Halo 3 - General Discussion & Info

[quote name='LinkinPrime']I do play doubles a lot with my little sister...no way I'd play with random folk. If I ever see you on and my little sis is not playing I might take you (or omgu8myrice) on in that offer.[/quote]

I consider myself lucky I even got to 39 in doubles because I think the only way I have played it is with random people. At first it was cool because people weren't quitting much, but lately I have run into a lot of quitters on Doubles and even Team Slayer. My Doubles has dropped to 37 and I think my Team Slayer has dropped to 38. I doubt I am going to play much more ranked games with people I don't know because quitting is starting to get a lot more common on Halo 3 now. It isn't at Halo 2 levels yet, but it's a lot worse that even a month ago.

Even though people quit, I stay on even if it is me against 4 people. The only problem is that my K/D ratio in Ranked matches has really taken a nosedive this month because of all the quitting. So now I need to weigh the negatives of losing XP for quitting or having my K/D go down from being outnumbered. I try not to worry about K/D too much though because I tend to play very aggressively most on the time. Sometimes I have matches with +15 K/D, sometimes -10. It just depends if I can get on a roll or not.

Bit of a tangent....

I think they need to take objective games out of Lone Wolves and Ranked Big Team completely. I hate them in those gametypes and just about everytime they are vetoed. They should add a Big Team SLAYER gametype like they had in Halo 2.

Also, the veto system in general just wastes time. Ninety percent of the matches I go into are vetoed no matter what map comes up. It's really irritating. They may as well just skip voting on the first map and go straight to the second.

I freaking LOVE the Ghost. I'd rather use a Ghost than any other weapon in the game. Nothing like kill streaks with a Ghost.
It's probably been mentioned before but it's worth saying again. If you preorder Ninja Gaiden 2 on circuitcity.com, you are supposed to get a code for the Marketplace to get the NEW LEGENDARY mappack for free within 1 week of your order.

I will post when I get my code for the maps. Also there are still 2 friends spots open on the CAG Halo Clan gamertag I believe. If I need to trim the heard, then feel free to contact me and I'll do that.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Neg. Makes Halo 3 actually playable instead of an AR fuckfest.[/quote]

Umm, no. MLG is for people who enjoy exploits, and need to whine about things to make the game accommodate them, instead of getting better at the actual game.
[quote name='help1']Umm, no. MLG is for people who enjoy exploits, and need to whine about things to make the game accommodate them, instead of getting better at the actual game.[/quote]

How is playing MLG enjoying exploits?

The AR is way too powerful to be a spawn weapon. It turns the shittiest player into a god. It doesn't take much of an AR clip along with a melee to kill someone. If you get caught off guard and someone starts shooting you from behind with the AR, there's pretty much no chance of you surviving. I think the spawn weapon should be the SMG. Everyone should start with a shitty gun and you should have to be the dominating team and control the better weapons. If you're a better player, you should be rewarded for it.

MLG is different. The BR is a powerful spawn weapon, but it's in it's own playlist and is completely optional.
[quote name='help1']Umm, no. MLG is for people who enjoy exploits, and need to whine about things to make the game accommodate them, instead of getting better at the actual game.[/QUOTE]

i agree with the actual players themselves, not the playlist though. i got a couple games in a few days ago and it actually makes the game different itself, i really enjoyed it.
[quote name='help1']Umm, no. MLG is for people who enjoy exploits, and need to whine about things to make the game accommodate them, instead of getting better at the actual game.[/quote]

Yes, starting with a BR is an exploit.

And MLG players do suck at the actual game. I guess that's why pretty much all MLG players are level 50 in non MLG gametypes. :)
[quote name='Mahoney07']Yes, starting with a BR is an exploit.

And MLG players do suck at the actual game. I guess that's why pretty much all MLG players are level 50 in non MLG gametypes. :)[/quote]

BR Start =/= MLG, exclusively. I like BR Start on Team Slayer.

Also, you guys must have not played Halo 2. Double Shot, BXR, BXB, all from MLG.

I find it ridiculous that people will refuse to play anything but MLG. I actually had this challenge on GameFAQs a couple months ago accepting challenges from anyone to 1 v 1 matches, and at first I just played by BR defaults, except the Major League Glitchers would cry when they lost, so I would switch it to their MLG rules and own them afterward, once again.

After about 22 matches, I got bored. I was undefeated, though!
[quote name='help1']BR Start =/= MLG, exclusively. I like BR Start on Team Slayer.

Also, you guys must have not played Halo 2. Double Shot, BXR, BXB, all from MLG.

I find it ridiculous that people will refuse to play anything but MLG. I actually had this challenge on GameFAQs a couple months ago accepting challenges from anyone to 1 v 1 matches, and at first I just played by BR defaults, except the Major League Glitchers would cry when they lost, so I would switch it to their MLG rules and own them afterward, once again.

After about 22 matches, I got bored. I was undefeated, though![/quote]

Yes. MLG edited Halo 2 and created the glitches XD

Trust me, if you played Final Boss with your team, you would get owned. Like I said, MLG pros are good no matter what mode they play. They are 50 in Lone Wolves, Team Slayer etc. They have amazing team work and work together very well. Oh and LOL @ saying MLG players are bad because you beat some random people on the internet 1v1. Play any REAL MLG team and prepare to get owned.

Anyway, saying "MLG is for people who enjoy exploits, and need to whine about things to make the game accommodate them, instead of getting better at the actual game." just makes you look like a douchebag.
MLG Playlist = godlike.

I will never go back to the homosexuality questioning regular playlists.

Please don't tell annoying people about MLG. Thanks.

In other news any CAGs play a lot around 3pm CST? I'd like to friend someone people that do.
[quote name='Mahoney07']Yes. MLG edited Halo 2 and created the glitches XD

Trust me, if you played Final Boss with your team, you would get owned. Like I said, MLG pros are good no matter what mode they play. They are 50 in Lone Wolves, Team Slayer etc. They have amazing team work and work together very well. Oh and LOL @ saying MLG players are bad because you beat some random people on the internet 1v1. Play any REAL MLG team and prepare to get owned.

I am not talking about REAL MLG teams, like those depicted on TV. I am talking about your average MLG player on Halo. Comparing my team to people who play for a pathetic lifestyle what I am talking about.
[quote name='help1']I am not talking about REAL MLG teams, like those depicted on TV. I am talking about your average MLG player on Halo. Comparing my team to people who play for a pathetic lifestyle what I am talking about.[/quote]

So, you hate people who like playing MLG just because they like playing MLG?

Anyways, the spawns in Blackout suck major ass. I was playing Team Rockets on Blackout today(didn't want to play it, but that's what came up) and I spawned maybe 5 times next to an enemy player. The best three spawns I had were;

1) I spawned next to a teammate that was fighting an enemy. No joke, right next to them. As soon as I landed on the ground a rocket from my teammate hit me. That's how close I was to the enemy when I spawned.
2) I spawned near the sword area. I ended up moving maybe 10 feet before a rocket from right above hit me. I actually saw that guy on radar right off the bat so I tried moving away from him. Didn't work at all.
3) I spawned at the sniper tower. Lo and behold I spawned right in front of an enemy. As I hit the ground he rocketed me and took away his own shield.

[quote name='DarkRider23']So, you hate people who like playing MLG just because they like playing MLG?


You like putting words into other peoples mouths? I hate them because they are so close minded and will ONLY play that one game type.
[quote name='help1']Also, you guys must have not played Halo 2. Double Shot, BXR, BXB, all from MLG.[/quote]

I highly doubt that all of those came about because of MLG. Bungie incorporated BR starts long before I ever heard of MLG.

I played the shit out of Halo 2. Of all the people I played against, I'd say maybe 4 or 5 of them could manage to pull off the BXR or BXB effectively. It wasn't game ruining by any means.
[quote name='Trakan']I highly doubt that all of those came about because of MLG.[/quote]

Then I highly doubt you know anything about the topic being discussed. True, not all of them were CREATED by MLG players, but they were all promoted by MLG, and gained mass popularity because of MLG.
Double XP going on now:
Legendary Brawl Double XP Weekend Going Live

Posted by Shishka at 4/17/2008 1:46 PM PDT

To celebrate the release of the Legendary Map Pack, this weekend's Double XP playlist is the Legendary Brawl, a 12 man free for all playlist. Legendary Brawl is ranked, so this is a great chance to get those last few achievements and land yourself a new helmet and a katana.

Legendary Brawl starts today at 2pm PDT and ends 2am Monday morning. To play, you'll need both the Heroic and Legendary map packs. Have fun!
[quote name='help1']Then I highly doubt you know anything about the topic being discussed. True, not all of them were CREATED by MLG players, but they were all promoted by MLG, and gained mass popularity because of MLG.[/quote]

If Bungie doesn't remove it with a patch don't blame MLG, blame Bungie.
Well I usually rock with BR only gametypes...and its by far the best weapon in the game in my opinion. And ya often you can beat rockets with it if you jump at the right time and stay far enough away...and sniper if you can prevent them from scoping you, you have a chance if you're in range. By "owning everyone" I didn't mean that I actually never lose in a game lol...its just way easier on MLG cause its such a screwball playlist. Its so buggy and I bet it has more lag cause bungie knows its crap and doesn't bother allocating any of their resources to making it better lol.

I have no idea why this playlist was even added. Team Slayer ranked OFTEN has BR only starts which are fun anyway, and who the heck likes playing ranked on king of the hill with a single hill anyway? Also for those who are like "this playlist got me right back into halo" and junk...like what is actually different? Do you really like the extra 10% speed, and 200 second oddball guardian games, or what? BR starts aren't a reason since they occur 40-50% of the time in ranked TS.

Oh and I BET thats why I found Halo 2 crappy. I was probably playing MLG gametypes. Halo 1 was an awesome game and I really like Halo 3 as well. I might have to go back to Halo 2 and make sure I stay away from MLG gametypes...I only put in maybe 15 hours of Halo 2 online... so I'll have to give it another go.

Actually now that I think about it Halo 3 MLG is a lot like CoD4. I really like CoD4...but halo 3 MLG is similar in that you don't need near as much accuracy in aiming to do well (and it seems like shields are weaker...meaning less shots to kill) and its much easier to camp for kills than it is with the constant radar. Except it makes it more like a 10 cent spinoff of CoD4 than actual Halo 3 gameplay. And...whats with this gay questioning stuff?...lol
[quote name='Spades22']Well I usually rock with BR only gametypes...and its by far the best weapon in the game in my opinion. And ya often you can beat rockets with it if you jump at the right time and stay far enough away...and sniper if you can prevent them from scoping you, you have a chance if you're in range. By "owning everyone" I didn't mean that I actually never lose in a game lol...its just way easier on MLG cause its such a screwball playlist. Its so buggy and I bet it has more lag cause bungie knows its crap and doesn't bother allocating any of their resources to making it better lol.

I have no idea why this playlist was even added. Team Slayer ranked OFTEN has BR only starts which are fun anyway, and who the heck likes playing ranked on king of the hill with a single hill anyway? Also for those who are like "this playlist got me right back into halo" and junk...like what is actually different? Do you really like the extra 10% speed, and 200 second oddball guardian games, or what? BR starts aren't a reason since they occur 40-50% of the time in ranked TS.

Oh and I BET thats why I found Halo 2 crappy. I was probably playing MLG gametypes. Halo 1 was an awesome game and I really like Halo 3 as well. I might have to go back to Halo 2 and make sure I stay away from MLG gametypes...I only put in maybe 15 hours of Halo 2 online... so I'll have to give it another go.

Actually now that I think about it Halo 3 MLG is a lot like CoD4. I really like CoD4...but halo 3 MLG is similar in that you don't need near as much accuracy in aiming to do well (and it seems like shields are weaker...meaning less shots to kill) and its much easier to camp for kills than it is with the constant radar. Except it makes it more like a 10 cent spinoff of CoD4 than actual Halo 3 gameplay. And...whats with this gay questioning stuff?...lol[/quote]

I know there are exceptions for everything I'm just saying they are calling power weapons for a reason. Starting with a BR doesn't change that.

How is MLG buggy? I never lag. Your connection is probably bad.

You don't need as much accuracy? LOL Assault Rifle spray! Maybe you just notice more "camping" because people don't mindlessly rush as much anymore.
I was wondering if anyone would be interested in playing some Legendary co-op tonight starting from the beginning at around 11 or 12 cent time. I'm also looking to pick up some of the skulls. Either post here or send me an invite, I'd really like to get through this on Co-Op. Not being able to jump in a game with a random stranger really stinks!
[quote name='Mahoney07']If Bungie doesn't remove it with a patch don't blame MLG, blame Bungie.[/quote]

You and I can't comment on that, because for all we know it wasn't exactly patch-able. Unless you are some uber game designer...
[quote name='FrankySox']I was wondering if anyone would be interested in playing some Legendary co-op tonight starting from the beginning at around 11 or 12 cent time. I'm also looking to pick up some of the skulls. Either post here or send me an invite, I'd really like to get through this on Co-Op. Not being able to jump in a game with a random stranger really stinks![/quote]I'm down. I still need a couple of skulls myself. Send me a friend request when you get on?
[quote name='FrankySox']I was wondering if anyone would be interested in playing some Legendary co-op tonight starting from the beginning at around 11 or 12 cent time. I'm also looking to pick up some of the skulls. Either post here or send me an invite, I'd really like to get through this on Co-Op. Not being able to jump in a game with a random stranger really stinks![/quote]

I need the last 3 levels...starting with the Flood...let me know when you get there and I'll jump in.
[quote name='lmz00']I'm down. I still need a couple of skulls myself. Send me a friend request when you get on?[/QUOTE]

Sweet, I'll send you one later.

Linkin, I'll let you know, probably be awhile though since it's so damned hard to find people to play with.
[quote name='Mahoney07']

How is MLG buggy? I never lag. Your connection is probably bad.

You don't need as much accuracy? LOL Assault Rifle spray! Maybe you just notice more "camping" because people don't mindlessly rush as much anymore.[/quote]

My connection is fine on any other gametypes (other than big team the odd time), people just skip all over the place in MLG.

And ya personally I find the BR WAY easier to kill with and track players with than the AR. The BR fires in bursts, so I can adjust my aim very quickly after the burst ends. And...why you can't see how its easier to camp without a radar than it is camping with one makes no sense. Generally if somethings easier to do and more effective people will do more of it....
[quote name='help1']Then I highly doubt you know anything about the topic being discussed. True, not all of them were CREATED by MLG players, but they were all promoted by MLG, and gained mass popularity because of MLG.[/quote]

Nah. I didn't give two shits about MLG, but I heard about it just playing people in the game. I tried to do it, thought it wasn't worth the trouble, and forgot about it. Every once in a while I'd encounter someone trying to use it, but it wasn't like they dominated the game with it. I still managed to win.

I probably got BXR'd like 10 times over my whole time playing H2. Like I said, not game ruining.
To celebrate the release of the Legendary Map Pack, this weekend's Double XP playlist is the Legendary Brawl, a 12 man free for all playlist. Legendary Brawl is ranked, so this is a great chance to get those last few achievements and land yourself a new helmet and a katana.

Legendary Brawl starts today at 2pm PDT and ends 2am Monday morning. To play, you'll need both the Heroic and Legendary map packs. Have fun!
I glanced over the last 3 pages....

BXR did not break the game. If you think it did, you probably couldn't do it very well. If anything, I think Double-shooting was more of a game breaker, but even that I HARDLY encountered in H2.

And saying the MLG playlist is for glitchers/bad kids is ridiculous. There are no exploits, at least that I know of, that players use like the BXB or BXR button glitches of H2.
Hey cags, I need some help getting the legendary achievement. I have the first three chapters and the last two. If someone could help me get the ones in between sometime tonight that would be great. Just post in here or send me a request. I'll be on around 10 or 11 cent time.
[quote name='Trakan']Nah. I didn't give two shits about MLG, but I heard about it just playing people in the game. I tried to do it, thought it wasn't worth the trouble, and forgot about it. Every once in a while I'd encounter someone trying to use it, but it wasn't like they dominated the game with it. I still managed to win.

I probably got BXR'd like 10 times over my whole time playing H2. Like I said, not game ruining.[/quote]

You must have been one of the lucky ones. BXR and the double shot were always abused in team slayer for me.
Legendary Brawl is sweet but the people that suck quit halfway through the game so it eventually goes down to like 6 players. Happened in a game that I played with all 3+ stars so it's not like they're noobs anymore.
Oh damn...I might have to take a trip to San Diego this summer....

This just in: McFarlane Toys will have two exclusive Halo 3 figures at this year's Comic-Con International, July 24-27 at the San Diego Convention Center.

A special edition Spartan Soldier EVA "HellSpartan" will be sold together with an exclusive clear CQB Spartan. Although not packaged together, the two figures will be sold as a set, and cannot be purchased separately.

Details on where/when/how to purchase these exclusive figures will post here on SPAWN.com as soon as it is available.
[quote name='Mahoney07']Then it wouldn't look like spawn[/QUOTE]

Hence it not looking retarded.

It looks badass until you get to the helmet. Maybe if the eyes were red.
I was able to briefly attain LVL 43 in Lone Wolves last night. I got on a good streak of third place or higher finishes. Unfortunately after I hit 43 I finished dead last in a match and dropped back to 42. I'll keep plugging along until I hit 45 though.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I was able to briefly attain LVL 43 in Lone Wolves last night. I got on a good streak of third place or higher finishes. Unfortunately after I hit 43 I finished dead last in a match and dropped back to 42. I'll keep plugging along until I hit 45 though.[/QUOTE]

Good work bro, i hit 30 in lone wolves last night. its gunna be tough gettin up to 40.
I played some lone wolves last night and it seems you level up more slowly there than even in team slayer or team doubles. I got 1st, 1st, 2nd, 1st, 3rd, 1st, and in total I went up like 1 level from 40 to 41 (or like 1.5 or so). Then I lost one on some stupid oddball gametype (4th) and I quit playing cause I got annoyed lol.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I was able to briefly attain LVL 43 in Lone Wolves last night. I got on a good streak of third place or higher finishes. Unfortunately after I hit 43 I finished dead last in a match and dropped back to 42. I'll keep plugging along until I hit 45 though.[/quote]

A friend of mine is 49 in Lone Wolves and won like 5 games in a row. Then he lost one. I think he quit trying to hit 50 in Lone wolves. LW has weird lvling.
Got the new maps but haven't played them enough to really have an opinion.

Avalance seems neat but it's just too big for teams of 4 and that's all you can play on it now (Slayer mode) outside of setting up a custom large game. I guess it might be a bit better with 12 peopole on the DLC Objective list. Haven't tried that one yet.

As for the MLG list debate, I probably mentioned it before but I didn't care for that list all that much. Team SWAT is way better IMO.
[quote name='wubb']

Avalance seems neat but it's just too big for teams of 4 and that's all you can play on it now (Slayer mode) outside of setting up a custom large game. I guess it might be a bit better with 12 peopole on the DLC Objective list. Haven't tried that one yet.[/quote]

You gotta try 12 person Multi-Flag CTF on Avalanche. One of the best CTF game setups to grace Halo.


I played a couple games of Lone Wolves last night and managed to go from 36 to 41. It seems kinda easy to level up in Lone Wolves.
[quote name='dastly75']You gotta try 12 person Multi-Flag CTF on Avalanche. One of the best CTF game setups to grace Halo.


I played a couple games of Lone Wolves last night and managed to go from 36 to 41. It seems kinda easy to level up in Lone Wolves.[/quote]

I actually think one flag is better. Defending you flag in multi-flag is just a major pain in the ass. Usually there's only one or two people defending while the enemy team jumps into your base with a warthog or a hornet.
[quote name='DarkRider23']I actually think one flag is better. Defending you flag in multi-flag is just a major pain in the ass. Usually there's only one or two people defending while the enemy team jumps into your base with a warthog or a hornet.[/quote]

Well if you have good well co-ordinated and communicative team, multi-flag will be more fun. I know what you mean though as many people don't realize that returning a flag is more important than scoring a flag when the other team only needs one flag to win the game and you need two. But with a well functioning team that can manage and comprehend priorities properly, it's very fun.
bread's done