Japanese Niche Games Deals Thread: Atlus, NISA, Aksys, XSeed and More!

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The following thread are for niche-based Japanese video games by smaller companies such as Atlus, NIS America, AKSYS, XSEED, D3 Publisher, KOEI/TECMO, SNK Playmore, Ignition, Natsume or any sweet deals for those who are passionate and hardcore about Japanese video games even from the bigger companies like SquareEnix, Sega, Bandai Namco, etc.

But to avoid any messiness of links everywhere, we'll focus on games within the last 2-3 years as opposed to the last five-ten. [although, if you do see older titles on sale, please post them regardless].

The theme of these deals are Japanese video games distributed in the US by the smaller niche companies. The thread is literally for those who love Japanese games.
There will be a few Korean games that you may see on this list, such as the "DJ Max" games.

If you see a deal, please post!

NOTE: Please check the most recent page for the latest deals.

And I want to thank many of you in advance who submit their deals and their support!!!
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Oh boy. After years of pc gaming, I finally bought a ps3 to play all those jrpgs I've been missing like FFXIII and Valkyria Chronicles. Now, after all these years of waiting, they choose now of all times to port them to pc. Next,neptunia I bet. Why even bother getting a ps3 now. Why you do this to me? Making me regret my purchase.
Oh boy. After years of pc gaming, I finally bought a ps3 to play all those jrpgs I've been missing like FFXIII and Valkyria Chronicles. Now, after all these years of waiting, they choose now of all times to port them to pc. Next,neptunia I bet. Why even bother getting a ps3 now. Why you do this to me? Making me regret my purchase.
There are still all of these that are on the PS3 that are not on PC: (I am sure that I am missing some.)

* Ar nosurge: Ode to an Unborn Star

* Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel

* Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk

* Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland

* Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland

* Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland

* Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky

* Cross Edge

* Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice

* Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten

* Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness

* Enchanted Arms

* Eternal Sonata

* Fairy Fencer F

* Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster

* Hyperdimension Neptunia

* Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2

* Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory

* Last Rebellion

* Mugan Souls

* Mugan Souls Z

* Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch

* Star Ocean: The Last Hope International

* Tales of Graces f

* Tales of Symphonia Chronicles

* Tales of Xillia

* Tales of Xillia 2

* Tears to Tiara II: Heir of the Overlord

* The Guided Fate Paradox

* The Witch and the Hundred Knight

* Time and Eternity

* Trinity Universe

* White Knight Chronicles II

* White Knight Chronicles International Edition

Honestly I would rather see the Tales of series ported to PC before the Neptunia series. It probably has a better chance being ported as it is widely popular.

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Oh boy. After years of pc gaming, I finally bought a ps3 to play all those jrpgs I've been missing like FFXIII and Valkyria Chronicles. Now, after all these years of waiting, they choose now of all times to port them to pc. Next,neptunia I bet. Why even bother getting a ps3 now. Why you do this to me? Making me regret my purchase.
There are a BUNCH of RPG's that are still, and most likely will remain on PS3 and not PC. The list that Pikupstyks posted is a great place to start :) "Tales of" is my favorite RPG series, Eternal Sonata is a lot of fun with a great soundtrack. I wouldn't worry! Take a look at some games from that list, a lot of them can be found for below $25.

ps3 has worked out better as a ps1/2 player for me.  Alot of titles that are expensive physical wise ended up on sale for cheap digital wise.  Normally I don't get digital titles but for 5$ or less I'm totally ok with that.  Especially since alot of these are expensive and not exactly easy to find outside online.

tbh the ps3's library is pretty meh.  Unless you are a fan of stuff like atelier/neptunia or are in it strictly for the bajillion ports it's not gonna be a worthwhile system on its own.  I got one for tales of games and all the ones released on it have been so so but not as good as vesperia 360 for me (and vesperia isn't in english on the ps3 so it doesn't count). 

I've only played 4 rpgs on it so far with only 2 being an exclusives though (technically graces is only an exclusive outside japan) So maybe i'll find something eventually that I'll love but so far nope.  

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Are there any Japanese games out or coming out soon for the PS4 that's not for the Vita/PS3? Bought one last night on Cowboom, and while looking at the games, I didn't see a single thing I wanted so I canceled it.

This is what I figured. I just wanted to know what HDMI splitter that he was using as I would love to stream my Vita games.
This is the one I purchased in 2013 on ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Full-HD-1x2-Port-HDMI-Splitter-Amplifier-Repeater-3D-1080p-Female-/310786988272?pt=US_Video_Cables_Adapters&hash=item485c5918f0

I also have another monoprice 1x2 splitter which apparently works. But don't quote me on that because I haven't tested it as much as the other one.

I would put a link to the splitter on my channel page, but am not quite sure about the "legal" mumbo jumbo concerning that, so to be safe, I just omit it.

edit: You can see that all these splitters are the same units from China and they're just rebranded.

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Are there any Japanese games out or coming out soon for the PS4 that's not for the Vita/PS3? Bought one last night on Cowboom, and while looking at the games, I didn't see a single thing I wanted so I canceled it.
PS4 exclusive Japanese games are few and far between right now but there's a fair amount coming in 2015. Between that and western releases I decided to bite the bullet and picked one up a couple months ago.

Edit: Forgot list.


Disgaea 5

Fairy Fencer F sequel

Neptune VII

Type 0 HD

possibly FFXV

Guilty Gear


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Everyone has to remember that as the system's life goes on more and more niche games migrate to that system. Remember how long it took till Japan stopped developing so much for the PSP and are now developing for Vita? This will eventually happen to the PS3 and they'll migrate to the PS4. It takes time, plus once Compile Hearts get their game on a system I will bet that there will be many more using that engine. 

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There are still all of these that are on the PS3 that are not on PC:


Honestly I would rather see the Tales of series ported to PC before the Neptunia series. It probably has a better chance being ported as it is widely popular.
I appreciate the list. I must admit the atelier games are like crack to me. I can't get enough of the alchemy. Already close to beating Meruru and moving onto dusk trilogy. But I should specify that when I bought the ps3, I could've spent that money on a vita instead. A lot of the games end up getting enhanced ports on the vita anyway.

And I said neptunia because there was already talk of a pc port for it.

Valkyria Chronicles (also comes with all DLC) up for pre-order for $14.40 on GMG w/ voucher SPOOKY-TREATS-GMG20X.
You're killing me man. I bought 2 of the DLC last month for $6(selvaria and edy). This just compounds my suffering.
I appreciate the list. I must admit the atelier games are like crack to me. I can't get enough of the alchemy. Already close to beating Meruru and moving onto dusk trilogy. But I should specify that when I bought the ps3, I could've spent that money on a vita instead. A lot of the games end up getting enhanced ports on the vita anyway.

And I said neptunia because there was already talk of a pc port for it.

You're killing me man. I bought 2 of the DLC last month for $6(selvaria and edy). This just compounds my suffering.
I gotta warn you, the dusk trilogy was a huge letdown for me. I forced myself to finish the first, but just gave up on escha and logy. And they still have incredibly annoying typos. How many games will they release with the word Sting instead of String???

I gotta warn you, the dusk trilogy was a huge letdown for me. I forced myself to finish the first, but just gave up on escha and logy. And they still have incredibly annoying typos. How many games will they release with the word Sting instead of String???
Tecmo Koei just don't provide the love NISA did for the series. All their RPG games are usually full of typos such as the Atelier Escha & Logy and also Ar No Surge. Makes me sad, but what can we do...

I've cracked and preorder VC. I have the game on PS3 since Day 1,got all the Dlc expect the hard mode, got all the artbook, the digital and retail copy of VC2 with all DLC.

I'm not sure what more I can do to get Sega to being VC3 over.
That's what NIS is claiming but they've yet to present any evidence to back it up. Keep in mind they're trying to push their flagship ip on a console with a tiny Japanese install base.
They have posted gameplay, and given more then enough info to show it won't work on the vita without downgrading it. If you don't want to believe it because you can only see graphics and not grasp there are things going on beyond graphics that's up to you, but Nis hasn't been quiet on why it wouldn't work.

More things on screen then the vita can handle

even more crazy math that takes more power than the vita has.

just more in general where the vita already had issues with D4. The handheld version has always been the definitive version for the disgaea series and it doesn't seem likely to change this time as it won't be until 2018 when disgaea 5 would be released on a handheld, and at that time it's quite possible there could be a new handheld out to put it on instead of the vita or 3ds.

ha even disgaea 5 will get a vita/new 3ds version. you can bet the farm on that.
What farm do you want to bet? It's rather unlikely d5 (maybe 1% chance) will end up on the vita, and even less likely it will end up on the new 3ds (nintendo would basically have to buy out Nis).

Would you mind posting some links? I didn't see anything other than speculation on the part of the authors of the articles I read.

Would you mind posting some links? I didn't see anything other than speculation on the part of the authors of the articles I read.
one example would be this

As for why the game is exclusively coming to the PlayStation 4, NIS president Sohei Niikawa explains: "We thought about going multi-platform with PlayStation 3, but doing so would've made the PS3 the standard," Niikawa said. "Since we're making it, I want to be able to offer something that could only be done with the PlayStation 4." As an example, Niikawa points out that Disgaea 5 will be able to feature 100 characters on screen simultaneously, where a PlayStation 3 version of the game could only handle 10.
Both the ps3 and vita have a pitiful amount of ram. The end result is a lot of characters can be really hard to render at the same time. The increased character count will likely take a lot more power than the ps3 can handle even without sexy graphics due to all of the math that needs to be going on at a given time. I really don't think anyone would accept a disgaea game where at later levels the game pauses and puts up a screen saying "please wait, calculating awesome" as it waits for the system to resolve all of the math or a disgaea game that drops to 10 FPS as you scroll across it looking at the enemies.

We don't even have a ton of details yet on new stuff, but we did already see the new revenge system which is even more math it has to deal with each time you attack.

If you are looking for details such as "x characters requires y ram and the ps3 only has 512" you likely won't get that clear cut as there really isn't any need to go that far. If you can't take them at their word that a more powerful console is needed to run D5 then even if they go into technical details you would likely just talk about how it isn't optimized and if it was it could work on the ps3 or they are faking numbers... so why would they bother?

In general though I expect some more "only possible on the ps4" gameplay changes to be announced before launch. All I am hoping for is a good remote play mode where it's easy to read and see everything.

You're joking, right? Even the most basic 3D environment uses FAR more advanced "math" than any attack formula present in Disgaea.

That article is smoke and mirrors. NIS is simply covering up their inability (or unwillingness) to reasonably optimize their engine. Hence why every Disgaea game suffers from the same issues since the first one (sprites clipping through the ground and each other, uneven texture overlapping and other graphical artifacts, the shittiest 3D models ever - not to mention how blurry everything is since they love to upscale). Deny it all you like. At the end of the day, NIS knows that Disgaea fans will buy Disgaea, even if they need to buy a $400 system to play it. That's why they're more than willing to take advantage of the massive headroom a PS4 gives them.

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yeah I doubt they will have 100 characters on screen.  sounds like complete bs there considering the average map size would never allow it.  They would have to increase the map size to at least 6 times what it is currently to fit that many.  On another note there is always more than 10 characters on the screen unless they are only counting your party members very specifically.

I'm not convinced, though that could change depending on the details they give us in the lead up to release. In any case, implying that they're lying when there isn't definitive proof was inappropriate. I need to stay off the internet when I'm drinking.

yeah I doubt they will have 100 characters on screen. sounds like complete bs there considering the average map size would never allow it. They would have to increase the map size to at least 6 times what it is currently to fit that many. On another note there is always more than 10 characters on the screen unless they are only counting your party members very specifically.
Dear god, how long would it take to play a turn in a 50 vs 50 map!?

I'm scared. I don't live at the same address as where it's going to ship.
A few people were talking about that over on the gaijinworks forum. They suggested that anyone in that situation throw Vic a pm, since he apparently checks there before sending the games out.
I wouldn't count on it. I've already made the switch from Amazon to Newegg. Since Amazon in soon having the same crap quality in packaging as Newegg, mind as well go for the cheaper option.
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