iPod Touch\iPhone\iPad -- Ongoing App Sales

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21 (100%)
This is a continuation of this previous thread. Since it was getting very close to the 5,000 thread mark, I figured it was time for a reset.

Post any deals you find, recommendations, requests for deals, etc. Please keep things as civil as possible. There's no such thing as a bad deal post and reviews are opinions. :)

Games in the App store are constantly going on sale. While I originally posted games and prices in this post, it's become almost impossible to keep up with it all. Feel free to post in this topic on good deals and games you enjoy. Developers are also encouraged to join in, especially if they are running promos or sales.

If you want to check out a particular game, try the following review sites, or ask in here so fellow CAG's can assist you.

Price Drop Sites

App & Game Review Sites

YouTube Video Reviews

Apple Game Center
Apple Game Center allows you to keep a friends list, track your in game achievements, and compare with your friends. Many games are starting to support this. Currently this only runs on iPod & iPhone, but an update will be coming soon that enables this for iPad users.

Make sure to checkout the official CAG Game Center exchange thread. You can post your game center name and see the names of your favorite CAG'rs. You can also exchange OpenFeint & Plus+ names there.

Important Notes:

  1. Make sure to check for periodic updates either in iTunes or on your iOS devices. For each release of new firmware, there's usually a bunch of games updated right afterward.
  2. Some applications also go on sale by their authors when they reach 1 million download and similar milestones.
  3. Apps often have specials the day before, during, and after holidays, regardless if said game/app is related to the holiday.
  4. Newly released apps will often have a % or dollar amount off for a limited period of time to gain a large following quicker. While browsing the app store you can go to a particular type or genre and order according to release date. This can make finding new app discounts faster.
  5. Make sure to backup your purchases in iTunes to CD/DVD for safe keeping. You can do this by clicking File-->Library-->Backup to Disc. Then choose all purchases, applications only, and full or incremental backup. How often is up to you, but I do this monthly, or more often if I buy a lot of apps.
  6. Apps can be re-downloaded without incurring an extra charge if you previously purchased it. This is good if you have a crash and forget to backup your purchases. I don't know if this is a permanent feature so backing up regularly is still important.
  7. I strongly advise not to buy iTunes Gift Cards by 3rd parties unless you know they can be trusted. Retail stores, receiving cards as gifts, etc are the best ways. There are many credit card scams, stolen cards, hacked cards going around, especially on Ebay.
  8. If you are the victim of a iTunes Card scam or get your account locked due to one not all hope is lost. Apple has been fairly lenient on these issues. Call Apple directly at 1-800-MY-APPLE, or check the iTunes Store support page. Also going to your local Apple Store to discuss it can help. The account locking is an automated process and can be reversed. This can take time so be cautious if you use gift cards from 3rd party sources.
  9. If you somehow break your iOS device, you have some options. If you bought the Applecare warranty it should be covered for most items. If your Applecare ran out or you don't have one, try using one of the repair guides on iFixit to repair it yourself. Apple Stores have been known to give discounts if you bring in a iOS device that they will not fix since it's not in warranty. This discount however is very small.
  10. Using a screen protector can extend the life of your device. Most stores carry these, but they can be hard to install. The best I have personally used are made by a company called Power Support. They have both clear and anti-glare protectors. They are easier to install because the protector is a firm yet thin piece of plastic. Two come in a pack, average price I've seen is $20. They have an Ebay Store that might save you a few bucks. Griffin Technologies and Zagg are also very good.
[quote name='Alcedes']Tiny wings is awesome, i love the music and the pseudo adrenaline rush when you hit perfect jumps is crazy haha.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. In fact, whenever I take flight, I make a "wheee!" sound inside my head. Awesome game with a unique art style and charm to it.
Someone was praising Tiny Wings on Twitter so I bought it and it's awesome. This is just the type of game I like to play on my iPhone, simple and intuitive.
Finally got a chance to install the server component to Mobile Mouse Pro (http://itunes.apple.com/app/mobile-mouse-pro-remote-trackpad/id289616509?mt=8). Man, that app is slick! It works flawlessly (so far) with my Quad-Core tower and I'm really impressed by the responsiveness. Granted, I'm only sitting about a dozen feet away. Still, it's great for changing songs on iTunes while I'm across the room. I'm looking forward to seeing what else this bad boy can do. Do yourself a favor and snag this one while it's still free.
Hmmm, I just realized my last couple of posts haven't really highlighted any new bargains. So here you go:

The new FAAD featured game is Puppet War: FPS (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/puppet-war-fps/id376049023?mt=8).
"Puppet war is a 3d fps (First ‘Puppet’ Shooter) in which you play a janitor stuck in a colorful TV kids-show studio with hordes of evil cuddly puppets trying to kill you!
Luckily for you, there are lots of extremely awesome weapons at your disposal to defend yourself.
Can you survive waves of crazy puppets trying to eat you up like a delicious cookie??
To stay alive you will have to earn money to buy stronger weapons and reach harder levels to unlock even more powerful ones."

is also currently available for FREE (http://itunes.apple.com/app/gangofdodge/id415172426?mt=8).
"Gang of Dodge is a secret organization, and all of them are talented in dodge. They come to the mysterious continent for adventure, what kind of risks do they have to encounter with?
Wanna have an experience?
Wanna know how long can you survive?
Now join the Gang of Dodge!"
Another +1 for Tiny Wings. The goals to upgrade your nest are part of what makes this game better then your typical casual game. And the graphics, sound and music are all great.
[quote name='Dimsdale']Hmmm, I just realized my last couple of posts haven't really highlighted any new bargains. So here you go:


Thanks once again for all the free games you post.
[quote name='mightymek']Awesome. I've been waiting for a Sims to drop since I didn't get them during the last sale. I didn't know EaMobile had a deal of the day. I'll have to keep my eye on that...[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it started yesterday with Mirror's Edge.
[quote name='Dimsdale']Finally got a chance to install the server component to Mobile Mouse Pro (http://itunes.apple.com/app/mobile-mouse-pro-remote-trackpad/id289616509?mt=8). Man, that app is slick! It works flawlessly (so far) with my Quad-Core tower and I'm really impressed by the responsiveness. Granted, I'm only sitting about a dozen feet away. Still, it's great for changing songs on iTunes while I'm across the room. I'm looking forward to seeing what else this bad boy can do. Do yourself a favor and snag this one while it's still free.[/QUOTE]

For changing songs in iTunes, why dont you just use the (free) Remote app? It's pretty darn nifty.
Agreed, the Remote app is a better choice for changing songs in iTunes. Gives you a lot more control than the Mobile Mouse. Mobile Mouse is good for everything else though.
[quote name='crunchewy']For changing songs in iTunes, why dont you just use the (free) Remote app? It's pretty darn nifty.[/QUOTE]
To be honest, I had never really thought about using a remote with my Mac. I grabbed a copy of Mobile Mouse the other day just because it was being featured on FAAD. I must say, it's pretty cool to add Front Row-like convenience to my tower. Plus, it allows me to do stuff without being tethered to my desk and keyboard. I'll certainly give Remote a shot, though. Thanks for the heads up.
[quote name='Dimsdale']Bit on Tiny Wings (http://itunes.apple.com/app/tiny-wings/id417817520?mt=8). Very charming. Really easy to pick up and play but definitely has some timing skills and strategy to deploy. After a dozen or so plays, I still break out into a huge smile whenever the bird finally takes flight for the first time. Reminds me a bit of Solipskier but with a much different personality. Easy recommendation for a buck.[/QUOTE]

Did you bite in Save Toshi DX too? I really think you'll like it. I believe it's still on sale for a buck too.
SpikeDislike is FREE for one day only (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/spikedislike/id413794159?mt=8).
"Featured on TouchArcade.com
"SpikeDislike is one of those games that is frustratingly fun. Every time you die you know exactly what you did wrong, and it's both quick and easy to jump in and give it another shot making it hard to quit playing."
Bounce your way to the right, and avoid all the nasty spikes along the way.
Earn combos by bouncing quickly enough through the arena, and earn Super combos by bouncing without letting go!"

The PSP port International Athletics is on sale for .99 (http://itunes.apple.com/app/international-athletics-special/id312666508?mt=8).
"International Athletics” has enjoyed huge acclaim hitting the Official UK Charts at number 4. Previously only available on Nintendo DS and Sony PSP, the most realistic athletics simulation on handheld consoles is now available on iPhone.
Featuring an incredibly intuitive control method adapted specifically for the iPhone and iTouch, the game gives you the chance to go for gold in 11 of the world’s most compelling and demanding track and field events. Set within magnificent international stadiums and playable in Quick Event, Tournament Mode, and perhaps the most intense test of human strength and endurance of all, the Decathlon, International Athletics really has it all."
[quote name='ProfNut']How good is that game ??? Does it play well, or should I just stick to GALCON instead?[/QUOTE]

People have ranted and ranted about the console versions, heard one good review on a podcast for the iphone version.
[quote name='Rollobobo']I just get some connection host fail....not sure what that means?!?[/QUOTE]

Means that they (not you) are having server issues.
Alright, how does gifting to yourself work? Trying to gift 7th Guest to myself because I have no more space, but it won't let me use the same email as my iTunes account to gift it to.
iFish Cartoon is FREE for a limited time (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ifish-cartoon/id393100741?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo=4).
"Get ready to dive into the deep ocean and get your fishing adventure started! Tons of unique and exotic fishes are scattering around for you to catch! iFish Cartoon puts you into the most mysterious and exciting underwater experience with your very own kitty friend.
Team up with your charming and crafty kitty to perfect your fishing skills. Through your adventurous fishing journey, you can help your kitty catch its favorite seafood and earn gold at same time. Your goal is to catch enough fishes to fill the requirement stats gauge during each stage. Also, the stats gauge serves as a timer so make sure that the gauge level doesn’t drop to zero or else you won’t be able to cruise through your fishing adventure.
iFish Cartoon is designed to be a fun and relaxing game. Use accelerometer to control the movements, aim your net above the fish, and with a simple click with steady hand, you can successfully catch your target fish. Those sneaky fishes will find ways to escape, so train your kitty well to prevent failure. There are specialties in the game to help you in your fishing adventure so use them wisely. Don’t forget to watch out for those dangerous sea creatures beneath the hidden waters and protect your kitty from their attacks. Good luck, have fun, and start fishing!"
[quote name='MSI Magus']Yeah I saw that yesterday and got very excited. Waiting to buy an Ipad has been hard. Chances are they announce for April and then I have a whole nother month to wait...but at least I know I will be waiting on. Hopefully it was worth it to wait on the Ipad2 vs grabbing the I1.[/QUOTE]

I wish I could be excited about the upcoming iPad, but knowing that it's likely the iPad3 that has retina (double the res of the current iPad), I'll probably wind up thinking this iPad2 is great, but just not great enough to actually buy and I'll be waiting another year for Apple to deliver everything they should have delivered this year. Add in that next year they'll probably be at quad CPU's and quad GPU's, even more memory, double the res, well it's hard not to logically wait a bit longer. I bought a iPod Touch 3G. The next year they raised the res and made the big changeover from the years before. I love my iPod Touch, but I should have waited. I won't make the same mistake again.

I HAVE waited this long though...
[quote name='hufferstl']Just picked up Dragon's Lair for $.99. Anyone know if it is good or not?[/QUOTE]

It's pretty cool... I have not finished it.
[quote name='HisDivineShadow']I wish I could be excited about the upcoming iPad, but knowing that it's likely the iPad3 that has retina (double the res of the current iPad), I'll probably wind up thinking this iPad2 is great, but just not great enough to actually buy and I'll be waiting another year for Apple to deliver everything they should have delivered this year. Add in that next year they'll probably be at quad CPU's and quad GPU's, even more memory, double the res, well it's hard not to logically wait a bit longer. I bought a iPod Touch 3G. The next year they raised the res and made the big changeover from the years before. I love my iPod Touch, but I should have waited. I won't make the same mistake again.

I HAVE waited this long though...[/QUOTE]

I can't justify to myself in any way whatsoever to buy an iPad, for personal use. I just don't see the big deal of them over a laptop or iPhone. They excel in neither laptop power/versatility or iPhone portability. I will however, finally buy one for the games i am making for the iOS. I didn't want an iPad before because I wasn't sure of the quality and acceptance, but now I think I will finally bite. Good bye $700, it was nice knowing you...
[quote name='HisDivineShadow']I wish I could be excited about the upcoming iPad, but knowing that it's likely the iPad3 that has retina (double the res of the current iPad), I'll probably wind up thinking this iPad2 is great, but just not great enough to actually buy and I'll be waiting another year for Apple to deliver everything they should have delivered this year. Add in that next year they'll probably be at quad CPU's and quad GPU's, even more memory, double the res, well it's hard not to logically wait a bit longer. I bought a iPod Touch 3G. The next year they raised the res and made the big changeover from the years before. I love my iPod Touch, but I should have waited. I won't make the same mistake again.

I HAVE waited this long though...[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't be surprised if the September release rumors of iPad 3 are right. They have to compete with Android tablets.
[quote name='Darknuke']I can't justify to myself in any way whatsoever to buy an iPad, for personal use. I just don't see the big deal of them over a laptop or iPhone. They excel in neither laptop power/versatility or iPhone portability. I will however, finally buy one for the games i am making for the iOS. I didn't want an iPad before because I wasn't sure of the quality and acceptance, but now I think I will finally bite. Good bye $700, it was nice knowing you...[/QUOTE]
Oddly enough, my wife keeps asking me when I'm going to buy an iPad. She knows I will eventually. I'm happy to wait until it has the minimum specs I want. I think she's just trying to distract me from buying another guitar. . .
[quote name='decon']I wouldn't be surprised if the September release rumors of iPad 3 are right. They have to compete with Android tablets.[/QUOTE]

Yeah but would splintering your market that much really be the smartest idea? I mean a lot of consumers bought an iphone or ipad as their first apple product. If they launch the ipad 3 and it obsoletes their all of 6 month old Ipad 2....I mean yeah Apples fanbase is loyal...but are they THAT loyal?
[quote name='Darknuke']I can't justify to myself in any way whatsoever to buy an iPad, for personal use. I just don't see the big deal of them over a laptop or iPhone. They excel in neither laptop power/versatility or iPhone portability. I will however, finally buy one for the games i am making for the iOS. I didn't want an iPad before because I wasn't sure of the quality and acceptance, but now I think I will finally bite. Good bye $700, it was nice knowing you...[/QUOTE]
It doesn't replace your laptop, it won't be on your person 24/7 like an iPhone, but it has some amazing functionality. I use mine throughout the day for web surfing, email, the occasional game, and reading manga (
[quote name='HisDivineShadow']I wish I could be excited about the upcoming iPad, but knowing that it's likely the iPad3 that has retina (double the res of the current iPad), I'll probably wind up thinking this iPad2 is great, but just not great enough to actually buy and I'll be waiting another year for Apple to deliver everything they should have delivered this year. Add in that next year they'll probably be at quad CPU's and quad GPU's, even more memory, double the res, well it's hard not to logically wait a bit longer. I bought a iPod Touch 3G. The next year they raised the res and made the big changeover from the years before. I love my iPod Touch, but I should have waited. I won't make the same mistake again.

I HAVE waited this long though...[/QUOTE]

FYI, the year after THAT will be even better still, and the year after *THAT* will be uber better, etc, so you should probably wait about 10 years to ensure getting the best iPad possible. ;) :)

Spike Dislike is a decent Impossible Game type game. Different, mind you, not a clone at all. It's easier, which I consider a plus, but YMMV. Worth it while free for sure.
[quote name='crunchewy']FYI, the year after THAT will be even better still, and the year after *THAT* will be uber better, etc, so you should probably wait about 10 years to ensure getting the best iPad possible. ;) :)

Spike Dislike is a decent Impossible Game type game. Different, mind you, not a clone at all. It's easier, which I consider a plus, but YMMV. Worth it while free for sure.[/QUOTE]

Some components can get better but not the retina display since it is the highest pixel density the eye can see. Sure you can put in more pixels down the road but it isn't better because it looks the same.
What exactly is Retina Display and what is it good for? To me it sounds like some fancy thing that reads your eyeballs(like scans them to tell who you are)like in sci fi movies but I doubt that is what it is ;)
[quote name='MSI Magus']What exactly is Retina Display and what is it good for? To me it sounds like some fancy thing that reads your eyeballs(like scans them to tell who you are)like in sci fi movies but I doubt that is what it is ;)[/QUOTE]

Higher density; there are more pixels per inch.

The display of the iPhone 4 is designed by Apple and is manufactured by LG. It features an LED backlit TFT LCD capacitive touchscreen with a pixel density of 326 pixels per inch (ppi) on a 3.5 in (8.9 cm) (diagonally measured), 960×640 display. Each pixel is 78 micrometres in width. The display has a contrast ratio of 800:1. The screen is marketed by Apple as the "Retina Display", based on the assertion that a display of approximately 300 ppi at a distance of 12 inches (305 mm) from one's eye is the maximum amount of detail that the human retina can process.[35] With the iPhone expected to be used at a distance of about 12 inches from the eyes, a higher resolution would allegedly have no effect on the image's apparent quality as the maximum potential of the human eye has already been met.​
— SOURCE: Wikipedia (iPhone 4)

[quote name='MSI Magus']What exactly is Retina Display and what is it good for? To me it sounds like some fancy thing that reads your eyeballs(like scans them to tell who you are)like in sci fi movies but I doubt that is what it is ;)[/QUOTE]

Even though I just typed it I will say it again in a more expanded way.

Your ears can only hear up to a certain level. Once speakers make noise louder than the human ear is capable of hearing, you receive no benefit from louder sounds and the speakers are 'as good' as they can be.

The same is true for your eyes. Your eyes can only see so well. Once the pixels are so dense that you cannot see any better even with more packed in, there is no physical way to possibly see the display better. Put the retina display as close to your eye as possible and you can't see the pixels in the same way you can be sitting very close to a tv.
[quote name='HisDivineShadow']I wish I could be excited about the upcoming iPad, but knowing that it's likely the iPad3 that has retina (double the res of the current iPad), I'll probably wind up thinking this iPad2 is great, but just not great enough to actually buy and I'll be waiting another year for Apple to deliver everything they should have delivered this year. Add in that next year they'll probably be at quad CPU's and quad GPU's, even more memory, double the res, well it's hard not to logically wait a bit longer. I bought a iPod Touch 3G. The next year they raised the res and made the big changeover from the years before. I love my iPod Touch, but I should have waited. I won't make the same mistake again.

I HAVE waited this long though...[/QUOTE]

You could always just sell the iPad2 and buy an iPad3 for 100-200 bucks when the time comes around. That's the one of the few things I admit Apple products have an advantage in.

[quote name='Darknuke']I can't justify to myself in any way whatsoever to buy an iPad, for personal use. I just don't see the big deal of them over a laptop or iPhone. They excel in neither laptop power/versatility or iPhone portability. I will however, finally buy one for the games i am making for the iOS. I didn't want an iPad before because I wasn't sure of the quality and acceptance, but now I think I will finally bite. Good bye $700, it was nice knowing you...[/QUOTE]

I'm personally getting an iPad2 for reading manga and all those PDFs I need to read for my PhD. :) Goodreader FTW. I even e-mailed the developer and asked if I can see the highlights made in Acrobat in GoodReader, and vice versa. I do have a laptop but my problem with it is it's battery is pretty much dying and the wifi switch is really sensitive (if nudged wrong I lose connection). I could buy another laptop but I rather buy something I can just use for most day to day operations and save my laptop/desktop for the SPSS work, programming, etc..
[quote name='DtotheP']Did you bite in Save Toshi DX too? I really think you'll like it. I believe it's still on sale for a buck too.[/QUOTE]
I grabbed the lite version to try it out. Really dig the play mechanics and physics engine. Not too crazy about the J-pop laughsquealing, though. I'm still trying to decide if it's enough of an irritant to keep me from playing through the full version. In any event, many thanks for bringing this one to my attention. After my wife finishes obsessing over Angry Birds, I'll likely introduce her to it.
[quote name='Laughing Man']I'm personally getting an iPad2 for reading manga[/QUOTE]
Manga on the iPad is unfreakingbelievable!
Process scans for iPad: http://www.bitcake.com/?page=project_canti
Current best comic reader app: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/comic-zeal-comic-reader/id363990983?mt=8

[quote name='Laughing Man']and all those PDFs I need to read for my PhD. :) Goodreader FTW. I even e-mailed the developer and asked if I can see the highlights made in Acrobat in GoodReader, and vice versa. I do have a laptop but my problem with it is it's battery is pretty much dying and the wifi switch is really sensitive (if nudged wrong I lose connection). I could buy another laptop but I rather buy something I can just use for most day to day operations and save my laptop/desktop for the SPSS work, programming, etc..[/QUOTE]
I wish I had an iPad in school. I've used GoodReader for annotations and it plays perfectly with AdobeReader. They just updated it with comment author and export/email annotations. I enjoy reading/annotating tech docs on my iPad much more than on a laptop.
[quote name='Azuvidexus']Means that they (not you) are having server issues.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm...its been like this since yesterday. Wondering what the heck is going on. Please tell me others are seeing this too.
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