League of Legends anyone?

[quote name='Morphx2']Once Singed is fed just a little, he just rolls over everyone in team fights.

I usually just charge the enemies, they waste so much stuff on me, and i still live while my team mops them up.

Ghost/Flash every day with him[/QUOTE]

All Singed needs is boots and Rod of Ages. I had one tough game where I was denied and it took me forever to get RoA. We lost since they were all fed by then.

I usually do Ghost/Teleport since I can tele to a lane and push it. But Flash would be better.

What masteries do you do?
>_> I really got yelled at for my last game.

It was Teemo (me), Vlad, Morde vs Teemo, Sion, Singed.

We won, and it really wasn't even close. After acing us, they were able to take down a single tower. Went like that for every ace too. We were able to push all of their towers to inb by 20minutes. But I was being bitched at for everything. Vlad went into warded 3 v 1 ganks.

After that, he tells me that I need map control as Teemo. So everytime my shrooms are up, I roam and place them around the map. He then proceeds to bitch that I'm not around him to help out when he starts teamfights.

He proceeds to push a where they're all waiting for him under it in a bush. They knocked out two of my shrooms there and sat. I tell him three enemies are under, which he would know if he looked at the map, but he just whines at me saying that as Teemo, I need to be attacking the turret and learning how to push.

I move forward and they all rush the turret and slaughter me while vlad pools away calling me a feeder. He starts another 1 v 3 teamfight and dies, after I barely respawn. In response, he pings on me for the next 55seconds typing in all caps that I need to be with him.

Game ends, he informs me that I will be reported and that the tribunal does work on pieces of shit like me with low wins.


And honestly, I believe him. I think I'm going to be banned soon because of ragers like this. I did fucking well too. 3 of Vlad's kills would have been mine, but he enjoyed flashing and using all of his skills to "Kill Secure".
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[quote name='Morphx2']Dont stack hextechs anymore :)

Flash has gotten me SO many kills. People have little life left, running ahead of you, flash past them and keep running the way they are, they wont turn around.[/QUOTE]

You can still stack Gunblades. Revolvers no longer work though.
[quote name='RabbitSuit']
And honestly, I believe him. I think I'm going to be banned soon because of ragers like this. I did fucking well too. 3 of Vlad's kills would have been mine, but he enjoyed flashing and using all of his skills to "Kill Secure".[/QUOTE]

This is my major problem with the Tribunal. Someone can report you for a bad game and if you got some jerk who is deciding the case he can fuck you over for being a bad player.
you wont get banned

if you look like you played well, didnt curse/racism in chat, you will be fine

People read the chats and they will see Vlad going nuts, thats all.

dont worry

but if i see your name in tribunal, im gonna vote to ban you.

Anyone seen the Chinese character designs? US got screwed hard.


The artwork is LEAGUES better than what we have. Also, all the characters look like they belong in the same universe, something that cant be said about the US version.

My friends and I are actually downloading the Chinese client right now as it's also supposedly balanced different and just plays completely different.
[quote name='crystalklear64']you've been able to download the chinese artwork for the regular client for a long long time now slowpoke.[/QUOTE]

Really? How would I go about that?


Nevermind, I found it. Seems like a pain in the ass, especially with all the updates and stuff.
Yeah, a lot of the Chinese art is better. I'm glad they're starting to release new splash art of some of the original champions. TF's might be the worst though.
[quote name='icedrake523']Yeah, a lot of the Chinese art is better. I'm glad they're starting to release new splash art of some of the original champions. TF's might be the worst though.[/QUOTE]

I just hate that all the characters obviously look like they were designed by different artists. It annoys me that they dont all appear as if they belong to the same universe. They look like they've come from a bunch of random ass games.
Just had another fun game as Alistar

Alistar in lane is SO SO SO much fun

Get Doran Ring


Get Doran ring AGAIN

Headbutt MORE

Get Doran ring THIRD TIME

Headbutt MORE



Just played a horrible game. Orianna solo top, Ashe mid, me (Xin) and Taric bot, Rammus jungle. STarted out well. Taric was a dumbass though. He was one of those teammates who thinks because you lane together, you have to be together the entire time. He built a Levithan and never got 1 stack on it. I told him to sell it but he never did. Our Ashe fed their Karthus, our Orianna fed their Twitch. I could go in, ult, and take out half health of Karthus and Akali but they all focused me (Twitch would show up and autoattack me). And of course Karthus' retarded passive lets him do damage even if you kill him. Rammus was good though. But once they focused me and died (which usually happened within seconds of me ulting), my team was dead. Rammus couldn't do enough damage (Twitch just shredded his armor with Clever). The other 3 couldn't do shit.
I need to stop grouping with people in the LoL University chat.

I've NEVER won a single game when I've teamed with anybody from that chatroom.



Had a solo Ashe get Madred's and at the end of the game had a grand total of 29minions downed. Decent (not good) amount of assists, but the girl or guy was 1-9-3 by the 25minute mark. Then attempts to teach me how to play as I'm 3-1-4.

Am I really doing something wrong?

  1. Your teammates are on the other side of the map.
  2. All enemies are MIA.
  3. There's a creep wave in the middle of the map.
  4. You are underleveled and underfed due to dying making the wrong choice in a similar situation to this one.
You are Ashe. What do?

  • Use your Hawkshot and check the surrounding area for enemies.
  • Wait for teammates to arrive.
  • Leave the lane.
  • Walk into obvious gank and blame your teammates.
After they made the "obvious" choice, I was being lectured, once again, about how to play. And then they started bragging about how they never have games like this and that it's my fault.

Quote, "I've never even died more than 4 times a game on this map before."

Next to my desktop, I search their profile and see that their last game they had 9 deaths on Twisted Fate on the Twisted Treeline.. I mentioned that, and got threaten to be reported for "starting shit".

I may not be that great at this game, but I think I need to move onto another chatroom for groups. x.x
[quote name='RabbitSuit']

Had a solo Ashe get Madred's and at the end of the game had a grand total of 29minions downed. Decent (not good) amount of assists, but the girl or guy was 1-9-3 by the 25minute mark. Then attempts to teach me how to play as I'm 3-1-4.

Definitely the worst Ashe ever. Getting Madred's isn't a bad idea. But most Ashes I see rush a BF Sword with basic Boots and Doran's Blades in between. Don't bother listening to them.

I had a game where our Alistar raged at me because as Xin, I bought a Negatron Cloak after my Merc Treads and Brutalizer. I was 4/1 at the time (knew I'd be focused) and he was 0/2. He proceeded to feed because he hated my build.
As I've said before, I truly believe that LOL has the worst player base of any game I've ever played. Legit, like 85% of the people who play have to have downs. I really wish they'd make the game like $9.99 as I think that would keep out a large amount of the tards that play just because it's free.
The people that play this game make me want to break shit. Two games in a row we get complete morons. First game we get a Teemo that doesnt participate in team fights, doesnt put down mushrooms, and constantly sold his build to buy more dumb shit. We had the enemy team dominated for the first 20 minutes, then he goes AFK once we called him out for being shitty, so obviously we lose.

Second game one of our friends dips so we now have two pubbers...great. Xin Zhao constantly tower dives just to die, yet it's everyone elses fault, so he just goes to jungle non-stop and never once participates in team fights. Then we have Corki who comes in late as hell to every team fight (we're already running) and just dies and blames it on us being "pussies" despite us always having like 20% of our HP.

I seriously fucking hate everyone that plays this game. Just completely and utterly useless imbeciles.
i was kayle and carried the hell out of our team

and we had a gragas who jungled

any chance we could win? nope

did we win? hell no

did i get many multi-kills and kick everyones ass? i sure did.

My friends and I have been playing this recently. Basically you get a random champ with all your items and summoner spells randomized and you have to build them all in order. Its pretty fun to just mess around with. We just did a few Smurf Bravery games (level five or under accounts) and it was hilarious. Kids were raging so hard over our item builds as we totally dominated them.
[quote name='Waughoo']http://cameraleague.blogspot.com/2011/02/warning-understanding-and-accepting.html

This is a good read, check it out[/QUOTE]

The one that is tough to do is lead your team. When I am rocking Amumu in a game, my team really needs to listen and follow me because I can initiate and chase well. Of course they think "Lulz I'm not listening to a friggin tank. l2p noob."

Just yesterday, Flippr and I were in a 5-man. We killed 4 of them and we all had decent health. I said let's do baron now. I think it was either our Swain (who wasn't doing great but ok) or Akali (who was retarded) said we should get the tower first. They did so when we got to Baron, they CV'd it and came. As a result, 2 of them died after getting it. If we got the baron buff first, they would have been too afraid to fight us, even under their tower.
Anyone know any place that shows what new skins Riot has planned or what will be on sale in the near future? I put some more RP into my account and want to buy a Malphite skin, but if they've got a new one in the works or if one of his are going on sale soon I'd rather just wait (I noticed he hasn't had a skin on sale in awhile).
Sometimes a skin will show up in the character profile page. Winged Hussar Xin (which has been there for ages), Bloodmoon Shen, and Bloodmoon Akali are the only announced but unreleased skins so far. Sometimes they'll accidentally reveal one in an Art Spotlight.

No one knows what will be on sale soon. There's a guy who makes a post in every skin sale thread about recently relesed skins that have yet to be on sale since Pharaoh Nasus is the only one from a certain date that hasn't been.

Marble Malphite is most likely the next one of his to be on sale since Coral Reef was not too long ago.
The lore page that updates in-game is the best indication of new skins coming out. There's generally a small story about a champion in there doing something different if there is.

As for upcoming sales in the future, there's no topic on that. There's an all sale skin list on the EU boards that I link too a lot. A user named Shingo Monster constantly posts his "updated" possible skin sale list on the forum topics that announce the sales. He commented a few weeks ago that he'll make a main topic about it soon. But for now he just keeps at that.

The last Malphite skin sales were Late January and Early March of this year. Several skin sales from Late December have already repeated themselves, so it's a possibility to see Malphite skin pop up as a sale in about a month.
Cool, thanks for the info guys.

On another note, I think from now on if I see during champ selection that a pubber is jungling, I'm just going to dodge. They're ALL horrendous. They do nothing for the first 30 minutes but jungle. No ganks, no help taking down towers, and no help if our lanes are getting pushed. It's like they all follow the same guide that says when jungling, you arent allowed to do anything but jungle non-stop.
As someone who has jungled, I feel a need to defend them. When you jungle, your role is to gank and set up wards. If your teammates are overextending in lanes, you can't gank. That leaves wards. Very useful, but they slow down your build. If there's an enemy jungler (as there usually is whenever I jungle), your job is even tougher because of the off-chance you encounter them and you have to protect your jungle (mainly buffs).

The junglers who constantly jungle suck, but there are times where that's really all for them to do.
The thing is though, the people in the game are all very aware of the jungler, so we constantly try to set up gank opportunities by only last hitting so the enemy team can push the lane, yet the jungler never pays attention. It's pretty standard for a gank attempt right around four minutes, yet they never even try.

Also, on the topic of wards, I cant even recall the last time a pub jungler purchased wards in any of the games I've played.
League of Legends has to have the worst community of players. I played Warcraft for about 3+ years off and on and never experienced people this bad.

Game one- We had a Urgot (Or however you spell it), come into our lane, kill steal (he was supposed to be mid, and he never went mid at all except like the first maybe 3-5 minutes and the last 3-5 minutes). His excuse is because that's how you play league, you go and help others and we don't know how to play league.

Game two- We had a Ryze come into our lane (both games I was top), kill steal and his excuse was that he was not killstealing. He was getting his own kills. Again he was supposed to be mid :roll:. I even told him I did not need help up top and to go back to mid, but needless to say he stayed there and kill stealed because he was getting his own kills.

Just fantastic games tonight :lol:.
Waughoo and I played with a horrible Orianna.

We were on Skype so we both went bot (Amumu and Rumble). However, I had to go afk b/c a stray dog was following my dad and our dog on their walk and he wanted me to bring him a leash for it to keep it from running away while he waited for the owners.

Our Annie was solo top and Orianna went bot (she had been afk at the start or something and didn't move immediately). She was a really bad lanemate b/c she'd stay out and exposed with very little HP. Waughoo even died once or twice trying to protect her.

I came back and farmed top for awhile. Then later me, Annie, and Orianna were top. I told her to recall since she had less than 1/4 HP. She refused (she had less than 50 MR and Armor, too). Me and Waughoo were mid and all of them were coming. I got killed while she was getting blue buff. I raged at her for not being with us since she was the closest and I pinged that all were mid. The rest of the team killed a few of them and Orianna complained about being KS'd. In our next team fight, she ran away and 3 of us died (she was over 3/4 HP) and I "thanked" her for helping.

She proceeded to jungle the entire rest of the game, never helping us in any team fights. She even started surrender votes for no reason. Fortunately the other team sucked and we were able to win in spite of Orianna.

I need to not rage and get into arguments with these types of players since it sometimes just pisses them off more and they feed out of spite, but I cannot stand it when people do this stupid shit. Staying out when you're low health, getting buffs instead of helping defend lanes (turrets/inhibs > buffs), and not helping in team fights (either killing them or escaping).
NOOO! I had an awesome Xin game today and didn't have LOL Recorder up.

I was solo bot against Jax and Morde. Originally Ashe was going to solo top but couldn't against Cait and Vayne. However, bot was so incredibly easy I could solo it without ever going back. Morde would try to gank me hiding in the bushes, using E and Igniting. Might have worked if I wasn't full HP. Jax never harassed either, when he did, I just kept attacking minions.

I had such an asshole moment. I put a ward in the bush by their blue. I saw Morde going for it. Just as it was low, I used my E from the other side to steal it. We got into a team fight and killed 3. Vayne only got away because she knocked me back and I didn't have Ghost up to get in range with me E and finish her.
My allies never seem to like how I play Maokai. I just got reported again for "assisting the enemy team" when I had the lowest deaths on both sides of the game. I constantly called out MIAs, I warded, tanked towers, but heaven help me if I accidentally die once.

I asked our vlad to "please stop overextending" and got called a raging cunt and ignored. Which made him die even more cause he couldn't see my MIAs :
[quote name='RabbitSuit']My allies never seem to like how I play Maokai. I just got reported again for "assisting the enemy team" when I had the lowest deaths on both sides of the game. I constantly called out MIAs, I warded, tanked towers, but heaven help me if I accidentally die once.

I asked our vlad to "please stop overextending" and got called a raging cunt and ignored. Which made him die even more cause he couldn't see my MIAs :
I got reported last night for taking mid as Veigar because Orianna wanted it. Yup, reported becuase someone cried about not getting a lane. I'm glad though because someone else gets to read the hilarious chat log of this idiot QQ'ing the entire game.
[quote name='SEH']I got reported last night for taking mid as Veigar because Orianna wanted it. Yup, reported becuase someone cried about not getting a lane. I'm glad though because someone else gets to read the hilarious chat log of this idiot QQ'ing the entire game.[/QUOTE]
Should we just change the name to League of Whiners :lol:.
Weird champ rotation this week, seems like lots of people who were just free all within the last month. I'm glad Heimer is free though as I wanted to try him out before buying him. Was hoping for Gragas as well, maybe next week.
Hey, I'm sure this question gets asked a lot but some minor searching didn't find me any good answers.

Just started playing, I'm wondering what champs are must-haves from the get go. I don't want to waste my points on weak heroes, so any guidance would be appreciated.
Good champs 1350 or less are:

Nunu (450), Yi (450), Ashe (450), Malphite (1350), Singed (1350), Poppy (1350), Alistar (1350), Annie (1350), and Amumu (1350).

honestly though, I'd say just play with the free champs for awhile and find someone you like rather than buying someone blind as its mostly all preference.
Honestly Hydro, no champions are must haves. Especially at low levels. You'll only run into say 20 or so champions against other players for a while. And it'll always be the 10 that are free every week + the bulk of the 450IP and 1350IP tiered champions.

I highly recommend you just try out champions that are free each week and if you find one you just can't stand being without when they disappear, buy'em then! But don't neglect using other champions that are free to try them out.

That said, there are few champions that are pretty good to start out with.

  1. Annie is one of the largest burst mages in the game and is a good gateway to learning how to play AP Carry champions. She's a popular pick on the 3 v 3 map.
  2. Ryze is an "AP" Carry with a twist, his damage scales based on the total amount of Mana he has. Because of that, you can build him very tanky and still have high magic damage output. He'll help you learn Tanky-AP folks.
  3. Ashe is odd. Alone, she isn't much of a threat. But she can kite a good majority of the champions in the game at low levels despite her slow movement speed. She has a build in slow, a bush-check, a global arrow stun and a skillshot that applies her slow as well. She sees a lot of high-tier play, and only costs 450IP. :p I hear she costs 9000IP in the Philippines version of the game though.
  4. Amumu is an immense tank that can hold his own against a group of five enemies. Although his laning phase is kinda weak at the start, his teamfight presences is nearly unmatched by any other tank in the game. He has a gapcloser skillshot stun, a %based AoE damage, a build +defense and AoE damage skill as well as a large ranged surrounding snare.
  5. Yi, well, I don't have experience with him myself. But he's a good starting Melee DPS champion. Unlike most others though, he's rather squishy and can't do much in a teamfight. But 1 v 1, there are few champions that can take him down. Most see him as a backdoorer (somebody that kills a tower unexpectedly while no minions are around) and assassin.
I don't recommend the following champions

  1. Nunu - Wait until you're higher leveled and have some runes to play him. You should have a decent pathway understanding of the jungle if you're gonna use him. Plus you should know which champions can interrupt your ultimate.
  2. Alistar - Fantastic champion, but you can end up saving your enemies rather than killing them for a while. That and his itemization is really enemy team reliant, so you'll want to learn more about the shop and all the items first.
  3. Sivir - She pushes lanes without a hassle and slaughters minions without trying. Which... well is kinda appealing, but you need to practice last hitting minions rather than autoattacking them to death. And learning this champion's gameplay first will kinda hinder all your others.
I'm not really gonna cover the tanky-DPS champions. xD You'll learn about them soon enough.
[quote name='SEH']Good champs 1350 or less are:

Nunu (450), Yi (450), Ashe (450), Malphite (1350), Singed (1350), Poppy (1350), Alistar (1350), Annie (1350), and Amumu (1350).

honestly though, I'd say just play with the free champs for awhile and find someone you like rather than buying someone blind as its mostly all preference.[/QUOTE]

Out of that list the only two I might not recommend is Ashe and Malphite. Everyone else is pretty universal in 3v3 or 5v5. Malphite was nerfed a while back and isn't as tough as he should be and Ashe is only great in 5v5, and you need to know how to play her well to be really good.

When I started I bought Fiddlesticks first because he looked cool, but that was a bit hard for a beginner. Almost quitting my friends got me to try Nunu and I had a lot of fun.

Friend me in game. I'm not very good at sending out game invites as I keep getting roped into my nephew's group, so I will apologize there to all the CAGs that have friended me (I'll get better!)

LoL Name - Syranth
[quote name='RabbitSuit']Nunu - Wait until you're higher leveled and have some runes to play him. You should have a decent pathway understanding of the jungle if you're gonna use him. Plus you should know which champions can interrupt your ultimate.[/QUOTE]

Nunu is a fine champion to start playing with. He is great in the jungle (which does require runes), but he works just as well in lane; some of my best games were as laning Nunu. The most helpful runes on him are mana regen and you can avoid this issue by saving his E when you have your passive up.

For now, play free champions. Garen is free this week and very noob friendly.

RabbitSuit forgot tanky melee DPS. I'd recommend Xin Zhao. He has CC, AD steroid, AS steroid (that reduces CDs), AoE slow, gap closer, and an ult that takes out a chunk of their HP and gives him extra defense. His mana costs are low, too.
bread's done