Groupees: [NEW] Build a Greenlight Bundle 33 + Oktoberfest + MiniBundle 7



Build A Greenlight Bundle 33

Buy it here:

Must spend at least $1/pick 2 games


Oktoberfest Bundle

Buy it here:

For the minimum of $2, you get the following:

Mini Bundle 7

Buy it here:

For a minimum of $2, you get the following:

Other Non-Gaming Bundles:

Icon Guide

= Steam Key
= Steam Greenlight
= Desura Key
= GoG Code (Click To Redeem/Enter Code)

= GamersGate Serial Key
= DRM Free Download

= Steam Trading Cards Available
= Playable On PC
= Playable on MAC
= Playable on Linux

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The dollar used to preorder a groopees bundle would be better served funding a hobo's alcoholism, or a stripper's college fund.

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I feel like I'm in Bizarro World.  I almost always preorder Groupees bundles and am generally pleased with them.  Yet here I am thinking this is an easy skip and I see everyone jumping on it.  Something's in the water, perhaps.

I feel like I'm in Bizarro World. I almost always preorder Groupees bundles and am generally pleased with them. Yet here I am thinking this is an easy skip and I see everyone jumping on it. Something's in the water, perhaps.
Yeah, your damn sweet-talking. "Just one hit man, that's it!"

Do your preorder as a gift. If you regret it when you see what is revealed you may be able to pawn it off on someone else.
Honestly I looked and these just don't seem like games i'd play....only one I would is that one everyone hopes is in the bundle...forget the name.....pass...i'll see if I regret this tomorrow....but it's KISS games and they always get rebundled.

I feel like I'm in Bizarro World. I almost always preorder Groupees bundles and am generally pleased with them. Yet here I am thinking this is an easy skip and I see everyone jumping on it. Something's in the water, perhaps.
I agree, I don't know what everyone's smoking. Almost all of the KISS bundles have been shit, this one is high risk.

Best to madjoki it.

I feel like I'm in Bizarro World. I almost always preorder Groupees bundles and am generally pleased with them. Yet here I am thinking this is an easy skip and I see everyone jumping on it. Something's in the water, perhaps.
Well if it turns out to be good and you regret Gilbying it I will be happy to sell you mine. :p

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So AX:EL got discarted also. The pic which is linked inside the image is the same that Blade posted yesterday.

In case you missed it, here it is:


My personal guesses are: Purgatory (was free on Playfire), Bloop Reloaded (last IGS deal), and Crab Cakes Rescue (glitched on IG store a couple of months ago). 

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Most of them look pretty terrible but I guess I don't have them so eh I'll think about it.

I still wanted that damned Unrest game but not for more than a couple of dollars and not in a bundle with a bunch of repeats for me so basically not that Humble it was in. I'm not even counting the Gala bundle because 25 is just lol.

*Edit to add: I'm working where I don't really have internet access during the day and so I don't really have the option to madjoki most of their pre-order bundles. It's either pre-order as a gift or don't for me.

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Edited for inm8num2

[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]Glad I aborted at the Amazon Payment page....ewwwww......[/SIZE]

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Well this bundle's pretty much the Blades of Janus bundle....but I already have that and that was barely worth it as well. If anyone wants to hook a brother up with Z I would like that. Bitmap Brothers games rocked so much back in the day.

I had a general idea of taking another look at the preorder page this morning and considering it one last time--maybe everyone else was on to something.  I ended up not getting to it until after the bundle started, which means I saved myself some effort.

Wow. This bundle is going to ruin pre-orders.
I don't think it will. It was obvious to anyone not drinking the kool aid that the bundle would suck. All you had to do was look at the contents of the past KISS bundles to see how shitty they were. The Kiss bundle that had Train Simulator in it was decent though, and I don't believe that's been bundled again.

I don't think it will. It was obvious to anyone not drinking the kool aid that the bundle would suck. All you had to do was look at the contents of the past KISS bundles to see how shitty they were. The Kiss bundle that had Train Simulator in it was decent though, and I don't believe that's been bundled again.
Yep. I'm very disappointed, but I'm just chalking it up as a "gambled and lost". It does really sour me on Groupees as a whole, though.

Someone in their chat pulled off a masterful troll. There's probably at least a few dozen people that shouted "What the fucking hell is this?" when that bundle revealed itself and they saw that "5 out of the 8 are one of these" was not at all true, and Gold Rush Classic is not Gold Rush Anniversary.

They need to do something about that 90's chatroom of theirs, and not those damn stupid superpowers. Apparently someone had even added that "5 of these are part of the 8" to their 90s chatroom chatbot.

They've got messaging issues.

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I don't think it will. It was obvious to anyone not drinking the kool aid that the bundle would suck. All you had to do was look at the contents of the past KISS bundles to see how shitty they were. The Kiss bundle that had Train Simulator in it was decent though, and I don't believe that's been bundled again.

This moran puts on some glasses and all of a sudden is Mr. Knowitall.

I don't think it will. It was obvious to anyone not drinking the kool aid that the bundle would suck. All you had to do was look at the contents of the past KISS bundles to see how shitty they were. The Kiss bundle that had Train Simulator in it was decent though, and I don't believe that's been bundled again.
The 100% repeats, coupled with the misinformation given to the groupees chat regulars ... yup, it's going to affect pre-orders alright.

At least the last Kiss bundle had a couple of decent games, although they added the best one during the bundle's run. Maybe they'll do that again.

I didn't have Fist of Jesus (don't judge me) so I'm glad I preordered.

I may or may not be deluding myself.

EDIT: No bonuses... :whistle2:|

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The 100% repeats, coupled with the misinformation given to the groupees chat regulars ... yup, it's going to affect pre-orders alright.

At least the last Kiss bundle had a couple of decent games, although they added the best one during the bundle's run. Maybe they'll do that again.
I wouldn't bet on it. It says 8 games and 8 games are showing. They rarely add unannounced "bonuses." They also rarely have three tiers in a bundle. I just think we got trolled big time.

The 100% repeats, coupled with the misinformation given to the groupees chat regulars ... yup, it's going to affect pre-orders alright.
The misinformation provided by Shifty does suck, but I doubt this is going to affect preorders. There have been tons of shitty preorder bundles and that hasn't affected preorders yet. People still buy this shit regardless.

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The misinformation provided by Shifty does suck, but I doubt this is going to affect preorders. There have been tons of shitty preorder bundles and that hasn't affected preorders yet. People still buy this shit regardless.

Wait a minute .... those aren't even real glasses! Fake know-it-all :shame:

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Well if anyone wants to turn their crappy preorder into a slightly less crappy preorder by getting rid of IO, I have some spare regrets myself.

I don't think it will. It was obvious to anyone not drinking the kool aid that the bundle would suck. All you had to do was look at the contents of the past KISS bundles to see how shitty they were. The Kiss bundle that had Train Simulator in it was decent though, and I don't believe that's been bundled again.
The first two KISS bundles were decent. I've skipped all of them since.

So, people are still pre-ordering groupees bundles?
Me. All the time. And I skipped this one. So, no, I don't think this changes the perception much.

Admittedly I was duped by that clever list of "potential games" since I only had one from that list. Such anger and disappointment to see everything was a repeat (and I really should have known better).

Spoderman's right though, it's best to stick with Be Mine and Greenlight pre-orders to lessen any potential bundle burns. Another lesson harshly learned. Although I was able to sell my gift copy for $1.75 to some guy from Poland. So just for today Poland becomes my third favorite country.



I should have known better that Poopees and KISS is a bad combo but people here kept talking it up and someone mentioned Unrest which I want but not at that Humble price.
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It's because we were all lied to.

The 5 games from this list thing was pretty much what made me (and everyone else) pre-order. I'm actually rather pissed. Who's the one who lied?

bread's done