Humble Bundle Thread

Eye-talians are white but not gleaming white. People on the west coast always think we are Mexicans anyway.
Yeah, and those names too. I guess since we sort of share the same language almost it makes sense. Except the jersey shore ones, those I can tell apart from a mile away.

Oh god, shut up. All of you.
I keep hitting the like button, but this is all I'm getting.


Stupid high resolution iPhone.
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He's one of the 15.1% of mixed race Americans who claims to be white American on papers and brings the actual population demographic from 62.7% to 77.8% white in the United States.

He's like a rice cracker.
I think of him more as Squid Ink Pizza. Vaguely Italian but with some whacked out Asian spin.
He's one of the 15.1% of mixed race Americans who claims to be white American on papers and brings the actual population demographic from 62.7% to 77.8% white in the United States.

He's like a rice cracker.
Actually, I always check 'other'. Seems most apt.
regarding the book bundle currently underway; anyone else see the tv adaptation of "the strain" ? loved it.  I admit it made me want to read the book trilogy.  I also think people might like "wool" in the first tier.

regarding the book bundle currently underway; anyone else see the tv adaptation of "the strain" ? loved it. I admit it made me want to read the book trilogy. I also think people might like "wool" in the first tier.
I liked it. Took a while to grow on me though. Excited for it to be back soon.

Hope Del Toro's game turns out at least that good so he can continue his conquering of various media.

I missed last weeks Roguelikes 2 bundle. Wizard Lizard looks like my tea. Off to the slums (Buy/Sell thread) to see if someone has a spare.

edit: scored - CAGs are the best of the worst people.

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To any and all even thinking about buying the current weekly (Pas I'm looking directly at you) - Stop it.

You're encouraging and enabling them, just like when you buy anything Royale or pre-order Groupees without Madjoki'ing.
Nah. Bought it. Not every bundle has to be games.

You can delete the endless bitching, CAG mods. You can even delete my censored cursing video directed at Humble Bundle.

But you go too far when you delete my cat youtube link. THIS MEANS WAR.
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My first post was on topic.  I was just commenting on how this comedy bundle sucks due to its lack of diversity.  Not my fault ruiners got offended and turned it into some big deal.


Comedy bundle still sucks due to lack of diversity.


Also sucks in general due to z-level comedy talent.  Seriously, whatever company sponsored this one scrapes at the bottom of the barrel with the talent.  Instead of doing the hard work of trying to find comic talent, they instead choose to grab on to anyone with a tiny bit of relevance.  Had a bit part in a TV show or movie?  Come join Comedy Dynamics!  

If you just want Spec Ops, the cheapest thing to buy is probably Pirates! or one of the Ace Patrol games. Pirates! is probably a better value though and is a higher % off.

Borderlands 2 GOTY at $8 which isn't a bad deal if you don't have the game already.

If you just want Spec Ops, the cheapest thing to buy is probably Pirates! or one of the Ace Patrol games. Pirates! is probably a better value though and is a higher % off.

Borderlands 2 GOTY at $8 which isn't a bad deal if you don't have the game already.
Civilization III is the cheapest at $1.24. That's over 95% off if you just want Spec Ops and really don't care what else you're buying.

Civilization III is the cheapest at $1.24. That's over 95% off if you just want Spec Ops and really don't care what else you're buying.
My bad, must have been at the bottom of the promo page. You're right. That's a pretty good deal for just Spec Ops (which was only in the BTA-tier of the 2K Humble anyways).

I just recently finished SpecOps. It's a pretty decent third person shooter with a wanna-be-edgy storyline. If you like shooting, well there's lots of it.

I did find that I had to replay a couple of spots WAY more than I wanted just because, for what ever reason, they decided to make those insanely hard. I also had to go back and forth between controller and keyboard/mouse. Some scenarios got a lot easier with accurate mouse-aiming, but some really benefited from a controller when there were lots of maneuvers required. God, I don't see how people aim with those thumbsticks.

Anyhow, it's a good enough game for free. I liked it okay, but I never want to play it again ever.

I'll go ahead and post a short review for Tetrobot since there's no way I'll finish it before the android bundle is over with.

It's a really great block puzzle game, and one of the best I've played.. I have no idea how it's been so overlooked, maybe the genre is just too oversaturated? The soundtrack is excellent, visuals are very crisp, and there's workshop support so the game potentially has infinite replay value. Even if you ignore the workshop support, the game should last you over 10 hours if you plan to collect all of the memory blocks, there are 3 on each level and you unlock more sets of levels with the more memory blocks you collect. It's essentially a mini-collectathon in puzzle form.

The controls are very well implemented. What I like is that the game lets you rewind/undo every single step you make so that you can undo any mistakes you've made. You can and will use this as many times as possible. Unfortunately this feature tends to bug out on me occasionally and sometimes completely erases my progress.

The levels have surprised me with how intelligently designed they are, and solving them is immensely satisfying (especially for someone like me that's not-so-great at the genre). Each new set of levels introduces a unique mechanic that you progressively use throughout the game, and the game presents each of these new mechanics through trial and error, so there's no traditional tutorial or anything.

There's not much negative for me to say about the gameplay, most of the frustrating encounters I've had with the game are the game being 2smart4me or the bug that occasionally happens that resets my in-level progress. The backtracking required to obtain all of the memory blocks in a level can be a little confusing sometimes but that's not really a con.

I'm about 60% done currently with over 20 hours playtime (yes, I pulled a warreni; Portal is too long!), but for anyone skilled at puzzle games it should take you at least 10+ hours to 100% everything. I'd say for the value you're getting a great bang for your buck from this game alone in the current bundle.

Oh, yeah, I forgot about the Humble. Anyone still have a gift link for the BTA at the lower prices? Humble decided to funk me in the beginning and I lost the lower bta (yeah, I'm blaming them, big whup, wanna fight about it?).

I haven't decided wholeheartedly yet, but I kinda want Tetrobot, Eufloria, and Toast Time. So it's a maybe if anyone has one to offload.

Oh, yeah, I forgot about the Humble. Anyone still have a gift link for the BTA at the lower prices? Humble decided to funk me in the beginning and I lost the lower bta (yeah, I'm blaming them, big whup, wanna fight about it?).

I haven't decided wholeheartedly yet, but I kinda want Tetrobot, Eufloria, and Toast Time. So it's a maybe if anyone has one to offload.
I have a pennied BTA at 3.99 but it isn't gift. However, I have everything except Ironclad (which is the only one I'd want) and Toast Time. I'd be willing to split and just keep Ironclad.

(will be away for a few hours)

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Saw this on Reddit, figured it might be useful to some people here too:

[PSA] Script to cache Humble Bundle library page (self.GameDealsMeta)

submitted 2 hours ago by ohmanger

I have made a script that caches the links to your individual bundles. It also moves the all important keys to the top of the library page [customspoiler=(screenshot)]

  1. Install either TamperMonkey (Chrome), GreaseMonkey (Firefox) or Violent Monkey (Opera). I haven't tested it in other script managers.
  2. Link to script (click 'Raw' button for easy install').
After the first load, it should always load the keys from cache before loading everything else. This should save you having to manage a spreadsheet or waiting for the page to load every time. It doesn't (currently) help the memory issues, in fact it might make things a bit worse... but it should allow you to quickly get to your keys.

Also note that it saves the keys in plain text using GM_setValue() which should be sandboxed by the extension but is still stored on your computer somewhere.

Let me know if you have any issues.
is this the review thread now?
Why does that matter? It's relevant if it's about games or products in a current Humble promotion.

I don't understand why suddenly in the PC threads some people have a huge bug up their asses about what can and can't be posted when it never was an issue before. If you don't like the reviews then just skip over them and if certain people keep doing it and it bugs you then put them on ignore. Done.

bread's done