Is the PS3 still a Rare item or is no one interested

[quote name='pilferk']I had an almost surreal experience this past Sunday.

Walked into our local Best buy (West Hartford, CT) at about 10:15 AM (they opened at 10). There must have been 30 or 40 PS3's on the Customer Service Counter....both 20 and 60 gig flavors.

We were there for about an hour....maybe a little longer....spending "gift card money" and browsing...from the look of things, and the stack they had, they sold maybe 5 or 6 of the things during that time frame.[/QUOTE]
How is that surreal?
[quote name='David85']5 or 6 and hour is better than 1 a day. :)

And why does the PS3 controler weigh nothing? It's freaky. Is all the weight in controlers really from the rumble?[/quote]
It's a VERY busy Best Buy (probably the busiest or maybe 2nd busiest in our state). Honestly, I can't believe they weren't GONE in the hour we were there...hell, I can't believe they weren't gone in the first 15 min we were there. The fact they only sold 5 or 6 left me flabergasted. Foot Traffic seemed pretty good, too. They weren't "dead", by any means.

Again, anecdotally, the guy I talked to about it while I was in the games department browsing said it's the longest a batch of PS3's has been in the store since launch. Maybe it's the fact it was the first batch in since X-mas, or that they came onto the floor the morning of New Years Eve. I don't know. It was just wild to see them all stacked up there, and not selling.

Of course, all this is anecdotal and doesn't mean a darn thing, really, but it was interesting/weird/surreal...given all the hype about demand.

Oh, and to answer your question...with the advent of digital technology, yes...most of the weight in a wireless controller is the "rumble" aparatus. The counterweights (or whatever they're called in engineering-speak) used to create the "rumble" are relatively heavy.
[quote name='mwynn']How is that surreal?[/quote]
"ALMOST surreal".

Because of all the hype over demand, I would have expected them to sell like hotcakes. Hell, I would not have expected to see them, at all, given we were there 20 min AFTER they opened. They certainly have just about every other time I've seen them (or heard of them) in a store...especially the Best Buys, it seems, in this neck of the woods.

It was "ALMOST surreal" because it didn't feel like "real life"..watching them sitting there, not selling. And yes, I was watching them because it was so odd not to see them flying off the back shelf. After all we've heard, and seen, in the media it just felt odd to see a big stack of something that was such a big deal just a week or two ago....a big stack just sitting there and not really selling as well as I would have expected.

I'm sure I'd feel the same way walking into walmart and seeing a huge stack of TMX: Elmo's not selling quickly.
[quote name='pilferk']"ALMOST surreal".

Because of all the hype over demand, I would have expected them to sell like hotcakes. Hell, I would not have expected to see them, at all, given we were there 20 min AFTER they opened. They certainly have just about every other time I've seen them (or heard of them) in a store...especially the Best Buys, it seems, in this neck of the woods.

It was "ALMOST surreal" because it didn't feel like "real life"..watching them sitting there, not selling. And yes, I was watching them because it was so odd not to see them flying off the back shelf. After all we've heard, and seen, in the media it just felt odd to see a big stack of something that was such a big deal just a week or two ago....a big stack just sitting there and not really selling as well as I would have expected.

I'm sure I'd feel the same way walking into walmart and seeing a huge stack of TMX: Elmo's not selling quickly.[/QUOTE]

Well at least the public aint eating up sony garbage which is a good thing. Maybe sony will support it like there PSP they have done little with. Till they make that thing worth buying there just no point to it. Only reason to buy one right now is for a cheap blue-ray player, but then it dont even have a infrared port to even use a universal remote to make it a nice home theater player.

It still needs alot of work to it to be worth $600 for a game system.
[quote name='jackP']Have you played a PS3? I have played all three and the PS3 is by far the most unimpressive of them. I played resistance and the graphics arent impressive at all i would say PGR3 360 launch title blows it away. [/QUOTE]
I think you lost all of your credibility right there.
I have seen the Resistance play, the graphics aren't that nice. If you weren't such a fanboy and played a 360 you would see the huge difference, even between launch titles.
[quote name='icruise']I think you lost all of your credibility right there.[/QUOTE]

I dont know i played both on the same TV, both in 720p, and Resistance dont look that good.

Really David85, I think icruise is just tring to feel good about his $600 of unfinished system purchase he made. haha
[quote name='icruise']I think you lost all of your credibility right there.[/quote]

Why? Because of a different opinion about the game than you?
I don't own any of the systems but I have played all of them. PS3's graphics are nice, but nothing amazing. I do love how I get called fanboy everywhere. The Nintendo posters hate me because I'm not a"The Wii is so amazing I want to fuck it" freak. Here I get yelled at because someones vision isn't very well, and I don't really go into the 360 board. But I'm a fanboy to every stystem and also a hateboy to every system. Yep, that makes sense.
Lol i went to my local Gamestop today just to look around. When i got there they had a big sheet of paper taped to the front door with this written on it in marker(Yes we have Ps3's in stock Plz come in and buy them Plz!). Man i laughed at that. Even though i just bought one myself, I only bought right now so i could afford one since I'm getting ready to move out on my own. So I don't know if I could afford one after that.
[quote name='schuerm26']Why? Because of a different opinion about the game than you?[/QUOTE]
A different opinion is one thing. Saying it looks worse than a 360 launch game is something else again. I'm not a huge fan of Resistance. It's not worth buying a console for, but it is a good game and it does look very good. I don't see how you can deny this UNLESS you've only played it a little bit. Is there anyone who actually OWNS Resistance that thinks it looks bad?
I have seen several PS3's available in my area. There were 3 $600 PS3's at a local Wal-Mart. I must also add that there were 2 Wii's at another Wal-Mart in the area so maybe people here just aren't buying games this year.
[quote name='icruise']A different opinion is one thing. Saying it looks worse than a 360 launch game is something else again. I'm not a huge fan of Resistance. It's not worth buying a console for, but it is a good game and it does look very good. I don't see how you can deny this UNLESS you've only played it a little bit. Is there anyone who actually OWNS Resistance that thinks it looks bad?[/quote]

It's a PS3 launch game compared to an XBOX 360 launch game. I think that's a fair comparison. You might disagree but it's not an unfair comparison. I have no opinion on it because I have never seen it.
Resistance looks fine, I'm not saying it doesn't. Resistance is suppose to be the reason for Blu-Ray the future of games. But really it's just a regular last gen game with better graphics. It's not $600 good, it's not blu-ray is the future good.
[quote name='icruise']The *comparison* might be fair, but the *conclusion* is not.[/quote]

In your opinion it isn't. Obviously in the original posters it is.
Just went to TOYS RUS IN NY TIMES SQUARE Where they had a ton of Wii's and a ton of Playstation 3's. They had double the Wii's to Playstation 3's but the Wii's still sold out!!!! Nobody wanted a playstation 3 except for old 30-ish dudes. THey had at least 100 Playstation 3's when I got there and everyone was like "GIVE ME A WII". The PS3 was like leprosy. Nobody wants to pay 650 (with tax) after christmas for a system that won't downscale. I mean 1080p HDTV's are ~3000 bucks. Most people have 780p plasmas and if you buy a ps3 it gets downconverted to 480p. RIDIKULOUS!
[quote name='sparklecopy']Nobody wants to pay 650 (with tax) after christmas for a system that won't downscale. I mean 1080p HDTV's are ~3000 bucks. Most people have 780p plasmas and if you buy a ps3 it gets downconverted to 480p. RIDIKULOUS![/QUOTE]
Where do I begin...? :roll:

Most people have sets that support 720p, and those work just fine with the PS3. The ONLY sets that have any problem are the old CRT HDTVs that only support 1080i and not 720p. Just about any set bought in the last several years works fine. Jeez people, if you're going to bash the PS3, at least get it right.
I still haven't had much luck at all in B/M Nashville and Clarksville..they get sold out in seconds and usually in small quantities. I got mine [that I haven't opened] online....

Some friends of mine in other cities haven't found them either

I think there's still an interest and it's just that the "Wii" hype is too much..people online are too quick to give into propaganda and I've noticed ACTUAL opinion differs from hype...

So yes..still rare...not $1000 rare..but rare
Sarausagi, FYI I was just in the Turkey Creek EB Games in Knoxville and they have 5 60 GB PS3's sitting on the shelf. For real.

Look up the number and give them a ring--it's not too far to drive into Knoxville tomorrow AM and buy one. A LOT cheaper than eBay or crappy profiteering bundles.

I think I'm just a lucky guy though--I walked into Best Buy last Wednesday and they had their only shipment of Wiis in the last 2 weeks had just arrived. I got one for my boss's 5th grader. I'm in GOOD with the boss! :)
[quote name='icruise']Where do I begin...? :roll:

Most people have sets that support 720p, and those work just fine with the PS3. The ONLY sets that have any problem are the old CRT HDTVs that only support 1080i and not 720p. Just about any set bought in the last several years works fine. Jeez people, if you're going to bash the PS3, at least get it right.[/QUOTE]

You want research? Did some research on the PS3 Blu-ray and have found out that BLURay is quite the GYP. Some of the reasons are that Standard Definition signals are usually 480 scanlines while HDTV is 1080 scanlines which is more than double. NOW the Bluray Disc is touted at having 50-200 gb worth of storage data, but that's only if they use all the layers of the disc. Discs that are coming out now are only 25 GBs on one layer! Now, you think to yourself, gee that sounds reasonable as a movie DVD is ~8.47Gb so 25 Gb sounds like it's double that. But here is the kicker, Usually DVD's come in 2 disc sets or more, One for the DVD and the other discs for the extras, so if it's 2 discs it would be 16 GB+. Bluray puts both the extras and the movie on the same disc! so if you were to buy Mission Impossible III on Bluray. You'd get 25 gb and if you were to buy MI3 for DVD it would be 16 GB worth of stuff. That' s only a 9 GB difference which is a very meager jump. Now the other thing is that Bluray is encoded in the very ineffecient MPEG2 format which is fine for DVD's but kinda crap for HIGh DEFINITION as it's more of a legacy codec. What they touted for BLURAY was VC-1 encoding which would make 25 GB seem more like 40GB and would create a much richer picture. Now I've seen Mission Impossible 3 on BlurAy and let me tell you it's AMAZING. but the thing is some parts are shitty and that's another crappy thing about BLuray is that they have up and down authorizations. Some parts of a movie will look absolutely stunning and then 5 seconds later could look worse than a DVD. It's kinda a shame that the jump from CD's 700 MB to DVD's 8GB were almost a 3200% jump in volume while DVD 8GB to BLURAY 25GB is only a meager 300% jump in volume at this juncture. Considering the premium you are paying for High Definition it doesn't really add up. You should wait til they have better authorization facilities and wait til the 50GB Vc-1 encoding is the industry standard. And the whole marketing gimmick of pricing a Bluray player at 1000 dollars to make the Ps3 look like a bargain is so transparent as well. It still doesn't look like a bargain. It looks like a 800 dollar paperweight. You pay 50 bucks for an extra controller, 50 bucks for a real HDMI cable and 60 bucks for fall resistance of man and you are really looking at 800 bucks for playing fall resistance of man for the next 12 months. Sony's only sold 200,000 units so far and I'd say they'd sell less than 600,000-800,000 at year's end. for Konami to come out with killer App Metal Gear solid 4 they'd need at least a million and a half user installed base to even consider making it on the scheduled release date. SO either Konami will break the exclusivity and jump to 360 as well or they'll do the notorious "pushed back til next year" til Playstation 3 gets the requisite quota on systems. Same with Capcom's Devil may cry 4. So it's a chicken and the egg thing. Sony needs a killer app like MGS 4 to sell systems but Konami needs enough systems to meet supply for the game. The only thing Sony can do is find a sleeper app that can carry them to the top. If Microsoft didn't have Bungie's Halo to bail them out I don't think we'd see a 360. So Sony can only rely on either a 100 -200 dollar price drop or a game by some small developer that does incredibly well to carry them cross this river. Until that time. Nintendo will have lapped them 3 times over. Sony' ship is sinking folks. How will they right it?
[quote name='icruise']Where do I begin...? :roll:

Most people have sets that support 720p, and those work just fine with the PS3. The ONLY sets that have any problem are the old CRT HDTVs that only support 1080i and not 720p. Just about any set bought in the last several years works fine. Jeez people, if you're going to bash the PS3, at least get it right.[/QUOTE]

You were right to correct that guy (I don't much like him because of this line: "Nobody wanted a playstation 3 except for old 30-ish dudes") :lol:.

But just to set the record straight, I was HDTV shopping 3 years ago and just about any cheaper HDTV at the time (ie. $1000-$2000 range) was a 1080i rear-projection CRT set that didn't support 720p. Only the newfangled (at the time) $4000 DLP sets (or $10,000 Plasmas) were 720p. So, you sound a bit like Sony's PR in saying "Just about any set bought in the last several years works fine". Maybe in the last TWO years - THREE tops, if I just happened to buy in at the most unlucky time. But no way is it "several years".
[quote name='Phanatic']I was at my local Best Buy this afternoon (Whitehall, PA) - a VERY busy Best Buy, mind you - and there were at least 12 60GB models sitting on the floor by the registers.

While I was browsing the aisles, I heard no less than 4 people ask about Wii availability, but the PS3s were just sitting there untouched...[/QUOTE]

I have never seen that Best Buy's parking lot less then 3/4 full. That thing is packed all the time.
[quote name='io']You were right to correct that guy (I don't much like him because of this line: "Nobody wanted a playstation 3 except for old 30-ish dudes") :lol:.

But just to set the record straight, I was HDTV shopping 3 years ago and just about any cheaper HDTV at the time (ie. $1000-$2000 range) was a 1080i rear-projection CRT set that didn't support 720p. Only the newfangled (at the time) $4000 DLP sets (or $10,000 Plasmas) were 720p. So, you sound a bit like Sony's PR in saying "Just about any set bought in the last several years works fine". Maybe in the last TWO years - THREE tops, if I just happened to buy in at the most unlucky time. But no way is it "several years".[/QUOTE]
Well, I bought my set almost 3 years ago and when I was doing research there were hardly any CRT sets at the major chains, and that's what I'm going by. Still, my main point was that he and some other people are spreading disinformation by saying that you must have an expensive 1080p-capable set to use the PS3. It's just not true.
[quote name='sparklecopy']Bluray puts both the extras and the movie on the same disc! so if you were to buy Mission Impossible III on Bluray. You'd get 25 gb and if you were to buy MI3 for DVD it would be 16 GB worth of stuff. That' s only a 9 GB difference which is a very meager jump.
The Blu-ray version of Mission Impossible III is on 2 discs, one for the movie, one for the special features. But regardless of the numbers involved, Blu-ray looks WAY better than DVD.

Now the other thing is that Bluray is encoded in the very ineffecient MPEG2 format which is fine for DVD's but kinda crap for HIGh DEFINITION as it's more of a legacy codec.
While some earlier Blu-ray discs use MPEG-2, Blu-ray is capable of using many formats.

Some parts of a movie will look absolutely stunning and then 5 seconds later could look worse than a DVD.
No idea what you're talking about here.

It's kinda a shame that the jump from CD's 700 MB to DVD's 8GB were almost a 3200% jump in volume while DVD 8GB to BLURAY 25GB is only a meager 300% jump in volume at this juncture. Considering the premium you are paying for High Definition it doesn't really add up.
I guess the lower-capacity HD-DVD is an even bigger rip off then, huh?

And the whole marketing gimmick of pricing a Bluray player at 1000 dollars to make the Ps3 look like a bargain is so transparent as well. It still doesn't look like a bargain. It looks like a 800 dollar paperweight.
So you're saying that Sony has conspired with Samsung and the other makers of Blu-ray players to artificially inflate prices, just to make the PS3 look like a bargain? Right...

I think the rest is fairly transparent trolling, so I'll stop here.
[quote name='icruise']Well, I bought my set almost 3 years ago and when I was doing research there were hardly any CRT sets at the major chains, and that's what I'm going by. Still, my main point was that he and some other people are spreading disinformation by saying that you must have an expensive 1080p-capable set to use the PS3. It's just not true.[/QUOTE]

Well, yes, that's why I said it was good you corrected him. You bought yours "almost" 3 years ago. I bought mine, actually, about 3 years and 4 months ago. I dunno, maybe that was the big cutoff point, because in Sept. of 2003 all the big stores (CC, Best Buy, etc) had a bunch of rear-projection CRT TV's in the $1400-$2500 range. Then they had the new DLP's which were $4000-$5000 for 42". And then plasmas were still $10,000 for 50" models. So it was really no choice for what to buy. I was tempted to get the DLP, but I'm glad I didn't as I ended up spending only $1300 (used a 10% off coupon at CC) for a 51" Sony rear-projection CRT display that fit perfectly in my built-in entertainment center (and in the time since DLP's have gotten much better and cheaper). Even though I've never had an HD signal it has been a nice TV for normal TV, pro scan DVD, and 480p display for the PS2/GC/Wii. But it means one thing for sure - no PS3 for me, which otherwise I would have gotten by now.
[quote name='icruise']The Blu-ray version of Mission Impossible III is on 2 discs, one for the movie, one for the special features. But regardless of the numbers involved, Blu-ray looks WAY better than DVD.

While some earlier Blu-ray discs use MPEG-2, Blu-ray is capable of using many formats.

No idea what you're talking about here.

I guess the lower-capacity HD-DVD is an even bigger rip off then, huh?

So you're saying that Sony has conspired with Samsung and the other makers of Blu-ray players to artificially inflate prices, just to make the PS3 look like a bargain? Right...

I think the rest is fairly transparent trolling, so I'll stop here.[/QUOTE]
Dude, I could argue about every point but the main thing is that I'm just saying that, at this Juncture, a PS3 is not worth getting. Wait for a price drop or a killer app to come out. that is all. and also Sony royally fucked up! I'll still be playing my Ps2 for the next 2 years anyway. This site is called CHEAPASSGAMER for a reason. It's not GUYTHATCANAFFORD800DOLLARSYSTEMFOR3000DOLLARHDTVGAMER.
[quote name='sarausagi']I still haven't had much luck at all in B/M Nashville and Clarksville..they get sold out in seconds and usually in small quantities. I got mine [that I haven't opened] online....

Some friends of mine in other cities haven't found them either

I think there's still an interest and it's just that the "Wii" hype is too much..people online are too quick to give into propaganda and I've noticed ACTUAL opinion differs from hype...

So yes..still rare...not $1000 rare..but rare[/quote]

Look across from Gate 6 in front of the Fort Campbell Wallmart, real close to Clarksville. I saw 7 PS3s two days ago there, and 5 of them were still there yesterday. I've seen PS3s at Best Buy as well. If you say you can't find them in Clarksville, you must just not be lucky because they are out there.
PS3 dont have the power to handle 1080p games anyways like sony advertises, this will be the 720p generation. The PS3 can do 1080p but doing so the game will take hits in other departments(effects, frame rates, whatever) to achieve 1080p gaming. You will actually have a more detailed game at 720p because the system dont have to waste power to go to a higher res. Sony can talk and talk about its 1080p gaming but the games will run better and be more detailed games at 720p.

On Resistence i also agree it really just seems like a last gen game, higher res, nothing really special. Its just nothing impressive and all they have. They will have more in 2007 but so far is just a weak system for the money.
I went back to NYC toysrus today to get another wii if they had it but they were sold out. TO my surprise, the PS3's that were out yesterday were still there. At least 20 were left after yesterday's 100. Now this is the BUSIEST store for games in the world if you've ever been there and they still had Ps3's for almost an entire 2 days when Wii sold out in ~20 minutes. That tells you something about the market. I just can't believe that Sony screwed up so badly. I would think they would have learned their lesson back in 1994 when Sega released a glitchy hard to program saturn system that was ridiculously overpriced at 400 bucks just cause they did well with the Genesis. Sony, came along and priced the Playstation at 300 bucks and the rest is history. Sega died and now Sony might bite the bullet. My friend works in Sony's accountig department and tells me the bigs are shitting bricks about the Ps3. They are going ape about how awful this launch is. This is why nobody like hubris, Icarus flew too close to the sun. Sony priced themselves out.
I saw at least 6 PS3s at every store I went to today. Meijer, Wal-Mart, EB Games, and Best Buy. Best Buy had closer to 20. Rediculous.
[quote name='jer7583']I saw at least 6 PS3s at every store I went to today. Meijer, Wal-Mart, EB Games, and Best Buy. Best Buy had closer to 20. Rediculous.[/quote]

Ditto on Walmart, EB and Gamestop
[quote name='schuerm26']Ditto on Walmart, EB and Gamestop[/QUOTE]
I love this actually. When it was the holidays, I wanted to get a ps3 so bad and I checked every damn store for one only to meet smug employees who were like "too late, sold out! We don't know when we're getting anymore, Sony says the next shipment will be next March!" It was such a chore to try to get one. I only wanted one to give as a present but since Sony made it impossible to get before christmas I just got angry. Now it's a week after christmas and no one cares. I love it. I got a wii and if I had been able to get a Ps3 I would have been screwed with the dearth of titles and glitchy system. So Sony basically dug their own grave by pricing themselves out of the market and not having any systems when the market was hot for them in that 40 day window from intro date to christmas. karma is sweet.
[quote name='sparklecopy']I went back to NYC toysrus today to get another wii if they had it but they were sold out. TO my surprise, the PS3's that were out yesterday were still there. At least 20 were left after yesterday's 100. Now this is the BUSIEST store for games in the world if you've ever been there and they still had Ps3's for almost an entire 2 days when Wii sold out in ~20 minutes. That tells you something about the market. I just can't believe that Sony screwed up so badly. I would think they would have learned their lesson back in 1994 when Sega released a glitchy hard to program saturn system that was ridiculously overpriced at 400 bucks just cause they did well with the Genesis. Sony, came along and priced the Playstation at 300 bucks and the rest is history. Sega died and now Sony might bite the bullet. My friend works in Sony's accountig department and tells me the bigs are shitting bricks about the Ps3. They are going ape about how awful this launch is. This is why nobody like hubris, Icarus flew too close to the sun. Sony priced themselves out.[/QUOTE]

Wait a seriously think Sony...of all companies..Sony

is going to go out of business because of the PS3..?

You're probably not the only one..god..I love fanboys.
Its about the same time 360's were becoming more available. This is around the time I got my 360 (a year ago).

Why you guys so surprised?
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Its about the same time 360's were becoming more available. This is around the time I got my 360 (a year ago).

Why you guys so surprised?[/QUOTE]

360's were not sitting in stores last year at this point. Don't even try to argue this.

You may have picked one up around this time, but supplies were extremely limited and were selling out very quickly.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Its about the same time 360's were becoming more available. This is around the time I got my 360 (a year ago).

Why you guys so surprised?[/QUOTE]

I sold two 360's in March for about $500 plus in February for about $900 360 was not available like the PS3 or even the Wii. I was only able to not sell one, that I contemplated keeping, but then returned.

Funny, because I won the $99 360, and now I love the 360 more than any other console.
[quote name='shipwreck']360's were not sitting in stores last year at this point. Don't even try to argue this.

You may have picked one up around this time, but supplies were extremely limited and were selling out very quickly.[/QUOTE]
As I said elsewhere, I'd like to know how 360 supplies then compare to PS3 supplies now. Assuming they are about the same (which I don't know to be true) it's entirely possible that the population of hardcore gamers who jumped at the first next-gen system they could get simply don't see any reason to get a PS3 right now, even if they might be interested in getting one eventually. People with a 360 have relatively little reason to buy a PS3 at the moment because most of the PS3 games are already available on the 360, so the initial rate of adoption will likely be slowed until we get some better exclusives. (And no, I don't believe for a second that every game will appear on both the 360 and PS3.)
[quote name='sparklecopy']yeah, they just might, actually. When SOny did horribly 3 years ago, in the movie business, my friend told me that The gaming system bailed them out of debt. Now that ps3 is stillborn out the gate it might just destroy the sony empire.[/QUOTE]

My friend told me he could pull his lip over his face. He was wrong.

Stillborn out the gate? I would not call 800,000 units still born. Where does this stuff come from?
[quote name='mwynn']My friend told me he could pull his lip over his face. He was wrong.

Stillborn out the gate? I would not call 800,000 units still born. Where does this stuff come from?[/QUOTE]
my friend is a head accountant at sony corp, and it's 180,000 units in america.
[quote name='sarausagi']Wait a seriously think Sony...of all companies..Sony

is going to go out of business because of the PS3..?

You're probably not the only one..god..I love fanboys.[/QUOTE]

No, Sony is going to go out of business if they continue having lawsuits regarding exploding laptop batteries, system comprimising spy software on their CDs, and dead formats like UMD.

A poorly performing PS3 and Blu-Ray format will just further this noble, noble cause.*

*sarcasm goes here*
[quote name='sparklecopy']my friend is a head accountant at sony corp, and it's 180,000 units in america.[/QUOTE]
Uh huh.
bread's done