Killzone 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='VipFREAK']To this day I still don't get the hype of R and even more so for R2, it doesn't bring anything new to FPS... It's not even a game worth playing and I don't get why people praise it.[/QUOTE]

Resistance 1 and 2 have intense action, on and offline, that's what makes it good to me.
You mean, lots of white bursts coming at you, but no matter what you do you can't hit the source of where those burst are coming from?

yeah... that's not intense Action. lool
[quote name='VipFREAK']To this day I still don't get the hype of R and even more so for R2, it doesn't bring anything new to FPS... It's not even a game worth playing and I don't get why people praise it.[/QUOTE]

I'm a big fan of the online co-op. It's a lot of fun doing runs w/ the CAG Clan. Most enjoyable online experience I've had in quite a while (outside of WoW, which I quit almost one year ago).
[quote name='VipFREAK']You mean, lots of white bursts coming at you, but no matter what you do you can't hit the source of where those burst are coming from?

yeah... that's not intense Action. lool[/quote]

Both are great games. I like the weapons a lot, they're new/refreshing and fun. The SP of R1 was superb and R2's SP wasn't bad either. the Coop is even more intense than the SP I think. It's a different feel from other coop games I've played. Good fun, I hated R1 at first, but casual difficulty helps you ease into it =D
[quote name='VipFREAK']To this day I still don't get the hype of R and even more so for R2, it doesn't bring anything new to FPS... It's not even a game worth playing and I don't get why people praise it.[/quote]

Co-op says hello (for R2 at least, I never played 1). I'm still sad there's no co-op in KZ.
[quote name='Vanigan']R2 needed about 3-6 months more of development time to do more focus group testing on the single-player. As it stands, I'm pretty sure it was rushed out the door to meet the Holiday shopping season. After all, Sony needed some sort of exclusive shooter this year.[/quote]
I think Insomniac wanted it out for the holidays more than Sony needed it out there. They're yearly schedule wasn't what R2 needed. It would've been nice to see them push it and maybe push out one or two more of the Quest for Booty-style adventures in that timeframe.
[quote name='VipFREAK']You mean, lots of white bursts coming at you, but no matter what you do you can't hit the source of where those burst are coming from?

yeah... that's not intense Action. lool[/QUOTE]
Did you never realize that you had a gun that shoots through walls? And that shooting at a wall with a white burst had a good chance of hitting the source of the burst?
[quote name='VipFREAK']To this day I still don't get the hype of R and even more so for R2, it doesn't bring anything new to FPS... It's not even a game worth playing and I don't get why people praise it.[/quote]

Not every game that comes out needs to be revolutionary. The Resistance games have been quality titles. I'm a fanboy for the series so I'm probably biased, but they're not terrible games. The online is fast paced and lots of fun. And Resistance 1 had hype? Are you kidding me? Everyone shits all over that game. I think the Resistance series gets easily dismissed because the games happen to be on the PS3.
after playing the beta...I will have to say that this game will be one of the best FS game ever made ..(if not the first)..anyone agree ?
The Official Xbox Blog in the UK has a preview, read below for their impressions...

[quote name='Xbox UK Blog']Naturally, I asked for it to be put on, and twenty minutes of beautiful, gritty, heavy gunplay later, I’m back to post my impressions. It’s good. Really good in fact. this is the genre that has belonged to the 360 since its inception, but it finally looks like Sony has an Ace in its deck. Visually, Killzone 2 is quite something - besting even Gears 2 in the motion-blurred grey battleground stakes, and the weight and purpose of everyting from the weapons to the characters is somethign to behold. Most importantly, though, it’s really satisfying to play. The enemy AI, coupled with a well implemented cover system (unusual for an FPS) means Killzone 2’s skirmishes are uniquely challenging and gratifyingly meaty.

Of course, the key to success in this genre is variety, and having only seen a snippet of the opening mission, it’s hard to judge whether Killzone 2 will switch up its speed and set pieces enough to enter the Pantheon of truly great shooters. But for a first impression - wow. Halo ODST has a lot to live up to.[/quote]

Simply Fantastic. Glad to hear the AI is up to snuff.

Also, new video from Gametrailers.
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[quote name='Breakpoint']Why does Europe get a demo release when US has to wait so long. Its BS Gamestop gets it first![/quote]
That would be best since anyone in the US can just create a UK account to get it versus pre-ordering it here.
I'm probably going to replace my administration over TF2 CAG Nights with Killzone 2 CAG Nights, the multiplayer in Kz2 has its influences from TF2 and CoD4:MW which are both "win".

What night do you guys want?
All I know is that whomever leads this shit better be able to compete online. It has in-game tournaments and clan ranking system. So they should be on top of it and enter us in the clan tournaments and be able to hold their own.
[quote name='smiggity']All I know is that whomever leads this shit better be able to compete online. It has in-game tournaments and clan ranking system. So they should be on top of it and enter us in the clan tournaments and be able to hold their own.[/QUOTE]

QFT. Given that we may have Shrapnellistic and ManaKnight interested in leading the clan, I propose we have a main and sub-captain. Can we grant two people such privileges in game?

I haven't had the pleasure of working with Shrapnellistic, but ManaKnight has my vote of confidence given my experience w/ him. Although I am sure either would be spectacular.

Baking me cookies also earns you bonus points w/ me, just an FYI.
What if we have two different KZ2 nights hosted by two different people. Saturday night and .... ?

Either that or a CAG Meet Up and a fight to the death.
[quote name='Ecofreak']QFT. Given that we may have Shrapnellistic and ManaKnight interested in leading the clan, I propose we have a main and sub-captain. Can we grant two people such privileges in game?

I haven't had the pleasure of working with Shrapnellistic, but ManaKnight has my vote of confidence given my experience w/ him. Although I am sure either would be spectacular.

Baking me cookies also earns you bonus points w/ me, just an FYI.[/quote]

I watched a CES video the other day, and I definitely remember a dev mentioning the ability to assign "officers" as one of the clan features. He also said there would be full clan support on their website with the ability to coordinate, send invites, and all that good stuff. The clan features in this game appear pretty solid, so whoever decides to take on the task of leading the clan should be pretty well on top of things, like smiggity said.
[quote name='smiggity']All I know is that whomever leads this shit better be able to compete online. It has in-game tournaments and clan ranking system. So they should be on top of it and enter us in the clan tournaments and be able to hold their own.[/QUOTE]The main reason I was considering leading Killzone 2 because most people just cannot get as many people to play as I can. Just look at Warhawk, CoD4, and many other games I lead, compared to games I did not lead (GTAIV and UT3 haven't done so bad). I have the top organization skills and will constantly keep everything updated. Although some may think I'm only about having fun, but they should see me at R2 (I really don't joke around in that). I also have one of the larger buddy list size, and I'm usually the one who pretty much gets other people to play (I cannot count how many times that whatever game I decide to play, a good chunk of my PSN buddies follow).

Shrapnellistic still has to go through me though (since I have the OP of the CAG PSN Gaming Group thread and can work with moving many nights/times around). ;)

I'm already thinking the CAG Clan will probably have to be split up anyway. If that's the case, we'll divide.
[quote name='Shrapnellistic']I'm probably going to replace my administration over TF2 CAG Nights with Killzone 2 CAG Nights, the multiplayer in Kz2 has its influences from TF2 and CoD4:MW which are both "win".

What night do you guys want?[/QUOTE]Still continue with TF2. It can just be a little side game. I usually administer around 3-5 nights myself at once, so it's not bad.
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[quote name='manthing']Why don't you focus your priorities on getting a job instead?[/QUOTE]I'm doing that too. Things have been going up in that regard. ;)

Anyway, CAG nights I'm guessing will be on Saturday for the weekend day (I'll push R2 to even earlier on Saturday). On a weekday I'm not really sure because:
-I kind of hate pushing UT3 out and Crash Commando has a decent userbase for Monday.
-Warhawk is STILL very successful on Friday with 10-17 showing up), plus Friday night tends to be the worst time for people I know.
-Tuesday is SOCOM and MotorStorm: PR. Neither is really huge atm, but I rather not have them changed yet (but if people want to play on Tuesdau, I can see about moving MotorStorm: PR around).
-Wednesday is jampacked with GTA4 and R2 at the same time (both getting pretty good attendance). R2 can have anywhere from 6-12, and the party only goes to 8. But they don't start until 10pm EST.
-Thursday only has CoD: WaW, and unfortunately, hasn't been too successful yet. TF2 is early. If people would be willing to play later on Thursday, Killzone 2 can get that spot, and I'd just see about trying to find a better day for WaW (talk with Kube00 and neverletthem) so hopefully they can benefit too.

I'll have a chat with Shrapnellistic sometime.
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