Killzone 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info

"This is the best looking console game ever" - David Ellis :bouncy:

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']

1up's David Ellis and Tina will be playing Killzone 2 and talking about it on Tuesday at 5 PM PST live on that streaming video feed.[/quote]

I'll never remember, but if by some miracle I do, I'll make sure to check that out.
That was Tina, she shot the column next to her with the rocket launcher. :)

Yeah, that was the first thing I saw. Then she respawned and pulled out a pistol to shoot at the attack chopper. :lol:

That dude in the background looks like Jack Black
I wonder if that pistol is super strong or something that she keeps trying to shoot the helicopter down with it. You'd thinking sticking with the RPG would be the way to go.
He's trying to shoot, (or he should be) shooting those blue glowing things under the chopper.

Once hit, they explode with electricity and stun the chopper. Or else it would dodge the rocket shots.

That's what I heard them say, I stopped watching now.
Melee combat with the knife looks fun.

WTF? They're on the rooftop fighting the helicopter again. Alright, I'm done now. Ahh .. Shane "I look like Robocop" Bettenhausen just arrived. Perfect timing for me to stop watching.
They are really incomparable. Socom is a tactical squad based TPS and KZ2 is a run and gun FPS. But that doesn't even matter, you will still like it. It is too good not to.
I think the general consensus is a heavier/furturistic COD4 with Class Based characters ala Team Fortress 2.

KZ2 is really good but Socom will still be my main online shooter. There is no other game that gives me that sense of adrenaline while down 1 on 4 and taking out the whole other squad
Never played TF2 but, ok. I'm still buying it. I loved the first one too.

As for Socom, the god damn sound are soooooooooo GOOD! That game has single handedly made me a PS3 whore these days than be on my PS3. LOVE it!
[quote name='smiggity']I think the general consensus is a heavier/furturistic COD4 with Class Based characters ala Team Fortress 2. [/quote]

The perfect statement to convince me that Killzone 2 will be awesome.
Yeah, I think one of the game's key features is it's very well refined feel. I know that doesn't sound like much, but you know how when you play a game you can often tell if it's gone through, say, Blizzard or Valve levels of polish simply by how the game feels when you play. Things like movement, intertia, the way the animation responds, how one action flows into another, etc... It's these little details that take a lot of extra time to refine that show how much they want the game to be good.
[quote name='Vanigan']Yeah, I think one of the game's key features is it's very well refined feel. I know that doesn't sound like much, but you know how when you play a game you can often tell if it's gone through, say, Blizzard or Valve levels of polish simply by how the game feels when you play. Things like movement, intertia, the way the animation responds, how one action flows into another, etc... It's these little details that take a lot of extra time to refine that show how much they want the game to be good.[/quote]

Agreed 100%. Guerrilla Games is a beast with this game. It will probably get 10s from damn near every magazine/website
I don't know if the people with the beta have checked, but it's still up and running. I just checked for shits and giggles and there are games going, though with just two people at this hour, but that's far from being shut down though.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I don't know if the people with the beta have checked, but it's still up and running. I just checked for shits and giggles and there are games going, though with just two people at this hour, but that's far from being shut down though.[/quote]

Word? I kept getting errors I hadnt got before. Maybe I will re-download and give it another shot. Plus they even said it was over in the Dev Q+A thread
don't know if its been posted yet, but kotaku released their impressions on the single-player mode. One thing that caught my eye was that they were told that the single-player mode should take 10-12 hours to complete. I know it's heavily geared towards multiplayer, but for me that is a huge letdown. I never played the original and have no idea how long its single play campaign was, but its just a bummer the actual story couldn't be longer. Seriously is it just me or does this not bother anyone else?
No, 10-12 hours is impressive considering COD4 was like 4 hours. Killzone 2 really is multiplayer focused, I played in the beta and I can assure you that it delivers...
[quote name='riddler']don't know if its been posted yet, but kotaku released their impressions on the single-player mode. One thing that caught my eye was that they were told that the single-player mode should take 10-12 hours to complete. I know it's heavily geared towards multiplayer, but for me that is a huge letdown. I never played the original and have no idea how long its single play campaign was, but its just a bummer the actual story couldn't be longer. Seriously is it just me or does this not bother anyone else?[/QUOTE]

Seeing as how there are no FPS with a single player campaign longer than 8 hours (if I remember correctly), then 10-12 hours is actually a significant length. Now, is it that long because of cheap deaths and recycled environments w/ lots of back tracking? I certainly hope not, 'cause that's just fluff.
COD4 was like 4 hours
You should really try playing on something harder than Recruit.
10-12 hours on Normal can turn into a much longer game on harder difficulties. Halo 3 on Normal is quite short (6-8 hours), but a Legendary run can take three to four times as long. As long as there is incentive to replay the game on a harder difficulty, 10-12 hours is great.
[quote name='Zyzomys']You should really try playing on something harder than Recruit.[/quote]
I'm going based on what others have said, I played and beat it on Veteran since I knew going in that it was extremely short on anything lower.
Also, playing on harder difficulties often means that you don't actually have more gameplay and story, instead you're just repeating the same areas.

Also, Half-Life 1 felt pretty damn long for FPS games and they were around the 12-15 hour mark.

It's also looking like Killzone 2's story will be worth it, it won't be amazing, but if Killzone 1's story is any indication, it'll be worthy of a good war story. Characters will actually go through character arcs, whereas in a lot of other games the concept of a character arc is nonexistant.
Yeah truthfully I doubt I will ever even finish the SP unless my internet goes out. I played the COD4 SP for like ten minutes max. Those 10 hours could be better spent playing online.
[quote name='smiggity']Yeah truthfully I doubt I will ever even finish the SP unless my internet goes out. I played the COD4 SP for like ten minutes max. Those 10 hours could be better spent playing online.[/QUOTE]

Think of the lonely trophies!
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']KZ2 FAQ[/quote]

This statement pleases me greatly:

"Don't expect to take a lot of damage online in Killzone. Players die very quickly, in two to three hits. (Headshots kill in one!)"

Part of why I'm not wild about Halo mp (except for Swat) and almost hate Gears mp is because the guns are so nerfed. You can shoot and shoot someone and they don't die. Whereas in CoD4, the guns feel like they do what they're supposed to. It sounds like KZ2 will be like CoD4.
there's a nice video on, where the guys from the 1up show had did a special live show where they played the game live and let users ask questions. They showed a lot of gameplay so if you haven't gotten a chance to play K2 for yourself, then I suggest checking it out... I'll post the link later if anyone wants it. [Its a long video, they show off a couple of leves too.]
[quote name='Maklershed']This statement pleases me greatly:

"Don't expect to take a lot of damage online in Killzone. Players die very quickly, in two to three hits. (Headshots kill in one!)"

Part of why I'm not wild about Halo mp (except for Swat) and almost hate Gears mp is because the guns are so nerfed. You can shoot and shoot someone and they don't die. Whereas in CoD4, the guns feel like they do what they're supposed to. It sounds like KZ2 will be like CoD4.[/quote]

Somewhere between Halo and COD4 is where the hit detection and bullet damage are for KZ2.

Makersled if you like gunplay, you should check out Socom. Unrivaled in that department.
I was going to until I heard about all the technical problems that seem to plague it. Maybe when it drops low enough I'll check it out.
bread's done