League of Legends anyone?

Ugh, was on a giant losing streak yesterday. Lost 10 straight before finally winning 2. The early few games were lost cause people on my team did stupid stuff, then the other teams just got harder after that. Why does losing = more coordinated enemies?
I'm not sure who I want my next champ to be. I'm right at 6300IP, so I could grab Orianna when they release her this week, but she looks pretty complicated just for the sake of being complicated.
:D I got to 100 wins last night! I commented on that in the ending screen, and turns out my teammates were at 500 and 700, respectively. Then they made a comment about being in elo hell :(.

And I carried them too! The TF was nice though.
fucking Christ, Vayne is so broken. I really wish they would've nerfed her base damage, ya' know, the actual problem with her. Just played a game where she ran around literally two and three shotting our entire team.
You shouldn't have to build a Thornmail just because Riot has an overpowered champ that's designed to rape tanks (which they hate with a passion).
[quote name='ExplodingRat']I just get thornmail. Seems to counter Vayne, or any other direct damage heroes. Especially ones with high base damage.[/QUOTE]

Cant counter true damage :\
Anyone got any good item builds for Zilean and Caitlyn? I like both, but I seem to be having trouble getting a solid build idea for both.

Also does anyone know of any Nunu like characters that have ranged spells and melee based attacks? I am looking for new champs to buy because since I bought Zilean and Caitlyn I have all the champs I want.
Maokai, Cho, Morde, Kayle, Blitz (well, kinda), Kass, Gragas come to mind.

I think Cait's build is the standard AD Carry one.

Boots of Choice, Black Cleaver, IE, BT, Phantom Dancer/Trinity, Veil/Frozen Hammer
For Cait I always just go AD/AS. Greaves, Infinity Edge, 2x Bloodthirsters, Madreds, and a Phantom Dancer is usually what I build. Hextechs are okay on her as well.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Anyone got any good item builds for Zilean and Caitlyn? I like both, but I seem to be having trouble getting a solid build idea for both.[/QUOTE]

Never played Zilean seriously, but CDR boots, Rod of Ages, Frozen Heart, Banshee's Veil, Archangel's Staff, and Rabadon's should do you. You want mana and CDR.
Cait serk greaves, blood thirster, phantom dancer are my first items

Zilean: two paths. CDR or AP. AP obviously stronger spells/stronger revive. CDR lets you do everything a ton faster. You can speed 2 people up at the same time over and over again.

CDR/AP works well. Ionian Boots, Morello's, then AP. I used to get Glacial Shroud for CDR and mana as well.

Ya, ice had it right. forgot about RoA.

Rush catalyst (start with mana pot), then RoA to survive. Then decide what you want to do.
I think my build for Zilean is going to be

Catalyst > Morello's > Mejai's Soulstealer > Ionian > Rod of Ages > Rabadon's

Reason I choose this order is it's exactly how I play. Just about every magic champ I usually get Catalyst first. Then I am getting Morello's for the CDR and the soulstealer to start building my AP. Reason I get the boots so late is I would rather have the extra speed when I am about level 10 then when I am level 3. I should get the rod earlier but the way I am playing Zilean I would rather have the AP buffs from the Soulstealer and Morello's first. I noticed when playing Zilean I can survive fine, it's I need that extra oomph to my killing power early game.

For Caitlyn I think I am gonna try
Greaves > Black Cleaver > Phantom Dancer > Bloodthirster > Frozen Mallet

Thanks guys, gonna try these builds tonight, hopefully.
Do not get mejia's on zilean.

As Zilean, you are already a prime target because of your ult. They will focus you so you either have to

A) Waste the ult on yourself
B) Ult someone else before you die

With mejia's you will be even MORE of a focus AND you only have 1 damage ability that needs AP. There is NEVER a need for mejia's on Zilean, EVER

Cait: I would rush Bloodthirster first. Once you get the item fed, it has the most damage out of all the items + lifesteal. You want the lifesteal to stay in your lane and just keep farming.

I used Cait 1 or 2 days ago and decided to focus on farming. It is freaking GREAT to just work on last hits and harassing come second. I had so many minion kills and had all my great items very fast, then I just tore through people.

Red buff on Cait is a must. With your long range, you will be whooping some ass.

Set your traps as a perimeter to stop ganks/aggression. Only champs set of traps, not minions.

Dont forget, with your net you can wall-jump places.

And I think when I play Cait, I am going to put her net on smart-cast. Seems a lot easier because that skillshot is very clutch and it sucks to really aim with it and takes time
[quote name='Morphx2']Do not get mejia's on zilean.

As Zilean, you are already a prime target because of your ult. They will focus you so you either have to

A) Waste the ult on yourself
B) Ult someone else before you die

With mejia's you will be even MORE of a focus AND you only have 1 damage ability that needs AP. There is NEVER a need for mejia's on Zilean, EVER

Cait: I would rush Bloodthirster first. Once you get the item fed, it has the most damage out of all the items + lifesteal. You want the lifesteal to stay in your lane and just keep farming.

I used Cait 1 or 2 days ago and decided to focus on farming. It is freaking GREAT to just work on last hits and harassing come second. I had so many minion kills and had all my great items very fast, then I just tore through people.

Red buff on Cait is a must. With your long range, you will be whooping some ass.

Set your traps as a perimeter to stop ganks/aggression. Only champs set of traps, not minions.

Dont forget, with your net you can wall-jump places.

And I think when I play Cait, I am going to put her net on smart-cast. Seems a lot easier because that skillshot is very clutch and it sucks to really aim with it and takes time[/QUOTE]

Two good points, I will find a replacement item for Zilean then mejai's. I like majai's because it's a cheap item, but I see the problems with it now. Plus rushing bloodthirster will be a good idea. I will respec my builds with those changes.
Good thing respec's are free :)

Frag, you should try the program called Yaric. It changes the in-game recommended items.

Zilean: Rod of Ages, Ionan Boots, then either Glacial Shroud/Morello's. Both are very good items with CDR. Glacial gives you some survivability with the armor if you are the one being focused. Then I would go with AP like Deathcap and such to make yourself a stronger ult. If you get to the CDR cap, you can always switch to Sorc Booties/Merc Treads.
Sorry for last night's game! I kind of threw it away for us. The lag only began to be playable at the 25 minute mark.

Turns out someone was indeed downloading in my house =[
I hate it when you get a player who uses the excuse "It's my first time as this character" as an excuse for not even playing. Seriously I had a player stay in the bushes while I killed minions, (and he never came out of the bushes to help). Plus whenever I had a champion on me, he went after the opposite champ. His excuse was it's his first time as the champ. :roll: I don't mind if your new to the champ but god, he was making some mistakes you don't do with any champ :lol:.

Loving that new Caitlyn build though. Need to try it some more.
I hate when people do that, too. I play a few custom games to get the feel for my abilities and find a good build to start with. Then I play some co-op games to find my role in fights and how to use my abilities. Then I play a real game so I'm prepared.
I think my next champ is going to be Orianna. I just watched the video and I really like her from what I seen. But holy crap she is GLaDOS from portal :lol:.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']I hate it when you get a player who uses the excuse "It's my first time as this character" as an excuse for not even playing. Seriously I had a player stay in the bushes while I killed minions, (and he never came out of the bushes to help). Plus whenever I had a champion on me, he went after the opposite champ. His excuse was it's his first time as the champ. :roll: I don't mind if your new to the champ but god, he was making some mistakes you don't do with any champ :lol:.[/QUOTE]

I prefer the "ugh, just not my night. Sorry all" method of apologies.
[quote name='RisenShadow']I prefer the "ugh, just not my night. Sorry all" method of apologies.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, she was Evelyn so he had to have bought her somehow. Still though didn't explain why he refused to kill any minions or hit a champion that's not attacking me instead of the one that is. Although the bad part about that game was I literally had no help from no one that whole game. I call it a learning experience, lol.
Eve is in the retail bundle. That's how I have her though she's one of the 2 champions I own and have never played in a single game (Janna being the other).

Patch notes are just Orianna's abilities. I liked how Riot changed the down votes to up votes because of the changes previous page. Orianna is 4800 IP/975 IP. I guess 4800 has replaced 3150.


New Skins in the Store
  • Gothic Orianna
  • Sewn Chaos Orianna

Orianna, the Lady of Clockwork
  • Clockwork Windup (Passive): Orianna’s autoattacks deal additional magic damage every hit, subsequent attacks on the same target within a few seconds will add more damage per hit. This bonus stacks up to three times.
  • Attack: Orianna commands her ball to fly towards target location, dealing damage to targets hit but doing reduced damage for each additional target hit. Her ball remains behind at that location afterwards.
  • Dissonance: Orianna commands her ball to emit a magnetic pulse, dealing damage to units around it. Afterwards, the ball leaves a field behind for a few seconds that speeds up allies and slows enemies.
  • Protect
    • (Passive): The allied champion the ball is attached to gains bonus Armor and Magic Resistance.
    • (Active): Orianna commands her ball to fly to and attach onto an allied champion, dealing damage to enemies it passes through and shielding the allied champion when it arrives.
  • Shockwave: Orianna commands her ball to emit a shockwave after a short delay, flinging affected enemies in the vicinity into the air a set distance towards, and possibly over, her ball.
I just played a game during my after-court going-home and not work break

I was Cait laning with Orianna. I had no idea what she was doing, but that ball was flying around hurting the crap out of Alistar and TF.

It was hilariously fun to watch.

Our Orianna was good, the enemy one fed Malphite up top and Malph went like 9-1-0 and the enemy surrendered at like 24 minutes. Our Swain had a shitload of CS too as mid.
The intelligent Orianna's will be doing a lot of damage b/c people don't know how to play against her. I remember I was laning with an Olaf against a Renekton. He was low and we both tried to get him, he ended up killing both of us.
[quote name='Waughoo']Orianna looks like she's gonna be annoying as hell.[/QUOTE]
Yeah she seems like a champ that if you get the right player could be a son of a bitch to take down but then if you get a bad player, it wont be so bad.
Why havent I been playing Singed all along? Just played two games with him and raped. People are so dumb and insist on chasing no matter what.
Orianna's ult is great in conjunction with other aoe champs (throws an entire team to one spot), and the slow/speed platform is powerful in a variety of situations. Otherwise I don't see anything terribly impressive or intimidating about her -- IMO the design itself seems pretty boring.

I feel she'll be forgotten fairly quickly like Cassiopeia and Karma (which are actually great champs).
[quote name='panzerfaust']

I feel she'll be forgotten fairly quickly like Cassiopeia and Karma (which are actually great champs).[/QUOTE]
Sometimes that could be a good thing. I mean I never see people play Karma or Cassiopeia, but if by some chance I do, they are usually fucking awesome a them.

Also I am deciding on how exactly I should build Caitlyn. I start off with the Vampiric Scepter, but I am deciding if I should get the Greaves next or just straight up build the Bloodthirster and then go for the Greaves.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Sometimes that could be a good thing. I mean I never see people play Karma or Cassiopeia, but if by some chance I do, they are usually fucking awesome a them.

Also I am deciding on how exactly I should build Caitlyn. I start off with the Vampiric Scepter, but I am deciding if I should get the Greaves next or just straight up build the Bloodthirster and then go for the Greaves.[/QUOTE]















You NEED TO FARM. Get every last hit in lane, harass when possible. If you cant last hit, load a custom game and practice. Last hitting is the KEY to success in buying items.

The vast majority of gold is gotten through last hitting. So it's imperative you get awesome last hitting skills. Just rattling off some numbers here...
Standing around doing nothing for 5 minutes will get you 210 gold.
Holding onto two gold items for 5 minutes will get you 300 gold. (Avarice Blade, Philosopher's Stone, Heart of Gold)
Killing two enemy champions in 5 minutes will get you 600 gold. (on average)
Last hitting half the minions in a lane for 5 mins will get you 700 gold. (on average during lane phase, changes as game goes on)
Last hitting every minion in a lane for 5 mins will get you 1420 gold.

There's simply no replacement for last hitting, it's the most important skill in the game.
I actually LOVE Orianna.

Went 5-1-22 yesterday with my first game with her. Did nice damage and ended up rolling her as a tank.

It's all about keeping her auto attack going, and make sure to have that ball flying everywhere.
[quote name='RabbitSuit']Because you recall so many times before you purchase boots.[/QUOTE]

I said WHEN you recall. Who knows how often you will recall :p

I wanted to be like Flipp!

This is roughly what all of my Orianna games are looking like so far.
[quote name='Morphx2']It is tough to be like me :D

Thats a lotta assists! Did you throw your ball on rammus, then do the slow/ult?[/QUOTE]

Just a lot of ball tossing in general.
[quote name='SEH']

My first two games as Singed last night. I absolutely love this guy.[/QUOTE]

Once Singed is fed just a little, he just rolls over everyone in team fights.

I usually just charge the enemies, they waste so much stuff on me, and i still live while my team mops them up.

Ghost/Flash every day with him
[quote name='Morphx2']Once Singed is fed just a little, he just rolls over everyone in team fights.

I usually just charge the enemies, they waste so much stuff on me, and i still live while my team mops them up.

Ghost/Flash every day with him[/QUOTE]

Yup. It kills me the way people want to chase him down. They're completely oblivious to the poison trail. I have just been stacking ROA and Hextechs on him. Makes the game a cake walk.
Dont stack hextechs anymore :)

Flash has gotten me SO many kills. People have little life left, running ahead of you, flash past them and keep running the way they are, they wont turn around.
bread's done