HD-DVD / Blu-Ray deals thread

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15 (100%)
JUST GO HERE FOR DEALS NOW: Credit over at DVDtalk.com

Please feel free to post any HD-DVD / BD deals in this thread.

- Family Video Store for $5 off first time orders at http://www.familyvideo.com
This coupon is good for $5 off $5 and it's only .99 cents shipping for any size order.
Coupon code: NEWMEM96
Batman Begins HD-DVD ~ $17 shipped

- Google Checkout at BUY.com / CDUniverse.com / Bestprices.com have good deals (EXP 10/31)

- Amazon seems to have competitive prices on some also. 10 % off DEAL (order 3 and get 10% off and get 10% off for a year)

[quote name='armyjon99']I thought you could still get them.

But I guess people already posted sorry but Im not reading 50 + pages:)[/quote]

It's cool, the sale is still going on and if it's OOS at a local B&M, you can always PM it at CC or BB.

Btw, the sale was posted on the previous page ;)
[quote name='Animal7390']someone mentioned in a different thread about 5 free HD-DVDs with purchase of HD-DVD player did i miss something?[/QUOTE]


Buy the HD-A2 (which is only 238.99 from Amazon) or any other Toshiba HD-DVD player and you get 5 movies free from mail in rebate.


You get to choose one from each category

Apollo 13, Seabiscuit, The Chronicles Of Riddick

Casablanca, Constantine, Dukes Of Hazzard

Four Brothers, Tomb Raider, Sky Captain & The World Of

The Rundown, Blazing Saddles, U2: Rattle And Hum

U-571, The Perfect Storm, We Were Soldiers
Question: Which five movies should I get with my second PS3 purchase? I've seen Species, The Italian Job, Transporter 2, Resident Evil: Apocalypse, Corpse Bride (terrible despite Danny Elfman), and a part of Babel. I won't touch Italian Job, STEALTH, Corpse Bride, or Underworld Evolution (all GARBAGE). I know it seems that I watch most of these shallow movies, but I prefer the deeper variety. I'm strongly considering the Disney/Bueana Vista Home Entertainment titles:

Invincible (Can canyone say "Mark Wahlberg's Rock Star 2: Football Star?" Sure, it's a little more real, but Rock Star paralleled a couple real bands too)
Chicken Little (Non-Pixar and MPEG2 [IIRC]. Bleauch!)
The Guardian (looks like an inferior Top-Gun wannabe/knockoff with a trailer that is strangely like "STEALTH's")
Pearl Harbor (though the critics hate it, I haven't seen it and it's at least a high-budget movie)

[quote name='orimental']Did you check for Blu-rot? There were many cases on AVS regarding that title specifically.[/QUOTE]
I saw that too: Mine is fine. And yes, The Prestige IS an awesome movie.
This is more of a regional deal (New England) -- Newbury Conics has bunches of BRDs on sale for $19.99-$24.99, most being $19.99-$21.99. They're typical used range is a damn fine $9.99-$11.99. I went to three stores all with varying stock levels.

Wal-Mart has Black Snake Moan for $25.96 and some other classics like The Patriot for $19.99.

Between those two places I amassed 12 BRDs in 24 hours for under $175.
[quote name='WebScud']This is more of a regional deal (New England) -- Newbury Conics has bunches of BRDs on sale for $19.99-$24.99, most being $19.99-$21.99. They're typical used range is a damn fine $9.99-$11.99. I went to three stores all with varying stock levels.

Wal-Mart has Black Snake Moan for $25.96 and some other classics like The Patriot for $19.99.

Between those two places I amassed 12 BRDs in 24 hours for under $175.[/quote]

I'll be visiting my brother in Rhode Island, and the Newbury by him I haven't been to in like a year. Should i be expecting some deals; Also any used? If you don't know thats fine. Just wondering if I am getting some deals there.
[quote name='flatliner718']I'll be visiting my brother in Rhode Island, and the Newbury by him I haven't been to in like a year. Should i be expecting some deals; Also any used? If you don't know thats fine. Just wondering if I am getting some deals there.[/QUOTE]

The three that I went to were Providence, RI; Warwick, RI; and Attleboro, MA. The Wal-Mart was in Warwick. I think you can expect some deals, but every deal run is different. Even if you wind up with no BRDs, Newbury is still a badass chain of stores.
Any deals on Weeds Season 2? It looks like BB has it for $29.99 until the 28th, but Amazon shows $28 with free shipping. Anything better than this out there?

Update: N/M I found it at Buy.com for $18.99 after GCO, so that's probably the best I'll get.
This is :hot:

HD DVD Player add-on drops to $179.99 + 5 free HD DVD's (+ King Kong & Remote)

[quote name='zewone']http://www.microsoft.com/Presspass/press/2007/jul07/07-26ComicConXboxHDDVDPR.mspx?rss_fdn=Press%20Releases
Starting Aug. 1st

5 free movie offer is valid until Sept. 30th

I think you still get King Kong and the remote too.

The choices for the five free movies are pretty shitty, but hey, you could sell them and offset the cost of the player to be cheaper.

Apollo 13
Four Brothers
The Rundown
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
Blazing Saddles
The Perfect Storm
The Chronicles of Riddick
Dukes of Hazard
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
U2: Rattle and Hum
We Were Soldiers[/quote]
I would be willing to pay another CAG 50 bucks for their 5 selections, when they arrived
Id pick Seabiscuit
Constantine (already have Casablanca)
Tomb Raider
Blazing Saddles

I want Weeds S2 also... might bite on it with my 15 dollar GC from GH80's as Monster Squad is nowhere to be found in the tri state area
[quote name='CZroe']Question: Which five movies should I get with my second PS3 purchase? I've seen Species, The Italian Job, Transporter 2, Resident Evil: Apocalypse, Corpse Bride (terrible despite Danny Elfman), and a part of Babel. I won't touch Italian Job, STEALTH, Corpse Bride, or Underworld Evolution (all GARBAGE). I know it seems that I watch most of these shallow movies, but I prefer the deeper variety. I'm strongly considering the Disney/Bueana Vista Home Entertainment titles:

Invincible (Can canyone say "Mark Wahlberg's Rock Star 2: Football Star?" Sure, it's a little more real, but Rock Star paralleled a couple real bands too)
Chicken Little (Non-Pixar and MPEG2 [IIRC]. Bleauch!)
The Guardian (looks like an inferior Top-Gun wannabe/knockoff with a trailer that is strangely like "STEALTH's")
Pearl Harbor (though the critics hate it, I haven't seen it and it's at least a high-budget movie)

The best title there is probably The Italian Job or Babel or Invincible. The Guardian and Pearl Harbor may be crap, but they look awesome on Blu-Ray. Are those your own choices?
If I had the money, I might jump on the F&F HDDVD. As it is, I all ready own the original release as well as the "tricked out" edition. What can I say, I love the movie. Iffy as to the quality because I know the standard def ones can look grainy in some spots.

Also, does anyone know if MovieStop sells next gen discs, and what their used price range is?
[quote name='HumanSnatcher']If I had the money, I might jump on the F&F HDDVD. As it is, I all ready own the original release as well as the "tricked out" edition. What can I say, I love the movie. Iffy as to the quality because I know the standard def ones can look grainy in some spots.

Also, does anyone know if MovieStop sells next gen discs, and what their used price range is?[/QUOTE]

Its been mentioned quite a few times moviestop does sell HDdvd and BR... the prices were realy good for a while, but they bumped used and new prices up a few bucks in the last few months, catalogue titles that normally went for 19.99 are now generally 21.99 new, and from 14.99 used to 17.99 used... they are still a good deal when they have one of their buy 2 get 1 free sales on used items
Saw someone metioned walmart up a little higher in the thread. Walmart's website has a pretty good selection and the majority of them are around $20 with the ship to store option, which I guess is like in store pickup.
Moviestop is a pretty good place to buy. They do B2G1F's pretty often (i hear the next one is gonna be Tuesday to "celebrate" 300's release). The store here always has tuesday's new releases 'used' by the next day (gotta love theivery). The prices kinda suck. But when you figure it out to being $12-14 a BR on Buy.com and waiting for it to ship, or $17-18 each and getting it there and then. I'd rather pay a bit more and be able to go home and watch it right away.
[quote name='Bezerker']Moviestop is a pretty good place to buy. They do B2G1F's pretty often (i hear the next one is gonna be Tuesday to "celebrate" 300's release). The store here always has tuesday's new releases 'used' by the next day (gotta love theivery). The prices kinda suck. But when you figure it out to being $12-14 a BR on Buy.com and waiting for it to ship, or $17-18 each and getting it there and then. I'd rather pay a bit more and be able to go home and watch it right away.[/QUOTE]

If there is a B2G1 free sale tuesday, I am there... already have 300 on the way to me from WB
[quote name='zman73']If there is a B2G1 free sale tuesday, I am there... already have 300 on the way to me from WB[/QUOTE]

Hmmm. Definitely something to be on the lookout for...
[quote name='zman73']If there is a B2G1 free sale tuesday, I am there... already have 300 on the way to me from WB[/quote]

Anyone else heard anything about this? They have a few nice used BR discs I want to pick up.
[quote name='mtxbass1']Anyone else heard anything about this? They have a few nice used BR discs I want to pick up.[/quote]
Today I confirmed it with two stores (according to them its company-wide). Moviestop will be open Monday night til 2am with the 300 release @ midnight and a Buy 2 Get 1 Free sale going on most of Monday night (11pm-2am), and entire day on Tuesday.

I went and hid some things i was looking for, hopefully they'll still be in hiding come tomorrow night.
[quote name='Bezerker']Today I confirmed it with two stores (according to them its company-wide). Moviestop will be open Monday night til 2am with the 300 release @ midnight and a Buy 2 Get 1 Free sale going on the entire night (9pm-2am), and entire day on Tuesday.

I went and hid some things i was looking for, hopefully they'll still be in hiding come tomorrow night.[/quote]

Great. Danke.
A bit of change, it appears to be from 11pm-2am today and All day Tuesday. Not sure about the other locations, but mine had a grill, hot dogs, burgers & chips. Though im sure they'll throw in something lame like 'you must have pre-ordered 300 to get food'

Also The B2G1 is on Used only and YMMV on the Edge card discount.


Just got back from the sale, quite a few people there. I grabbed the following:

BR - Underworld Evolution, PotC: Dead Man's Chest & Ghost Rider
HD - Constantine, Dazed & Confused & Letters From Iwo Jima.

Grand total was a little less than $100. Not too bad for 6 BR/HD movies. Probably $2-3 more per disc than i would've paid through the Buy.com/GCO method, but its worth it to have them in my hand now, not to mention the lifetime warranty that Moviestop does on all used products.
I'm sorry, but are you guys/gals talking about GameStop? The Edge card is issued by GS correct? I know the Edge discount is YMMV, i'm trying to figure out from the posts, where this B2G1 free deal is happening...
Did the moviestop b2g1 today. It wouldn't stack with the edge card.

Picked up PotC 1 & 2, Flags of our Fathers ($50 total)
Also got Donnie Brasco, Saw, and Casino Royale ($40 total)
[quote name='asianxcore']http://www.buy.com/specialty_store_6b/bvhe-blu-ray/64667.html

I know someone posted that deal a little while ago. Does anyone know how long it goes on until?[/quote]Not bad, thanks for bringing it up again. Is there going to be a double dip/different version of King Arthur coming out soon? Wonder if that's why it's getting a sale here. If it's still up tomorrow I'll order it along with Finding Neverland. I've never seen either.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Not bad, thanks for bringing it up again. Is there going to be a double dip/different version of King Arthur coming out soon? Wonder if that's why it's getting a sale here. If it's still up tomorrow I'll order it along with Finding Neverland. I've never seen either.[/quote]I think that's a Disney/Buena Vista sale. Amazon had roughly the same titles on sale a while back also. Finding Neverland was a great movie if you don't mind slow paced dramas. Great acting, especially from the children. Won't benefit much from HD but I'd still take HD anyday over SD.
this was my first order from WB for 300. i ordered it on the 30th.
Does WB update there myexpresscheckout thing to say when it has shipped. Or will i get a shipping confirmation around the time i actually recieve the item.

Thanks if anyone knows.
[quote name='XMastaCrackaX']this was my first order from WB for 300. i ordered it on the 30th.
Does WB update there myexpresscheckout thing to say when it has shipped. Or will i get a shipping confirmation around the time i actually recieve the item.

Thanks if anyone knows.[/quote]

Both, updates myexpresscheckout.com and send you an email.
What's with Best Buy claiming that the 300 Vengeance and Valor HD-DVD minigame is a Best Buy exclusive?

I got 300 on BD at Best Buy and turned around to 110% price-match to Fry's. The ordeal took so long that I didn't even realize that they accidentally refunded me $10 extra because I was ready to bolt over to Fry's before they closed (it was almost closing time) and locked me out. I realized it about 30-minutes after both stores were closed and I was stuck in-line at Fry's. When I got out, I thought it was too late (it was well after closing time).

Before heading home, I tried to familiarize myself with the area (I had a hell of a time leaving that particular Best Buy and got diverted by about a mile) and saw that many of the Best Buy employees were still there, so I ran up to the front door just as some guy was dragging the gate closed and told him that someone's register was likely $10 short. I didn't want anyone to lose their job or anything. He let me in and I started to approach Customer Service when he called me back and did it on the phone asking if a register had been counted and if it had come up short and then just took the $10 from me and set it on the greeter's podium without me being able to confirm a thing.

I sure hope he wasn't just taking the $10 I was generously returning. He could have faked the whole conversation and even if not I don't know what their answer was. $14.88 for 300 on Blu-Ray would've been sweet though. ;)
[quote name='CZroe']What's with Best Buy claiming that the 300 Vengeance and Valor HD-DVD minigame is a Best Buy exclusive?

I got 300 on BD at Best Buy and turned around to 110% price-match to Fry's. The ordeal took so long that I didn't even realize that they accidentally refunded me $10 extra because I was ready to bolt over to Fry's before they closed (it was almost closing time) and locked me out. I realized it about 30-minutes after both stores were closed and I was stuck in-line at Fry's. When I got out, I thought it was too late (it was well after closing time).

Before heading home, I tried to familiarize myself with the area (I had a hell of a time leaving that particular Best Buy and got diverted by about a mile) and saw that many of the Best Buy employees were still there, so I ran up to the front door just as some guy was dragging the gate closed and told him that someone's register was likely $10 short. I didn't want anyone to lose their job or anything. He let me in and I started to approach Customer Service when he called me back and did it on the phone asking if a register had been counted and if it had come up short and then just took the $10 from me and set it on the greeter's podium without me being able to confirm a thing.

I sure hope he wasn't just taking the $10 I was generously returning. He could have faked the whole conversation and even if not I don't know what their answer was. $14.88 for 300 on Blu-Ray would've been sweet though. ;)[/quote]:applause: Good man. Now if you see 1600 point cards at your CC and wanna sell 'em at cost to another CAG....;)

(Not much more you can do. You did the right thing and all you can hope for is the next person followed suit.)
[quote name='getmyrunon']Apologies if this was already posted but buy.com is running a blu-ray sale right now:


some notables (all prices are before $10 google checkout, if you're a first time customer)

Blackhawk Down: $15
Memento: $15
Layer Cake: $15
Casino Royale: $22
Stranger Than Fiction: $22

those were just my favorites, plenty more available on the site.[/QUOTE]

Thank you. I love GCO. I got my PS3 a couple of weeks ago but because so Now I just need Four Brothers to get back in stock so I can get it for around $10.
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