Humble Bundle Thread


Lots of repeats for me. :( Eh, at least Shadow Warrior is in the $10 tier and that one's already been on sale quite a bit.

Alright! INDIE BUNDLE 14!!!  :whee:

*looks quickly at the content*

...this is a damn travesty. 100% repeats for me. I can't even bring myself to penny in on the horrible tease "more games coming soon!"

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New Humble Bundle - Indie Bundle 14:

  • Pixel Piracy
  • UnEpic
These two were together in the top tier of the Made in Spain weekly. I doubt many went for that tier, but anyone that did has to be kicking themselves. Pixel Piracy was also in a Bundlestars.

The BTA tier is solid with Outlast and Torchlight 2 as unbundled headliners, and La Mulana only being in a single Groupees Greenlight bundle previously.

Super Splatters just looks fun.

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These two were together in the top tier of the Made in Spain weekly. I doubt many went for that tier, but anyone that did has to be kicking themselves. Pixel Piracy was also in a Bundlestars.

The BTA tier is solid with Outlast and Torchlight 2 as unbundled headliners, and La Mulana only being in a single Groupees Greenlight bundle previously.

Super Splatters just looks fun.
I -have- Torchlight 2, so I'm pretty sure it was bundled before.


I guess I'll get the dollar tier since I only have pixel piracy and these other two games look ok. La Mulana looks good but I'll wait to see the other games.

I guess I'll get the dollar tier since I only have pixel piracy and these other two games look ok. La Mulana looks good but I'll wait to see the other games.
I had heard such great things about La Mulana that I made sure to install and play it awhile back. I found it frustrating.

Apparently I'm missing Super Splatters, Unepic, and Outlast, so not as bad as I initially thought... but still pretty bad (since I have Torchlight 2)

Why does that matter? It's relevant if it's about games or products in a current Humble promotion.

I don't understand why suddenly in the PC threads some people have a huge bug up their asses about what can and can't be posted when it never was an issue before. If you don't like the reviews then just skip over them and if certain people keep doing it and it bugs you then put them on ignore. Done.
trap worked like a charm

deal talk

This humble doesnt seem bad for me, I'm even tempted at the $10 tier because of the lack of good bundles. Problem is I picked up valkyria and its been sucking up all my time. Decisions....

trap worked like a charm

deal talk
This humble doesnt seem bad for me, I'm even tempted at the $10 tier because of the lack of good bundles. Problem is I picked up valkyria and its been sucking up all my time. Decisions....
Since when was whether you'd actually get around to playing a game relevant to buying it
bread's done