GS/EB Coupon scan: 10% xtra trade in/10% xtra off used items. Stacks w/Edge!


34 (100%)
Thats right, a possible 20% extra until feb 28th! I did my best on the scans, but this barcode was just to small and tight to really reproduce as a functioning barcode...BUT a UPC number is there! This coupon is actually printed on rough paper, semi card board like and because of this, a scanned coupon may seem more legit. Oh and the best thing of all, THE COUPON ITSELF DOESN'T STATE "NO COPIES" OR BLAH BLAH!

Anyway, enjoy. Add this to the coupon pack if you want, but figured it deserved a separate post at first.

Again, brought to you first by a CAG!
[quote name='help1']None of those are consoles...[/quote]

I was replying to the person who pointed out the obvious fact that Consoles don't qualify for the extra 10% off, while pointing out the Consoles do in fact qualify for the extra 10% trade-in credit.
[quote name='PyroGamer']I love how it says "cannot be combined with any offer"

The dipshit of a fuckup manager at my local GameStop is convinced to a religious principle that the edge card is an "offer", rather than a club member discount.

Now I'll whip out this Gameinformer off the shelf and shover it up that bastard's ass.[/quote]

They're like that at my local GS. The Ebgames two miles away agreed with me, since I paid for the discount card, it doesn't qualify as an 'offer.' Then again, I no longer go to that Gamestop and have actually turned people away from it, telling them to go to EB instead. Same company, but the staff is much more people friendly.
Some of these GS/EB managers are such idiots. The coupon says directly on it in massive letters "EXTRA 10% OFF . . . ON TOP OF YOUR SUBSCRIBER'S DISCOUNT." What's so hard to understand about that?
sorry guys, NO DISCOUNT works on systems. we can't even override the price anymore. the only way is if there is a system special only going on. neither the edge card or coupon will save/add any money on system. sorry, it sucks but the magazines are nice.
[quote name='sp00ge']I was replying to the person who pointed out the obvious fact that Consoles don't qualify for the extra 10% off, while pointing out the Consoles do in fact qualify for the extra 10% trade-in credit.[/quote]

If it does, it'll be VERY YMMV.

GameStop doesn't add percentage bonus to consoles. The most they'll do is the $20 bonus coupons they recently had.

It's the same way with the Edge/More card. It doesn't work on systems.
too bad u can never combine these with the employee discount and edge card cause that would rock 35% onto the trade-in ill try thought i got to trade in some stuff anyway,
[quote name='reibeatall']If it does, it'll be VERY YMMV.

GameStop doesn't add percentage bonus to consoles. The most they'll do is the $20 bonus coupons they recently had.

It's the same way with the Edge/More card. It doesn't work on systems.[/quote]

I'm sure you'll run into the a'holes, but the coupon has no exclusions. I'm sure anyone can argue that to the end, even if it requires a chat with the DM.

Even the More card only has the console exclusion on the discount, not the bonus.
Gah, forgot about this coupon when picking up a couple GBA games today. But I was planning on returning them and rebuying them with the 10% off 2 GBA/GC/etc games starting tomorrow anyway, so same difference.
I used the coupon yesterday and it would not scan. The CSR just looked up a discount code on the system and ending up giving me 2 10% discount codes plus 10% on the edge card. So I ended up getting 30% off.
The Wife and I were at an EB near us a few weeks ago, and they had those little Yellow trading guide booklets with the coupon in. I grabbed like a dozen of them and stuffed them in her handbag. I just used one yesterday to pick up a used Warioware (yes someone played it for two days and traded it in) for 36 bucks. With a trade of my Marvel Ultimate Alliance I paid 10 bucks for it.
im thinking of using this to get a used 360 harddrive. $70 (tax included) isn't all that bad imo. thats $37 less than a new one at SRP +tax. i can't get a premium 360 because my dad doesn't want me spending more than $250 on a console. uck.
[quote name='RandyTsai']I used the coupon yesterday and it would not scan. The CSR just looked up a discount code on the system and ending up giving me 2 10% discount codes plus 10% on the edge card. So I ended up getting 30% off.[/QUOTE]

Just used my coupon today and the same thing happened.

I went into my local EB to grab Dead Rising ($49.99). The CSR scanned my game, scanned my edge card, and then the coupon. The price went down to $44.99, meaning only the edge card applied. The CSR put the game in the case and told me my total was $48.48. I asked him, "did the extra 10% not work? It should come out to $43.09 after the 20%" He replies (in a smartass voice), "I know how 20% works!"

At that point I'm thinking, if you know how 20% works, then you are an ass for trying to sell me the game at 10% off. Anyway, just like in RandyTsai's case, he went into the computer and entered something in. The total dropped down to 35.49. He then continues to say (still with his smartass tone) "Looks like you were wrong pal, your total after the 20% is $38.24!"

I knew my math wasn't wrong, but I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Debit," swiped my card, took my game and left.

Looked at the receipt when I got home and saw the following discounts:
Disc: 5.00 Promo #1294
Disc: 5.00 GS Limited Promo % Off
Disc: 4.50 GMR 10%

A total discount of $14.50, which I believe is 29% off, what an odd total.

Glad my game came out to be much cheaper than I expected, but still I hate to deal with such a jerk of an employee. Just had to vent.
[quote name='sp00ge']I was replying to the person who pointed out the obvious fact that Consoles don't qualify for the extra 10% off, while pointing out the Consoles do in fact qualify for the extra 10% trade-in credit.[/QUOTE]

Uh in most cases this is NOT true. 10% extra is only for software (Games, DVDs) and Accessories. Consoles have always been excluded. This YMMV, but ive never seen EB/GS give an extra 10% if you have the edge card.
[quote name='gizmogc']Uh in most cases this is NOT true. 10% extra is only for software (Games, DVDs) and Accessories. Consoles have always been excluded. This YMMV, but ive never seen EB/GS give an extra 10% if you have the edge card.[/quote]

The card does not exclude consoles from the bonus, as it does for the discount. Therefore, if you get denied, you have cause to complain and argue until you get the bonus. Only the discount is restricted:

[quote name='"My More card"']Discounts apply to USED PRODUCTS ONLY: games, accessories and DVDs. Cardholder also receives 10% more trade-in value on trades for credit.[/quote]
Um, I recently bought a used Xbox using my the store credit I saved up on my Edge Card. Even when swiping the card, no such discount came up for it. So consoles ARE excluded.
[quote name='sp00ge']The card does not exclude consoles from the bonus, as it does for the discount. Therefore, if you get denied, you have cause to complain and argue until you get the bonus. Only the discount is restricted:[/QUOTE]

Does not mean they will give you an extra 10%. This is a big YMMV depending on the manager as they would have to manually adjust it as the coupon is not valid on consoles and will not go through properly.
[quote name='Tsukento']Um, I recently bought a used Xbox using my the store credit I saved up on my Edge Card. Even when swiping the card, no such discount came up for it. So consoles ARE excluded.[/quote]

Well the card should say so then. Since it doesn't, make them manually override it or else go over their heads. You pay for this card, and they deny you with a made-up exclusion that's not even in the fine print? That's just as retarded as GS not allowing stacking with the More card because they claim it is a special offer.

[quote name='gizmogc']Does not mean they will give you an extra 10%. This is a big YMMV depending on the manager as they would have to manually adjust it as the coupon is not valid on consoles and will not go through properly.[/quote]

The coupon clearly states bonus on ANY trades. Therefore, if it is not automatic, demand a manual override.
[quote name='sp00ge']Well the card should say so then. Since it doesn't, make them manually override it or else go over their heads. You pay for this card, and they deny you with a made-up exclusion that's not even in the fine print? That's just as retarded as GS not allowing stacking with the More card because they claim it is a special offer.

The coupon clearly states bonus on ANY trades. Therefore, if it is not automatic, demand a manual override.[/QUOTE]


This is GameStop. Yeah, go over there heads. I can only imagine you at a supermarket bitching about every condition. Oh well. As stated, this is YMMV, or how much time YOU want to invest to get nothing.
[quote name='gizmogc']:lol:

This is GameStop. Yeah, go over there heads. I can only imagine you at a supermarket bitching about every condition. Oh well. As stated, this is YMMV, or how much time YOU want to invest to get nothing.[/quote]

I normally don't bitch about stuff, unless it involves GS. I hate them. that's why I go to the EB down the street where the employees are sociable and customer oriented. :D
[quote name='sp00ge']The coupon clearly states bonus on ANY trades. Therefore, if it is not automatic, demand a manual override.[/quote]
If you read the fine print of the coupon, it also says "Trade-ins subject to manager approval." Meaning that if the manager says no to systems, then you're SOL and have no say in the matter.

Besides, this rule is not new at all. Long before the merger with EB Games, they've said no to the 10% with the card for used consoles.

Also, both coupons say to see a store clerk for further info on the deals. So it's not like they're hiding anything from you. Especially when they tell you what the cards can be used for upon buying the subscriptions.
Quick questions in regards to the "Trade a PS2 to get 100 dollars towards a PS3." Is that deal still going on? If so, anyone know when it ends?
[quote name='Superstar7']Yay! Now I can go trade in my PSP extra what-not and actually get something decent![/quote]

Systems don't count : )
[quote name='TheGreatWang']Quick questions in regards to the "Trade a PS2 to get 100 dollars towards a PS3." Is that deal still going on? If so, anyone know when it ends?[/quote]

Its ended last week i think And for all of you saying that the coupon states "ALL ITEMS, INCLUDING SYSTEMS" even if we scan in the coupon it won't work. yes the manager can manually override it but hes not going to go through all of the trouble of manually overiding it and shit that like
[quote name='endlessPRO']how much would I get for trading in AC:WW for the ds[/QUOTE]

Either call and ask or check the Wiki provided here.
the gamestop's around northern nj won't let u use the edge card on consoles. i asked the dude when i got the card if i could do that and he said he really wished they could because he's a customer too lol. and yea it says on the card that consoles aren't included.

aside from that the stores around here are extremely lenient. i asked if i could return or exchange a used game (baldurs gate for xbox) well outside the return period and they not only let me return it but they gave me full price for it (my mom had gotten it with coupons and the edge card). i have also exchanged some dvd's and returned other stuff no problem.
[quote name='angrysalad187']the gamestop's around northern nj won't let u use the edge card on consoles. i asked the dude when i got the card if i could do that and he said he really wished they could because he's a customer too lol. and yea it says on the card that consoles aren't included.

Maybe they changed it for the new edge cards. I have the pre-merger More card and it only says consoles don't count for purchase discount.

But whatever... I'd never trade in a console there anyways. I'll stick to ebay for that.
Just an FYI, the Edge/More Card & extra 10% coupon worked great on a used 360 HD-DVD player. Ended up being $120 after 20% off. Their site has a store locator (you'll have to hit "show backordered in store items" at the bottom of the search page for it to show up).
[quote name='Bezerker']Just an FYI, the Edge/More Card & extra 10% coupon worked great on a used 360 HD-DVD player. Ended up being $120 after 20% off. Their site has a store locator (you'll have to hit "show backordered in store items" at the bottom of the search page for it to show up).[/QUOTE]

It is an accessory so I don't think it would be an issue. You got a great price on it too!
[quote name='Bezerker']Just an FYI, the Edge/More Card & extra 10% coupon worked great on a used 360 HD-DVD player. Ended up being $120 after 20% off. Their site has a store locator (you'll have to hit "show backordered in store items" at the bottom of the search page for it to show up).[/QUOTE]

Did it come with King Kong?
[quote name='gofishn']Did it come with King Kong?[/quote]
It didnt, but the reason i think is that either the person who traded it in traded it seperately so they'd get more credit, or the employees took it out so they could sell it seperately. (hopefully the first one, not the latter)

If you bought the King Kong HD-DVD at the same time, it'd only run $10.39 before tax, so its still about $30~ cheaper than the Circuit City coupon (if that is still going on)
they wouldn't let me use the printed coupon! im so pissed right now. i have the actual coupon around somewhere i just have to find it. i guess i'll return the memory card i bought and rebuy it with the coupon. maybe im cheap but 3$ is worth it to me.

EDIT: found the coupon. will be back to gamestop tommorow =/
i just bought a game boy player at ebgames and a wavebird recently , i still within the 7 days, is there a way i can return these items and then re-buy them and use the coupon??
[quote name='Bezerker']It didnt, but the reason i think is that either the person who traded it in traded it seperately so they'd get more credit, or the employees took it out so they could sell it seperately. (hopefully the first one, not the latter)[/quote]
Never underestimate GameStop policies. :p Say you traded in a copy of Pokemon Fire Red or Leaf Green that also included the Wireless Adapter, they'd likely count both as seperate items and sell them as seperate items.
[quote name='angrysalad187']yea u should be able to if ur in the 7 days

thats wut im doing tommorow[/quote]

I'd say it's YMMV. I tried that when I bought Tony Hawk Project 8. Two days later the 25% off coupon showed up and the GS refused to adjust. They also refused to stack the coupon with my More card as well when I was picking up a few other games.

This place is notorious for screwing people, and I'm certain it's not the only one like it either.
Is there a way to report stores that aren't honoring promotions? Is there any kind of recourse for that?
Thanks for the heads up, as I am in college I don't get the GI's as they are sent to my house. I am hoping to get Warioware for 20% off but I don't know if they will have it used.
[quote name='sp00ge']I'd say it's YMMV. I tried that when I bought Tony Hawk Project 8. Two days later the 25% off coupon showed up and the GS refused to adjust. They also refused to stack the coupon with my More card as well when I was picking up a few other games.

This place is notorious for screwing people, and I'm certain it's not the only one like it either.[/quote]

well the mall by my house has eb games, ebx, and gamestop all within walking distance of eachother. i don't see how i couldn't just go to ebgames and return the memory card i bought for store credit then go down to gamestop and buy what i want with the coupon.
[quote name='angrysalad187']well the mall by my house has eb games, ebx, and gamestop all within walking distance of eachother. i don't see how i couldn't just go to ebgames and return the memory card i bought for store credit then go down to gamestop and buy what i want with the coupon.[/quote]

That's why I deal strictly with the EB a mile away. The final straw was when I took several DVDs in for trade and they gave me some ridiculous amount (after manually entering several of them). I told them forget it and went to EB, where I was given a $15(more) difference for the exact same items. Very shady and I should report them, but I have no real proof of the trade estimate.
I managed to get the HD-DVD drive for $128 today. The guy was a little freaked when I pulled out the coupon and he saw the final price. I just need to find some HD-DVD's now to test this bad boy out.
If my edge card has a hole stamped in FEB and 2007, does that means I can use it until March or is it already expired?
[quote name='JMD3']If my edge card has a hole stamped in FEB and 2007, does that means I can use it until March or is it already expired?[/quote]

My card says "Expires February 2007" but my local EB and GS still accept it, at least until the store closes on the 28th. ;)
bread's done