Killzone 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info

Anyway, I preordered Killzone 2 and got my demo code. Can't wait to download it on 2/5. :D
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Damn, Killzone 1 was horrible. K2 looks better, sure, but Guerrilla Games has made Killzone, Killzone Liberation, and Shellshock Nam '67. So I'm not holding my breath for this to be great or anything. If it's decent, I may pick it up for cheap down the line.[/QUOTE]Killzone Liberation was a fantastic game. You also have to understand that before Guerrilla was owned by SCE, they were a small team. Sony has basically expanded the team by 2-3X people, and has even replaced the lead producer if I'm not mistaken. Guerrilla is pretty much a whole new team now, compared to before.
[quote name='yukine']I played the beta, and going by that I'd say you are absolutely wrong.

This game is actually going to be fun, unlike Crysis.[/QUOTE]Crysis wasn't fun, that I agree with.
[quote name='Chacrana']It's pretty, but I played Killzone 1, so I know better.[/QUOTE]Like I said before, Guerrilla is a WHOLE different team now and Killzone Liberation was actually pretty good. OPM also gave the game a 5/5, and they can be tough on games (I mean they gave R2 a 4/5, which deserves better IMO).
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[quote name='zewone']TMK, you only want this game because it's on the PS3. Who are you to call anyone else out?[/QUOTE]I own a 360 and buy exclusives on 360.

Regardless, I can't wait to play it. I actually enjoyed the first Killzone, while I'll admit it had some issues. Killzone Liberation on the other hand was fantastic.
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[quote name='The Mana Knight']I have a 360 and buy 360 exclusives also on it. I actually happen to want Star Ocean 4 the most on any console, and it happens to be a 360 game.:roll:

Regardless, I can't wait to play it. I actually enjoyed the first Killzone, while I'll admit it had some issues. Killzone Liberation on the other hand was fantastic.[/QUOTE]

If KZ2 was a 360 exclusive you wouldn't be so quick to defend it. :roll:
[quote name='zewone']If KZ2 was a 360 exclusive you wouldn't be so quick to defend it. :roll:[/QUOTE]Like you probably wouldn't be so quick to defend Kingdom Under Fire (360) or something if it was a PS3 exclusive (I remember that GGT post from a while ago). :roll:

Some people are just a little jealous because PS3 gets an awesome FPS with awesome graphics. ;)
No, that game is actually fun. I don't care about it's exclusivity, it could come out tomorrow for PC/Wii//PS3 for all I care. I love loot-drop games like PSO, Diablo, Monster Hunter, Too Human.

Get over it and just accept it. Don't call people out.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']
Some people are just a little jealous because PS3 gets an awesome FPS with awesome graphics. ;)[/quote]

Hopefully for once.

Why would I be jealous? I preordered the game for my PS3 yesterday.

I hope the game is awesome, but I hope it's awesome because I want to enjoy it.

I don't hope it's awesome because I want another reason to defend the PS3.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']You have to unlock the medic class, dallow. So you can't be one right off the bat unless they've changed it since the beta.[/quote]
I was just joking about being a medic or on a team of medics, but thanks.
[quote name='manthing']Hopefully for once.

:lol:[/QUOTE]R2 is already awesome for co-op, but I understand it's not a game for everyone.

Anyway, let's just drop the subject.

Finally got around to seeing the YouTube video, and OMG. :D

EDIT: To also let people know, I'm considering handing off my Warhawk nights and create CAG Killzone 2 nights.
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[quote name='zewone']"Let's drop the subject because I'm a jackass and I was wrong."[/quote]

I can't understand why you didn't get banned yet, with your constant rudeness and personal attacks.
[quote name='Teh Nitwit']I can't understand why you didn't get banned yet, with your constant rudeness and personal attacks.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='zewone']If KZ2 was a 360 exclusive you wouldn't be so quick to defend it. :roll:[/QUOTE]

So what's your point... If a game is exclusive to your console of choice, then of course you want it to be good. But really, any gamer, pure gamer is going to want this game to be good... why would anyone want this game (or any other) to be bad. You never see Mana going to other forums to talk trash about a game. Either he likes it, or he doesn't.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Got my demo code...let's see how this one plays out.[/QUOTE]

Welcome to the Darkside! (you coming to Killzone 2 CAG nights?)
Bwahahahhahahaha! Who the fuck mentioned R2? they're silly. R2...

I can't believe there would be a moron that would actually try to turn this into a console debate. What I would expect is people bashing KZ2 for how the first one was.
[quote name='VipFREAK']
I can't believe there would be a moron that would actually try to turn this into a console debate. What I would expect is people bashing KZ2 for how the first one was.[/quote]

That's why I'm still apprehensive about KZ2.

KZ was such a generic bore.
I think that if the original Killzone would have been released on the Xbox, it would have been a better FPS. I think that the main part of the problem is that Killzone came out for the PS2 in the age of Halo. PS2 FPS games were not that good.. none of em. XIII wasn't so bad, because it was cell shaded. As a matter of fact, it came out over a year after Halo had been on the market. I think that if Killzone came out earlier, then it wouldn't have been considered a bad game (or as bad). I don't think anyone should hold Killzone against Guerilla, at this point. Now if they fuck up Killzone 2, then that's on them, not the hardware. Also, at least they were able to create a world and story that people like. Killzone Liberation was a success -
:shrugs: I didn't have an xbox, didn't have any desire to get one, tried my friends, tried halo, and happily went back to KZ or whatever fps I was doing which was probably rainbow six.
Killzone 1 had a beautiful artistic design, even the AI was good when they could spare processor and memory to actually power it. If you spent time in certain places where they gave the AI processor power, the AI would do neat things like move into cover and flank. Sadly, the PS2 was simply too old hardware to handle the kind of game Killzone 1 was.

I actually think that if Killzone 1 was released on a decent platform, it would have been that generation's Call of Duty 4.
[quote name='dallow']No problem buddy!
Get KZ2 and let's be in a clan with Maklershed! We need a third medic![/quote]

We need someone to open the band-aids for us.
I'm holding off on watching the new videos on singleplayer since I'm hoping it'll be as compelling as CoD4:MW's campaign was. Anyways, did they ever fix Rico's voice? It was awful in that E3'08 trailer.
I just pre-ordered through Amazon. I know the Home stuff is kinda useless but I imagine getting more use out of it than a demo, considering I dont want the game to be spoiled before I start playing it and I obviously would never play it after I own the game.
I think it's a little cheaper on Amazon also, a few bucks. Better virtual clothing than a demo I can probably get off the European PSN store.
[quote name='Thomas96']Because Killzone is coming out so early in the year, its gonna be hard for it to get voted game of the year.[/QUOTE]

Shouldn't be a problem if it deserves it.
[quote name='zewone']Shouldn't be a problem if it deserves it.[/QUOTE]

That's true, but I still feel like (even if it deserves it) it would have had a easier time being GOTY if it had been released in November. You know, by the time poeple vote, the novelty of the game may wear off. I hope that the game isn't released and that's it, the game is going to need some DLC, keep it fresh all year round. (i.e. Burnout Paradise support).
Let me say this: I don't own a PS3 even though I have intentions on buying one by this December (pending price drops and deals) and this is probably my most anticipated title for this year. I saw they are releasing a Killzone bundle for Europe and I hope they bring it to the US but I have my doubts.

My only complaints I've seen of this game seem minor: Knifing your way to the finish and a few people don't care for the frame rate being locked at 30FPS.

So yeah, bring out the bundle to the US so I can finally buy a PS3 and grab this game.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Let me say this: I don't own a PS3 even though I have intentions on buying one by this December (pending price drops and deals) and this is probably my most anticipated title for this year. I saw they are releasing a Killzone bundle for Europe and I hope they bring it to the US but I have my doubts.[/QUOTE]

The man speaks truth!


Sony did release a MGS4 bundle (albeit in limited quantities), so I can see them releasing a similar bundle for KZ2 (minus the BC I suppose).

And it makes business sense, as I've been reading many people saying "I'll be getting a PS3 once the price drops so I can play this game!"

Release a bundle w/ game and it's basically a $60 price drop. Breaking down the two scenarios (and assuming the base configuration as $400 PS3 + $60 Killzone 2):
$400 PS3 + Free Killzone 2 = Loss of $60 compared to base configuration
$300 PS3 + $60 Killzone = Loss of $40 compared to base configuration

While Sony loses $20 for each bundle sold, they save money on production, distribution, and inventory of the game as well as getting people to buy new PS3 games sooner and thereby getting more royalties.
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Yea, this would be a good bundle, as would have been a LBP bundle during Christmas. I never understood why they released the 160 gb bundle with Uncharted, though it's a great game, few people will probably want it that didn't already have it since it came out in 2007.
@ Ecofreak - I think you make a great case for a KZ2 bundle. I know there are ppl waiting for a price drop AND waiting for KZ2 to drop, so in turn this will help those people and anyone else on the fence wanting to get a PS3. And with the value out the box, which many forget to see, this is a great deal.

I mention the value OOB, b/c I've had a PS3, and recently got an arcade for the bedroom, and I've paid at least another $200 just to get on par with what the PS3 had to offer (eg wireless network adapter, hard drive and xbox live subscription) anyway, enough of that. This game is getting unanomous scores of greatness. Too excited for this one.
bread's done