Humble Bundle Thread

so is this the first time the Monthly has not unlocked on the last Friday of the month? i don't keep up so i was a tad disappointed not to get my unlocks today.

so is this the first time the Monthly has not unlocked on the last Friday of the month? i don't keep up so i was a tad disappointed not to get my unlocks today.
Humble bills on the last Friday of the month and the monthly bundle is revealed on the first Friday of the month. We will see the rest of the bundle revealed Friday May 4 along with the early reveals for the June bundle. You will be billed for the June bundle on May 25 with the reveal on June 1. If you want the June reveals prior to June 1, you agree to pay early.

I'm guessing they'll reveal an adventure game of some random sorts...cause those always get bundled by these...and some random minimalist platform game. It's going to be low value i'm sure. 

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Hoping there is at least one decent thing in the reveal, otherwise this month's games have been poop. There has to be only 1-2 games left to reveal with what we've already seen so far, right?
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There will be three more games (they promised six in addition to the early unlocks, we already got three of them). In all likelihood it'll be two games with Steam keys and then the DRM-free Humble Original.

I don't own any of the games in the first two tiers.  Nothing amazing, but miscreated and ryse for $6 doesn't seem awful, plus another 4 or so games I don't own.  Couldn't care less about the asset garbage.  I'm somewhat tempted to make this my first non monthly I've purchased in ~6 months.

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Miscreated has been on my wishlist for the longest time, but it never drops below $10 on its own. Might buy the BTA tier just for that and try to sell off the leftovers, but eh.

Miscreated has been on my wishlist for the longest time, but it never drops below $10 on its own. Might buy the BTA tier just for that and try to sell off the leftovers, but eh.
Miscreated is probably the best zombie survival game I've played (well without crafting, 7DTD takes the cake overall). I fakeybro'd it years ago and initially had problems connecting to the servers, but when it got bundled for $10 last year Reds, Jimbo, and I started playing it and had a lot of fun. Then PUBG came along so I stopped playing it, but I would be up for playing it again if more people get it.

Not sure my low-end PC can handle Ryse or Homefront Revolution so they are making it that much easier for me to pay that buck on the lowest tier. Sometimes, it's good to know your limitations because you waste less money that way.
I don’t currently own a ps4 but will get one eventually. How hot is the current capcom Sony humble bundle, on a scale of 1-10, where ten is hot as it gets and 1 is weaker than a 10 year old can of weak sauce?
I don’t currently own a ps4 but will get one eventually. How hot is the current capcom Sony humble bundle, on a scale of 1-10, where ten is hot as it gets and 1 is weaker than a 10 year old can of weak sauce?
I think it's really great if you don't have the games. I already have Resident Evil, the Alien collection, Binary Domain, and plenty of Megaman collection titles, so I skipped the bundle.

Keep in mind it's one key, so you can't gift away the games you don't want.

I didn't have Dead Rising on PS4 so I grabbed the $1 tier. One of my absolute favorite games from the Xbox 360.

It sucks though that none of the Vita games included are playable on PS4, and they don't include PS4 versions of the PS3 titles.

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It's pretty sad Humble is running out of games to bundle, they have to try to get people make even more games.
And here's the Python DevKit Bundle. Python has a good number of open-source IDEs, and VS2017 includes Python and Git modules. And I'm pretty sure the subscription-only Postman API collections are available elsewhere too. I've never used egghead. It's a niche development and you can make bank with it (friend of mine is 22 and says he started his job specializing in it at $85k) so I guess it's nice for the tutorials.

I don’t currently own a ps4 but will get one eventually. How hot is the current capcom Sony humble bundle, on a scale of 1-10, where ten is hot as it gets and 1 is weaker than a 10 year old can of weak sauce?
Don't tell Blade, but I bought the $15 tier even though I already owned 3 of the games. He's right about Code Veronica X though...PS3 version is superior.

RIP everyone who bought Destiny 2 at BB this week.

NBA Playgrounds and Running with Rifles unlocked for the May bundle. Not too bad.

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Running with Rifles and NBA Playgrounds are games I'd play, plus the Humble original Knight Club.  More or less happy with this bundle.

Zero interest in Destiny 2.  I don't think it's going to be worth attempting to resell following that BB sale.

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Pretty happy with the two unlocks today, both are games I was interested in and will play.  I bought destiny 2 many months ago for $20'ish with some friends, we played it maybe 8 hours together before we lost interest.  Its not a bad game by any means and it looks and runs great, but there is just something meh about it that keeps you from wanting to come back for more.

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It's just Activision trying to sell their D2 season pass, cause the game is incomplete without it.

Jokes on them I bought the season pass after I bought the game on release. I feel so dirty.
Humble really pushing those year-long subs. $25 credit is back, and for this month only you also get $15 referral credit when you get someone to sign up for one.

Humble really pushing those year-long subs. $25 credit is back, and for this month only you also get $15 referral credit when you get someone to sign up for one.
Year-long subs always seemed like a fool's bargain to me. There are bound to be months that make you raise your hands in the air metaphorically or literally and declare you'll never get another monthly (because it's so terrible), and unless your resale game is strong (I rarely bother because it's generally more trouble than it's worth trying to unload things I don't want), you'll feel like an idiot when you open your mystery box and it just contains a dog turd.

EDIT: Is it possible to play those old X-Wing games without an actual joystick (as in with a gamepad)? I have a USB joystick around my house somewhere, but I don't feel like dragging it out.

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It's just Activision trying to sell their D2 season pass, cause the game is incomplete without it.

Jokes on them I bought the season pass after I bought the game on release. I feel so dirty.
Don't feel too bad. For various reasons I ended up with a ps4 copy and the PC version last year. At least it wasn't for full price either format. Biggest regret over a game purchase in years.

Yeah, I tend to resell most of the early unlocks so this kind of offer seems like something I'd benefit from. I mean, I've bought every bundle for the last 2 years so chances are I'll buy every bundle for the next 12 months. But paying over $100 up front for mystery games is a hard pill to swallow.

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Yeah, I tend to resell most of the early unlocks so this kind of offer seems like something I'd benefit from. I mean, I've bought every bundle for the last 2 years so chances are I'll buy every bundle for the next 12 months. But paying over $100 up front for mystery games is a hard pill to swallow.
Is the Derpsity 2 key region locked?

Year-long subs always seemed like a fool's bargain to me. There are bound to be months that make you raise your hands in the air metaphorically or literally and declare you'll never get another monthly (because it's so terrible), and unless your resale game is strong (I rarely bother because it's generally more trouble than it's worth trying to unload things I don't want), you'll feel like an idiot when you open your mystery box and it just contains a dog turd.

EDIT: Is it possible to play those old X-Wing games without an actual joystick (as in with a gamepad)? I have a USB joystick around my house somewhere, but I don't feel like dragging it out.
You can pause your subscription though, iirc, so on a month you don't like the early reveal you can just pause it and wait (if you don't ever pause though I think the least amount of money I got for an early unlock in the cesspool was like 5.50 for H1Z1, there were some unlocks, like Stellaris, that I got 11 dollars for, which is how much you pay per month for a year long subscription without accounting for addition of a humble wallet bonus). With the 25 dollar humble wallet it's a damn good deal, actually, if you subtract the 25 dollars from the cost of the sign up it's 107, meaning it's like 8.92 per month. I signed up for the humble monthly last year and in many months I actually made money by selling off what I didn't want, if you take out the money I paid from what I sold on a month to month basis I probably wound up spending like maybe 25-30 bucks max on the subscription, or a total of 2.50 per month or so. Even if you never want any of the early reveals (unlikely) that's pretty much worth it for the day of unlocks alone.

Of course, if you don't want go through the trouble of reselling things it's a moot point, but even if you never resell anything 8.92 per month for what you typically get in these things I'd argue is more than worth it.

Anyway, unfortunately this is a month I wasn't thrilled buy, none of the early unlocks really excited me and the reveals since then are pretty much all things I might wind up selling. Also I don't want Destiny 2.

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Gross early reveal and not so excited about unlocks with NBA Playgrounds 2 around the corner, and the other just not looking like my type of game.

Played an hour of Playgrounds. Character unlocking is as annoying as I thought it would be.

Game: "You wanna use your favorite players right from the start? Sure thing, as long as your favorite players are Kent Bazemore, Alex Len, Nicholas Batum and Tim Frazier."

And I don't know why rebounding is so needlessly unpredictable and difficult to pull off. If I go up for a ball, I want to grab it, not slap it away.

So yeah, game is kinda trash IMO. Hopefully the sequel is a significant improvement because this seems like a waste of an idea and license.

Played an hour of Playgrounds. Character unlocking is as annoying as I thought it would be.

Game: "You wanna use your favorite players right from the start? Sure thing, as long as your favorite players are Kent Bazemore, Alex Len, Nicholas Batum and Tim Frazier."

And I don't know why rebounding is so needlessly unpredictable and difficult to pull off. If I go up for a ball, I want to grab it, not slap it away.

So yeah, game is kinda trash IMO. Hopefully the sequel is a significant improvement because this seems like a waste of an idea and license.
Git gud and go back to something Kerbal....

Last 3 games for the monthly:

And yeah...Destiny 2 is the June early unlock.
OMG @ Destiny 2 PC as the June early unlock.

Everybody missing Destiny 2 PC, grab it just for this. If I didn't have this already, I'd be all over this.

Destiny 2 Campaign's great, in the 8-20 hours it might take some players (depends on how much side stuff you do). Story's nothing special - but the graphics, performance, loot, and gunplay is outstanding IMHO.

Too bad that it feels like...well, that there's no end-game. Meh. For a MMO, that's just...weird.

Pretty impressed with the 2 May unlocks that were left. I expected total trash and got 2 wishlist games. That said, Destiny 2 is a skip unless I can sell the key.

Overall happy with this monthly: $12 for Derp Rising 4 (which I'd have probably bought on its own for $15) and bundle-filler I was moderately interested in like Ruiner, Running with Rifles, and Moon Hunters.  Jalopy and NBA Playground seem okay, too.

Not going to jump on Derpstany 2 until more unlocks are revealed.  If it's Activision-themed I'll probably have zero interest.

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OMG @ Destiny 2 PC as the June early unlock.

Everybody missing Destiny 2 PC, grab it just for this. If I didn't have this already, I'd be all over this.

Destiny 2 Campaign's great, in the 8-20 hours it might take some players (depends on how much side stuff you do). Story's nothing special - but the graphics, performance, loot, and gunplay is outstanding IMHO.

Too bad that it feels like...well, that there's no end-game. Meh. For a MMO, that's just...weird.
I'm not sure whether I should sell or keep it. If a complete edition is released for PC and is 50-75% off eventually, I'd probably rather wait since I doubt the DLC alone will ever be cheap. But if the DLC ends up being bad or isn't sold together, then playing now wouldn't be a bad idea.

bread's done