I need a price check...on biOTTches

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Since I'm done with AC, I'll send it back to Gamefly tomorrow or Monday and probably put maybe COD4 for the 360 up their, so I can hopefully get that by the time I get back and pick up a 360.
[quote name='zewone']Hey, you OTT COD4 fellas?

You want a match against me and the Revolution?[/QUOTE]
"The Revolution minus Brak", you mean.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Since I'm done with AC, I'll send it back to Gamefly tomorrow or Monday and probably put maybe COD4 for the 360 up their, so I can hopefully get that by the time I get back and pick up a 360.[/quote]

What did you think of the ending?
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Shit Rock, I didn't even know that you left. That shit was hectic.[/quote]

Yeah I was getting a headache. Took some aspirin and I think I might jump into a normal match in a bit. You guys still playing in that group?
[quote name='Rocko']Yeah I was getting a headache. Took some aspirin and I think I might jump into a normal match in a bit. You guys still playing in that group?[/quote]
Nah, I jumped out after 4 games. I needed a rest.

I'm watching Brown's youtube videos.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Don't you get sick of those non-endings? They're more like lead-ins to the next game. Weaksauce.[/QUOTE]

Like the one in H-L2: Ep. 2?

If so, then yes, I do get sick of them.

fuck you, Valve!
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Nah, I jumped out after 4 games. I needed a rest.

I'm watching Brown's youtube videos.[/quote]

I hear that.


You want to hop on again in a bit or are you done?

Mox: Nah, not really. I think twice in the past two weeks.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Sure, if we can go back to killing people who suck.[/quote]

:lol: Sounds good.

I'll hop on in 5 or 10 and shoot you an invite.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Don't you get sick of those non-endings? They're more like lead-ins to the next game. Weaksauce.[/quote]
Eh, not really. I would've liked a bit more closure to the ending, but it's not a big deal. After reading the email on the computers in the office, I'm interested in seeing light bloom-enhanced world.
So I think I screwed up big time.

Time for a trip down N4E's (almost non-existant) love life. So there's two girls I've worked with and I've been crushing on pretty hard. I'm good friends with one (we'll call her girl A), and one I sorta know, but I'm friends with anyhow (she's girl B).

Anyhow, I started talking to girl B and talk goes rather well. Problem is, we only really hit it off when we're both positively drunk. Otherwise we rarely speak and we have completely different lives (on a somewhat unrelated note, she just had a kid and she's a good 3-4 years older than me). Unfortunately, I got super drunk on new years and told her that I really liked her, and I wanted to be with her. She said she didn't know what to say, and that was that. No real change in attitude, but I haven't really hung out with her since then.

Now fast forward a few days to tonight. For the longest, I've been hanging around Girl A and we've gotten pretty close. We went out, had dinner, caught a movie and went our seperate ways. I start texting her, and the line of conversation leads me to tell her that I like her and that we should hook up. That's when everything starts to fall apart. She knows what I said to Girl B, she knows I've been crushing on them both for years, and she's actually good friends with Girl B.

So she (A) pretty much sidesteps the question, blasts me for going from Girl B to herself and then stops talking to me altogether. In short, I think I really fucked up my chances with either girl.

And I'm out of Beer.

Think I'm going to go down a whole bottle of Asprin and go out with style; playing GHII till I keel over and die.
Hot damn, quite the competitive bunch in the OTT games. Was getting my ass kicked. Good to know there are actually people who can play well. I was getting worried in the public matches.
[quote name='HumanSnatcher']N4E, its never a good idea to date a co worker. Let alone nail them.[/QUOTE]

I'd like to disagree, but then I recall that pretty much every co-worker relationship I've ever seen pretty much tanked.

[quote name='Mike23']You also shouldn't kill yourself.[/QUOTE]

Eh, I was being a tad melodramatic. That and I would never have the balls to do so anyways.

Well, at least I won't be bored anytime soon. Who knows, maybe I'll pull a Lulu and keep everyone in the OTT informed (like anyone gives a shit).
Morning OTT! Damn internet went out on me last night :bomb:.

Last night when I was talking about those trades, unless I discovered I really liked them, I would just be in it to learn them and put it under my belt.
[quote name='Rocko']...Who are you?[/quote]

who am i? WHO AM I? well thats a good question. Im kinda new here...
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bread's done