Is the PS3 still a Rare item or is no one interested

[quote name='sparklecopy']my friend is a head accountant at sony corp, and it's 180,000 units in america.[/QUOTE]

Hmm, do I believe a random poster on the internet who has shown every indication of being a Sony-bashing troll, or do I believe Decisions decisions...

Stock shortages were an even bigger problem for Sony. An estimated 750,000 PlayStation 3 units were sold during the same period.
[quote name='icruise']Hmm, do I believe a random poster on the internet who has shown every indication of being a Sony-bashing troll, or do I believe Decisions decisions...[/QUOTE]
But his friend works for Sony. Just like my friend works for the Legion of Doom, he says Luthor will destroy the Earth in 3 days.
[quote name='sparklecopy']my friend is a head accountant at sony corp, and it's 180,000 units in america.[/QUOTE]

Tell your friend it's great that he's willing to spend his free time helping the special needs community.

There have been at least 180,000 eBay auctions, princess.
Don't you all know? Sony's in big trouble, at one store the manager said they were giving away 50 PS3's for FREE, and everyone at the store turned, shrugged, and went on with their kindly asked the manager if he could return the free PS3 and exchange it for a Wii and 350 dollars store credit. The manager announced it again over the intercom, that there were free PS3's at the customer service deck, and the entire store unanimously shouted "WE DON'T WANT YOUR PIECE OF SHIT 3!"

Another story involves a young child living with a foster family after his parents died in Hurricane Katrina and Rita. A local charity decided to give him a 26 inch flat panel and a PS3 60GB for Christmas. He happily opened the TV but told them they could keep the PS3, even though he's always wanted a video game console, he said he was too intelligent and too cool to accept a PS3 as a gift, because he'd rather save up for a Wii, even it means having to buy it himself! He stuck to his word, he didn't want anything to do with the PS3...rumors spread that the child told a news reporter he'd rather get cancer than a PS3.

Oh, and I heard from a girl at work that she found some PS3's new in box on the curb when she was taking out the garbage...she checked them and saw if the PS3's were in there..and sure enough they were..she shouted to her husband, "hey, there's some PS3s out on the curb..they're brand new, you want me to bring in one or two?" The husband came out with a shotgun angry as hell and unloaded a dozen rounds into the small pile of systems, he grabbed is wife by her arm, saying in the most harsh, vile tone, "I don't want you talking about bringing those fucking Playstations in my fucking house, this is Wii territory, you hear bitch"
[FONT=&quot]I'm getting a bit uneasy about how poorly the PS3 appears to be doing. I will readily admit that I think Sony needs to be taken down a few pegs because of how it has mistreated it's dedicated consumer base (, insulting PS3 advertisements 'it's smarter than you are' are a couple recent examples)... but I hope they learn, and turn this around soon.

Sony is already in a lousy financial situation, and the low PS3/PS3 game sales paired with the Blu Ray gambit perhaps being a bust, (as NEC can make a HD DVD/Blu Ray player, and there is an existing hybrid media now) have me a bit worried they might be a shadow of what they are now in the next 4-6 years.

Sony is a debt driven company, whose only profitable division was it's gaming division, with the battery recall, and the huge losses on the PS3, (they're using the razor business model, and nobody seems to be buying the blades... or the razors, if the anecdotal evidence here is a trend worldwide), I don't think Sony can sustain itself if this trend were to continue, but they can't drop the price to drive unit sales, because there is already a great loss per unit, Sony's debt rating has been downgraded, meaning it costs Sony more to get the money to make the product... It feels a little bit like watching an old friend become someone you no longer recognize as they spiral towards rock bottom; does that make sense?

I don't mean to sound negative -- I *want* Sony to learn it's lessons and do well this generation -- I'm really hoping things pick up in the near future for them, BEFORE MGS4 and FF13 -- but those are *the* killer apps for the hardware... so it might be a slow year for Sony.[/FONT]
[quote name='sarausagi']Don't you all know? Sony's in big trouble, at one store the manager said they were giving away 50 PS3's for FREE, and everyone at the store turned, shrugged, and went on with their kindly asked the manager if he could return the free PS3 and exchange it for a Wii and 350 dollars store credit. The manager announced it again over the intercom, that there were free PS3's at the customer service deck, and the entire store unanimously shouted "WE DON'T WANT YOUR PIECE OF SHIT 3!"

Another story involves a young child living with a foster family after his parents died in Hurricane Katrina and Rita. A local charity decided to give him a 26 inch flat panel and a PS3 60GB for Christmas. He happily opened the TV but told them they could keep the PS3, even though he's always wanted a video game console, he said he was too intelligent and too cool to accept a PS3 as a gift, because he'd rather save up for a Wii, even it means having to buy it himself! He stuck to his word, he didn't want anything to do with the PS3...rumors spread that the child told a news reporter he'd rather get cancer than a PS3.

Oh, and I heard from a girl at work that she found some PS3's new in box on the curb when she was taking out the garbage...she checked them and saw if the PS3's were in there..and sure enough they were..she shouted to her husband, "hey, there's some PS3s out on the curb..they're brand new, you want me to bring in one or two?" The husband came out with a shotgun angry as hell and unloaded a dozen rounds into the small pile of systems, he grabbed is wife by her arm, saying in the most harsh, vile tone, "I don't want you talking about bringing those fucking Playstations in my fucking house, this is Wii territory, you hear bitch"[/quote]

wtf lol the last story was funny
i asked if they had any at my local gamestop just for kicks and he told me "sorry not until at least march, they're a hot commodity"
im still trying to figure out if he was BSing me, or sony is punishing them for some reason by not giving them any.

then when at wal-mart i saw about 7, at best buy about 15, at circuit city about 4, and at target around 9.

and they werent the empty display models. they were behind glass locked up. except for BB, where they were stacked up.

not 1 wii to be found. i asked every place. still havent been able to find 1 for sale.

i dont know if it's Nintendo is importing less to the US because of the recent overseas launch. or that Sony is pumping them out 4 times faster than they did in december. or if its just no1 wants to pay $600 to play resistance. im guessing some combination of all 3. but mostly #3:fridge:
[quote name='propeller_head']i asked if they had any at my local gamestop just for kicks and he told me "sorry not until at least march, they're a hot commodity"
im still trying to figure out if he was BSing me, or sony is punishing them for some reason by not giving them any.

then when at wal-mart i saw about 7, at best buy about 15, at circuit city about 4, and at target around 9.

and they werent the empty display models. they were behind glass locked up. except for BB, where they were stacked up.

not 1 wii to be found. i asked every place. still havent been able to find 1 for sale.

i dont know if it's Nintendo is importing less to the US because of the recent overseas launch. or that Sony is pumping them out 4 times faster than they did in december. or if its just no1 wants to pay $600 to play resistance. im guessing some combination of all 3. but mostly #3:fridge:[/QUOTE]
the wii's are coming out at least 3 times a week at a pace quadruple of SOny's. It's just they sell as soon as they are taken out. I wasn't really bashing SONY before, cause I am an avid SONY ps2 player but merely speaking the truth. But with all these sony fanboys coming out of the woodwork to defend their 800 purchase to play resistance I'm gonna laugh in their faces when Sony is gonna take a tumble for the worst. I know sony is doing bad, Pundits know sony is doing bad, the bestbuy, gamestop clerk knows sony is doing bad, Sony corp is shitting bricks. When do you think the Sony Fanboys will take their head out of the sand and stop denying the fact that PS3 is the New Sega Saturn?
[quote name='sparklecopy']the wii's are coming out at least 3 times a week at a pace quadruple of SOny's. It's just they sell as soon as they are taken out. I wasn't really bashing SONY before, cause I am an avid SONY ps2 player but merely speaking the truth. But with all these sony fanboys coming out of the woodwork to defend their 800 purchase to play resistance I'm gonna laugh in their faces when Sony is gonna take a tumble for the worst. I know sony is doing bad, Pundits know sony is doing bad, the bestbuy, gamestop clerk knows sony is doing bad, Sony corp is shitting bricks. When do you think the Sony Fanboys will take their head out of the sand and stop denying the fact that PS3 is the New Sega Saturn?[/QUOTE]

If the PS3 is the new Sega Saturn then we PS3 losers are in for some of the best games of the generation

[Nights, Legend of Oasis, Dragon Force, Shining Force 3, Virtua Fighter 2, Burning Rangers, Virtual On, Daytona CCE, oh my god, the list goes on]
[quote name='mykevermin']Tell your friend it's great that he's willing to spend his free time helping the special needs community.

There have been at least 180,000 eBay auctions, princess.[/QUOTE]

Well, to be fair, MANY of those auctions were for the same PS3 multiple times at lower and lower prices until it was finally returned to the store ;).
[quote name='sarausagi']If the PS3 is the new Sega Saturn then we PS3 losers are in for some of the best games of the generation

[Nights, Legend of Oasis, Dragon Force, Shining Force 3, Virtua Fighter 2, Burning Rangers, Virtual On, Daytona CCE, oh my god, the list goes on][/QUOTE]
It is true. the Sega Saturn did have great games. Too bad to play them you had to suffer the stigma of owning a sega saturn. It was like "you own a saturn? that shit sucks!"
[quote name='sparklecopy']It is true. the Sega Saturn did have great games. Too bad to play them you had to suffer the stigma of owning a sega saturn. It was like "you own a saturn? that shit sucks!"[/QUOTE]
All I have to say to the naysayers is IMPORTS, Baby!!! I have tons of import games for my Saturn and it makes a huge difference in the quality and quantity of good games for the Saturn. Same with my Dreamcast. I love me some imports!
I haven't read through the entire thread (so no clue if it was hijacked yet), but I have a funny story involving PS3s just sitting on a shelf. Was holiday shopping at CC the weekend before Xmas. I was standing on line waiting to pay when some guy came up to me and was like, "Yo, can you buy me a ps3?"
At first I thought he was trying to pull some scam, until he handed me the money and said, "They have extras, they just only sell one per customer."
I was the second person on the line, so I let him in front of me just to see whether or not it was legit, sure enough they had extra PS3s. The cashier said they got 12 in, and only sold 2 so far. No clue when they got them in, but just thought it was odd that the weekend before Xmas I could have bought a PS3 with no trouble.

So I'd say either theres a low demand or people stopped trying to purchase one thinking they were all sold out.
ive gotten 2 calls from 2 people asking me if i wanted a ps3 because they had them on the shelves(i said no of course). today i saw 3 ps3's (60 gb) at walmart. also best and have them in stock WITHOUT a bundle. id have to conclude that the consumer demand isnt really there. sure, people are buying them, but the buzz just isnt there.
I just want to know what happened in the Sony Boardroom. Was it like "Hey, since the Ps2 is so dominant, let's price the ps3 at 600 bucks y'all!" and some analyst probably interjected "But it's been shown historically that no system has ever won a console race being priced above 300 dollars" and the head guys are like "shut the fuck up! We're going to price it at 600 bucks cause Sony fanboys wil buy em and we'll be RICH! RICH! RICH! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! We'll always be number one!"
That PS3, it's doing so poorly that in Japan it's already outsold the Xbox 360 by a margin larger than 2-to-1, while the Wii has outsold the PS3 2-to-1. If you consider the ease with which the Wii is manufactured and sent out the door compared to the myriad issues plaguing PS3 manufacture (months ago, anyway - who knows what the case is now), you can only come to one conclusion.

If you think the PS3 is done for already, you're simply wrong.
[quote name='mykevermin']That PS3, it's doing so poorly that in Japan it's already outsold the Xbox 360 by a margin larger than 2-to-1, while the Wii has outsold the PS3 2-to-1. If you consider the ease with which the Wii is manufactured and sent out the door compared to the myriad issues plaguing PS3 manufacture (months ago, anyway - who knows what the case is now), you can only come to one conclusion.

If you think the PS3 is done for already, you're simply wrong.[/QUOTE]
the nintendo 64 was doing well in japan too, so was the gamecube, so was the sega saturn, so was the neo geo, the japs hate microsoft cause they only make FPS and no RPG's with guys that look like girls that the the Japanes love so much.
[quote name='sparklecopy']the nintendo 64 was doing well in japan too, so was the gamecube, so was the sega saturn, so was the neo geo, the japs hate microsoft cause they only make FPS and no RPG's with guys that look like girls that the the Japanes love so much.[/QUOTE]
"Jap" is a racial slur. Please refrain from using it.
[quote name='sparklecopy']the japs hate microsoft cause they only make FPS and no RPG's with guys that look like girls that the the Japanes love so much.[/QUOTE]


Have we met before?
[quote name='mykevermin']That PS3, it's doing so poorly that in Japan it's already outsold the Xbox 360 by a margin larger than 2-to-1, while the Wii has outsold the PS3 2-to-1. If you consider the ease with which the Wii is manufactured and sent out the door compared to the myriad issues plaguing PS3 manufacture (months ago, anyway - who knows what the case is now), you can only come to one conclusion.

If you think the PS3 is done for already, you're simply wrong.[/quote]

ooooohhhhhhhh BUUURRNNED!:lol::bomb::hot:
[quote name='sparklecopy']I just want to know what happened in the Sony Boardroom. Was it like "Hey, since the Ps2 is so dominant, let's price the ps3 at 600 bucks y'all!" and some analyst probably interjected "But it's been shown historically that no system has ever won a console race being priced above 300 dollars" and the head guys are like "shut the fuck up! We're going to price it at 600 bucks cause Sony fanboys wil buy em and we'll be RICH! RICH! RICH! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! We'll always be number one!"[/quote]

well its not like it is overpriced they lose a lot on each console.
[quote name='SteveyWonderMac']
So I'd say either theres a low demand or people stopped trying to purchase one thinking they were all sold out.[/quote]

People KNOW the Wii is sold out, but that hasn't stopped people from continously calling and checking in on shipments. The 1st part of your statement is true, the 2nd not so much.
[quote name='mykevermin']I prefer numbers to pictures, darlin'.

wow. I like how you put in your thread that the Wii only outsold the ps3 by 2 to 1 but according to your post. The wii sold 279 thousand units in that week to the ps3's 76 thousand. That's almost 4 TIMES!!! and the wii and ds lite kicking ass is understandable but for the PSP to top ps3 is shameful. The most surprising thing is the DS lite's dominance. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.
[quote name='sparklecopy']wow. I like how you put in your thread that the Wii only outsold the ps3 by 2 to 1 but according to your post. The wii sold 279 thousand units in that week to the ps3's 76 thousand. That's almost 4 TIMES!!! and the wii and ds lite kicking ass is understandable but for the PSP to top ps3 is shameful. The most surprising thing is the DS lite's dominance. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.[/quote]

Speaking of DS Lite dominance. I can't find a single one of those damn things in any stores around here, and I want one.
[quote name='panasonic']well its not like it is overpriced they lose a lot on each console.[/QUOTE]
I never understood that part. It's like "hey we invented Bluray for xxx amount of dollars and we set our own xxx price on it". It's not that they really lose money on the system, it's on paper they do. classic tax shelter strategy. they charge themselves for the bluray technology so they are basically losing money to themselves. so they write off the loss on themselves
[quote name='sparklecopy']wow. I like how you put in your thread that the Wii only outsold the ps3 by 2 to 1 but according to your post. The wii sold 279 thousand units in that week to the ps3's 76 thousand. That's almost 4 TIMES!!! and the wii and ds lite kicking ass is understandable but for the PSP to top ps3 is shameful. The most surprising thing is the DS lite's dominance. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.[/QUOTE]

Well, lovely. I had you figured for a dupe and a troll. I still don't think I'm wrong, but at least you *can* interpret numbers well. Kudos.

So, you're right. For one week, the Wii outsold the PS3 4:1, roughly speaking. If you want to ignore the aggregate sales ratio in favor of Wii:pS3, and focus on one week instead, be my guest. You'd be a fool to ignore the larger sales numbers, of course, but you're also one of those people who is simply cherry picking what facts you want to use to support the claim that the PS3 is a bust. As a result, it's easier and more prudent for you to focus on 7 days of sales instead of 7 weeks of sales.
[quote name='sparklecopy']wow. I like how you put in your thread that the Wii only outsold the ps3 by 2 to 1 but according to your post. The wii sold 279 thousand units in that week to the ps3's 76 thousand. That's almost 4 TIMES!!! [/QUOTE]
I imagine that you're just being purposely obtuse, but he was talking about total sales figures, not weekly ones. If you'll look at the total figures for the Wii and the PS3, you'll see that it's about 2-1.

Edit: Hell, if you want even more impressive misleading statistics, look at the week of Nov. 27 to Dec. 3 when the Wii sold almost 10 times as much as the PS3. Of course, that ignores the fact that the Wii launched that week, while PS3 stocks in Japan were incredibly low. But hey, whatever makes you seem right, right? Just don't have people look at the next week, when the PS3 sold 50,000 to the Wii's 85,000.

[quote name='sparklecopy']I never understood that part. It's like "hey we invented Bluray for xxx amount of dollars and we set our own xxx price on it". It's not that they really lose money on the system, it's on paper they do. classic tax shelter strategy. they charge themselves for the bluray technology so they are basically losing money to themselves. so they write off the loss on themselves[/quote]

lmao won't even bother
[quote name='mykevermin']Well, lovely. I had you figured for a dupe and a troll. I still don't think I'm wrong, but at least you *can* interpret numbers well. Kudos.

So, you're right. For one week, the Wii outsold the PS3 4:1, roughly speaking. If you want to ignore the aggregate sales ratio in favor of Wii:pS3, and focus on one week instead, be my guest. You'd be a fool to ignore the larger sales numbers, of course, but you're also one of those people who is simply cherry picking what facts you want to use to support the claim that the PS3 is a bust. As a result, it's easier and more prudent for you to focus on 7 days of sales instead of 7 weeks of sales.[/QUOTE]
dude, I like sony. and that one week has been recent sales. I'm sure the gap the next week between wii and ps3 will stretch even further
Anyways assuming no way dreamcast 2 can happen. I bet it turns out similar to ds it had ok sales at the start then when it got all the mario stuff it started to sell like hot cakes. People just waiting for the Final fantasys and what not
[quote name='mykevermin']Well, lovely. I had you figured for a dupe and a troll. I still don't think I'm wrong, but at least you *can* interpret numbers well. Kudos.

So, you're right. For one week, the Wii outsold the PS3 4:1, roughly speaking. If you want to ignore the aggregate sales ratio in favor of Wii:pS3, and focus on one week instead, be my guest. You'd be a fool to ignore the larger sales numbers, of course, but you're also one of those people who is simply cherry picking what facts you want to use to support the claim that the PS3 is a bust. As a result, it's easier and more prudent for you to focus on 7 days of sales instead of 7 weeks of sales.[/quote]

nice, put him down for pointing out a week of sales, yet you wont address CURRENT sales, which was what i addressed to begin with.

YES its true, they arent flying off the shelves anymore. theyre still sitting around because all the fanboys have them and no1 else wants a $600 paper weight that plays 1 good game (possibly 2 if you count tekken DR). meanwhile the DS which came out when? 2004? still sold out everywhere despite nintendo pumping them out faster than god.

truth hurts. and i love hurting fanboys. reality is a sweet sweet vixen.:bouncy:

and the ironic part? its in japan, where the demand is highest in the entire world. no wonder there are stacks miles high at every wal-mart, target, best buy, macy's, victoria's secret, burger king, & jiffy lube!!!!:booty:
[quote name='panasonic']Anyways assuming no way dreamcast 2 can happen. I bet it turns out similar to ds it had ok sales at the start then when it got all the mario stuff it started to sell like hot cakes. People just waiting for the Final fantasys and what not[/QUOTE]
that's the thing though. mario stuff was cheap to develop for. For final fantasys, metal gears, and devil may crys to come out, the killer app as it were, they would need a requisite amount of PS3's to be sold in order to make back their development costs. I'd say at least 1.5 million user installed base. The only way is for Sony to come out on top is with some miraculous sleeper app that was cheaply developed.
[quote name='sparklecopy']dude, I like sony. and that one week has been recent sales. I'm sure the gap the next week between wii and ps3 will stretch even further[/QUOTE]
ALL those weeks have been recent sales. That's what you don't get. The fucking things are less than two months old. Two months ain't shit to determine a sales trend. By definition, fads have a popularity curve that lasts at least two months, but not much longer.

All I'm saying is that any discussion of what two months of sales means for the long-term future is absurd. Wii is vastly outselling the PS3 at the moment, and that's a fact. To suggest that this means the PS3 is dead is akin to declaring a winner in the Super Bowl 2 minutes into the game, to declare a winner in the World Series after the first inning of game 1, and declaring a political election winner after 3% of the votes have been counted.
[quote name='propeller_head']nice, put him down for pointing out a week of sales, yet you wont address CURRENT sales, which was what i addressed to begin with.[/quote]

I'm gonna go try out Gunstar Heroes after this post. I'm tired of arguing with such a fucking twit. ALL of the sales are current sales. They've both been out since late November, toots. That's not that long ago, if you recall.

truth hurts. and i love hurting fanboys. reality is a sweet sweet vixen.:bouncy:
Indeed. You've bested sales numbers, based in reality, with a goddamned blog. I weep for your notion of "truth," and can provide you with evidence that blogs are subjective and full of shit. Here's my proof: go read a blog.
[quote name='mykevermin']ALL those weeks have been recent sales. That's what you don't get. The fucking things are less than two months old. Two months ain't shit to determine a sales trend. By definition, fads have a popularity curve that lasts at least two months, but not much longer.

All I'm saying is that any discussion of what two months of sales means for the long-term future is absurd. Wii is vastly outselling the PS3 at the moment, and that's a fact. To suggest that this means the PS3 is dead is akin to declaring a winner in the Super Bowl 2 minutes into the game, to declare a winner in the World Series after the first inning of game 1, and declaring a political election winner after 3% of the votes have been counted.[/QUOTE]
well, i'm not arguing that sony is dead. I'm arguing that Sony will most likely be dead if there is no price drop within the next 6 months or a killer app released. The ps3 launch was news all over the world. The ps3 stagnation will be news all over the world and it's only gonna get worse with the bad ps2 emulation, the no scaling on 1080i tvs, and the no games to play until late 2007. we wouldn't be having this debate if sony had just released a 400 or hell maybe even 450 dollar system with everything working in order. We'd be asking who's gonna be number 2? nintendo or microsoft.
[quote name='mykevermin']*sigh*

I'm gonna go try out Gunstar Heroes after this post. I'm tired of arguing with such a fucking twit. ALL of the sales are current sales. They've both been out since late November, toots. That's not that long ago, if you recall.

Indeed. You've bested sales numbers, based in reality, with a goddamned blog. I weep for your notion of "truth," and can provide you with evidence that blogs are subjective and full of shit. Here's my proof: go read a blog.[/quote]
pictures dont lie!

also like i said, fanboys clamored for it after it came out. barely any came out in nov. they picked up in dec. now the fanboy market is satiated. THATS WHY THEY'RE SITTING ON SHELVES. so using numbers from when they were still pumping out just enough to wane the fanboy demand is misleading.

watch, you will only see sales continue to fall until they're 1/2 to 2/3 what the 360 is in the US. in japan they'll hit about 1/2 of what they were in dec at best and stay that way until june.

why june? because in June M$ moves to their 65nm fab and the 360 drops by $100 making it 1/2 the price of the P$3. what happens then? any1 chosing between the 2 goes for the 360; much more titles 1/2 the price, same game quality.

what will sony do? drop their price $100 2 months later after their sales tank.

WATCH! remember what i said. superglue it to the back of your brain. i want the little voice in your head that told you im right but that you pushed aside to live in fanboy world; to gloat, gloat and drive you crazy!!

MuuHAHahahHAhA! :lol:
[quote name='sparklecopy']well, i'm not arguing that sony is dead. I'm arguing that Sony will most likely be dead if there is no price drop within the next 6 months or a killer app released. The ps3 launch was news all over the world. The ps3 stagnation will be news all over the world and it's only gonna get worse with the bad ps2 emulation, the no scaling on 1080i tvs, and the no games to play until late 2007. we wouldn't be having this debate if sony had just released a 400 or hell maybe even 450 dollar system with everything working in order. We'd be asking who's gonna be number 2? nintendo or microsoft.[/QUOTE]

I think you bring up a lot of things that Sony absolutely needs to address. It's no different, IMO, than many of the things that Microsoft needed to address with the 360 at launch (though, to be fair, it's more sacrilegious to do it a year later). If Sony fails to fix many of these issues, they get what they deserve, truth be told. They've put themselves in an unenviable position with their pricepoint, and they have to *really* give customers the hardsell by supporting the shit out of it.

In short, if they want the PS3 to sell, they better get on their hands and knees and kiss the asses of every single PS3 owner at the moment, attending to their every need and want. If they don't, it makes current owners bitter, and potential buyers even more wary.

I'm not convinced that a price drop is necessary, but more importantly, for customers to realize that the difference between the $500 and $600 PS3 consoles is amazingly negligible compared to the 360. If you really wanted to use the 360 to its fullest, you had to buy the $400 one, or spend oodles on extras (HDD, wireless controller, etc); with the PS3, the $500 is just as capable as the $600 - consider the $600 the "luxury" model, with wi-fi, memory card readers, and more HDD space. It's not necessary by any stretch, but for some it is nice to have. That's not the case with the 360.

Thinking of the PS3 as a $600 console makes being outraged very easy to accomplish; the realization that you can do just as much for $500 reduces that anxiety, IMO. I think Sony would do well to advertise the PS3 as such, in order to quell people's fears that they're getting an "inferior" system if they buy the $500 one.
[quote name='propeller_head']pictures dont lie!

also like i said, fanboys clamored for it after it came out. barely any came out in nov. they picked up in dec. now the fanboy market is satiated. THATS WHY THEY'RE SITTING ON SHELVES. so using numbers from when they were still pumping out just enough to wane the fanboy demand is misleading.

watch, you will only see sales continue to fall until they're 1/2 to 2/3 what the 360 is in the US. in japan they'll hit about 1/2 of what they were in dec at best and stay that way until june.

why june? because in June M$ moves to their 65nm fab and the 360 drops by $100 making it 1/2 the price of the P$3. what happens then? any1 chosing between the 2 goes for the 360; much more titles 1/2 the price, same game quality.

what will sony do? drop their price $100 2 months later after their sales tank.

WATCH! remember what i said. superglue it to the back of your brain. i want the little voice in your head that told you im right but that you pushed aside to live in fanboy world; to gloat, gloat and drive you crazy!!

MuuHAHahahHAhA! :lol:[/QUOTE] what's 65nm fab? and if microsoft did drop the price as soon as sony gained momentum I'd say that was the best move in all of gamedom. a 1-2 punch of 100 dollar price drop and Halo 3 would definitely hurt
[quote name='sparklecopy']what's 65nm fab? and if microsoft did drop the price as soon as sony gained momentum I'd say that was the best move in all of gamedom. a 1-2 punch of 100 dollar price drop and Halo 3 would definitely hurt[/quote]

a fab is a plant where silicon chips are fabricated. moving to a 65nm fab makes the chips much cheaper to make (as well as use less power). cheaper chips = cheaper 360.

bada bing, bada boom
[quote name='sparklecopy']and if microsoft did drop the price as soon as sony gained momentum I'd say that was the best move in all of gamedom. a 1-2 punch of 100 dollar price drop and Halo 3 would definitely hurt[/quote]

I don't think there is any question there is going to be a price drop this spring. Now $100 I highly doubt. I could see $50. Come March, when Sony is getting the PS3 into serious production Microsoft will do it to hit them where it hurts.

An xbox 360 for $250 or $350 or a PS3 for $500 or $600. That could be a deathblow for the PS3.
[quote name='mykevermin']Thinking of the PS3 as a $600 console makes being outraged very easy to accomplish; the realization that you can do just as much for $500 reduces that anxiety, IMO. I think Sony would do well to advertise the PS3 as such, in order to quell people's fears that they're getting an "inferior" system if they buy the $500 one.[/QUOTE]
This is where Sony screwed up the most, in my opinion (aside from the supply issues). If they had come out with only the 20GB of PS3 at $500, I don't think the sticker shock would have been nearly as bad.
[quote name='propeller_head']pictures dont lie![/quote]Pictures show a moment in time frozen. They are evidence that something once happened. They are not proof of what is, or what is to come.

In this thread there have been a lot of fanboy wishing, a lot of anti fanboy wishing, and a few people with sanity and level heads offering numbers for proof of trends. But all in all, you're all goofy for conjecturing on a system that's been out less than two months.

Anyone wanting a system to fail is at best short-sighted and at worst, a sad example of humanity. When we have more choices as consumers, we get better product and better prices. That's free market competition.

But the fanboy/anti fanboy dribble that overrides so many online forums and blogs is simply absurd. For any person to want System X to fail because YOU know better, YOU know that it's not as good at heating burritos as GameBox and so YOU want no one to have and enjoy it... that's pathetic, folks. Grow up. Let others enjoy their systems and their games and get to enjoying yours.

Edit: Lemme try this again...
[quote name='icruise']This is where Sony screwed up the most, in my opinion (aside from the supply issues). If they had come out with only the 20GB of PS3 at $500, I don't think the sticker shock would have been nearly as bad.[/quote]How about the wifi?
[quote name='guinaevere']Pictures show a moment in time frozen. They are evidence that something once happened. They are not proof of what is, or what is to come.

In this thread there have been a lot of fanboy wishing, a lot of anti fanboy wishing, and a few people with sanity and level heads offering numbers for proof of trends. But all in all, you're all goofy for conjecturing on a system that's been out less than two months.

Anyone wanting a system to fail is at best short-sighted and at worst, a sad example of humanity. When we have more choices as consumers, we get better product and better prices. That's free market competition.

But the fanboy/anti fanboy dribble that overrides so many online forums and blogs is simply absurd. For any person to want System X to fail because YOU know better, YOU know that it's not as good at heating burritos as GameBox and so YOU want no one to have and enjoy it... that's pathetic, folks. Grow up. Let others enjoy their systems and their games and get to enjoying yours.[/quote]

[quote name='icruise']This is where Sony screwed up the most, in my opinion (aside from the supply issues). If they had come out with only the 20GB of PS3 at $500, I don't think the sticker shock would have been nearly as bad.[/quote]But what about the wifi?
[quote name='propeller_head']pictures dont lie!

also like i said, fanboys clamored for it after it came out. barely any came out in nov. they picked up in dec. now the fanboy market is satiated. THATS WHY THEY'RE SITTING ON SHELVES. so using numbers from when they were still pumping out just enough to wane the fanboy demand is misleading.[/quote]

Actually, if you care to examine the sales numbers icruise posted, you'd see that they sold just around 185,000 PS3 units in Japan in November, and since the sales figures at the end of December were just around 385,000 for the year, that's not exactly "picking up," as you said. But, again, forgive me for providing numbers. I'm just a fanboy with data. I forgot you have the power of *KOTAKU*. :roll:

watch, you will only see sales continue to fall until they're 1/2 to 2/3 what the 360 is in the US. in japan they'll hit about 1/2 of what they were in dec at best and stay that way until june.

Sales fall after christmas? Well, slap my ass and call me silly, but you're a regular god-damn Nostradamus, aren't you?

why june? because in June M$ moves to their 65nm fab and the 360 drops by $100 making it 1/2 the price of the P$3. what happens then? any1 chosing between the 2 goes for the 360; much more titles 1/2 the price, same game quality.

what will sony do? drop their price $100 2 months later after their sales tank.

WATCH! remember what i said. superglue it to the back of your brain. i want the little voice in your head that told you im right but that you pushed aside to live in fanboy world; to gloat, gloat and drive you crazy!!

MuuHAHahahHAhA! :lol:
Here's where things get interesting. Remember, of course, that *I'm* the one being accused of being a fanboy here, because I dare defend the indefensible PS3, a product only a fool would own (according to objective and detailed analysis taken from *KOTAKU*, right?).

The *ONLY* fact you're playing with above is Microsoft's switch from the current chip to a 65nm one, and that a release is forthcoming. *EVERYTHING* else you're dealing with is a carefully scripted scenario of "what ifs," while there is no evidence to suggest any of this will happen. Well, I did that five months ago with the Cincinnati Bengals, and they sure aren't making the Super Bowl.

The point is, aside from the switch to a smaller chip, everything you have suggested is mere speculation on your part. Moreover, it ignores key PS3 releases in coming months, it assumes that Sony will fail to support and update the PS3 to alleviate some of the issues people legitimately have with it, and plays into this idea of a performance that just goes to cleanly in Microsoft's favor and against Sony's. Moreover, it also ignores that Japan refuses to buy the 360. Blue Dragon has increased overall sales of the 360 almost 30% for the year, in just the last few weeks. It will take a great deal, however, and far more than a smaller chip and a lower price to entice Japanese consumers. That, of course, is the reality you choose to ignore in favor of playing out your Rube Goldberg equation of how things are going to work. There are really only two competing consoles for the next several years in Japan, and you'd be dead wrong to think that the PS3 won't be one of them. But, of course, we wouldn't want you to be inconsistent, would we?

The price drop didn't mean squat in Japan; if you want a fucking blog post, Kotaku the mighty had an article a year ago about how stores couldn't sell 360 systems for far less than retail. The price drop already happened in Japan, and it meant nothing. You can import a Core 360 with Blue Dragon (so you have the added cost of a new game as well as import markup) for the same price as a brand new Core 360 costs in the US: $299 (

Moreover, that smaller chip, quieter and cooler 360? Please do remind me when that was initially planned to be released again? I could use some prompting. 'ppreciate it.

Look, I welcome a price drop on the 360. I think it would be fantastic. That way, we can begin to discuss how overpriced the Wii is, since it would be $50 more than a core 360. ;)

Sorry to clutter your logic up with more numbers and facts. Maybe you can dig up something at the Drudge Report to hurl back at me? Something about Nancy Pelosi, perhaps?

[quote name='icruise']This is where Sony screwed up the most, in my opinion (aside from the supply issues). If they had come out with only the 20GB of PS3 at $500, I don't think the sticker shock would have been nearly as bad.[/QUOTE]
Well, to be fair, MS started the "two-tier console" trend, and set a precedent where people buying the low-end would find that they eventually *HAD* to upgrade to do everything they wanted with the system. That's not the case with the PS3, but it appears to be quite evident that the "lower price = less than" conclusion holds fast for the PS3, as few people realize they can buy a 20GB PS3, upgrade the HDD for under $100 if they *need* the space (y'don't, yet), and the wifi and memory card readers are overrated, as is the chrome finish. I say this as a 60GB owner, full disclosure.

Guin, you's thinkin' like I'm thinkin'. It's good to see some reason in here, without any of my smarminess.
[quote name='guinaevere']Edit: Lemme try this again...
How about the wifi?[/QUOTE]

They should have made it optional, just like MS did.

[quote name='mykevermin']Well, to be fair, MS started the "two-tier console" trend, and set a precedent where people buying the low-end would find that they eventually *HAD* to upgrade to do everything they wanted with the system. That's not the case with the PS3, but it appears to be quite evident that the "lower price = less than" conclusion holds fast for the PS3, as few people realize they can buy a 20GB PS3, upgrade the HDD for under $100 if they *need* the space (y'don't, yet), and the wifi and memory card readers are overrated, as is the chrome finish. I say this as a 60GB owner, full disclosure.
Exactly, and it's largely because of the precedent of the 360 that Sony's two-tiered approach was a bad choice. As you say, the 360 Core system isn't in any way a good deal. It's a smoke-and-mirrors illusion designed to get the price to $300 (even if you can't actually save your games without an additional purchase). Everyone seems to think the 20GB model is more of the same. Just look at the eBay auctions after launch, or the postings at the Amazon PS3 forum. It seemed like everybody was passing up the 20GB model for the 60GB because of a perception that the 20GB model was for suckers. As has already been pointed out, perception is very important. Everyone talks about the PS3 as being a $600 console, even though the 20GB and 60GB models are exactly the same when it comes to playing games.

What I'm saying is that they should have done whatever they could to get the price even further down, short of leaving out the Blu-ray drive (since that's obviously very important to Sony's overall business strategy, and it's also a selling point of the PS3).
bread's done