grab some of this stuff -- crazy good prices on oldies I never bothered with... even abominations like Ultima 9! If anyone here hasn't played Ultima 6 or 7 $1.50 for those is crazy dealzorz.

Other stuff for people willing to overlook graphics and elevate their gaming sensibilities:

Starflight 1 + 2 for $1.50 (think of it as the 2D predecessor to stuff like Freelancer and Privateer but even more interesting since you had to learn about other races and figure out the best way to communicate)

All the Forgotten Realms 'Gold Box' games for $3ish
So, what is great in the Ultima series? And what's to avoid (besides U9)?

Side note - Even though I have not touched them, I do own from GOG the following Ultima games: Ultima 4 + 7.

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So, what is great in the Ultima series? And what's to avoid (besides U9)?

Side note - Even though I have not touched them, I do own from GOG the following Ultima games: Ultima 4 + 7.
It's been forever since I played them, but 4-7 would be the best of the series. I think the general consensus is 7 is the best one but 6 will probably always be my favorite. 1-3 are interesting and worth a try, but the series really took off for me with 4.

Thanks for the reminder on Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption. Was thinking about picking it up last sale and forgot.

Been a while since I perused GOG. Might have to grab some of this stuff -- crazy good prices on oldies I never bothered with... even abominations like Ultima 9! If anyone here hasn't played Ultima 6 or 7 $1.50 for those is crazy dealzorz.

Other stuff for people willing to overlook graphics and elevate their gaming sensibilities:

Starflight 1 + 2 for $1.50 (think of it as the 2D predecessor to stuff like Freelancer and Privateer but even more interesting since you had to learn about other races and figure out the best way to communicate)

All the Forgotten Realms 'Gold Box' games for $3ish
I will buy them as soon as EA and Activision pull their respective heads out of their own asses and both apply regional pricing to all their older releases.

Why pay $1.50 when I could be paying $0.75 per game? :p

So, what is great in the Ultima series? And what's to avoid (besides U9)?

Side note - Even though I have not touched them, I do own from GOG the following Ultima games: Ultima 4 + 7.
I'd start with Ultima 6 and then go to 7. Both of them are... ahem... TREMENDOUS as far as creating huge open worlds where you can manipulate/pick up/use almost everything. 6 is more dated graphics-wise but, imo, has better combat (it's somewhat turn based). 7's combat is real-time and usually ends up in a cluster fuck of your party zerging everything in the area. Massive amounts of exploration and gameplay to be had in either.

I'd start with Ultima 6 and then go to 7. Both of them are... ahem... TREMENDOUS as far as creating huge open worlds where you can manipulate/pick up/use almost everything. 6 is more dated graphics-wise but, imo, has better combat (it's somewhat turn based). 7's combat is real-time and usually ends up in a cluster fuck of your party zerging everything in the area. Massive amounts of exploration and gameplay to be had in either.
Thanks for the advice.

Also, any thoughts on Ultima Underworld 1+2 pack and Ultima 1+2+3 pack?

I'd probably guess Ultima 8 is worth a skip...?

Thanks for the advice.

Also, any thoughts on Ultima Underworld 1+2 pack and Ultima 1+2+3 pack?

I'd probably guess Ultima 8 is worth a skip...?
The Ultima Underworld games are solid, precursors to stuff like Arx Fatalis. Just depends if you can deal with the graphics. I wouldn't bother with 1-3 as it's extremely dated even by old geezer gamer standards. They're closer to Dragon Warrior on the NES (to use a somewhat popular example you might be familiar with). Even I don't know if I could tolerate early 80's graphics and systems. Of course even 4 and 5 are similar but that's why 6 is where it really starts breaking barriers.

8 is indeed terrible. It's nothing like an Ultima game. I'm not sure what prompted them to change formats but the combat, platforming (oh those wonderful jumping puzzles where you die if you fall into water), and severely gimped RPG elements make it more of an oddity than an enjoyable experience. It's something you might find interesting to play for a couple of hours but even treating it as a separate (non Ultima) title it's bad.

Ultima 7 is the best RPG I've ever played.

Ultima 8 was... OK...?. I kinda like and forgive the setting, dialogs, the "more action-adventure" kind of game... But the movement, camera, animation (Dat awful jumping puzzles)... No. Just no. Everytime I think about playing this game I remember the jumping scenes and it angers me.
I'll add to the Rebel Galaxy praise that it has fantastic custom soundtrack integration.

Meanwhile, from this sale I bought:

Pizza Tycoon


Freedom Force series

Sea Dogs: City of Abandoned Ships

Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist

Strife: Veteran Edition

Armed  & Dangerous

I still have the discs for like half of these games, but it's nice to have backups.

Summer Sales - 2017:

GOG Haul:

Ultima 4+5+6 Pack

Ultima 8: Gold Edition

Ultima 9

Ultima Underworld 1+2 Pack

SWAT 3: Tactical GOTY Edition

Rebel Galaxy (Free by making one purchase)


Star Wars: Battlefront - Ultimate Edition

Last Update = 6/19/2017

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I keep forgetting there's a sale, since they dropped the daily check-in event.  GOG probably shouldn't have copied Steam on this one.

I keep forgetting there's a sale, since they dropped the daily check-in event. GOG probably shouldn't have copied Steam on this one.
This sale is so boring it almost makes me miss the ones with a limited number of copies for each sale in a randomized rotation.
bread's done