GOG Deals Thread

[quote name='inm8num2']Telltale games are a whopping 85% off.[/QUOTE]

Wow, 85%? Aren't most of the GOG sales for 60% off? Sweet!

Of these, which are worth getting? Has anyone played the Back to the Future game?
[quote name='DaiMonPaul']Wow, 85%? Aren't most of the GOG sales for 60% off? Sweet!

Of these, which are worth getting? Has anyone played the Back to the Future game?[/QUOTE]

BttF is great. Get it.
[quote name='DaiMonPaul']Wow, 85%? Aren't most of the GOG sales for 60% off? Sweet!

Of these, which are worth getting? Has anyone played the Back to the Future game?[/QUOTE]

Telltale's games are a bit overpriced to begin with, but the sale prices are comparable to other similar games on large (> 60% off) discount.
[quote name='Idiotekque']I'm tempted, but I have no idea what to buy. Tales of Monkey Island any good? Sam and Max? I have no clue.[/QUOTE]

No Steam, no buy.
[quote name='MysterD']The obligatory question:
Is this the cheapest any of those Telltale Games have been anywhere period?[/QUOTE]
On the PC, yeah, pretty sure it is.
I think Tales of Monkey Island was $5 at one point, but it's been a long time since that sale. It's probably time to pick it up since it mostly hits $7 when it's on sale these days. I could have waited a bit longer for BTTF, but at least I didn't spend too much more.
[quote name='Idiotekque']I'm tempted, but I have no idea what to buy. Tales of Monkey Island any good? Sam and Max? I have no clue.[/QUOTE]

My opinion: Tales of Monkey Island is good. Back to the Future is good if you like the movies. The Sam and Max's get better as the seasons go on, the first season felt very slow for me, but still somewhat enjoyable and Season 3 is the best one. And I have no idea about Wallace and Gromit.
Well, I'll bite on Monkey Island and BttF. I love the BttF movies, and I've always wanted to try Monkey Island but sometimes it's hard jumping into older games when you're not a huge fan of the genre.
[quote name='Idiotekque']Well, I'll bite on Monkey Island and BttF. I love the BttF movies, and I've always wanted to try Monkey Island but sometimes it's hard jumping into older games when you're not a huge fan of the genre.[/QUOTE]

I'm a huge fan of BttF movies, seen them countless times. Even my kids love the movies now! And I can tell you the game is awesome. Is a bit easy, but the plot is great.

I'm afraid to try tales of monkey island because how I treasure the series. Monkey island 1 & 2 are on my top list of games. I don't want to be disappointed.

You can get the originals on steam, with newer graphics
[quote name='inm8num2']Oh, oh, an inside joke. I get you. *nudge nudge*[/QUOTE]

You know what I mean? *nudge nudge* Say no more.
[quote name='juanjava']I'm a huge fan of BttF movies, seen them countless times. Even my kids love the movies now! And I can tell you the game is awesome. Is a bit easy, but the plot is great.

I'm afraid to try tales of monkey island because how I treasure the series. Monkey island 1 & 2 are on my top list of games. I don't want to be disappointed.

You can get the originals on steam, with newer graphics[/QUOTE]

The remastered remakes are very well done, and I can highly recommend. Telltale's Monkey Island was 'okay', decent enough if you like the series, and the Guybrush voice actor is great, but doesn't quite live up to the originals. My favorite game of them all is the remastered Original Monkey Island 1 & 2 with the Guybrush voice actor and the remastered visuals.

The Back to the Future game I am very much behind too. While the puzzle elements are a bit lacking, the story and voice acting are great, and it pays great tribute to the franchise.
Just a reminder, the GOG Telltale promo runs for another 12 hours.

I personally snagged Wallace & Grommit just to be safe, considering BttF since everyone is raving about it. I know I probably should grab Sam & Max, but I'm just not motivated enough.
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri with Alien Crossfire expansion is currently one of the "Classic EA Convoy" games on sale with a price of $2.39. Has anyone played this? I am a fan of the CIV games and thought AC might be fun with the space setting.
[quote name='Palinn']Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri with Alien Crossfire expansion is currently one of the "Classic EA Convoy" games on sale with a price of $2.39. Has anyone played this? I am a fan of the CIV games and thought AC might be fun with the space setting.[/QUOTE]

It's very well regarded and that's the first time it's been 2.39 since GOG added the expansion. I'm probably picking it up finally. The lack of expansion used to dissuade me.
Hells yes, I'm picking up Alpha Centauri.

Actually, there's very little in this pack that I wouldn't want to pick up. I'll have to do a little research to figure out if any of this other stuff that I'm interested in has ever been any cheaper. But I might just grab a few other things like Theme Hospital, Dungeon Keeper 1&2, Populous, Sim City 2000 & maybe the Ultima games.
Is that really 85% off at $24.95 for BttF? How much were these things originally? I recently bought TWD on sale for only $10.

Edit: NVM. I just noticed this is an old thread someone bumped.
[quote name='aeonus']Is that really 85% off at $24.95 for BttF? How much were these things originally? I recently bought TWD on sale for only $10.[/QUOTE]

No, the thread title is referring to a sale that was on about 10 days ago. Sale is over, but the thread hasn't been updated yet.
This sale makes me sad, seeing how nice EA used to be.

And it's not an old thread, aeonus, I just hadn't updated the OP yet (this EA sale just started today).
[quote name='Idiotekque']This sale makes me sad, seeing how nice EA used to be.

And it's not an old thread, aeonus, I just hadn't updated the OP yet (this EA sale just started today).[/QUOTE]

The bastards will won't release Wasteland on GOG... (and getting the later DOS version working in DOSbox shouldn't be hard). ...Not like I need to own it a third time (Apple ][ Release, Interplay's 10th Anniversary Compilation DOS)... Don't *need* to, don't need to...

Edit: Isn't hard. IIRC I got it working in DOSbox back in 2000 without trouble.
[quote name='Idiotekque']This sale makes me sad, seeing how nice EA used to be.

And it's not an old thread, aeonus, I just hadn't updated the OP yet (this EA sale just started today).[/QUOTE]

I'm still waiting for System Shock 3....
I recommend Alpha Centauri, Theme Hospital, and SC2000. This is the price OldAssGames should always be.
[quote name='asheskitty']The bastards will won't release Wasteland on GOG... (and getting the later DOS version working in DOSbox shouldn't be hard). ...Not like I need to own it a third time (Apple ][ Release, Interplay's 10th Anniversary Compilation DOS)... Don't *need* to, don't need to...

Edit: Isn't hard. IIRC I got it working in DOSbox back in 2000 without trouble.[/QUOTE]

Wait - EA still holds Wasteland 1 distribution rights?
Fargo and InXile own Wasteland IP (so they can do sequels) though, if I recall...

Isn't WL2 going to come w/ WL1, anyways?
[quote name='MysterD']Wait - EA still holds Wasteland 1 distribution rights?
Fargo and InXile own Wasteland IP (so they can do sequels) though, if I recall...

Isn't WL2 going to come w/ WL1, anyways?[/QUOTE]

EA still owns the rights to WL1, (or at least as of 6 months ago that was correct).
[quote name='MysterD']Wait - EA still holds Wasteland 1 distribution rights?
Fargo and InXile own Wasteland IP (so they can do sequels) though, if I recall...

Isn't WL2 going to come w/ WL1, anyways?[/QUOTE]

Fargo stated to Wasteland 2 backers on Kickstarter that he worked out some kind of deal with EA where he will be allowed to bundle Wasteland 1 in with Wasteland 2 as a bonus feature. Not sure if blood sacrifices were invovled.
I bought Dungeon keeper 2 on a sale some months ago... was waiting for it to be stable, and it is. Also, it aged real good!

Populous the beginning is a great game. I think I would get it.

Alpha Centauri is a no-brainer... but I will wait another sale, because it is a time sucker and I want to finish some games first!

Sim City 2000 is the best sim city. I don't know why, but I like it even more than SC 4

Ultima 7 is a must have for all the RPG fans, the best RPG EVER IMHO

If you haven't played MoH AA, you MUST. It's amazing

Lands of Lore is great (only played the first one) if you like dungeon crawlers.

Magic Carpet aged really bad IMHO. The same about Bioforge.

Syndicate is a masterpiece, a lot better and playable than Syndicate wars. Too bad it don't includes american revolt (yet)

I don't know why GOG don't pack the Crusader games together, like they did wth many games. No regret is more of the same (that is not bad, but they could be together)

Theme Hospital. I'll never get tired of it. Bullfrog games were so great.
[quote name='KillingMachine']Fargo stated to Wasteland 2 backers on Kickstarter that he worked out some kind of deal with EA where he will be allowed to bundle Wasteland 1 in with Wasteland 2 as a bonus feature.[/quote]
Thanks for the info!

Not sure if blood sacrifices were invovled.
[quote name='juanjava']I bought Dungeon keeper 2 on a sale some months ago... was waiting for it to be stable, and it is. Also, it aged real good!

Populous the beginning is a great game. I think I would get it.

Alpha Centauri is a no-brainer... but I will wait another sale, because it is a time sucker and I want to finish some games first!

Sim City 2000 is the best sim city. I don't know why, but I like it even more than SC 4

Ultima 7 is a must have for all the RPG fans, the best RPG EVER IMHO

If you haven't played MoH AA, you MUST. It's amazing

Lands of Lore is great (only played the first one) if you like dungeon crawlers.

Magic Carpet aged really bad IMHO. The same about Bioforge.

Syndicate is a masterpiece, a lot better and playable than Syndicate wars. Too bad it don't includes american revolt (yet)

I don't know why GOG don't pack the Crusader games together, like they did wth many games. No regret is more of the same (that is not bad, but they could be together)

Theme Hospital. I'll never get tired of it. Bullfrog games were so great.[/QUOTE]
Added to the OP.
Yea, SimCity 2000 is still great, and aged extremely well for something 20 years old.

Syndicate was great, but didn't age quite as well. It's still good, but the controls and AI leave something to be desired.

Played Alpha Centauri back in the days, having not like Civilization much. It was great, though I'll admit to using the Diedre 90% of the time, cause they can capture native lifeforms. Mindworms!
[quote name='Palinn']Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri with Alien Crossfire expansion is currently one of the "Classic EA Convoy" games on sale with a price of $2.39. Has anyone played this? I am a fan of the CIV games and thought AC might be fun with the space setting.[/QUOTE]

Alpha Centauri is a fantastic game, and if you like the Civ games, you'll definitely like this one. It's also aged very well for a game published 14 years ago. I own the base game on CD and have gotten many hours out of it over the years. I'm very tempted to pick up the GOG version so that I can finally get Alien Crossfire, but I'm putting it off since I know that I won't play it anytime soon.

As a side note, I was getting ready to buy Medal of Honor: Allied Assault until I saw the disclaimer about it not working with Intel HD Graphics cards. I did some digging, and apparently a lot of the newer integrated graphics cards don't support the old OpenGL used with MOH: AA. Some people have recommended a fix using a downloaded .dll file which seems to work for many, but I'm a little hesitant to buy it. I DID get the demo working with that .dll fix, so I guess that's a good sign...
[quote name='KillingMachine']Fargo stated to Wasteland 2 backers on Kickstarter that he worked out some kind of deal with EA where he will be allowed to bundle Wasteland 1 in with Wasteland 2 as a bonus feature. Not sure if blood sacrifices were invovled.[/QUOTE]

Aah, thanks. They communicate with me too much... so ignore all my kickstarter emails >.< Really needs a... just email me when the beta is up.

[quote name='elessar123']Yea, SimCity 2000 is still great, and aged extremely well for something 20 years old.

Syndicate was great, but didn't age quite as well. It's still good, but the controls and AI leave something to be desired.[/QUOTE]

Although I haven't seen SimCity 2000 in over 15 years, I did imagine it would age well.

I loved Syndicate back in the day. I happily rebought it once they stuffed it in a Mac DOSBox. I feel it's held up quite well (for someone with fond but grounded memories of it). Generally I feel 2D and Isometric games have held up, 3D (and 2.5D e.g. Doom) have not... Unless it's a game you really love that hasn't had a proper sucessor, e.g. Carmageddon & Interstate '76. (...oh dear, asheskitty's going on about car games again...)

[quote name='DaiMonPaul']As a side note, I was getting ready to buy Medal of Honor: Allied Assault until I saw the disclaimer about it not working with Intel HD Graphics cards. I did some digging, and apparently a lot of the newer integrated graphics cards don't support the old OpenGL used with MOH: AA. Some people have recommended a fix using a downloaded .dll file which seems to work for many, but I'm a little hesitant to buy it. I DID get the demo working with that .dll fix, so I guess that's a good sign...[/QUOTE]

Intel drivers have traditionally been the pits. I'm guessing the "fix" enables the software OpenGL renderer. In the late 90s many many Mac games had a launcher that let you swap between hardware and software renderers. Diablo II and Oni were some of the last games I remember that had this option. Back then you sometimes needed to use the software renderer because of issues. Also back then ATI's OpenGL drivers were complete rubbish.
Picked up Alpha Centauri, Theme Hospital, Dungeon Keeper 2 & SimCity 2000. I think that's all for me right now. I got a bunch more that I'm interested in, but I think I'm gonna hold off and wait to see if they do those bundles with the 75-80% discounts again during the next big sale. I know many people didn't like them because you had to buy the whole pack to get the discount, but I could easily see myself buying the whole Bullfrog pack. Probably the Ulitima pack as well.

BTW, does GOG do Summer sales like Steam? I've only been a paying customer since October, so I never paid attention before.
[quote name='The End']
BTW, does GOG do Summer sales like Steam? I've only been a paying customer since October, so I never paid attention before.[/QUOTE]

They do different sales during the summer, but not to the extent Steam does. I think they've only done store-wide sales during winter. Maybe that'll change this summer though!
I'd like to try Medal of Honor, but I'll hold out for a 75% off or pick up the disc.
Got myself Populus: The Beginning, Alpha Centauri and Ultima IX. I had alpha centauri back in the day and played the heck out of it (My favorite was always provost zakrov or whatever his name was...the guy who got free network nodes in every base he built), and never got to play alien crossfire...this should be fun! I know Ultima IX may be the black sheep of that line....but heck I was missing it and it could be fun albeit buggy.

Now just need 50% off system shock 2 and i'll be a very happy cag!
so how do these games typically fair visually on modern hardware? I've had trouble getting a lot of them to go full screen, or anything above 800x600, which needless to say is very annoying. Is there something I'm missing?
[quote name='MrNinjaSquirrel']so how do these games typically fair visually on modern hardware? I've had trouble getting a lot of them to go full screen, or anything above 800x600, which needless to say is very annoying. Is there something I'm missing?[/QUOTE]

Always look around and see if any of these games have Source Ports and/or High-Res Mods out there.
That's normally what I do.

Or, I just deal w/ the pixelation and nostalgia, if all of the above fails.

Crazy idea.
Got any old & smaller-sized monitors lying around to hook up to your PC as a 2nd monitor? ;)
*sigh* Alpha Centauri & Sim City 2000 are REALLY tempting. Does anyone think that we might see them at 75% off later this year?

And I'm surprised there's not more talk about the Wing Commander series in this thread for this sale....
[quote name='INCyr']*sigh* Alpha Centauri & Sim City 2000 are REALLY tempting. Does anyone think that we might see them at 75% off later this year?

And I'm surprised there's not more talk about the Wing Commander series in this thread for this sale....[/QUOTE]

Honestly Alpha Centauri is a legit focus of talk since it's the first time it hit that price since GOG added the expansion. Sim City... well it's a good sim city... better and cheaper than that newfangled one. Wing Command has hit that price before, nothing new to see move along.

60% off the the normal highest GOG discount, anything higher is erratic and hard to predict if/when it would happen.
[quote name='MysterD']
Crazy idea.
Got any old & smaller-sized monitors lying around to hook up to your PC as a 2nd monitor? ;)[/QUOTE]

Its not that crazy. I actually keep one around for this and my SNES/Dreamcast/PSOne/PS2 gaming. Even when they aren't distorting, widescreens just never quite look right.
[quote name='TctclMvPhase']Its not that crazy. I actually keep one around for this and my SNES/Dreamcast/PSOne/PS2 gaming. Even when they aren't distorting, widescreens just never quite look right.[/QUOTE]

Years ago I gave away my 20" Trinitron (the other one of the pair died), and a 19"er, I still have a 17" Trinitron stashed to satisfy my inner retrogrouch (17" is the largest size I can move by myself, and not gastly huge either).

I really wish that the flat-CRTs (CRT tubes only a couple inches thick) had been around a bit longer, but they were quickly knifed in the back by sexy but inferior LCDs of the early aughts.
Well I broken down and finally snagged Alpha Centauri, SimCity 2000, & Theme Hospital (and the Mac-DosBOS versions of those helped to push me).
bread's done