Help a fellow CAGer(er) out


5 (100%)
Alright so my friend and I have been working on a site/program for sometime now. It is called audioxml and what it does is while you listen to music on winamp or itunes it keeps a log of the music you listen to. Also you are able to show others what songs you listen to in message boards, myspace, and aim. What this allows you to do besides see your own listening habits is find new music by using a series of algorithms to compare your musical tastes with other members to generate a list of artists that we think may interest you. We also make recommendations based on the groups you join and friends you have.

The first thing you need to do is create a free account and enable it. Once you have your account, you download the plugin. You run the plugin and play your music on either iTunes or Winamp. That's it! We do the rest.

I know a few people from this site already use the program already, all I am asking from you guys is to go to the site and check it out. Sign up if you want and use it if you feel like it. There is no obligation or fee or any crap like that so do not worry about that sort of thing. I appreciate everyone just giving it a look over and appreciate even more for the people who sign up and use the site.

All you got to do is click either the music link below or Thanx in advance.
I'm already there ... just haven't used it in a while as most of my stuff is on my mp3 player. And that spends most of it's time hooked to the stereo. :lol:
[quote name='weimerwanger']VIRUS'D

i kid i kid

If I used winamp / itunes I would give it a try.[/QUOTE]

media player is in the works if you use that
[quote name='Mr.Answer']I must have done something wrong in the set up, the song won't list.[/QUOTE]

make sure the program is running and that u are playing a song on either itunes or winamp and thanx for the support
Looks good, but I use Windows Media Player. That, and is a really good way to go as well. If I ever switch back to iTunes, I'll give it a shot.
could you make the text/graphic a little less... cold?
Neat idea though, I've noticed this feature on your posts
Got it going on home computer with ease, (not sure what the deal is with the office) I think the interface is pretty slick and I like the layout of the website.

Good job--hope you have success with this venture!
[quote name='mcgavin27']I will gladly try it when you get it to work with windows media player.[/QUOTE]

cool thanx, and thanx for everyone else too
Holy shit, I didn't know that you made the program. I just saw some CAGs using and thought it was a pretty cool idea.
[quote name='Trakan']Holy shit, I didn't know that you made the program. I just saw some CAGs using and thought it was a pretty cool idea.[/QUOTE]

well my friend was responsible for that mostly, I am the brains hes the technical braun
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']well my friend was responsible for that mostly, I am the brains hes the technical braun[/QUOTE]

If possible you should make it so I can stay logged on every time I visit the site. I have to log on every time I go there as is right now.
Do you have to click the icon and put your username/password at Windows startup everytime? I hope not. If so, is there anyway around that?
[quote name='Trakan']If possible you should make it so I can stay logged on every time I visit the site. I have to log on every time I go there as is right now.[/QUOTE]

yeah as of right now your info can stay on there but u still have to log on, but we are working on things still
[quote name='zewone']Do you have to click the icon and put your username/password at Windows startup everytime? I hope not. If so, is there anyway around that?[/QUOTE]

well with mine all the info is in there you just have to click okay at the startup. I'll look into it though.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']not yet, we are working on other players right now.[/QUOTE]

Damn. That's the only program I use. :lol:
I would like to use this, but i don't have winamp. Are you guys working towards this being compatible with windows media player? if you're not i might get winamp. I just don't want another mp3 player on my computer.
[quote name='munch']I would like to use this, but i don't have winamp. Are you guys working towards this being compatible with windows media player? if you're not i might get winamp. I just don't want another mp3 player on my computer.[/QUOTE]

Media Player is coming, I will let u know as soon as its up,
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']Media Player is coming, I will let u know as soon as its up,[/QUOTE]

Awesome. I'm looking forward to it. Thanks!
[quote name='jshendel']could you make the text/graphic a little less... cold?
Neat idea though, I've noticed this feature on your posts[/QUOTE]

in the next few days there should be an image maker with many fonts, ability to customize font color and background, as well as font size
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']in the next few days there should be an image maker with many fonts, ability to customize font color and background, as well as font size[/QUOTE]

:hot: :cool:
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']in the next few days there should be an image maker with many fonts, ability to customize font color and background, as well as font size[/QUOTE]
That will be sooo cool! I can't wait!
bread's done