Kotaku reports average gamersore is 11,286


26 (100%)
As part of a larger pending feature about Xbox Live, Kotaku preemptively posted some staggering facts relating to the service’s achievement system. What did they discover? Microsoft’s platform for bragging rights has been rewarding gamers for play in a big way.

The breakdown revealed that 6.3 billion "achievement unlocked" chimes have sounded since 2005, and that the average gamer score is 11,286. In total, 176,802,201,383 gamer points have been earned by Xbox 360 owners.

In non-achievement related news, 20 million individuals use Xbox Live daily, taking part in over 4 billion hours of online multiplayer activities. Impressive.

Any achievement hunters here contributing an abnormally large number of points to the pot?

My gamerscore is 18,250. I haven't earned an achievement since I got my PS3 in July last year. I wonder what the average PSN Trophy level is.

I'm kinda surprised the average is so low, given that there are so many people who brag about having 150,000 - like it's a common thing or something. I played surprisingly little games when I had my 360 (was a full time student and all), so I was really proud of getting 18,000 from summer '08 to summer '10
Part of what contributes to that is the people who play nothing but sports games or Halo/CoD. Which you wouldn't really think it, but it's more common than you might notice. But there always seems to be a lot of people with 50k or so as well. But maybe that's just here. Funny thing is, I always thought my GS was on the lower side, but I guess not.
Considering that I have multiple accounts to access the Japanese and Europe stores that have a 0 GS, I wonder if they are taking those into consideration when figuring out the average. I can't be the only one who has done this.
[quote name='whoknows']I think my gamerscore is at like 10 or 25. How do people have 11,000?

You people have no lives.[/QUOTE]

Did you get one single achievement then turn off your system just so you could whinge on the internet about how people are losers because their GS is higher than yours?
You guys think 11,000 seems low? I think that seems like a pretty high average.

Even a few of my friends who have had a 360 since 05/06 have scores of like 15-17,000. One is at 30,000+. Truth is, most people don't play THAT many games. My brother has had his 360 since December 05 and his score is
[quote name='mitch079']Considering that I have multiple accounts to access the Japanese and Europe stores that have a 0 GS, I wonder if they are taking those into consideration when figuring out the average. I can't be the only one who has done this.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, my main account has over 100,000 GS but I do have a few spare accounts with otherwise 0 or a very small amount of points.
[quote name='Organization_XIII']Did you get one single achievement then turn off your system just so you could whinge on the internet about how people are losers because their GS is higher than yours?[/QUOTE]

Yes. I love whinging.
had my 360 since 2006 and kinda interesting that my 14k gamerscore is a bit above average.

Other than the people I play Gears and borderlands with, every other person on my friends list has 20k+
So, i falsely assumed that I was well below average.
I know I have a low GS @ 37,700+ in less than 2 years but, I'm a hunter... Take a look into trueachievements or xbox360achievements. That's where alot of us hunters are congregating and honing our GS. That's also where we find co-op/boosting parties too. My brother calls it "whoring" when you have to find someone through a post to boost achievements, but when was the last time you found someone to play rock band 1 with randomly? Let alone 40 times (20 tug of war/20 score duel)? Altered Beast, Sonic 2, Brutal Legend.... I could go on, but I digress.
[quote name='whoknows']I think my gamerscore is at like 10 or 25. How do people have 11,000?

You people have no lives.[/QUOTE]

Unless your XBL account isn't "mmmpepsi4" like your profile says than you have a gamerscore of 6,710.
Pfffft.. My gamer score is half that and I've had it since 2007. I'm not an achievement whore at all, I just play through games and don't bro out.
[quote name='Organization_XIII']I really thought my GS was low. Now I find out that I'm well above average. That did kinda blow my mind[/QUOTE]

Same here. There's been very few games I actively go after achievements. But I do tend to beat most every game I start, so that adds up over 3 1/2 years or so I guess.
[quote name='seanr1221']Wait, is 11,286 the mean or median?[/QUOTE]

Article didn't say, but since it said "average gamerscore" I'd assume it's the mean.

Median is probably lower since you have high upper outliers from the six figure gamer scores, where as the lowest outlier can be no more extreme than 0. So low outlier can only be 11,286 below the average, while the high outliers are six figures above the mean.
Dang, missed that line (but to be fair I couldn't find the article on Kotaku so read another one citing it that came up in google).

But yeah, can't tell from that since it says both median and average. But likely it's median, now that I think about it more, as I think 11K sounds low for a mean since there would be more high than low outliers as outlined above.
[quote name='whoknows']I think my gamerscore is at like 10 or 25. How do people have 11,000?

You people have no lives.[/QUOTE]

It takes 2 seconds to click on your gamertag and see your score is 6,710. Do you even know what a gamerscore is?
[quote name='n8rockerasu']It takes 2 seconds to click on your gamertag and see your score is 6,710. Do you even know what a gamerscore is?[/QUOTE]

No. What is it?
[quote name='whoknows']No. What is it?[/QUOTE]

It's your total achievement points across all games you've played on your Xbox gamertag. The 6710 beside your gamer tag if you click in in your profile to the left of your posts, is your current gamer score.
I passed 98,000 gamerscore this weekend. I've been in a gaming slump the last couple months. If I get out of the slump, I could pass 100k this month.
Numbers are skewed since a big majority just plays one game online only i.e. Call of Duty, Halo, Madden, etc. This would limit the amount of points you would earn. A good portion of those users never even touch the single player experience in those titles.
the cheater/glitchers/hackers/others, making second accounts are the reason for it being so low

[quote name='lordopus99']Numbers are skewed since a big majority just plays one game online only i.e. Call of Duty, Halo, Madden, etc. This would limit the amount of points you would earn. A good portion of those users never even touch the single player experience in those titles.[/QUOTE] and what he said
[quote name='antlp89']I still don't understand why people care so much about these meaningless points.[/QUOTE]

I don't "care" about them per se. But it is a very effective and somewhat addictive way to keep record of accomplishments in the games we play. As it's been discussed numerous times, there are some achievements that serve no purpose (ie. "collect 593 flowers") but ones for beating a game on a certain difficulty or showing a certain amount of skill (5 consecutive headshots) are good ways to illustrate your commitment to the game. After the story and gameplay mechanics have faded from memory, it's nice to be able to look back and see what I accomplished in the game.
[quote name='antlp89']I still don't understand why people care so much about these meaningless points.[/QUOTE]
Because it's an additional challenge for the game. I still don't understand why people can't comprehend this. It's like people are pissed off that Microsoft had a good idea and refuse to acknowledge it or something.
I think achievements are one of the best gaming ideas in a long long time.
That being said, I personally don't find them useful.

I think they should have had some other use, like once you hit a certain score you can unlock some free stuff for your avatar or something.
Give me a reason to actually care that my GS continues to grow.
Like, Man, once I hit 20k I can finally get that Pittsburgh Steelers Jersey for my guy instead of the free generic 55 jersey that he has now.

As it stands, much like in real life, I just happen to have a tiny online virtual penis!
[quote name='KaneRobot']Because it's an additional challenge for the game. I still don't understand why people can't comprehend this. It's like people are pissed off that Microsoft had a good idea and refuse to acknowledge it or something.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I love achievements - I won't kill myself to get them (I've only got 1,000 on one game) but they are an awesome addition to video games in general. I don't understand how people can be against them.
Yeah, I don't get the hate either. I'm largely indifferent to them and seldom actively go after them, but it's not like they hurt games either. They're easy enough to ignore.

The only argument I've seen that I do agree with is that they seem to have replaced in game unlockables. But I think that's more to do with DLC and idiots who keep it going by buying character costume packs and other crap that used to be unlockables than it does with achievement.

If people didn't pay for crap like that maybe they would have started putting more back as unlockables.
I used to be obsessive about 100% completion of games but thankfully Gears of War 2 cured me of that problem. However, if I really like a game I still go for completion. Oddly enough achievements actually save me money since I'm not apt purchase a new game when I haven't completed the one I'm currently playing.
I play games because they interest me, and I beat the ones that really interest me. I never check the achievements to 'see what I've missed' or go after achievements. I basically play like they didn't exist. I've had a 360 since about a year after launch and my GS is like 12-13,000. And probably 3,000 or so of those points were gotten by my wife before she made her own account.

I'm not knocking the Hunters and others who love to get achievements, more power to them, but it doesnt interest me much.

I'd love to see some stats on how many people who played games like Superman or Avatar Last Airbender, played them only for the east achievement points.
I barely hit 27,200 gamerscore the other day in 6 years LOL. I see people either have too little as they only play games like call of duty which have no online achievements or they play too much and play tons of games. I play lots of games but damn, I see people complete and get 100% on about every game they've played and i'm like wow wtf
[quote name='intoxicated662']I see people complete and get 100% on about every game they've played and i'm like wow wtf[/QUOTE]

I have a guy on my friend list like this. He's got about a 80k gamerscore and 100% is something like 50 games. I have no clue how he does it. Then again, I've never gotten on the 360 and NOT seen him on. (I heavily suspect he doesn't work)
I hear it's not the size of the gamerscore, but the motion of the ocean. Or at least that's what I tell my wife. Ba-dum-dum!
[quote name='berzirk']I hear it's not the size of the gamerscore, but the motion of the ocean. Or at least that's what I tell my wife. Ba-dum-dum![/QUOTE]

I just tried that. She told me to bad the Ocean sits its' fat ass on the couch priding the size of its' gamerscore, cause the tides have been pretty weak lately.

I'm not sure how insulted I should be, so I'm going to focus on the size of the gamerscore part of that.
I used to want to 100% games. Now, I just look at the achievement list and see what's "do-able" in the first play-through. After that, if I enjoy the game I might go back and mop up a few missing achievements or ones that might take less than 1 hour to get. If there is a large community around getting an achievement, I'll go for some of those, because I enjoy gaming with a community set on having fun or a simple enough goal.

I know I contribute to the lower avg b/c I have a guest acct and my Mom's Netflix acct w/ only a handful of achievements from co-op games
I look at it this way:

For the games I really enjoy playing, I try to get as many achievements as possible. This is assuming I don't have to spend a ridiculous amt of time playing them to get additional achievements, given my backlog. I've already spent too much time playing Dead Space, but I love dismembering bad guys and the game is a whole lot less creepy the second time through ;)

Unless you enjoy the games, I don't think achievements have much meaning. But I suppose for some people, that number really matters. I'm thrilled to have my sub-2500 gamerscore for the games I've gotten it on (Geometry Wars series, Rez, Dead Space, Pac-Man CE DX, CoD: Modern Warfare, etc), and plan on continuing to grow it this way.

It's a fun and entertaining system, but it shouldn't detract from the enjoyment of the games themselves.
bread's done