H: Demon's Souls PS5 W: Call of Duty Cold War PS5

[quote name='antlp89']Please CML for No More Heroes and/or Super Paper Mario (don't know if your trading either)...okay thanks[/QUOTE]
sorry didnt see anything
[quote name='Dynasty1756']hmmm.... CML for my list to trade. Interested in Rainbow 6 Vegas and maybe Splinter Cell Double Agent for 360[/QUOTE]
i tried checking your list, you dont have one. so i pm'ed you instead. :applause:
[quote name='IXI Dragunz IXI']Will trade Undercover(Disc Only) and Naruto 1 for Last Remnant and Banjo.[/QUOTE]

so would i if i had a disc only game and a 10 dollar game for two new games. no thanks.
bread's done