GOG Deals Thread

Five Myst games for $9.45. You can't beat that.
Sure you can, the "Five by Five Deal", five Myst games for five bucks.

I looked at it, but I really don't want to know how many copies of Myst I own. I don't think I have enough mental fortitude to handle that truth.

...I could be tempted to pick them up as tablet games for my Nexus 7... :wall:
Where was the five by five deal?
Only in my (allegedly witty) retort to "you can't beat that"...

No, that was me.

And since that picture doesn't cater to my particular fetish, I find it offensive.

Okay, how do you summon random dickhead-mods? I think it's when someone makes it known that they aren't composed of 4 right-angles like CAG mods. They don't like that.

I need an ocarina of assholes for situations like this.
Well, from what we've seen, if we start dropping game codes they'll show up. ^_~

Is this cheapest the entire (offline) Ultima Collection has been?
It was this price on 2012 holiday sale too.

I'm struggling between

1) Ultima Colection. I already own Ultima 7, so the price is $7.3. I want this collection mostly because I'm an Ultima fan. I believe I'll play U6, U8 and UU 1+2

2) Might and Magic Collection. Never played any of it.

3) Definitive D&D. Already have BG2 and Planescape, so the price is $17.12. I also have the Anthology Master Collection on Gamestop (eeew). I would like to have all the games on GOG (rather than GS), but I'm mostly interested on NWN 1 + 2

Any thoughts??

Five Myst games for $9.45. You can't beat that.
Sure you can, the "Five by Five Deal", five Myst games for five bucks.

I looked at it, but I really don't want to know how many copies of Myst I own. I don't think I have enough mental fortitude to handle that truth.

...I could be tempted to pick them up as tablet games for my Nexus 7... :wall:
Where was the five by five deal?
Only in my (allegedly witty) retort to "you can't beat that"...
At least I don't have to be pissed about missing an imaginary deal, but GOG should adopt your sale idea.

Very tempted by the Fair and Square Selection ($15.43 - ANACHRONOX, DEUS EX 2: INVISIBLE WAR, DEUS EX™ GOTY EDITION, THIEF™ 2: THE METAL AGE, THIEF™ GOLD, THIEF™ 3: DEADLY SHADOWS, DAIKATANA). Still, torn between GOG and Steam. Wish I could redeem on both.
If you don't care about DRM Free and the goodies, i believe the Steam versions of The Deus Ex and the Thief games are gonna be cheaper on the summer sale. The base price for those games is higher on GOG than on Steam. You'll be missing Anachoronox tho... About Daikatana, well let's say that one is not such a great game IMO.
Do you know if it still takes a lot of work to get the Steam versions working? I would have waited for GOG, but didn't see this coming a couple years ago (or whenever it was that I bought the games).

Can't really tell if there's much trouble with the Steam versions of the Thief games cause i don't own them yet, as far as i know the Steam versions are pretty much the same than the GOG ones, but this games have been for quite a while on Steam so i don't know if they are missing somes patches. I don't see any complains about them on the Forums or the Modding Guides tho.

About Deus Ex GOTY, the Steam version has some compatibility problems with mods, but on the Community Hub there's a simple guide about how to resolve the problems.

- Thief Gold Modding Guide Here

- Thief II Modding Guide Here

- Thief Deadly Shadows Basic Guide Here

- Deus Ex GOTY Guide Here
I think I'll stick with the Steam version then. Thanks for the info and mod links.

I have a question about the Sam and Max games, do they connect at all? Like do save files carry over or anything like that? I have the third one on steam from the humble sale, just wanted to know if I'd need to get the first two on steam or something in case they connected.
Achievement Unlocked: Nothing better to do.

I just finished the day 04 sale post. I'm sure most of think I'm nuts for putting all that together. But in looking back on previous sales in this thread, it's kinda bothered me that nobody ever took the time to post all the deals. Which made it kinda hard to get an idea if a particular sale was better or worse than previous sales.

As juanjava observed a couple of pages back, GOG has a tendency to have a day fairly early in sale where they have all the sales that they're gonna have during the event. A sort of recap/preview day. So now there is a record of pretty much everything we're likely to see during this sale. If people want to, they can go back to that single post and check pretty much everything that was offered during the 2013 Summer sale.

And since these are deals that are likely to reappear through out the rest of the sale, it should make it pretty easy to post the deals each day. All I'd have to do is cut & paste the deals from that post. In fact, other people can do that too if I'm not around and haven't posted the deals yet.

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The Superb Sierra Selection is only 69% off.  I was looking forward to buying this one but was hoping for at least 75% off.  Bummer.  I don't see the Gabriel Knight games in a bundle either but I missed seeing the D&D bundle earlier so maybe this just isn't my day.

I am a little confused by the Might and Magic Megapack compared to what I own on Steam.  I bought the Heroes V Pack (http://store.steampowered.com/sub/1753/) which I haven't really looked at yet.  Is HoMaM V from Steam the same game as V in the Gog Might and Magic 6-pack or is my confusion coming from the fact that the names sound the same.  I know I am being stupid but I can't wrap my head around the whole MaM and HoMaM series.

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The Superb Sierra Selection is only 69% off. I was looking forward to buying this one but was hoping for at least 75% off. Bummer. I don't see the Gabriel Knight games in a bundle either but I missed seeing the D&D bundle earlier so maybe this just isn't my day.

I am a little confused by the Might and Magic Megapack compared to what I own on Steam. I bought the Heroes V Pack (http://store.steampowered.com/sub/1753/) which I haven't really looked at yet. Is HoMaM V from Steam the same game as V in the Gog Might and Magic 6-pack or is my confusion coming from the fact that the names sound the same. I know I am being stupid but I can't wrap my head around the whole MaM and HoMaM series.
Might and Magic is an RPG series. Heroes of Might and Magic is a turn-based strategy spinoff series.

The Superb Sierra Selection is only 69% off. I was looking forward to buying this one but was hoping for at least 75% off. Bummer. I don't see the Gabriel Knight games in a bundle either but I missed seeing the D&D bundle earlier so maybe this just isn't my day.

I am a little confused by the Might and Magic Megapack compared to what I own on Steam. I bought the Heroes V Pack (http://store.steampowered.com/sub/1753/) which I haven't really looked at yet. Is HoMaM V from Steam the same game as V in the Gog Might and Magic 6-pack or is my confusion coming from the fact that the names sound the same. I know I am being stupid but I can't wrap my head around the whole MaM and HoMaM series.
Might and Magic is an RPG series. Heroes of Might and Magic is a turn-based strategy spinoff series.
OK so they are two totally different series. I thought so but then confused myself so thanks for setting me straight. And not calling me stupid (although you may have rolled your eyes and I missed it). :)

Achievement Unlocked: Nothing better to do.

I just finished the day 04 sale post. I'm sure most of think I'm nuts for putting all that together. But in looking back on previous sales in this thread, it's kinda bothered me that nobody ever took the time to post all the deals. Which made it kinda hard to get an idea if a particular sale was better or worse than previous sales.

As juanjava observed a couple of pages back, GOG has a tendency to have a day fairly early in sale where they have all the sales that they're gonna have during the event. A sort of recap/preview day. So now there is a record of pretty much everything we're likely to see during this sale. If people want to, they can go back to that single post and check pretty much everything that was offered during the 2013 Summer sale.

And since these are deals are likely to reappear through out the rest of the sale, it should make it pretty easy to post the deals each day. All I'd have to do is cut & paste the deals from that post. In fact, other people can do that too if I'm not around and haven't posted the deals yet.


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The Superb Sierra Selection is only 69% off. I was looking forward to buying this one but was hoping for at least 75% off. Bummer. I don't see the Gabriel Knight games in a bundle either but I missed seeing the D&D bundle earlier so maybe this just isn't my day.
As Ezelkow1 pointed out a couple of pages back, even though Alan Wake is a repeat deal, it's not at the same discount as it was on day 01. On day 01, it was 90% off, & today it's only 80% off. Which suggests that not all the deals that we see here today will be at that same discount when they get featured later in the sale. The Sierra bundle seems like a prime candidate to get a more attractive discount later in the sale. That 69% discount seems a little odd.

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IIRC, in the winter sale the omni-day prices matched the winter sale dailies.  I think AW's 90% is an exception because of well.. 90% on gog, really?  (that said, it was scooped by the Humble Weekly.)  I would have to agree however that the 69% off is a little suspicious... unless they are just trying to make the sale sexy.  

So, about Strike Suit Zero...is this anything like Freelancer?
Freespace 2 would be the right choice if you want a great space combat simulator, unless you already own that ofc :p. Independence War 2 is another awesome Space Combat game.
Yup, already have Freespace 1 & 2 - and yes, FS2 is awesome. :D

So, about SSZ - is it level after level (like FS2) or an open-world game (like Freelancer and Egosoft's X3 series)?

OP can you change your avatar it's gross?
No can do broman. Licky Eye Girl bows to no man.

I've been trying to figure out what it is for a few days now: is it a woman with shiners and sticking out her tongue?
[customspoiler=Full Size Gif]

iz venum wen he waekz up n da mrnng
y u tel sekrit spoder

So, about SSZ - is it level after level (like FS2) or an open-world game (like Freelancer and Egosoft's X3 series)?
Pretty sure it's a rail shooter.

Also, big props to The End for that sale list.
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So, about Strike Suit Zero...is this anything like Freelancer?
Freespace 2 would be the right choice if you want a great space combat simulator, unless you already own that ofc :p. Independence War 2 is another awesome Space Combat game.
Yup, already have Freespace 1 & 2 - and yes, FS2 is awesome. :D

So, about SSZ - is it level after level (like FS2) or an open-world game (like Freelancer and Egosoft's X3 series)?
Open World? no, like Freelancer? no. If you want open world Evochron Mercenary would be a nice pick. You choose your class at the beginning of the game (Racer, Soldier, Mercenary, Trader) but after you start the game you have complete freedom and a huge sandbox galaxy to explore with tons of missions to do on every system you visit (scort combat missions, delivering packagesm transporting people...). The more missions you complete, the more credits you earn and those credits allow you to upgrade your ship. The economic system works a lot like in Space Rangers, how you behave and how much missions you complete on a certain systems changes the way how the traders on that system look at you and the prices they will offer you. It's a pretty time consuming game.

The little brother of SSZ, Strike Suit Infinity is a wave after wave game, there are no real missions or objectives aside from earning points and ranking up on the charts. If you're looking for something like Freelancer i think Independence War 2 is a much better game by a mile, action oriented and more refined in combat. Strike Suit feels more arcade

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I'm kinda surprised that there isn't an Atari bundle being offered during this sale. Especially when you take into account their financial problems and their impending implosion in July. There are a fair amount of Atari published games on GOG too. They could put something fairly decent together if they wanted.

Maybe they're gonna do a big goodbye sale after the Summer sale is over/

Has it been suggested that the Atari games won't be on GOG after July? If that's the case I also hope for an Atari promo, perhaps after the summer sale.

Has it been suggested that the Atari games won't be on GOG after July? If that's the case I also hope for an Atari promo, perhaps after the summer sale.

It's pure speculation on my part.

Supposedly Atari is gonna have to sell off a bunch of their franchises in an auction in July (sorta like what THQ went through in January). Might not actually mean anything is gonna change, but some people are looking to pick up the Atari games that they want just in case.

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I really wish GOG would try and snag some of the older PC games like Gemstone Warrior, Questron 1 and 2 and (oh lawd PLEASE) the Discworld series. I'd be such a happy gamer if that were to happen.

To keep on topic, I grabbed the Sam and Max games since I've always wanted to play them. I already had Back to the Future and Monkey Island. I wonder what's up with Telltale's version of King's Quest. Haven't heard anything about that since they announced they had the rights.

I really wish GOG would try and snag some of the older PC games like Gemstone Warrior, Questron 1 and 2 and (oh lawd PLEASE) the Discworld series. I'd be such a happy gamer if that were to happen.

To keep on topic, I grabbed the Sam and Max games since I've always wanted to play them. I already had Back to the Future and Monkey Island. I wonder what's up with Telltale's version of King's Quest. Haven't heard anything about that since they announced they had the rights.
No longer on Development sorry: http://www.joystiq.com/2013/04/03/telltale-drops-kings-quest-plans/ :(

Whooof, I had to cut myself off. Today's haul included...


Retro City Rampage

Bullfrog Classics Bundle

Turn-Based Strategies Supreme

Complete Ultima Chest

Might & Magic Megapack

Kain & Raziel Saga (of course)

King of Dragon Pass

I could have kept going, but like I said, I had to cut myself off somewhere. This is already a volume of games that will take me years to get through, including quite a few older classics. I was tempted by some of the modern indie bundles, but decided that FEZ and Retro City Rampage would be enough for now. I have to save room for the rest of the daily deals in this sale. I strongly suspect there will be other games and packages I will want to procure.

I'm thinking about picking up Tales of Monkey Island, but I just know it's going to be less somewhere not long after I buy it.

Couldn't resist and now I have the Ultima complete collection. Also King of Dragon Pass, since EVERYONE is talking about this game
No we're not, stop trying to make it a thing. ;)
"they" keep talking about that game. I bought it already! Need to stop the voices. They want moar games... And cardz
You mean I'm not the only one who has bought games simply to stop obsessing over buying it or not? (otherwise it can be a terrible drag on my day)

Yeah, that does look interesting and $1.49 too... damn you! ;)

Couldn't resist and now I have the Ultima complete collection. Also King of Dragon Pass, since EVERYONE is talking about this game
No we're not, stop trying to make it a thing. ;)
"they" keep talking about that game. I bought it already! Need to stop the voices. They want moar games... And cardz
You mean I'm not the only one who has bought games simply to stop obsessing over buying it or not? (otherwise it can be a terrible drag on my day)

Yeah, that does look interesting and $1.49 too... damn you! ;)
Yep. I'm enjoying "the hunt" for games just as much as playing them. Searching the best price, comparing them, making decisions... It's fun.

Picked up King of Dragon Pass, installed it and promptly lost two hours. Wish it ran in a window (no native 1080 mode) but otherwise darn that's a good old game blast from the past.

Even more pleased now that I bought into the Banner Saga Kickstarter - it's supposed to be a spiritual successor to KoDP with tactical combat tacked onto it.

Ended up picking up the Bullfrog Classics Bundle (Populous, Syndicate, Dungeon Keeper, Theme Hospital) and the Turn-Based Strategies Supreme Bundle (Alpha Centauri, Master of Magic, Master of Orion, Colonization). Just writing it out... it's like an All-Star selection of games that I grew up playing. Kind of feel bad that I got the D&D Anthology from GamersGate some time ago. Might rebuy that on GOG next time a sale rolls around.

If only GOG could get the old SSI D&D games, from the Gold Box stuff to the later titles on the upgraded engine like Dark Sun and Ravenloft. I'd be all over that so I could dispose of my Anthology CDs.

Ended up picking up the Bullfrog Classics Bundle (Populous, Syndicate, Dungeon Keeper, Theme Hospital) and the Turn-Based Strategies Supreme Bundle (Alpha Centauri, Master of Magic, Master of Orion, Colonization). Just writing it out... it's like an All-Star selection of games that I grew up playing. Kind of feel bad that I got the D&D Anthology from GamersGate some time ago. Might rebuy that on GOG next time a sale rolls around.

If only GOG could get the old SSI D&D games, from the Gold Box stuff to the later titles on the upgraded engine like Dark Sun and Ravenloft. I'd be all over that so I could dispose of my Anthology CDs.
I hope they get the old SSI D&D too!!! Dark sun, how I miss that game.

I also want Stronghold. I don't know why, but I loved that game! Al-Quadim, Menzoberrazan... Eye of the Beholder!!

Summer Sale Day 05

75% or 50% off Indie RPG Invasion[SIZE=12pt]  [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]- Full bundle cost $[/SIZE]19.95

Inquisitor - $3.74 or $7.49

Driftmoon - $3.74 or $7.49

Torchlight - $3.74 or $7.49

Divinity 2: Developer's Cut - $4.99 or $9.99

Legend of Grimrock - $3.74 or $7.49

75% or 50% off Fair & Square Selection[SIZE=12pt]  [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]- Full bundle cost $15.43[/SIZE]

Anachronox - $1.49 or $2.99

Deus ex - $2.49 or $4.99

Deus ex: Invisible War - $2.49 or $4.99

Thief: Gold - $2.49 or $4.99

Thief 2: The Metal Age - $2.49 or $4.99

Thief 3: Deadly Shadows - $2.49 or $4.99

Daikatana - $1.49 or $2.99

do these download right to your system or do you need steam or another server like that
All DRM-free, so you can download the executable installers only. There's an option to use the GOG downloader but it's not required (I don't know anyone who uses it.)

It's very light and increases download speed for me. I also prefer having a tidy list of everything being downloaded (manuals, etc.) rather than letting Chrome handle it one by one.

Little things. Not unlike brains in Congress.

brains 'n' congress... sexually charged Freudian slips is my forte

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All DRM-free, so you can download the executable installers only. There's an option to use the GOG downloader but it's not required (I don't know anyone who uses it.)

It's very light and increases download speed for me. I also prefer having a tidy list of everything being downloaded (manuals, etc.) rather than letting Chrome handle it one by one.
I don't normally download any of the extras - just the executable, which I delete after installing the game, so I guess our needs differ. :) Download is pretty fast regardless, using Firefox and the DownloadThemAll addon.

I use the DL'er.
me 2

It's very light and increases download speed for me. I also prefer having a tidy list of everything being downloaded (manuals, etc.) rather than letting Chrome handle it one by one.

Little things. Not unlike brains in Congress.

brains 'n' congress... sexually charged Freudian slips is my forte
That just gave me the the image of a zombie outbreak among congressmen and fat little lobbyists trying to run for their lives while dragging their fat sacks of cash with them. :rofl:


I just noticed, lost among the 50% off titles is System Shock 2 for $5 and Carmageddon for $5

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bread's done