I like robOTT's

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[quote name='senorwoohoo']Mars Volta definitely ain't emo...just insane.

30 Seconds to Mars though, aren't they that band with Jared Leto or whatever?[/quote]

Yes. But I don't think I'd qualify them as emo.
[quote name='s1eepinglionhart']Yes. But I don't think I'd qualify them as emo.[/QUOTE]

From whatever song I heard it's more whiny pop rock about how life sucks and women treat people like shit and cry cry cry.

To me, that's all emo.

The sad part is I liked the song.

I feel like Jared Leto wrote it just for me.
[quote name='Roufuss']Like anything in life, the key is practice ;)[/quote]You've done this before? :whistle2:s
You seem to have some first hand experience, have you ever shopped at hot topic? ;)
[quote name='LiquidNight']You've done this before? :whistle2:s
You seem to have some first hand experience, have you ever shopped at hot topic? ;)[/QUOTE]

A long time ago, yea.

Holy crap, I guess I was emo or a scene kid or whatever back in high school... that was about 6 years ago. I was emo before emo was cool!!

I remember once I dyed my hair orange and put it up in a mohawk and went to the school's football game.. that was crazy. That shit was fucking liberty spikes, too. And I went to a prep school so it was quite a shocker for those kids.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']What about Hard Gay?[/QUOTE]
Oh, we know about hard gay. We're just continuing our little inside joke. http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=116217

[quote name='Hex']6669's got a stalker!

Play Misty for me![/QUOTE]
Yeah, I've had a few on this site before, but not like the on xDZx had, that thought they were going out, or some crazy shit. I've had people PM me and give me their AIM names, and want to talk to me. I've had people quote me, then talk about something I said like a week ago here, and I've never spoken with this person before.
I've been MyStalked too many times to count. :lol:

[quote name='Roufuss']Please, girl can be as cute or hot as she wants but underage chicks are Subby's thing ;)

I would say "If they can't drink in a bar then they aren't any good to me" but I'm sure 6669 has a fake I.D and drinks in a bar :lol:

I had to stop with the emo stuff for a min because it's started to freak ME out... that's what I get for listening to Snow Patrol and um... some other band, 30 seconds to Mars, or Mars Volta, or something with Mars.[/QUOTE]
Underage chicks are a lot of guy's thing. I dont have a fake ID though, since I look younger than I am. If my b/f knows the people working the door, I can usually get in and drink. It only works on nights they allow 18 and up.
[quote name='Hex']Wait, 6669 is 17? I would've guessed 22 or so, myself. :O[/QUOTE]
What can I say, I'm mature now ;). It was more obvious like a year or two ago.
I need a deal on GoW. I get my 360 on Thursday, but my friend who works for GameStop doesn't have to be at work until Friday, so I'm stuck waiting until then unless I can find it cheaper elsewhere.
[quote name='Roufuss']My next OTT thread title will be "6669 is such a hOTTie... Rowr!!!"[/quote]
indeed? most definitely. or something.


and whatnot.

in other news, puppet up uncensored on TBS could be gold! watch it!
[quote name='Roufuss']My next OTT thread title will be "6669 is such a hOTTie... Rowr!!!"[/QUOTE]
Cute or hOTT? :lol:
Wait till I post another MySpace pic ;) I'll do it before this one ends.
[quote name='Roufuss']My next OTT thread title will be "6669 is such a hOTTie... Rowr!!!"[/quote]
My god, you're more of a girlhound than most furries.

[quote name='6669']Cute or hOTT? :lol:[/QUOTE]


It's like going back in time to the year...2006. Two weeks ago. Niiiiiiiiiice. Not sure what I was trying to accomplish with that joke.

Here's my emo thing that happened to me today... not only was it cold outside when I was walking to class, but it started RAINING. Not only that, but then the wind started blowing and it was like sheets of pure cold upon me because I had no jacket.

I went to cry and my tear froze on my eye. (I made this part up).
[quote name='6669']Cute or hOTT? :lol:
Wait till I post another MySpace pic ;) I'll do it before this one ends.[/quote]

Think i would get in trouble if i double ^ 8 posted?
[quote name='Roufuss']I went to cry and my tear froze on my eye.[/QUOTE]
That would make an awesome title to an emo song! :lol:
[quote name='Pookymeister']Think i would get in trouble if i double ^ 8 posted?[/QUOTE]
Only one way to find out. I should probably make my profile private though, so only friends can see me.
[quote name='6669']That would make an awesome title to an emo song! :lol:[/QUOTE]

I'm halfway through writing it.

Seriously, I have a 2000 word paper due tommorrow for Abnormal Psychology, we have to choose an agency and write about it. I don't even have a topic yet, and it's due at 11 am.
[quote name='Roufuss']I'm halfway through writing it.

Seriously, I have a 2000 word paper due tommorrow for Abnormal Psychology, we have to choose an agency and write about it. I don't even have a topic yet, and it's due at 11 am.[/quote]

[quote name='6669']Cute or hOTT? :lol:[/quote]
If you wanna know, post a pic that doesn't require effort to see... I'd say most of the OTT denizens will give you an honest opinion.

On a side note, I still am looking for a site/guide to estimated times for completion of a game. Need to work through as much of the backlog as I can while I'm off for the holidays. :D

In other news, can I get a stipend from the gov't for taking care of a remedial dog. I swear... he redefines special. xchika would back me up.
[quote name='s1eepinglionhart']If you wanna know, post a pic that doesn't require effort to see... I'd say most of the OTT denizens will give you an honest opinion.

On a side note, I still am looking for a site/guide to estimated times for completion of a game. Need to work through as much of the backlog as I can while I'm off for the holidays. :whistle2:D[/QUOTE]

Hey there ;)

What ever happened to your girlfriend?
[quote name='Roufuss']Hey there ;)

What ever happened to your girlfriend?[/quote]

Currently on the couch sleeping.

Between work, the house, the dog, and the car accident, we've barely had time for anything. I've only started posting again regularly now that I'm on vacation. :whistle2:|
[quote name='Roufuss']Like um... P.A.R.C or something like that.[/quote]
People Against RegalSin's Comments? :D

[quote name='s1eepinglionhart']Currently on the couch sleeping.

Between work, the house, the dog, and the car accident, we've barely had time for anything. I've only started posting again regularly now that I'm on vacation. :whistle2:|[/quote]
No sex?

Pussy. ;) (or is that lack of? *rimshot*)
[quote name='s1eepinglionhart']Currently on the couch sleeping.

Between work, the house, the dog, and the car accident, we've barely had time for anything. I've only started posting again regularly now that I'm on vacation. :whistle2:|[/QUOTE]

Hey tell her I said "Hey there ;) :lol: :p rawr"

She'll totally know what I mean. Make sure you actually make the emoticon faces too!

At least now I'm not worried about the two of you.

I'm 66 words done of this 2000 word paper. AWESOME!
[quote name='Roufuss']Hey tell her I said "Hey there ;) :lol: :p rawr"

She'll totally know what I mean. Make sure you actually make the emoticon faces too!

At least now I'm not worried about the two of you.

I'm 66 words done of this 2000 word paper. AWESOME![/quote]


What the.. :whistle2:s

Get to working on that paper! :D
[quote name='RedvsBlue']You should go have sex with her hand![/QUOTE]

Or have ear sex... I hear that's what the kids are doing these days.

And Hex, I will, this paper is just so... blah.
[quote name='Roufuss']Or have ear sex... I hear that's what the kids are doing these days.

And Hex, I will, this paper is just so... blah.[/quote]

We are? Ewww. This horse's ears are off limits. No spooge in my cochlea, kthnx :(

Need help?
[quote name='Hex']We are? Ewww. This horse's ears are off limits. No spooge in my cochlea, kthnx :(

Need help?[/QUOTE]

Nah, all I have to do is write about what this agency does and how it helps people and blah blah blah. I just have to read shit online and basacially re-write it onto this paper.

Easy but time consuming and boring.
[quote name='Roufuss']Or have ear sex... I hear that's what the kids are doing these days.

And Hex, I will, this paper is just so... blah.[/QUOTE]
Its only popular with the gays. I only have ear sex with other girls ;)
[quote name='Hex']We are? Ewww. This horse's ears are off limits. No spooge in my cochlea, kthnx :(

Need help?[/QUOTE]
I thought horses were skiddish if they couldn't hear it coming...
I put the paper off because I thought we actually had to VISIT one of these places, but I found out tonight when I looked at the syllabus it's only *recommended* that we do.

And that the teacher drops our lowest test score.

I shouldn't have given up on this class so quickly.
[quote name='6669']I only have ear sex with other girls ;)[/QUOTE]


Wait... how is that even possible?

It reminds me of something (a story) but I'm not sure if it's too dirty for the OTT.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I thought horses were skiddish if they couldn't hear it coming...[/quote]

After subbing in for a mule in a donkey show, I'm pretty complacent.

Why the fuck was my beloved gun thread locked? D:
[quote name='s1eepinglionhart']I always pull for the underdog! Go buddy, go![/QUOTE]

Yea, I did bad on one test (got a D) and I did HORRIBLE on the test after that... but I got an A on the first test, so after the lowest one is dropped my average is like, a B.

I thought for sure I was rocking a D and it was too late to pull it up so I just kinda stopped trying so hard. We just took a test last week I actually kind of studied hard for so I'm hoping I got a B or a C on that, so if I can ace this paper (or at least a B, it's worth two tests) and do good on the final I'm good to go.
[quote name='Roufuss']:drool:

Wait... how is that even possible?

It reminds me of something (a story) but I'm not sure if it's too dirty for the OTT.[/quote]

Too dirty for the OTT? HA!
[quote name='Roufuss']:drool:

Wait... how is that even possible?

It reminds me of something (a story) but I'm not sure if it's too dirty for the OTT.[/quote]

Someone married Roseanne Barr.

Anything is fuckin' possible, mate. ;)
[quote name='2poor']Too dirty for the OTT? HA![/QUOTE]

Ok, here goes.

I was watching this porn the other day of two chicks... it was pretty standard stuff. Except there was this one scene where one chick was laying down, and the other chick was crouching like a frog over her vagina, so the two vagina's were pretty close.

The chick crouching starts banging her vagina into the other chick's vagina and they're really enjoying it, but I wasn't seeing how that would be pleasurable at all since they were just smacking each other's vagina's into one another pretty hard... it just looked painful.

I thought a woman needed some kind of penetration or nice rubbing to ya know, enjoy herself, not just smacking the vagina around.
[quote name='Roufuss']Ok, here goes.

I was watching this porn the other day of two chicks... it was pretty standard stuff. Except there was this one scene where one chick was laying down, and the other chick was crouching like a frog over her vagina, so the two vagina's were pretty close.

The chick crouching starts banging her vagina into the other chick's vagina and they're really enjoying it, but I wasn't seeing how that would be pleasurable at all since they were just smacking each other's vagina's into one another pretty hard... it just looked painful.

I thought a woman needed some kind of penetration or nice rubbing to ya know, enjoy herself, not just smacking the vagina around.[/quote]

Penis envy?
[quote name='Roufuss']Ok, here goes.

I was watching this porn the other day of two chicks... it was pretty standard stuff. Except there was this one scene where one chick was laying down, and the other chick was crouching like a frog over her vagina, so the two vagina's were pretty close.

The chick crouching starts banging her vagina into the other chick's vagina and they're really enjoying it, but I wasn't seeing how that would be pleasurable at all since they were just smacking each other's vagina's into one another pretty hard... it just looked painful.

I thought a woman needed some kind of penetration or nice rubbing to ya know, enjoy herself, not just smacking the vagina around.[/quote]

Ya see, son, there's this little nub on a gal's box called a 'clitoris'. Smacking that summbitch makes the womens go 'Ughn'. ;)

... fuck you, Rule 34. I hoped to never see bee porn. :cry:
[quote name='Roufuss']I thought a woman needed some kind of penetration or nice rubbing to ya know, enjoy herself, not just smacking the vagina around.[/QUOTE]Spoken like a true virgin...

[quote name='Hex']Ya see, son, there's this little nub on a gal's box called a 'clitoris'. Smacking that summbitch makes the womens go 'Ughn'. ;)

... fuck you, Rule 34. I hoped to never see bee porn. :cry:[/QUOTE]

No, I know about the clitoris and all of that (I'm no virgin!) but I mean they were ramming each other's vaginas together, almost slamming them. I know you've got to rub the clitoris but I didn't know you were supposed to beat the shit out of it.
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