I thOughTT we agreed to nOTT use "otta" in the title of the OTT

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i've got such bad heartburn from my pizza and garlic knots. man, both the pizza and knots were seriously garlicy (which was tasty) but now i'm payin for it :(
[quote name='XchikaXchikaX']i've got such bad heartburn from my pizza and garlic knots. man, both the pizza and knots were seriously garlicy (which was tasty) but now i'm payin for it :([/QUOTE]

Didn't I warn you about dem nasty pizza and knots. ;)

On a more serious note... wait.... nevermind. I forgot what I was going to type. :lol:
[quote name='Demolition Man']Didn't I warn you about dem nasty pizza and knots. ;)[/quote]
but they were sooooooooo goooooooooooooddddddd!
[quote name='XchikaXchikaX']but they were sooooooooo goooooooooooooddddddd![/QUOTE]

That's the temptation of the Heart Burn Devil there.

Its always "so good" when you eat it. But he'll strike you when you least expect it.
[quote name='s1eepinglionhart']Garlic is never a bad thing. ever. There is no such thing as too much garlic.[/QUOTE]


He might dispute you on that one. ;)
[quote name='s1eepinglionhart']Awww. I'll miss the old ones.

Who is driving?! Crab is driving! How can this be?![/QUOTE][quote name='Demolition Man']:cry:

I already miss the old avatar.[/QUOTE]
Sorry guys. :cry:

Ok, now I'm going to sleep. Maybe. I'm actually hungry again ... :whistle2:k
[quote name='Demolition Man']Poor dog looks very sad. :cry:[/quote]
he shouldn't. he's been sleeping in 1 of 3 places all day - his chair, on top of me on the sofa (yea, an 80lb foot warmer is a bit much), and on the guest room bed. he should be damn happy. he's had a good day. he even got some of his super favorite scooby snacks (cheese). and he's getting his party hat (which he hates) off tomorrow. Now if it were warmer than 6 degrees out, we'd play some frisbee, soccer and fetch and it would be a perfect day. he was givin lionhart the evil eye cuz the flash woke him up. now he gets to go to bed for realz.

night OTT
[quote name='s1eepinglionhart']Dude, Natalie Portman was in Mars Attacks!?[/QUOTE] I knew there was a reason I watched that when it came out on video. :lol:

Finally actually going to sleep. Just had some pumpkin muffins and cookies. I'm still hungry, but I'll be able to sleep, at least.
I could care less about Basketball, I usually hate BB video games since NBA Jam but I'll be damned if I'm not completely sold on buying NBA 2k7 after playing it at Circuit City. I can't really put my finger on it but its just a blast to play. Even if you suck at BB games (that's me!) it makes you feel like you're a star and you actually know what you're doing.
Okay RvB... that wasn't YOU I saw getting his ass handed to him tonight by the CPU was it? :rofl:

Confess and you shall be... well.... I laugh at with you anyways.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Okay RvB... that wasn't YOU I saw getting his ass handed to him tonight by the CPU was it? :rofl:

Confess and you shall be... well.... I laugh at with you anyways.[/QUOTE]

Nope, I was playing at Maple Grove and the CPU and I were neck and neck till the half. I didn't keep playing the game cause the friend I was with was getting bored. I was planning on buying the game on the spot but Maple Grove was sold out. Its not very often that I play a game that I immediately have to have. I want it so bad that I thought about stopping at Walmart on the way home but I figured I'd use my Gamestop store credit. I was pleasantly surprised when I got home and checked the internet to find out the game got a universal price drop to $40. Now, first thing tomorrow I'll be heading up to Gamestop to pick it up.
[quote name='Demolition Man']One ban coming up. But don't say I called it ahead of time. I'm just good with predicting these things.

... unlike my bold prediction of the Vikings making the playoffs this year. fuckers.
[/quote]It's douches like that that show we need some more mods here on CAG, ESPECIALLY in the system forums, which are plagued with fanboys and useless, repetitive threads.
I personally think LinkinPrime or ThaXecutioner would be great in keeping things under control in the 360 sub-forum.
[quote name='LiquidNight']I personally think LinkinPrime or ThaXecutioner would be great in keeping things under control in the 360 sub-forum.[/QUOTE]

QFT. Period.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Wow... PS3 games already dropping in price this soon?

"DAMN!" -Ron Simmons[/QUOTE]

I don't own a PS3, I was talking about the 360 version of 2k7 getting a universal price drop.
*looks around*

It just suddenly became....

*looks around again*

.... very....

*looks once again*

.... awkward in here.

*turns around while pointing in Strell's direction*

And its HIS fault judge.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I don't own a PS3, I was talking about the 360 version of 2k7 getting a universal price drop.[/QUOTE]

That is still pretty damn fast for a game that has been out what... 2-3 months tops? Still I shouldn't be surprised since its a sports game. We all know the long termness of the value of any sports game these days is just as much as, say, stock in Chucky Cheese these days.
[quote name='Strell']How I know to be rite the power fight for life.

This thread to need more of the olde time stuff.

Oh yes eat banana[/QUOTE]

I refuse to eat banana. I eat... APPLE. Because Carlito Caribbean Cool says its COOL. :D
[quote name='LiquidNight']It's douches like that that show we need some more mods here on CAG, ESPECIALLY in the system forums, which are plagued with fanboys and useless, repetitive threads.
I personally think LinkinPrime or ThaXecutioner would be great in keeping things under control in the 360 sub-forum.[/quote]
All of the system forums don't get much mod attention, so reposts and such are never touched.
This one guy in the Paris Hilton thread is remarkable. I think the scientific world could benefit greatly by studying him.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']All of the system forums don't get much mod attention, so reposts and such are never touched.[/quote]Which is why I think that LinkinPrime or Tha Xecutioner (I'm leaning a bit more towards Linkin, since he puts so much time into the game threads, but then again, Xecutioner does have the huge FAQ thread...) should be made a mod whose primary responsibility would be the 360 sub-forum.
I don't frequent the other system forums, but I'm sure there'd be viable canidates to watch over them as well.

EDIT: omgz it's DLF
[quote name='LiquidNight']Which is why I think that LinkinPrime or Tha Xecutioner (I'm leaning a bit more towards Linkin, since he puts so much time into the game threads, but then again, Xecutioner does have the huge FAQ thread...) should be made a mod whose primary responsibility would be the 360 sub-forum.
I don't frequent the other system forums, but I'm sure there'd be viable canidates to watch over them as well.

EDIT: omgz it's DLF[/quote]
We don't really need one mod per forum, but people that'll visit every forum. Even if he/she just takes a glimpse at threads. I'm not so sure about Linkin, he tends to posts stuff exclusively in the 360 forum, it kind of applies to the forum as a whole, regardless of whether it's been posted or should be posted elsewhere because it's busier than the other forums.
[quote name='Strell']This one guy in the Paris Hilton thread is remarkable. I think the scientific world could benefit greatly by studying him.[/quote]

Paris Hilton is better than us because she has more money? :lol:
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I could care less about Basketball, I usually hate BB video games since NBA Jam but I'll be damned if I'm not completely sold on buying NBA 2k7 after playing it at Circuit City. I can't really put my finger on it but its just a blast to play. Even if you suck at BB games (that's me!) it makes you feel like you're a star and you actually know what you're doing.[/quote]online is unplayable.
im done with basketball games. Well I might buy an NCAA one but only if the online play is perfect. Or if NBA Jam Tournament Edition come out for the xbox 360 marketplace.
I got a copy of Galactic Wrestling off of eBay for $3.75 shipped. :lol:

[quote name='Demolition Man'].... and your bragging about this.... why?[/QUOTE]
Because AKI makes sweet wrestling games.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']FYI the Gamecube version of the MUSCLE game is built on the AKI engine. I don't know if the PS2 games are though.[/QUOTE]
Yeah. This one is built on the AKI engine.
xChika- I know you're a hospital admin and all, but my mother's not around to ask, and I've had this question floating around my head.

Say someone's aspriated a piece of food. Nobody's been able to remove it, so he's gone into respiratory arrest, no arrythmia. What do you do? Do you perform some sort of field tracheotomy to remove the obstruction? How do you know where the object is lodged in his trachea? What if the object can't be removed, is the guy just fucked until he's taken to the ER? Obviously a field trach' is incredibly dangerous, so it'd take a surgeon or paramedic to perform..
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']All of the system forums don't get much mod attention, so reposts and such are never touched.[/quote]

I'll admit I don't visit the PS3/Wii forums as much as the 360 forum, but I wouldn't say that's entirely true.

If anything, report the repost. There are a lot of people who report reposts anyways, so a few more wouldn't hurt.
[quote name='Hex']xChika- I know you're a hospital admin and all, but my mother's not around to ask, and I've had this question floating around my head.

Say someone's aspriated a piece of food. Nobody's been able to remove it, so he's gone into respiratory arrest, no arrythmia. What do you do? Do you perform some sort of field tracheotomy to remove the obstruction? How do you know where the object is lodged in his trachea? What if the object can't be removed, is the guy just fucked until he's taken to the ER? Obviously a field trach' is incredibly dangerous, so it'd take a surgeon or paramedic to perform..[/quote]

usually things get lodged at the top portion of the trachea, but not always. field trach's are really risky to do. if the person is in respiratory arrest, they're more or less fukt. there's the heimlick maneuver which is also called abdominal thrusts (Mr. Hemlich patented and copyrighted the term Heimlich Maneuver). that can help if they're choking.
Hex, what was the point in asking that, if you don't mind me asking? :lol:
Just seems like an odd question.

I'm so happy it's the weekend :D.
Tiph's got medical aspirations. heh. no, but seriously, he wants to do something in medical, maybe radiology, but he's probably got to pass all sorts of general medical tests first?
[quote name='s1eepinglionhart']Tiph's got medical aspirations. heh. no, but seriously, he wants to do something in medical, maybe radiology, but he's probably got to pass all sorts of general medical tests first?[/QUOTE]
Ah, right. Didn't put that together after a night of drinking and stuff :roll:.
[quote name='XchikaXchikaX']usually things get lodged at the top portion of the trachea, but not always. field trach's are really risky to do. if the person is in respiratory arrest, they're more or less fukt. there's the heimlick maneuver which is also called abdominal thrusts (Mr. Hemlich patented and copyrighted the term Heimlich Maneuver). that can help if they're choking.[/quote]

Yeah, obviously the Heimlich would be the first step, but my question presumes that abdominal thrusts were ineffective. ;)

Okay, that's what I figured.. At the moment I'm looking into EMT service on account that to be the Unit Assistant (in orthopedics) you've got to go through a Nursing Assistant course, and even then apparently it's kind of a secretary job. I'd like to be in on the action, albeit not on the ambulance, but rather in the ER.

Do hospitals usually offer tuition reimbursement?

[quote name='Eviltude']Hex, what was the point in asking that, if you don't mind me asking? :lol:
Just seems like an odd question.

I'm so happy it's the weekend :D.[/quote]

I read most of a textbook on ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) last night. It just came to me when I woke up, I guess. :lol:
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