Killzone 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='Maklershed']This statement pleases me greatly:

"Don't expect to take a lot of damage online in Killzone. Players die very quickly, in two to three hits. (Headshots kill in one!)"

Part of why I'm not wild about Halo mp (except for Swat) and almost hate Gears mp is because the guns are so nerfed. You can shoot and shoot someone and they don't die. Whereas in CoD4, the guns feel like they do what they're supposed to. It sounds like KZ2 will be like CoD4.[/QUOTE]Hehe, that's kind of what I was saying for a while. R2 may be more Halo type while Killzone is more CoD4 type. That just means I'll be doing a lot really fast. :D

I'm very hyped for KZ2 regardless, and have my money put aside for just this.
I am already planning on buying this as well. Just holding out to find a nice pre-order bonus or collector's edition. Heres hoping for a helghast figure...
[quote name='Maklershed']I was going to until I heard about all the technical problems that seem to plague it. Maybe when it drops low enough I'll check it out.[/quote]

Yeah they were way overstated by the magazines and whatnot. It was never as bad as they said, or else 50,000 wouldnt be playing it every day. In short, no technical problems but STILL missing features. Its worth it though. Quite possibly the best console shooter ever.
[quote name='Maklershed']This statement pleases me greatly:

"Don't expect to take a lot of damage online in Killzone. Players die very quickly, in two to three hits. (Headshots kill in one!)"

Part of why I'm not wild about Halo mp (except for Swat) and almost hate Gears mp is because the guns are so nerfed. You can shoot and shoot someone and they don't die. Whereas in CoD4, the guns feel like they do what they're supposed to. It sounds like KZ2 will be like CoD4.[/quote]
Exactly what I want.
I like the realistic pop and drop style gameplay.

Don't care for bullet sponges in multiplayer games.
I am not a big FPS player, but from what I have seen so far this game seems awesome. Can't wait to give it a try.
Keep in mind guys, from the videos, it seems like people still don't die as quickly as in, say, CoD4, but they still get downed pretty quickly if caught in the open, but you definitely have more ability to escape death if you expose yourself for a short time.
Is there going to be a collector's edition for this game? I'm a sucker for collector's edition even though most of it is useless crap that I don't need.
I don't want to play any Killzone 2 demos. I'm hoping to really enjoy the game, I don't want to spoil anything.
The lights, the smoke effects, the explosion, the body flying by...

Oh, i just noticed the gunfire through the smoke at the end there....

[quote name='dallow']The lights, the smoke effects, the explosion, the body flying by...

Oh, i just noticed the gunfire through the smoke at the end there....


:drool: :drool: :drool:
just watched the HD Youtube version of the review build. superb.

still wondering what the third faction is and I'm guessing it'll be a larger part of the story in KZ3...
I hope there's a Helghast (terrorist) Hunt online MODE!!!!! I know the game is going to get some sales, but truthfully, if K2 is going to be the game of 2009, I think its going to need good online modes. I hope that they keep the game fresh with good DLC during the year.
[quote name='mykee98']so for the first time in my life I might call in sick just to play a video game.[/quote]
Do it.

[quote name='FloodsAreUponUS']Eh, not impressed.

Make the guns less floaty.[/quote]...

This is the least "floaty" FPS you're gonna find.
The guns are extremely heavy and move with you in possibly the most realistic fashion seen yet.
[quote name='dallow']...

This is the least "floaty" FPS you're gonna find.
The guns are extremely heavy and move with you in possibly the most realistic fashion seen yet.[/quote]

So instead of being floaty im stuck in cement while aiming?

Crysis looks better.
This shit is gonna run at like 20fps like the first.

Make up your mind, first you say it's floaty, and now you're stuck in cement?
And then Crysis?
And then 20fps?

You realize the last few gifs and video are in slow motion right?

The gifs are small, motion blurred to hell so you dont see the shitty textures, game looks scripted as anything, and its probably going to run just like the first game did.

Everything ive seen from killzone 2 looks generic as anything, yes it may be pretty to the naked eye, but it wont fool me with all of its post processing effects it tries to throw at you.

Crysis>Killzone 2.
[quote name='FloodsAreUponUS']The gifs are small, motion blurred to hell so you dont see the shitty textures, game looks scripted as anything, and its probably going to run just like the first game did.

Everything ive seen from killzone 2 looks generic as anything, yes it may be pretty to the naked eye, but it wont fool me with all of its post processing effects it tries to throw at you.

Crysis>Killzone 2.[/quote]
What was with the floaty and then stuck in cement comment though?
That's what I'm really interested in.

:puts fist under chin:

You're right though, it's gonna run like crap despite everyone with review copies saying it has absolutely beautiful textures (and there are many direct feed shots to prove it), and is locked at 30fps with no dips.
[quote name='FloodsAreUponUS']The gifs are small, motion blurred to hell so you dont see the shitty textures, game looks scripted as anything, and its probably going to run just like the first game did.

Everything ive seen from killzone 2 looks generic as anything, yes it may be pretty to the naked eye, but it wont fool me with all of its post processing effects it tries to throw at you.

Crysis>Killzone 2.[/QUOTE]

You're like NEO (from the matrix) instead of looking at the game you can see the very processing code that is going on, and when you look directly at the code, the game is crap. So I guess it looks good with al lthe processing effects it throws at us. Not bad.
[quote name='dallow']What was with the floaty and then stuck in cement comment though?
That's what I'm really interested in.

:puts fist under chin:

You're right though, it's gonna run like crap despite everyone with review copies saying it has absolutely beautiful textures (and there are many direct feed shots to prove it), and is locked at 30fps with no dips.[/quote]

I read from previews(albeit from this summer) that the game had floaty controls.
I presumed that when you said it was heavy that they had fixed it, and it was no longer an issue, but then it got me thinking that if they wanted to go that route its going to be insanely slow.

Sorry for any confusion.
[quote name='FloodsAreUponUS']The gifs are small, motion blurred to hell so you dont see the shitty textures, game looks scripted as anything, and its probably going to run just like the first game did.

Everything ive seen from killzone 2 looks generic as anything, yes it may be pretty to the naked eye, but it wont fool me with all of its post processing effects it tries to throw at you.

Crysis>Killzone 2.[/quote]
I played the beta, and going by that I'd say you are absolutely wrong.

This game is actually going to be fun, unlike Crysis.
I dunno. In Crysis, you can punch shanty houses to pieces. You can also throw Koreans through said shanty houses. What I'm trying to say is that Crysis is the premiere shanty house destroyer simulator.

Shanty house.
[quote name='FloodsAreUponUS']I read from previews(albeit from this summer) that the game had floaty controls.
I presumed that when you said it was heavy that they had fixed it, and it was no longer an issue, but then it got me thinking that if they wanted to go that route its going to be insanely slow.

Sorry for any confusion.[/quote]
No problem buddy!
Get KZ2 and let's be in a clan with Maklershed! We need a third medic!
[quote name='dallow']No problem buddy!
Get KZ2 and let's be in a clan with Maklershed! We need a third medic![/quote]

We gonna be invincible yo with this many medics we gonna be a walking hospital.
Damn, Killzone 1 was horrible. K2 looks better, sure, but Guerrilla Games has made Killzone, Killzone Liberation, and Shellshock Nam '67. So I'm not holding my breath for this to be great or anything. If it's decent, I may pick it up for cheap down the line.
bread's done