Halo 3 - General Discussion & Info

[quote name='Trakan']Tried grifball on a whim today. God, it was terrible. It's like they thought of the most unfun gametype possible. It's worse than SWAT. I never thought I'd say that. It's like H3's numbers were disappointing so they had to throw in the gametypes that nobody but casual people play because they all suck so much at the game itself.

On another note, I played Halo 2 today for the first time in a while. There's alot less people playing, along with more quitters than there used to be, but it's so much better than H3. I wish people still wanted to play H2. Better maps, gameplay, pretty much everything.[/quote]

Thank you for your opinion. I used to think that, but Halo 3 has really started to grow on me, unlike that revolting piece of shit called Call of Duty 4.
[quote name='help1']Thank you for your opinion. I used to think that, but Halo 3 has really started to grow on me, unlike that revolting piece of shit called Call of Duty 4.[/QUOTE]

There's a fine line between an actual opinion and defensive fanboyism.
COD 4 is fun but it can get old...Hence the reason Im coming back to Halo 3.....And to get my 1000th kill : )... What apparantly I ended up with 999 kills and 700+ deaths. Wierd eh?
[quote name='greyzieoriental']i wish grifball didnt count towards your social stats, i dont want the hammer to be my #1 weapon and fake killamanjaros on everyones stats.

it pretty fun though once in a while at least[/QUOTE]

WAT? Easy streak medals was the best part. :D
Damn...I was way too busy this weekend, I wish I could have had more time with Grifball. I sure do hope that Bungie adds it to the regular playlists some time soon.
[quote name='Trakan']Tried grifball on a whim today. God, it was terrible. It's like they thought of the most unfun gametype possible. It's worse than SWAT. I never thought I'd say that. It's like H3's numbers were disappointing so they had to throw in the gametypes that nobody but casual people play because they all suck so much at the game itself.

On another note, I played Halo 2 today for the first time in a while. There's alot less people playing, along with more quitters than there used to be, but it's so much better than H3. I wish people still wanted to play H2. Better maps, gameplay, pretty much everything.[/quote]

Thank you for your opinion. I used to think that, but Halo 3 has really started to grow on me, unlike that revolting piece of shit called Call of Duty 4.
[quote name='help1']Thank you for your opinion. I used to think that, but Halo 3 has really started to grow on me, unlike that revolting piece of shit called Call of Duty 4.[/QUOTE]

There's a fine line between an actual opinion and defensive fanboyism.
COD 4 is fun but it can get old...Hence the reason Im coming back to Halo 3.....And to get my 1000th kill : )... What apparantly I ended up with 999 kills and 700+ deaths. Wierd eh?
[quote name='greyzieoriental']i wish grifball didnt count towards your social stats, i dont want the hammer to be my #1 weapon and fake killamanjaros on everyones stats.

it pretty fun though once in a while at least[/QUOTE]

WAT? Easy streak medals was the best part. :D
Damn...I was way too busy this weekend, I wish I could have had more time with Grifball. I sure do hope that Bungie adds it to the regular playlists some time soon.
[quote name='greyzieoriental']i wish grifball didnt count towards your social stats, i dont want the hammer to be my #1 weapon and fake killamanjaros on everyones stats.

it pretty fun though once in a while at least[/quote]

I think they should make a third stats page, just for Grifball stats.
Check out all these WTF!? Moments in Halo 3...
[media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eUYhjCQ9Jc&eurl=http://www.xbox360fanboy.com/[/media]I could say I've experienced plenty of these

[quote name='DustHimself']I think they should make a third stats page, just for Grifball stats.[/quote]

It shows up under Social Matches...so I'm ok with the way it is. If it was under ranked then yeah, I'd say they'd need to be separated.
New vidoc is up on bungie.net as well as some new shots of the Legendary maps. Bungie is really going all out with this promo stuff.
[quote name='Trakan']Tried grifball on a whim today. God, it was terrible. It's like they thought of the most unfun gametype possible. It's worse than SWAT. I never thought I'd say that. It's like H3's numbers were disappointing so they had to throw in the gametypes that nobody but casual people play because they all suck so much at the game itself.

On another note, I played Halo 2 today for the first time in a while. There's alot less people playing, along with more quitters than there used to be, but it's so much better than H3. I wish people still wanted to play H2. Better maps, gameplay, pretty much everything.[/QUOTE]

Trak, I'm always down to play H2.
[quote name='greyzieoriental']does anyone else have problems loading xbox.com and bungie.net with firefox? seems to take forever or a bunch of refreshes. on IE they work fine[/quote]

Nope works fine for me on firefox.
[quote name='greyzieoriental']does anyone else have problems loading xbox.com and bungie.net with firefox? seems to take forever or a bunch of refreshes. on IE they work fine[/quote]

Takes a long time for me to load xbox.com and Last.fm
[quote name='DarkRider23']Maps seem to be good. Blackout seems like it's going to be my favorite map.[/quote]

I think bungie thinks the same. Note the progression in the video:

least hype
middle hype
most hype.
I play so much H3 I may just break down and buy the new maps.

Although if it's just two lists for the new DLC that might not be enough to get me to bite.
[quote name='wubb']I play so much H3 I may just break down and buy the new maps.

Although if it's just two lists for the new DLC that might not be enough to get me to bite.[/QUOTE]

that's the only thing holding me back.
Today at 2:00 pm pacific, Gamers everywhere will see the dead come to life. Zombies, the Halo 2 cult classic gametype made manifest as Infection in Halo 3, and will have all weekend to try and survive this weekend's double XP playlist "Living Dead." The Living Dead Double XP weekend lasts from today until Monday morning at 2:00 am PST.

Time to brush up on your shotgun skills, boys and girls. That Hell's Janitor medal awaits. Enjoy!
[quote name='dastly75']Today at 2:00 pm pacific, Gamers everywhere will see the dead come to life. Zombies, the Halo 2 cult classic gametype made manifest as Infection in Halo 3, and will have all weekend to try and survive this weekend's double XP playlist "Living Dead." The Living Dead Double XP weekend lasts from today until Monday morning at 2:00 am PST.

Time to brush up on your shotgun skills, boys and girls. That Hell's Janitor medal awaits. Enjoy!

sweeeet, gonna get on that when im out of class.
Yay for infection. I hope they don't include the Spartan Laser again... but chances are they will. I always prefered it with the shotty and sword.

Also hope they took some of those glitchy spots out of maps like The Pit where you could get under a ramp and be extremely difficult to kill.
[quote name='tgk2044']DLC Slayer
DLC (i think objective)[/quote]

They are in all the lists, its just that in the other lists every1 in the game needs to have them.
[quote name='help1']They are in all the lists, its just that in the other lists every1 in the game needs to have them.[/QUOTE]

which (honestly) is almost never.
Zombies on the weekend...I wish my subscription hadn't run out.

Those new maps are coming out so soon, and I may have to go buy them when I renew my xbox live..
[quote name='LinkinPrime']XP was weird today...it didn't seem to count as double on any Zombie matches I played.[/QUOTE]

it'll be fixed tomorrow according to bungie, zombies suck i want SWAT back
[quote name='Draekon']

Also hope they took some of those glitchy spots out of maps like The Pit where you could get under a ramp and be extremely difficult to kill.[/QUOTE]

It's still there. Every time I played on The Pit some asshat went underneath.
Maybe I'll pop the old Halo in this weekend. I sued to be hooked on it, but I have barely played since getting COD4, and I basically wasted $10 on the last Halo map pack since I barely played them at all.
[quote name='Radioactive_Man']It's still there. Every time I played on The Pit some asshat went underneath.[/quote]

I have only actually encountered this once, and it confused the crap out of me at first. Just ignore the guy though, he can't really kill anyone and if it's oddball or juggernaut, then toss a few nades in there.
[quote name='Radioactive_Man']It's still there. Every time I played on The Pit some asshat went underneath.[/quote]

I gotta say I just encountered this yesterday...it was a pain in the ass, its the lamest thing I've ever seen. When I was on the human side and I saw a couple asshats doing this, I threw in 2 grenades in there...needless to say my betrayal got me booted, but I was laughing my ass off!
bread's done