Humble Bundle Thread

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Could ANYONE do me the favor of buying me the PSN bundle? It seems that they are checking if credit card is from USA and if not you can't buy it. Im willing to send $15 PP/Amazon or any other option
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I hope Sega revives or ports Super Monkey Ball 1 and 2

Loved those games as a kid, still do on emulation, wouldn't mind giving sega money again for them.

but on steam and not stupid stinky vita

As for trying to avoid the trap of a 70 hour run through... I understand it. 70 hours would likely take me a month and a half to two months to get through so that's a horrible idea... I haven't played the Witcher games but I feel DAO does more with your decision than other game. It's what ME was suppose to be over 3 games.

(I fully realize that the Witcher might do it all better, which is why I listed that I've never played them.)
IMO, and for the benefit of folks like you who haven't played The Witcher series, that series does a better job of this than almost any other game out there. A lot of games talk about how your choices affect the outcome of the story. In some cases, this is a blatant lie (e.g., any Telltale game). In other cases, your choices may affect how other characters view you or change some dialogues or the ending. I think The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings was the ultimate example of this, though. Depending on which response you chose to a binary decision at the end of the first chapter, there is an entire settlement that you may never see. Think about that--an entire area with its requisite group of characters and quests that CD Projekt RED knew in designing the game that a substantial group of players would literally never see or interact with in any way. That's commitment to the significance of player's choices being meaningful in a way that I haven't seen anywhere else. Even The Witcher 3 didn't really seem to have the same kinds of decision points, although your choices certainly did resonate further down the line.

I'm replaying The Witcher 1 at the moment for no really good reason other than that it runs well on my laptop. I just boned a witch (because, why not?) and chastised a group of villagers who had summoned a spectral hound with their smorgasbord of misdeeds--the local reverend sold children to human traffickers, a militia guard forced himself on a local girl, who subsequently killed herself and was eaten by ghouls, and a merchant killed his own brother for his fortune while he slept, and another merchant traded illegally with elven outlaws and then ratted them out to the authorities when he feared he might be discovered. Yeah, one thing you can say about the world of the Witcher is that it's not a pretty place.

On a side note, how aggravating is the Batmobile in Arkham Knight?! I just got to the part of the game where you're being chased through a subway tunnel by the Arkham Knight's giant drill and I'm about ready to throw in the towel on the story mode. It's a super-huge pain-in-the-ass to drive this thing on tunnel ceilings when you don't have a 30-ton death machine nipping at your heels, so I have my doubts about how long I'm going to fight this. . . .

On a side note, how aggravating is the Batmobile in Arkham Knight?! I just got to the part of the game where you're being chased through a subway tunnel by the Arkham Knight's giant drill and I'm about ready to throw in the towel on the story mode. It's a super-huge pain-in-the-ass to drive this thing on tunnel ceilings when you don't have a 30-ton death machine nipping at your heels, so I have my doubts about how long I'm going to fight this. . . .
git gud.

Arkham Knight... Shit, I still haven't gotten pass the first tank section. I hit it, was like WTF! Asked around in this thread and heard that the tank infected the game throughout and you had to deal with it repeatedly.

I just moved on to another game at that news.
:whee: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

Arkham Knight... Shit, I still haven't gotten pass the first tank section. I hit it, was like WTF! Asked around in this thread and heard that the tank infected the game throughout and you had to deal with it repeatedly.

I just moved on to another game at that news.
It's bad. If you occasionally used it to solve puzzles and help you take down enemies, it would be okay, but there are entirely too many mandatory story missions that involve combat with tank and helicopter drones. I struggled my way through most of them, but I definitely don't have the knack for the "driving on the ceiling" thing that this bit seems to hinge on. Maybe rcsample's right, but this might be one challenge I can't squeak by on.

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:whee: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

It's bad. If you occasionally used it to solve puzzles and help you take down enemies, it would be okay, but there are entirely too many mandatory story missions that involve combat with tank and helicopter drones. I struggled my way through most of them, but I definitely don't have the knack for the "driving on the ceiling" thing that this bit seems to hinge on. Maybe rcsample's right, but this might be one challenge I can't squeak by on.
Just yankin' yer chain....I'm going through that with NFS: The savored in small-ish doses for me...feel like the AI can do no wrong and I have to put it down before I ragequit....or maybe I should git gud.

On a side note, how aggravating is the Batmobile in Arkham Knight?! I just got to the part of the game where you're being chased through a subway tunnel by the Arkham Knight's giant drill and I'm about ready to throw in the towel on the story mode. It's a super-huge pain-in-the-ass to drive this thing on tunnel ceilings when you don't have a 30-ton death machine nipping at your heels, so I have my doubts about how long I'm going to fight this. . . .
Do you like stealth segments? Do you like Batmobile segments? How about both at the same time!

Were you playing on easy?
I am not. I believe it's on normal or medium or whatever the equivalent is. Does it make a difference?

I recently finished ME:A and changing from normal to easy made a huge difference in playability in that title. The combat was way too shooter-y for me, and I was getting very frustrated early on.

Just yankin' yer chain....I'm going through that with NFS: The savored in small-ish doses for me...feel like the AI can do no wrong and I have to put it down before I ragequit....or maybe I should git gud.
I've ragequit more than one game for similar reasons. I've only stuck with this as long as I have because it's Batman and I'm a bit of a Batman nerd.

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Arkham Knight gets better as it goes along because a lot of the Batmobile stuff is actually pretty frontloaded, but it's still easily the worst Arkham game because of it.

I didn't find the tank parts nearly as bad as the Batmobile-centric puzzles, where you have to hop in and attach the winch to this thing then back out and go over here and pull the bridge down and then raise this and uggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh

also it was really funny that they acted like the Arkham Knight's identity was this huge secret when anyone with any knowledge of Batman could tell who it would be as soon as the game was announced

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The charities are....The Jane Goodall Institute and Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (whose authors will probably also get a cut from the publishers) .

I mean, the $15 tier has two Zelazny books, but no Lord of Light, one Asimov book, but no Foundation, and one co-authored Tad Williams novel with one of those classically generic paperback covers. Couldn't even put in Shadowmarch.

And the $1 tier has Bruce Coville books, the same two in both ebook and audiobook form (listed over again to seem like you get more). I remember reading a Coville book in the car when I was about 10, and my parents had to stop the car so I could vomit on the side of the road. Who knows if it was my first (and only) time ever getting motion sickness, or if the writing was just that bad. But I went back to R.L. Stine after.

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On a side note, how aggravating is the Batmobile in Arkham Knight?! I just got to the part of the game where you're being chased through a subway tunnel by the Arkham Knight's giant drill and I'm about ready to throw in the towel on the story mode. It's a super-huge pain-in-the-ass to drive this thing on tunnel ceilings when you don't have a 30-ton death machine nipping at your heels, so I have my doubts about how long I'm going to fight this. . . .
From what I recall, this was one of the more frustrating parts with the batmobile and also seemed the end of a long drawn out use of it, so you might want to hang in there to just get past that hump. The game is great despite the batmobile. It's just sad that it ended up marring the experience overall.

I mean, the $15 tier has two Zelazny books, but no Lord of Light, one Asimov book, but no Foundation, and one co-authored Tad Williams novel with one of those classically generic paperback covers. Couldn't even put in Shadowmarch.

And the $1 tier has Bruce Coville books, the same two in both ebook and audiobook form (listed over again to seem like you get more). I remember reading a Coville book in the car when I was about 10, and my parents had to stop the car so I could vomit on the side of the road. Who knows if it was my first (and only) time ever getting motion sickness, or if the writing was just that bad. But I went back to R.L. Stine after.
Meh, The middle tier has Alfred Bester, "The Stars My Destination"....I would consider that a classic....the rest:


On a side note, how aggravating is the Batmobile in Arkham Knight?! I just got to the part of the game where you're being chased through a subway tunnel by the Arkham Knight's giant drill and I'm about ready to throw in the towel on the story mode. It's a super-huge pain-in-the-ass to drive this thing on tunnel ceilings when you don't have a 30-ton death machine nipping at your heels, so I have my doubts about how long I'm going to fight this. . . .
The problem w/ the Batmobile is the repetitive tank sequences. With not that many tank enemy types, not many tank skills to learn, and repetitive "destroy X tanks" over and over again - ugh, it really doesn't help the game by any means. There's also even Batmobile stealth tank sequences, which are dreadful...especially since it happens a few times in the game; once was enough, TBH.

Literally, the main quest is littered w/ this stuff, especially in the back 2/3rds of the game.

I would guess it might be a decent idea that if you're committing yourself to this game, do a fair deal of other side quests that don't involve the Batmobile tank sequences and don't try to go mostly through the main story once you get the Batmobile. Spread all this stuff out, as much as possible.

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I didn't find the tank parts nearly as bad as the Batmobile-centric puzzles, where you have to hop in and attach the winch to this thing then back out and go over here and pull the bridge down and then raise this and uggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh
And I feel exactly the opposite.

also it was really funny that they acted like the Arkham Knight's identity was this huge secret when anyone with any knowledge of Batman could tell who it would be as soon as the game was announced
Well, not only was it pretty obvious from the get-go, the story spends a huge chunk of time and energy in foreshadowing and otherwise strongly hinting at it. Even with the benefit of my external knowledge, I found myself thinking, "World's Greatest Detective, my ass!" as our hero just seemed to grow more and more clueless as time passed. Also, the fact that they made a
Red Hood alternate costume
rather gave it away as well. It makes me wonder whether anyone at Rocksteady or WB gave that even a second thought.

For what it's worth, I did get past that part this morning. Just 10% of story mode left. . . .
And I feel exactly the opposite.

Well, not only was it pretty obvious from the get-go, the story spends a huge chunk of time and energy in foreshadowing and otherwise strongly hinting at it. Even with the benefit of my external knowledge, I found myself thinking, "World's Greatest Detective, my ass!" as our hero just seemed to grow more and more clueless as time passed. Also, the fact that they made a
Red Hood alternate costume
rather gave it away as well. It makes me wonder whether anyone at Rocksteady or WB gave that even a second thought.

For what it's worth, I did get past that part this morning. Just 10% of story mode left. . . .
I'm not saying the tank stuff is GOOD, but at least I could kinda just zone out as the waves came instead of actively engaging with the tedium of the batmobile puzzles.

I will say this is the only Arkham game I didn't 100%, because I did all the Deathstroke stuff and then the thing at the end of that is...

A tank battle.
So I just quit after that. Also I just found the Riddlor trophies to be way more tedious than the previous games, much like everything else in AK.

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I'm not saying the tank stuff is GOOD, but at least I could kinda just zone out as the waves came instead of actively engaging with the tedium of the batmobile puzzles.

I will say this is the only Arkham game I didn't 100%, because I did all the Deathstroke stuff and then the thing at the end of that is...

So I just quit after that. Also I just found the Riddlor trophies to be way more tedious than the previous games, much like everything else in AK.
I haven't 100%'d any of them, mostly because of Riddler trophies. Ain't nobody got time fo dat.

Actually, I think I used a guide to help me get every Riddler doodad in Origins and captured Nygma. But that was the only one. And that was a few years ago when I only had one metric crapton of stuff in my backlog.

I haven't 100%'d any of them, mostly because of Riddler trophies. Ain't nobody got time fo dat.

Actually, I think I used a guide to help me get every Riddler doodad in Origins and captured Nygma. But that was the only one. And that was a few years ago when I only had one metric crapton of stuff in my backlog.
Interesting that it was the Riddler Trophies that held you up. I got all the trophies in both Asylum and City (didnt finish Origins or start Knight). I didnt find them too tedious. It was all the other stuff in City that bummed me out; mainly the gliding challenges.

I thought the glider challanges unlocked Riddler trophies in City... I could be wrong it's been a long, long, time.

Asylum, I've did the story mode 100% twice. (Console and PC)

City, I did enough trophies to capture Riddler buy I'm sure that's only like 80% of them. (Haven't played it on PC yet.)

Origin, I don't think I got 100% on the story... but I would need to double check. (PC, Asylum is my favorite, it was just so amazing from out of nowhere, but I think Origin was my second favorite. City just has too much repeated diolog and I like how Origin treated some of the secondary villains better.)

Blackgate, didn't get a 100% as you have to beat the game like three times to do so.... I did 100% a single playthrough. (PC)
Need to play Arkham Knight now that I've upgraded my system enough to handle it.  It's either that or Mad Max when I'm done with GTA V.

I don't recall if did 100% on any of the others, but I think I at least got close.  Plus a bunch of extra time doing challenges.  I really liked being Batman.

Need to play Arkham Knight now that I've upgraded my system enough to handle it. It's either that or Mad Max when I'm done with GTA V.

I don't recall if did 100% on any of the others, but I think I at least got close. Plus a bunch of extra time doing challenges. I really liked being Batman.
I wouldn't do two open world games in a row, though AK does it better than Mad Max in my opinion.

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I thought the glider challanges unlocked Riddler trophies in City... I could be wrong it's been a long, long, time.


City, I did enough trophies to capture Riddler buy I'm sure that's only like 80% of them. (Haven't played it on PC yet.)
Oh, then maybe I didnt get all the trophies in City. I only was remembering that I captured the Riddler and while I know all were required for Asylum, if they werent all required for City, I'm sure I stopped after that.

I wouldn't do two open world games in a row, though AK does it better than Mad Max in my opinion.
Yeah, too much the same. Always an issue. I have a plethora of mostly-finished open world games I need to return to in order to finish. In most cases, I mean finish the main story, not just the extras. Just Cause 2. Assassin's Creed IV. Saints Row 3.

I did manage to 100% Lego Marvel Super Heroes. And Lego The Hobbit. And The Lego Movie Game.

I might have a problem.

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Origin, I don't think I got 100% on the story... but I would need to double check. (PC, Asylum is my favorite, it was just so amazing from out of nowhere, but I think Origin was my second favorite. City just has too much repeated diolog and I like how Origin treated some of the secondary villains better.)
Origins got shit on a lot because it wasn't from the REAL BATMAN TEAM AAAAAARGH WHAT A CASH-IN but yeah, I thought it was better than City as well. And agreed, Asylum is still the best. It's just so tightly designed, and it's still the best 3d Metroid game.

I really liked the look of almost everything in Origins. The snowy city, Batman's suit... And all of the other characters looked like they do in the comix instead of the weird, Gears of War bulk-monsters of City.

bread's done