Halo 3 - General Discussion & Info

[quote name='dastly75']Actually they come out on Tuesday so 4-5 days...[/quote]

Damn...work and CAG don't mix...I thought it was April 4th for some reason. Better yet...will definitely buy them on Tuesday!
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Did they say if/when the new maps would be free? I'm glad I didn't pay $10 for the Heroic pack, maps were garbage. I only really want Lockout[/QUOTE]

expect a 4-5 month wait at the very least, until they have the next set ready.
Team SWAT is being added as a permanent playlist in May so that should please all those who were griping about it. MLG is too which pleases me. Also Team SWAT will be Legendary required, as will weekend hoppers (save Grifball).
Anyone else watch MLG streamed? It was intense. Final Boss won even though they lost to carbon and the team FB had to play in the finals was a team that beat Carbon 3-0.
What's the BS with MLG being allowed to have a larger budget for forge? I was messing around with their version of foundry and had to delete half of the map before my budget became greater than $0....
[quote name='Mahoney07']Anyone else watch MLG streamed? It was intense. Final Boss won even though they lost to carbon and the team FB had to play in the finals was a team that beat Carbon 3-0.[/QUOTE]

Don't you need the paid subscription to watch streamed matches?

And not a surprise that Final Boss won....again.

Anyone wanna play MLG right now? And uh again, don't suck.
[quote name='Danil ACE']What's the BS with MLG being allowed to have a larger budget for forge? I was messing around with their version of foundry and had to delete half of the map before my budget became greater than $0....[/quote]

I think they used a glitch to get over budget.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Don't you need the paid subscription to watch streamed matches?

And not a surprise that Final Boss won....again.

Anyone wanna play MLG right now? And uh again, don't suck.[/quote]

This year it's free to watch.
So I've fallen in love with the MLG playlists possibly.

I'm typically a Team Objective guy (rank 10) but the MLG list is nice because noone has questioned my sexuality and the lack of a radar and starting with BR really change the game.

Anyway this morning I totally got my first kill frenzy and kill spree ever in the MLG playlist. Not bad. That's one for the fileshare, w00t.

I am looking for people that like Team Objective and MLG and play nearly every day or two so that there's a good chance you'll be on when I am. I just got my officer's badge and my highest skill is merely a 10. I do my best to at least have a 0 k/d ratio.

Let me know if anyone is interested in playing around 3pm CST on weekdays and late at night on weekends. I don't wanna "clan up" and make people show up on time but none of my friends really play Halo and it'd be nice to have someone cool to work with.
I want to quit this game but I can't...its like I'm addicted or something.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm stuck at being level 34-35 for Lone Wolf as I can't get to 40, I can't get past 23 in Team Doubles...yet I keep playing this damn game.

Lone Wolf for the most part pisses me off the most. For some reason I'm always the lowest level of the match...I end up playing with 37-39 and I'm literally the lowest every time. I can't for the life of me figure out how to join games where I'm the highest skill, it just never happens. I've tried "Close Skill" search and nothing. Seems that these 37-38 level players are lucky to be playing with lower skilled players as it almost always guarantees a win for them. I've been keeping track and the highest skilled players are almost always the top players of the match.
That's your complaint? Sheesh that's nothing.

I keep getting matched with high 30's and 40's when I'm a freaking 10.

My best hope is to maintain a reasonable K/D ratio.

This morning I was proud to actually win the server in MLG against mostly higher ranked opponents. However the very next match I was back to my normal ways.
Lone Wolves is fairly easy. I haven't put much effort into it and I'm level 37 currently. Team Slayer, on the other hand, is basically the only thing i play and try to hit high levels, but I capped at 30 and am currently at 26. Go figure? My teams typically suck in more ways than one...
[quote name='Danil ACE']Lone Wolves is fairly easy. I haven't put much effort into it and I'm level 37 currently. Team Slayer, on the other hand, is basically the only thing i play and try to hit high levels, but I capped at 30 and am currently at 26. Go figure? My teams typically suck in more ways than one...[/quote]

I don't know I find Lone Woves to be 80% luck & 20% skill. There's times where I just spawn in the wrong place at the wrong time and have a KD of -15 or worse and there's times where I spawn in outskirts of a battle and I steal everyone's kills and win.

Team Slayer is pretty hard unless you have 3 other friends with you. Team Doubles can be pretty fun, that's usually what I play most, but since I'm a Commander and my partner is a Major, my level increases very very very slowly.
I find Lone Wolves to be a lot of luck too. As for Team slayer, I'm 29 right now and it sucks when you have crappy teammates or disconnectors.
Can I preorder for free some how?

You guys are complaining over nothing. I have been stuck in the 46-48 range for the last 3-4 months. Needless to say, I want to be a 50 sometime.
[quote name='anomynous']Thought I'd post this here:


Pre order Ninja Gaiden 2 and get the code to downlaod the new maps for Halo 3 for free

For those who want NG2, here's a good deal[/quote]

NG2!? Weird promo...I can't wait a week though, I'm getting the maps tomorrow...if this was available in store I'd bite.

[quote name='help1']Can I preorder for free some how?

You guys are complaining over nothing. I have been stuck in the 46-48 range for the last 3-4 months. Needless to say, I want to be a 50 sometime.[/quote]

How long did it take you to break over the 35-40 mark?
[quote name='slickkill77']MLG is so much better than the other slayers/objectives its rediculous. No radar and BR start = FTW[/quote]
It would be if MLG didn't take out everything except the noob weapons (maulers, rockets, etc). While there are also some other weapons on the MLG variant levels, I feel that they are mostly loaded with cheap weapons that encourage cheap strategies.
[quote name='Danil ACE']It would be if MLG didn't take out everything except the noob weapons (maulers, rockets, etc). While there are also some other weapons on the MLG variant levels, I feel that they are mostly loaded with cheap weapons that encourage cheap strategies.[/QUOTE]

Something tells me you didn't play Team Hardcore in H2.

Part of MLG is the idea of power weapons. You control X weapon or powerup, you are more able to control the match. Knowing how long each weapon or powerup takes to respawn is a big part of the strategy involved in MLG.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Something tells me you didn't play Team Hardcore in H2.

Part of MLG is the idea of power weapons. You control X weapon or powerup, you are more able to control the match. Knowing how long each weapon or powerup takes to respawn is a big part of the strategy involved in MLG.[/quote]
Actually I basically only played Team Hardcore in Halo 2 because I hated SMG starts with a passion. I also couldn't stand midship which unfortunately came up frequently in Team Hardcore.
[quote name='Danil ACE']Actually I basically only played Team Hardcore in Halo 2 because I hated SMG starts with a passion. I also couldn't stand midship which unfortunately came up frequently in Team Hardcore.[/quote]

midship was the shit dude.
[quote name='Danil ACE']Actually I basically only played Team Hardcore in Halo 2 because I hated SMG starts with a passion. I also couldn't stand midship which unfortunately came up frequently in Team Hardcore.[/QUOTE]

Then I don't quite understand the hate for MLG in H3...it's essentially the same thing.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']Then I don't quite understand the hate for MLG in H3...it's essentially the same thing.[/quote]
I don't really hate the MLG playlist itself, but rather the tactics that people use in it. Also, in Halo 2, there was less control in custom placement weapons whereas in Halo 3, MLG changes the placement of the majority of the weapons thanks to forge.

Like I said, I don't hate the MLG playlist. I just don't like it as much as Team Hardcore in Halo 2 (also partly because the assault rifle is a good starting weapon as opposed to the halo 2 smg default).
slickkill or panda or anyone who plays MLG regularly please friend request me. i need someone other than random live strangers.
There's this free gamerpic:

available that registers you for some unknown contest. The link to the contest is xbox.com/legendaryplaywin but its not up yet.

Also Double XP weekends continue...this weekend "Team Snipers"
Double XP weekends continue well into May with Team Snipers replacing Team SWAT as a weekend spot. Grifball will make a return with the Spring League map variant and gametype. The other three weekends I’m keeping in my pocket for now. One in particular hasn’t been done yet and should yield some entertaining reactions from the community. We’ve been playtesting for a while now, and each session has been full of frivolity, excitement, and shouting. Lots of shouting. Good times, to be sure.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I want to quit this game but I can't...its like I'm addicted or something.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm stuck at being level 34-35 for Lone Wolf as I can't get to 40, I can't get past 23 in Team Doubles...yet I keep playing this damn game.

Lone Wolf for the most part pisses me off the most. For some reason I'm always the lowest level of the match...I end up playing with 37-39 and I'm literally the lowest every time. I can't for the life of me figure out how to join games where I'm the highest skill, it just never happens. I've tried "Close Skill" search and nothing. Seems that these 37-38 level players are lucky to be playing with lower skilled players as it almost always guarantees a win for them. I've been keeping track and the highest skilled players are almost always the top players of the match.[/quote]

I'm a 41 in Lone Wolves and I think a 39 in Team Doubles. I really enjoy Doubles so if you want to team up just send me a friend request.
Im debating if i should just stop playing with random people and get past my 46 or not care about being a general. Has anyone else here been to an MLG event before?
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I'm a 41 in Lone Wolves and I think a 39 in Team Doubles. I really enjoy Doubles so if you want to team up just send me a friend request.[/quote]

I do play doubles a lot with my little sister...no way I'd play with random folk. If I ever see you on and my little sis is not playing I might take you (or omgu8myrice) on in that offer.
Have they announced if the new maps are gonna be free anytime soon? I would assume so, but it seems like I read they weren't or they "didn't have plans to make them free"
bread's done