GOG Deals Thread

Have to get the Leisure Suite Larry games....just awesome. May get blades of darkness but might be a bit dated...plus I wasn't crazy at all about Dark Souls...though it was an ok game for the 30 hours i put into it or so.

What did I say? 60% off. I should complain more often. OP updated.

Really tempted by Blade of Darkness... but I have Dark Souls and still need to finish that. This looks really dated and I've never heard of it.

I wonder if asheskitty knows anything about 1nsane. She loves her Codemasters racers.

Sorrry, I never played 1nsane.  Looking at GOG's video for it, it looks standard arcade-y (and really needs a few more terrain textures).  Players seem to note that it was fun in multiplayer but singleplayer is lacking (and the AI is dumb and easy to beat).  I don't see any particular reason to buy it.  There are some well regarded rally games of the era I'd be interested in laying my paws on.

I grabbed the Leisure Suit Larry games. I've always wanted to play them and to have pretty much the entire series for less than $7, I had to bite.

Yeah, I also grabbed the Leisure Suit Larry games. I'm not much of an adventure games fan, but even I had to get the LSL games.

Still considering Blade of Darkness. And I.G.I. 2: Covert Strike has my attention, but the reviews seem to run hot or cold on that one. I'll have to do a little research on that before I make up my mind.

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Tempted by LSL (the price is just so good... and Mac DosBOX'd as well..)

Cannon Fodder was great back in the 90s.  I can't say how well it's held up.  I don't think I played #2.

Tempted by LSL (the price is just so good... and Mac DosBOX'd as well..)

Cannon Fodder was great back in the 90s. I can't say how well it's held up. I don't think I played #2.
Im stilli on the fence with Cannon Fodder i played it a bunch back in the 90's.....I hear #2 is more of the same

Tempted by LSL (the price is just so good... and Mac DosBOX'd as well..)

Cannon Fodder was great back in the 90s. I can't say how well it's held up. I don't think I played #2.
Im stilli on the fence with Cannon Fodder i played it a bunch back in the 90's.....I hear #2 is more of the same
I played both back then, and can't remember the difference. GOG should put both on a pack at that price

Guilty Gear Series is discounted 70% as a "Classic Gem" promo. Classic gem promos only run for 24 hours. So chop-chop. As I post this, there is about 20:20 left on the deal.

You gotta buy both games to get the 70% discount. Otherwise it's 60% off per game. Which is still a pretty nice discount.

[SIZE=12pt]Pretty good deal for anybody who likes fighting games.[/SIZE]

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Hmm... I may bite on the Guilty Gear ones just to have. Can't really beat about $4.

Just a little "Protip" for those buying Larry and have never played before. They give you a 5 question "Age Verification" check when you try to play. Now, with me being 34 (and the game not believing me until I answer the questions lol), I failed it by not knowing 2 of the questions. The first LSL was made in 91, so it gave me questions someone from being 34 at that time would know. Keep google handy. :p

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I went ahead and pulled the trigger on Leisure Suit Larry as well. I already had the Leisure Suit Larry collection. I had picked it up from a second hand bookstore. But this sale price was too good to pass up. I had never managed to get a copy of Love for Sail. (much harder to find these days) Both of them together were only around $5. A dirt-cheap price for a classic point-and-click adventure series.

Hmm... I may bite on the Guilty Gear ones just to have. Can't really beat about $4.

Just a little "Protip" for those buying Larry and have never played before. They give you a 5 question "Age Verification" check when you try to play. Now, with me being 34 (and the game not believing me until I answer the questions lol), I failed it by not knowing 2 of the questions. The first LSL was made in 91, so it gave me questions someone from being 34 at that time would know. Keep google handy. :p

What happens when you don't answer correctly? What kind of questions, like potent potables and fruits that start with the letter "Q"? Do you have to verify every time before you play? Is this a GOG thing or an in-game thing?
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Im on the fence with Guilty Gear. Has anyone tried the Guilty Gears with an XBox controller? It sounds like it works, but the mapping is funny.

Also, that new listing for Magrunner, looks pretty awesome. I can't find much on it, but I may actually take the leap with the current discount.


Great Price for GG I snagged both in Jan for a "mere" 60% off. It works fine with 360 controller, there are two config tools, you need to use the launcher one, not the in-game one. See below.

Extracts from my posts a little before and after here.

Idiotekque said:
Eh, that's really irritating. I try to use the Xbox 360 controller as I read it has controller support (Guilty Gear X2), and sure, it works fine until I try to map actions to the triggers, which just won't pick up in the game.

Anyone know a way around this? I'd really rather not have to deal with JoyToKey, I abhor that program and I'm not going to spend money on XPadder.

I'm not about to beat my keyboard to hell playing a game like this, and there just aren't enough buttons on the 360 controller to cover the game's actions without the triggers.

EDIT: Eh, and that's the beginning of the problems. It seems like you can only use certain keys to map attacks. Basically you've got U, I, O and a couple others, and if you map those to something else, they still link to the controller's counterparts to those buttons, so you can't say "I want P K S or Dust mapped to the spacebar while the rest of my actions are controller buttons", because it simply won't let you.

I have NO idea how even JoyToKey is going to fix this. If you have a 360 controller, you're just given counterpart buttons on your controller that go to the keyboard buttons. That kind of kills the ability to use JoyToKey at all here.

I'm thoroughly frustrated and confused. There doesn't seem to be anything about this online, I don't get it.


Edit: I confirmed this works. Launch the config app (not config from inside the game), go to the joystick tab, check the Z-axis box. Hit apply. Then go through the mappings for all the buttons. L2 should be 1ZMIN and R2 should be 1ZMAX. Xinput (360) maps the triggers to the positive and negative halves of the Z-axis.

Also if you have a DirectInput controller (RumblePad 2, F310, F710, etc) that'll probably work just fine -- I can check this.


Launch the config app (not config from inside the game), go to the joystick tab, check the Z-axis box. Hit apply. Then go through the mappings for all the buttons. L2 should be 1ZMIN and R2 should be 1ZMAX. Xinput (360) maps the triggers to the positive and negative halves of the Z-axis.
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Thanks for that awesome reply Asheskitty.

I don't know how many internetz its worth but I "liked" your comment. Don't go spending it all in one place...

Hmm... I may bite on the Guilty Gear ones just to have. Can't really beat about $4.

Just a little "Protip" for those buying Larry and have never played before. They give you a 5 question "Age Verification" check when you try to play. Now, with me being 34 (and the game not believing me until I answer the questions lol), I failed it by not knowing 2 of the questions. The first LSL was made in 91, so it gave me questions someone from being 34 at that time would know. Keep google handy. :p

What happens when you don't answer correctly? What kind of questions, like potent potables and fruits that start with the letter "Q"? Do you have to verify every time before you play? Is this a GOG thing or an in-game thing?
If you don't answer correctly, it kicks you out. It's an in-game feature with LSL and not GOG affiliated. Designed to keep the younger ones from playing the game since it was high in sexual innuendos and the like.

The questions are those that someone "old enough" would know. Like Mohammad Ali is a: and it gives you four answers to choose (obviously it's boxer). I only played LSL 7 a little bit but haven't tried again. Since last night, but I'm guessing it's every time.

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The questions are those that someone "old enough" would know. Like Mohammad Ali is a: and it gives you four answers to choose (obviously it's boxer). I only played LSL 7 a little bit but haven't tried again. Since last night, but I'm guessing it's every time.

While I have mad respect for that Muhammad Ali for this political and social actions, I always tend to think of this Muhammad Ali:


A good response indeed. Saved my ass when I bought the game.

X2 is one of the best fighting games I've ever played, hands down. I've put so many hours into that game alone, with my cousins, with random friends, hell, even with people I hardly knew when I was staying in a cabin in Big Bear. Anyone can pick the game up and have a blast in two player versus mode.

tl;dr, buy it.

Any thoughts on the Aquanox games? It sounds like 2 is far better than 1, and it seems pretty well regarded. Steam has had 1 and 2 bundled together for $4, but it doesn't look like it's ever sold them separately (from what I'm reading, 2 is better than 1 in every way). GamersGate had 2 for $1.25 like a year ago... but who knows if that was a price glitch and if it'll ever happen again.

The game looks really interesting, in any case. Like a space combat simulator... but underwater.

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I've never played either of the Aquanox games, so I can't comment on their quality. But it's worth noting that the first game is part of the current Indie Gala bundle. My guess is that the second game will probably be one of the bonus games.

So if it doesn't matter to you what service the game is on (Aquanox from the IR bundle is Steam) then I'd say you're better off waiting for a Happy Hour group buy.

Oh right, I skimmed over that one, saw nothing I wanted, and never looked again. Wasn't until I was milking this GOG sale for anything useful that I paid attention to the game.

Thanks for the heads up.

Hmm no Monday single game promo.... Possible GOG summer sale incoming?

Edit: actually after checking the forums looks like there will be a free game tomorrow. Stay tuned
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Hmm no Monday single game promo.... Possible GOG summer sale incoming?

Edit: actually after checking the forums looks like there will be a free game tomorrow. Stay tuned
Free, the ultimate discount.

I hope it isn't a game that I've already paid good money for though.
If you did at least you"ll be able to get a gift code out of it, wait until later and maybe try to pass it off on some unsuspecting sucker. But now that you said you hope its not a game you paid for it will be.
So it doesn't look like there is a free game. I guess we'll just have to be content with the start of the SUMMER SALE!!!

GOG 2013 Summer Sale Day 01

90% off Alan Wake Franchise [SIZE=12pt]- Full bundle cost $4.49[/SIZE]

Alan Wake - $5.99

Alan Wake's American Nightmare - $2.99

80% or 50% off [SIZE=12pt]Difinitive Dungeons & Dragons collection[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]  [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]- Full bundle cost $21.10[/SIZE]

Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga - $1.99 or $4.99

Baldurs Gate 2: Complete - $1.99 or $4.99

Icewind Dale: Complete - $1.99 or $4.99

Icewind Dale 2 - $1.99 or $4.99

Neverwinter Nights: Diamond Edition - $1.99 or $4.99

Neverwinter Nights 2: complete - $3.99 or $9.99

Planescape: Torment - $1.99 or $4.99

The Temple Of Elemental Evil - $1.99 or $4.99

Dungeons Dragons: Dragonshard - $1.99 or $4.99

Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone - $1.99 or $4.99

[SIZE=12pt]EDIT: I stand corrected. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Torchlight is FREEhttp://www.gog.com/gamecard/torchlight for 48 hours.[/SIZE]

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Torchlight is free for 48 hours.

Yay :(
I'd have rather had a 60% off single game sale yesterday.
Yeah I think everyone and their mother/brother/sister/cousin/uncle/aunt already had Torchlight..

And who didn't have Alan Wake by now? The start of their summer sale is a disappointment.
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bread's done