HOLY CRAP!!! They pulled GTA:SA

[quote name='mykevermin']Just so you know that, although you prefaced your first post here by saying that this is not a gray issue, your two posts have done an excellent job of explaining just why it is legally ambiguous. The need to argue it, period, is further evidence of that. So, a sincere thank you from me in reinforcing the points I was making is in order.[/QUOTE]

I still don't believe it is a gray issue. The only reason I "argued" anything was to clarify that the game was not "hacked" to include the content, it was already there. It seems that many people haven't actually read anything about the issue and think that the game was simply "hacked."

The fact remains that the content requires steps outside of the norm of gaming to enable, therefore they are not truly part of the game.

Rockstar and/or Take Two are not at fault for anything other than lying about the origins of Hot Coffee.

There is nothing legally ambiguous about this. This is politcal grandstanding (on both sides).
Then there is some legal ambiguity to what "hacking" entails, and, in the instance something is hacked, whose responsibility is it? Rockstar's? You (the gamer, not the hacker)? The hacker?

That seems to be Rockstar's thoughts, which is precisely why they are considering legal action against Action Replay producers Datel (or whomever it is). Which, again, leads me to argue that, because there are so many perspectives and no clear answers, it is legally gray. If it's black and white, whose fault is it when a gamer accesses "hot coffee"? (legally, anyway).
[quote name='mykevermin']If it's black and white, whose fault is it when a gamer accesses "hot coffee"? (legally, anyway).[/QUOTE]
Whose fault is it?

The gamer's. They made a conscious decision to either install the mod or use the Action Replay codes to access the material. They can't blame Rockstar, Datel, the hackers, or anyone else for their decision to do so.

It seems like a clear-cut issue to me, but who knows how my perspective compares to others?
[quote name='wbc1228']This sucks. Maybe I should buy it at full price now. Otherwise, I'll have to wait until fall to buy the cripple version.[/QUOTE]

Good luck. Before all of this happened I was holding off to get it at a cheaper price, but I decided to jump yesterday. I ordered a PO'ed copy from EBgames yesterday afternoon, but it is stuck in 'open' status, I doubt it'll ship. If I see a new copy on ebay for a non-inflated price, I'll try to get it. On the other hand, if anyone out there wants to sell me a PS2 version of the game, send a pm. ;)
[quote name='mykevermin']Clinton became involved after Leland Yee (CA state assembly) began questioning how legit the rating system was. In short, he argued that the ESRB is under undustry pressure to avoid "AO" ratings due to the very arguments many of you are bringing up (fewer stores distributing, which leads to fewer sales, which sucks for a traded company). Did Yee have any evidence of the ESRB's complicity? Of course not, he's a politician.

Is it an important issue? Well, of course it is. Rockstar *still* refuses to admit that it's their code, even if the game is playable on all versions of the game. Others have brought up a South Park cartoon (perhaps an uncensored one?) on a disc of Tiger Woods 1999 for Playstation. In both cases, the data was not meant to be accessed by legitimate means. Since the data exists on your property, the software you bought, should it be considered when evaluating the software for a rating? OR, should only the content that is *supposed* to be accessed be considered for a rating? If you can get over the very basic fact that this is legally very ambiguous, you'd be more understanding of government's interest in this. Is the puritanical approach to sex, combined with ambivalence to violence, silly or backwards? Of course, but that's our society and that's our government.

Every time I read about Clinton and see the words "intern," "blowjob," or something similar I can't help but understand what Dave Chappelle goes through when some sack of shit approaches him and yells "I'M RICK JAMES, BITCH!!! HAW HAW HAW!!!" Really, if you want to bring something of value to the conversation, do it. Some of you bring up that there are far more important things for our government to look at. I won't disagree with that, but I will argue that the legal ambiguity of this scenario is not something to be trivialized. Politicians may not know shit about games, but many of you can't seem to get over your biased stance as a gamer to recognize that this is a rather peculiar case that deserves looking into.

Exactly. We can argue all we want about the fact that the immediately accessible content in GTA is much worse than the content accessed via the Hot Coffee mod; but the fact remains that the ESRB has standards that it must grade games on. If GTA: SA has content that is only suitable for an AO game based on ESRB standards, well then that is the rating it must get. I for one think those standards are backwards, but whatever, if standards are not enforced there is no point to a ratings board.

I for one don't buy for one second lack of knowledge of the code still being there. Anyone who has ever worked in a software testing environment should know the EXTENSIVE testing that goes on. Also even if they weren't aware that the content was still in the game, they are still responsible for whatever is on that disc. It would not be acceptable to allow them to stand behind the "the game has to be modified to access this portion of the game"; because then what is to stop companies from intentionally putting AO content in an M or T game knowing full well that word will spread on how to access the content using an Action Replay, etc. This would render the ESRB useless (not that they are of much use anyway), and would draw even more scrutiny to the gaming community.

[quote name='mykevermin']
I'm concerned that stores refuse to sell "AO" games. It's a peculiar standard, when it's common practice for shitty movies to add a few bad words, 17 seconds of breasts, and call it the "unrated" version for a DVD rerelease. It's interesting that we can handle "unrated," but "NC-17" or "AO" are partnered with the devil socially. They're just symbols, for fuck's sake. They are powerful symbols, but why be bothered that the government is looking into this, when one of the major causal factors behind this is that major retail outlets are more than happy to sell you guns and bibles, and maybe a little titty, but not a lotta titty. fucking pansies, the lot of them.

I've wondered this too, why stores are willing to sell unrated movies that would get an NC-17 but not movies actually rated NC-17. If places are willing to sell unrated items doesn't this kind of remove the importance of the movie rating board.
I find it funny that no one would blink an eye to anyone under 18 purchasing an R rated or unrated movie, with a stack of explicit lyric CDs. Throw in a mature rated game and it becomes "Oh my God little kids are playing this!" It's rated M folks. What's the difference of one year of age really? I'm really tired of the game industry taking a beating for parents lack of knowledge or responsibility. I'm tired of the gaming industry being treated like it still makes games for 3-5 year olds.

Is there any online petition being started to let retailers and Hilary Clinton know that we want our games left alone? Most of us are well over 18, and should be able to purchase and play this game. The first store that sells it will be where I take my business. Can we start a petition anyone? I'll spread the word. And I thought all we had to worry about was Liebermann.
[quote name='wbc1228']This sucks. Maybe I should buy it at full price now. Otherwise, I'll have to wait until fall to buy the cripple version.[/QUOTE]

The fuck is the "cripple" version.. it'd be the EXACT SAME VERSION as the version that's out now except you couldn't use a save to see the Hot Coffee stuff. As a normal game player, you would notice absolutely no difference.
FWIW, there's also a nude Mona skin in Max Payne 2, though it wasn't used. In the PC, you can add a -developerkeys tag to see it. I play as her all the time. It's not just a skin, either.. fully modeled out, complete with nipples, accurate nether-regions, the whole nine yards, no modification needed..

From cheats.ign.com

Nude Mona
1) Make a shortcut to the game's exe file.
2) Change the Target field to this: "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Max Payne 2\MaxPayne2.exe" -developerkeys -screenshot
3) Start a new game or load one you have saved.
4) Use PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN to scroll through models until you get to Nude Mona. You will get Nude Mona quicker if you use PAGE UP.

The target field can be accessed by right clicking the shortcut and clicking properties.

NSFW-ish image (polygonial ass)
[quote name='Gothic_Walrus']Whose fault is it?

The gamer's. They made a conscious decision to either install the mod or use the Action Replay codes to access the material. They can't blame Rockstar, Datel, the hackers, or anyone else for their decision to do so.

It seems like a clear-cut issue to me, but who knows how my perspective compares to others?[/QUOTE]

Well, if that is the legal definition, it gives game producers an easy out in the future, and allows them to provide "content" that would fall under the radar of the ESRB. I would not be surprised if a producer intentionally hid code behind the "official release" in order to avoid a certain rating. Of all producers, Rockstar most of all.

"But we never meant for them to access the sheep-fucking minigame!"

Is it likely that producers would do this intentionally? Nah. Is it possible? Yes, and I think that's a valuable point.
I feel it's the ultimatly parents fault. Most people DON'T pay attention! Working in retail for x number of years, I've notice people dont read small print or LARGE PRINT.

I thing GTA(since part 3) should have gotten a AO rating for all the language, random killing ,etc... you can do. I am a parent myself and I limit what my kids watch and play. I own rated r movies, rated m games, but I play/watch them when they are in bed.

also check this out: http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=ticket_to_hell

Ummm.... I was considering picking this up, just wondering when the new stickering will take place, as stated in the press release. Not sure what you're freaking out about.
i was looking at gamestop, EB games, Bestbuy, and many other stores and they got rid of the page so they dont sale them right now. It sucks that we cant buy a good game because of hackers oh well i does not matter the hillary clintons always win.


Bully will be next AO rate game. Also, the newest version GTA: SA will have more mini sex game on it instead remove it since it AO rate ;) lol
Bully will be next AO rate game

No it won't be, since there is no death, guns, drugs, or sex.

Also, the newest version GTA: SA will have more mini sex game on it instead remove it since it AO rate

No it doesn't. Its the same as the game out right now and it will be rated M not AO. The one that is (was) currently available is the only AO version.
I'm sure the Ebay prices will go down a lot. Right now they're huge because the game is being pulled from the shelves, but when it comes back in a few months no one will care anymore. I mean it's not like the actual game is going to be censored. And it's already sold 5.14 million copies, so the AO version won't exactly be rare.

What's worse is that the upcoming version will be M, and the old version before yesterday was also M, so if you're buying a used copy how could you possibly tell the difference?

Chances are EBs and GS will contantly be selling people the AO version pre-owned without even knowing it, making the whole switch pointless.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']I'm sure the Ebay prices will go down a lot. Right now they're huge because the game is being pulled from the shelves, but when it comes back in a few months no one will care anymore. I mean it's not like the actual game is going to be censored. And it's already sold 5.14 million copies, so the AO version won't exactly be rare.

What's worse is that the upcoming version will be M, and the old version before yesterday was also M, so if you're buying a used copy how could you possibly tell the difference?

Chances are EBs and GS will contantly be selling people the AO version pre-owned without even knowing it, making the whole switch pointless.[/QUOTE]

the places who pull the game are sending the game back to rockstar to be dismantled
[quote name='fatmanforlife99']the places who pull the game are sending the game back to rockstar to be dismantled[/QUOTE]

That sounds like a rumor to me. I'm sure Rockstar doesn't "dismantle" their games, but will just sell the as is copy as AO. Places that pull it from the shelves will just take it back to Rockstar for a refund or something.

But what I'm saying is that in a few months, once the new M version is released, EBs and GSs will take the "hot coffee" version pre-owned without even realizing it, since the old "hot coffee" versions say M on them, and so will the upcoming ones with Hot Coffee cut.
[quote name='Darkside Hazuki']Indeed, Gamestop has recalled every single copy (new and used) to their warehouse.

Perhaps they'll end up sleeping with E.T.:whistle2:$[/QUOTE]

What Rockstar should do (if they haven't already) is continue to sell the "Hot Coffee" version from their website. I'm sure people would buy a sealed copy for the MSRP of $50 these days. That way they wouldn't be out anything, they could sell their game, people could get it, and they wouldn't have to dig around forever trying to find it.
I find it hilarious that the game is being removed despite the fact anyone with any internet savvy at all can just download the video of the mod and see all the hubbub anyway. After seeing it I don't know why anyone would pay $100 on ebay for it. That seems like way too much but I guess someone is always willing to pay more.
I was toying with the idea of picking up a few copies to resell, but everyone was like "OMGZ u kant find it!!11!!". I went to Sears last night to pay my credit card bill and they had a bunch of copies for sale, then I went to Target for some groceries and they also had a bunch out for sale.

Plus, I don't really see the game selling for more than $65-ish on eBay, with the exception of that $112 sale.

I don't understand why people that want the game just don't go to non-gaming stores like Sears, Target, Kmart etc. and buy it at retail.
my local eb has 40 used and 5 new that they are perfectly willing to sell used is 35$ and new is 50. Bought one just yesterday to add to the collection incase they remake it.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']That sounds like a rumor to me. I'm sure Rockstar doesn't "dismantle" their games, but will just sell the as is copy as AO. Places that pull it from the shelves will just take it back to Rockstar for a refund or something.

But what I'm saying is that in a few months, once the new M version is released, EBs and GSs will take the "hot coffee" version pre-owned without even realizing it, since the old "hot coffee" versions say M on them, and so will the upcoming ones with Hot Coffee cut.[/QUOTE]
I just realized the simplest way around being unable to tell the games apart.

Rerelease it as a GH title.

It's definitely hit the sales mark by now, and the gigantic red stripes across the disc and packaging should serve as proof enough that it's the modified version.
[quote name='Gothic_Walrus']I just realized the simplest way around being unable to tell the games apart.

Rerelease it as a GH title.

It's definitely hit the sales mark by now, and the gigantic red stripes across the disc and packaging should serve as proof enough that it's the modified version.[/QUOTE]

And sell it for $20? What about on Xbox, where it's been out for under two months? You surely don't expect them to cut into their profit margin that much, do you?

Also, how do you do that for the PC Version?

It's not a bad idea, and it's vastly better than the "HOT! NEW!" Midway DC launch titles.

On the other hand, you think that there must be *some* mongoloid out there who wants to buy this game for their child, but won't do so because of what they heard on the news. With that in mind, there does need to be some indication that the copy they are buying is the...ahem, "clean" version.

Methinks a sitcker proclaiming "NOW 100% FORNICATION FREE!!!" might work well.
You know, someone should inform the lawyer who filed the claim that he/she could be disbarred for filing a frivolous lawsuit. I mean, in order to win a judgment against someone there have to be DAMAGES people (or trying to get somone to change their behavior) - there are none here and Rockstar/Take Two have already announced they are changing the content of the game. There's nothing I hate more than ASSHOLE DOUCHEBAGS who sue for no reason - except the DICKHEAD lawyer who actually takes the case.
[quote name='javeryh']...in order to win a judgment against someone there have to be DAMAGES people (or trying to get somone to change their behavior)...[/QUOTE]

I was under the impression that you could sue for anything, regardless of the apparent merit your case might have. If your case was found to be without merit, it would be thrown/laughed out of court, right? :D
[quote name='MaxBiaggi2']I was under the impression that you could sue for anything, regardless of the apparent merit your case might have. If your case was found to be without merit, it would be thrown/laughed out of court, right? :D[/QUOTE]

yeah that's kind of true but when you seek the advice of counsel they are under an ethical duty to tell you that you are a drooling retard and not file the suit. Of course this never happens. I see a summary judgment coming on this one real fast.
This is awesome, hopefully more people do this... causing take two to take serious hits for releasing a game that eluded the censors.

It's bad enough GTA is a crappy tech demo, even worse that it's causing a decline in the industry. Last time the ratings shit happened the game industry took a decline... Thank you Rockstar for fucking it up again.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']This is awesome, hopefully more people do this... causing take two to take serious hits for releasing a game that eluded the censors.

It's bad enough GTA is a crappy tech demo, even worse that it's causing a decline in the industry. Last time the ratings shit happened the game industry took a decline... Thank you Rockstar for fucking it up again.[/QUOTE]

You're a retard.
This shits it up for those who don't want or like GTA, now the videogame industry, but we actually should blame the action replay fags and those PC hackers.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']This is awesome, hopefully more people do this... causing take two to take serious hits for releasing a game that eluded the censors.

It's bad enough GTA is a crappy tech demo, even worse that it's causing a decline in the industry. Last time the ratings shit happened the game industry took a decline... Thank you Rockstar for fucking it up again.[/QUOTE]

It's not really going to hurt Rockstar to split a $1 pecuniary damages fine among 5,000,000 people in a class action suit if on the off chance the suit actually goes to trial and Rockstar actually loses (about a 1 in a billion chance). It will generate a nice bit of free publicity for them though and you can't put a price on that!
Yes, Grandma bought a game rated M (For players 17+ older) for her 14 year old grandson, and then sues? HOLY SHIT. I just watched a little segment on the news, what an old hag. She is suing for customers everywhere for 'damages'.
bread's done